Designing for Wildlife - Dissertation Report - Satya Singh Bhati - 15EAAARM40P101

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DISSERTATION Year: 2019-20 Batch No. 17

‘Designing for Wildlife’

Undertaken by: Satyanarayan Singh Bhati Enrollment No.: ​15E1AAARM40P101 V Year B.Arch(B)





Aayojan School of Architecture ISI-4, RIICO Institutional Block, Sitapura, Jaipur-302022

APPROVAL The study titled “Designing for Wildlife� is hereby approved as an original work of Satyanarayan Singh Bhati, enrolment no. 15E1AAARM40P101 on the approved subject carried out and presented in manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as per the standard laid down by the university. This report has been submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Architecture degree from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.

It is to be understood that the undersigned does not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, any opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but approves the study only for the purpose it has been submitted. December 2019 Jaipur








DECLARATION I, Satyanarayan Singh Bhati, here by solemnly declare that the research work undertaken by me, titled ‘Designing for Wildlife’ is my original work and wherever I have incorporated any information in the form of photographs, text, data, maps, drawings, etc. from different sources, has been duly acknowledged in my report. This dissertation has been completed under the supervision of the guide allotted to me by the school. Further, whenever and wherever my work shall be presented or published it will be jointly authored with my guide. Satyanarayan Singh Bhati V Year B.Arch (C) Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the research titled, Designing for Wildlife is a bonafide work by Satyanarayan Singh Bhati of Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur. This research work has been completed under my guidance and supervision in a satisfactory manner. This report has been submitted in partial fulfillment of award of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE degree from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. This research work fulfills the requirements relating to the nature and standard laid down by the Rajasthan Technical University. Prof. Archana Singh Rathore Guide Aayojan School of Architecture,Jaipur


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report has been an essential growth in the learning curve of my architectural education. I am grateful to my college, Aayojan School of Architecture for enabling me take up this assignment.

I am thankful to Prof. K.S. Mahajani (Principal, Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur) for providing a conducive college environment and the proficient faculties who made this dissertation a fruitful learning process.

I thank, Prof N.S. Rathore (Dean Academics, Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur) for his able advice and valuable time.

I would like to express my deep gratitude and thank towards, Dissertation coordinator and my guide Prof Archana Singh Rathore (Associate Dean - FL, Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur) for her continued guidance, encouragement, Patience and support throughout this project.

I would also like to thank my mother without whom not only this year, but my entire architectural education would not have been possible. I thank my bother them for his constant support and encouragement.

I am thankful to my seniors Haider Jamal Khan, Jaivansh Mathur and Manaswi Garodia for helping through the research process by providing constant motivation.

Satyanarayan Singh Bhati V Year B.Arch. (C) Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur iii


Biodiversity, Environment, and most importantly Animal-Wildlife Faces significant disturbance with buildings being a major cause directly and indirectly. Therefore, creating an opportunity to tackle this topic though study which aims to determine how wildlife safe design and planning strategies in architecture can save the biodiversity of the place while indirectly making sure that building is ecologically balanced. To ensure this, studies to understand the concepts of wildlife it’s regions while categorising Rajasthan’s animals with the understanding of their behaviours and policies and programs by government bodies was studies, moreover, the study of the concept of biodiversity and its importance, the concept of ecological footprint and the indirect relation with which it can help to narrow down the best building practices in aspect of what helps with preservation and conservation of wildlife in an environment were conducted. This research based study finds that while there are a lot of provisions for wildlife, the policies are old and none of the policies and guidelines take architecture into account, The buildings that are having a balance of ecological footprint have no provisions for animal friendly building strategies, while the ‘bio-diverse buildings’ is relatively a new concept starting to catch architects attention has still a room for a lot of research. This became the backbone of the study as ‘Designing for wildlife’ attained by study of worst practices in building industries and secondary studies of animal friendly design strategies was done from publications showcasing methods that can be adopted. Thereafter, a comparative analysis of architectural projects from all over the world both biodiversity balanced as well as ecologically balanced building and secondary studies was done through parameters in two division Planning Strategies including; siting of the building, built to open ratio, plan form and Design strategies including; Construction technique, structure system, material selection, services, lighting and utilities deriving inferences about the practices from these and studies that can be adopted in any typology of building design by architects making sure that animal friendly spaces can be provided without compromising on human comfort. The studies finally conclude with suggestions of appropriate guidelines in architectural design on the aspect that architectural intervention in any building can help sustain the biodiversity while preserving and conserving the wildlife, It will not require the building or the user to lose it’s efficiency or comfort which means the buildings can still be ecological friendly with the least amount of carbon footprint as stated hypothesis. “… The Case for the conservation of nature and for the increase of our access to her must be stated more seriously and strongly than is customary, Not merely begged for on all grounds of amenity, of recreation, and repose, sound though they are, but insisted upon. On what grounds? In terms of the maintenance and development of life…” - Geddes, 1915, p. 51


CONTENTS Page No. Approval Declaration Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract Contents List of illustrations


i ii ii iii iv v-vi vii-xiv



1.1 Introduction 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Hypothesis 1.4 Objectives 1.5 Scope 1.6 Methodology



Understanding Wildlife


2.1 Understanding The Concept of Wildlife 2.2 Regional Ecosystem & Wildlife in India 2.3 Synurbization & Defining Limits 2.4 Threats To Wildlife 2.5 Policies & Programs 2.6 Biodiversity 2.7 Ecological Footprint Impact Of Buildings On Wildlife


3.1 Building Practices & Impact On Ecological Footprint 3.2 Design Strategies to reduce the impact on Ecological Footprint 3.3 Building Practices & Impact On Biodiversity 3.4 Design Strategies to reduce the impact on Biodiversity 3.4.1 Animal Safe Design Strategies


Designing For Wildlife Conservation 4.1 Parameters of Analysis 4.1.1 Planning Strategies 4.1.2 Design Strategies



4.2 Case Identification 4.3.1 The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife 4.3.2 Biodiversity Training Institute 4.3.3 Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing 4.3.4 New National Zoological Park 4.3.5 California Academy of Sciences 4.3.6 Synanthropic Suburbia

4.4 Comparative Analysis - Planing Strategies 4.4.1 Location & Siting : 4.4.2 Built & Open Relationship : 4.4.3 Plan Form

4.5 Comparative Analysis - Design Strategies 4.5.1 Construction 4.5.2 Structure System 4.5.3 Material Selection 4.5.2 Services 4.5.2 Lighting & Utilities


Designs For Wildlife


5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Design Recommendations 5.2.1 Policies and Programs: 5.2.2 Planning Strategies 5.2.3 Design Strategies 5.2.4 Recommendation for Particular Animals - Rajasthan Glossary of Terms Bibliography

xv xvi-xvii


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Illustration Title

Page No. Source

Chapter I : Introduction 1.1

News collected from sources; Patrika, Hindu, Dainik Bhaskar, Times of Inida about Animal-Human Conflict

02 why-rajasthan-face-again-and-againdeaths-of-deer-3180988/

Chapter II : Understanding Wildlife ‘Synanthropc Suburbia‘ - Sarah Gunawan

Gradient of Human Animal Relationship by Sarah G.



Bee Size Compared to Human




Bees Making Natural Edible Vaccine

07 queen-bees-create-vaccines-for-theiryoung


Zoo-geographical Regions In The World



Vegetation Habitat In India (Map 2015)

08 india-map-vegetationtypes.jpg


Wildlife Map of India 115 Aimals & 46 Biodiversity Hotspots Illustration by Green Humour

09 the-wildlife-map-of-india.html


Structure of Physical & Conceptual Limits by Sarah G.



‘Synanthropc Suburbia‘ - Sarah Gunawan 10

‘Synanthropc Suburbia‘ - Sarah Gunawan 11-12


Biological Interaction Between Individual Species



Threats to wildlife & population decline from 1970-2010 Stat. World Wildlife Fund



Proportion of threatened species across countries T.C.A



Land Clearing in NSW leave Koala homeless.


30 Deers in Essex to graze on grass by Mark Bridger


Poachers killed black rhinocerous by Brent Stirton

(2015) - Master Thesis - University of Waterloo

Human Animal Interaction By Sarah G.


(2015) - Master Thesis - University of

(2015) - Master Thesis - University of Waterloo wildlife-populations-worldwide-have-plummeted/

12 environment/conservation/wwfaustralia-highlights-koala-habitat-destruction-in-nsw/news-story/9a0b1d8b114760d94155e4b308418fb9






Tiger Poached in Corbett National Park - 20 since 2017



Deer hit in road accident on NH37 by Rita Raj K.



GIB died from power line collision. Kanoi, Jaisalmer

13 bustard-wires-and-the-flight-to-extinction


Most polluted cities around the world by IQair Air-visual 2018 World Air Quality Report & Green Peace



Air Pollution India and China stat. Nasa socioeconomic data



Pollution around Indian National Highways



Turtle eating plasticbag deep underwater by Tory Mayne WWF



‘Sewage surfer’ by Justin Hofman - Seahorse & plastic

15 html


Sea Turtle changing direction due to artificial light



moths swarm around floodlight by Simone De Peak

16 review/moth-snowstorm-michael-mccarthy. html


Urban Great Tits have to sing at a higher pitch by Johan Nilsson



Bats rely on sounds made by prey to hunt.



Seagul with belly full of plastic autopsy by Chris J.



Goats consuming plastic waste outside Aayojan




Starving polar bear by Paul Nicklen.



Pandas, Himalayan Bears, and Indian black bears are not Hibernating sue to wrong season by Yong Yange.

17 indiatoday/images/story/201811/delhi. jpeg?kCxuiJiW6mGxJ3CRLs.uKP71GrW5LvvL



Functional Biodiversity in a particular area

19 Four-interconnected-pillars-for-biodiversity-in-and-around-agriculture-It-starts-with_ fig5_301643940


Ways to measure biodiversity by Encyclopedia Britannica



Indian biodiversity info-graphic

20 conservation-strategy/


Primary drivers of biodiversity loss by Encyclopedia Britannica



Protected areas in India stat. IUCN red list UNESCAP



Construction near wildlife reserves 20

indiatoday/images/story/201811/delhi. jpeg?kCxuiJiW6mGxJ3CRLs.uKP71GrW5LvvL


Aspects considered for calculation of Ecological Footprint.


GO-Ecological-footprint-Infographic. jpg?width=821&name=GO-Ecologicalfootprint-Infographic.jpg Ecological


Life Cycle analysis of a Building



Footprint of







Shahdol. - Dilawar Husain & Ravi Prakash 2.40

Ecological footprint of a building


Methodology flow-chart for life cycle EF of building project


Slide-Share Ecological



Footprint of







Shahdol. - Dilawar Husain & Ravi Prakash

Chapter III - Impact Of Building On Wildlife 3.1

Best ecological building practices demonstrate in a section.

26 5170dae1b3fc4b748700006c-techtown-district-plan-proposal-sasaki-associates-image


Biodiversity hindered by building practices

27 s40410-019-0105-0


Adverse effect of artificial lighting on wildlife at night



Birds having different problem with windows



Spaces in a house to incorporate wildlife

28 s40410-019-0105-0


Building material used as space for bats to inhabit



Pathways created for animals and human interaction with defining limits


Introducing Wildlife in Urban Ecosystem Amartya Deb



Streams with well vegetated riparian zones encouraging greater biodiversity.


Introducing Wildlife in Urban Ecosystem Amartya Deb


Solution to birds having different problem with windows - I.



Solution to birds having different problem with windows - I.



Do’s and don’t of Lighting fixtures


Chapter IV - Designing For Wildlife Conservation 4.1

‘The Water Tank’ Urban habitat for wildlife at Bat Yam, Isleal presentation render.



Actual condition of the water tower.



Site of the water tower at Bat Yam.



Section showing different animals housed in the water tower & urban wildlife.



Ground & roof plan of The Water Tank



Section showing Water tower & Water tank from inside galleries, viewing platforms and Human intrection to building.



Water Tower plans at different levels



Viewing tower section at different levels



Section showing Typical details of dual skin in Water tank.



Biodiversity training instuite presentation render.

36 biodiversity-training-institute/


Site plan of training instuite.

36 biodiversity-training-institute/


Concept Section

37 biodiversity-training-institute/


View of Kanchenchunga &The diverse vegetatio

37 biodiversity-training-institute/


Exterior view of court with water filter pond

37 biodiversity-training-institute/


Massing Development

38 biodiversity-training-institute/


Circulation & Spaces Development

38 biodiversity-training-institute/


Plans & Sections of the Building

39 biodiversity-training-institute/


Insulated wall construction which forms a canvas for mosses and ferns to grow




Mosses as pioneering species in the successive growth



‘Kingsbrook’ Housing, Oakfeild near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire



Oakfeild village master plan



Kingsbrook housing planning layout



Wildlife safe design



Wildlife safe Design strategies adopted in Kingsbrook housing by BARRETT AND DAVID WILSON HOMES



Hedgehog nests installed in garden at Kingsbrook


A nesting box installed in gardens at Kingsbrook conservation/projects/kingsbrook-housing/ conservation/projects/kingsbrook-housing/



Structure made in National zoological park providing shading & acts as interactive space for elephants.


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Old master plan of NZP, New Delhi


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


New master plan for NZP, New Delhi


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


View of visitor centre in new National Zoological Park


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Section Through Roads, Pavement and Moats along side main road to segregate human & animal circulation.


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Water recycling on site through S.T.P and plants helping with purification .


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Planting & space according to animals.


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Planting & platform space according to animals.


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Section showing interactive planning according to herbivorous animals


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Section showing interactive planning according to reptiles


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan




National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Section showing interactive planning according to animals that can jump or climb


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan




Section showing intrective planning according to safe animals


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan




National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Circulation & Spaces Development


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan




National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


Section showing interactive planning according of aqurium


National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan




National Zoological Park, New Delhi - Master Plan


The rainforest dome & Living Roof of the California Academy of Sciences

48 renzo-pianos-california-academy-of-science/


Conceptual sketches by AR. Renzo Piano

48 renzo-pianos-california-academy-of-science/


Living Roof ‘green’ on the Museum



Design of roof such that it catches wind and provides natural light in centre of the building



Efficient cross ventilation & light in building which reduces the need for mechinical services for the same



Section Through Roads, Pavement and Moats along side main road to segregate human & animal circulation.



Section of Plantarium with artificial lighting produced by Photovoltic cells & ventilation



Typical detail of circular cutout windows on domes



Indoor space of Plantarium inside the museum



Ground floor plan of California Academy of Sciences



Circultion, Ventilation, View & Solar path in different seasons



Axonometric view of the museum



Synanthropic Suburbia ‘ecological prosthetics’ in one building presentation render


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Chart of species adaptability and human tolerance by Sarah


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan



Designing for biodiversity through architectural Intervention & suburban development cohabitation


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Interface opportunities & Interface vulnerabilities


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Surface interface


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Human & Animal interacting spaces


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Volumetric interface


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Compost chimney prosthetic for Common Raccoons & Chimney Swifts by Sarah Gunawan


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Extended Eve prosthetic for Bluebirds & Tree Swallows by Sarah Gunawan


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Habitat Dormer prosthetic for Barn Owls & Brown Bats by Sarah Gunawan


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Ecological prosthetics attached in a single house re-inventing conventional building components


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Corridor setback


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Improving quality of soil


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Creating animal movement blocks


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Creating animal connecting corridors


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping Syn-Urban assembly of created corridors


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Synanthropic Suburbia ‘Syn-Urban Corridors’ in presentation render


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan

Chapter V - Designs For Wildlife 5.1

Optimal site to select or revive for co-habitation of wildlife and humans in Sub-Urban context hitectural landscaping

Semi-permissive - Supurbia - HTA Design LLP & 68

Pollard Thomas Edward


Planning of building according to animal corridors



Moat to keep dangerous animals away





Identifying urban animals around the area and finding spaces for these urban animals.


Open to built construction in institutional and residential buildings


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan Semi-permissive - Supurbia - HTA Design LLP &


Pollard Thomas Edward


Bee and Bird brick moulds


https://www.urbangardensweb. com/2014/01/04/modular-brick-habitat-for-urban-wildlife-bee-houses-birdhouses-insect-hotels/


Bat wall cladding - Sarah G.


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Ecological material manufacturing and assembly for animal friendly buildings.


Material Ecosystem - Sarah Gunawan


Building services for birds in nest and bath eve.


Synanthropic Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan


Building of Wetland for water cleaning & wildlife




Do’s and Don’t of lighting on site according to wildlife.





“Impossible Odds” by Biplab Hazra Showing Elephants Crossing Rail Track, A Head Living in Close Proximity To Buildings in West Bengal

Designing for Wildlife

“This is a new urban world that we have now designed and built with others in mind. Create the space, and the animals will come... It could be possible to see wildlife thriving within our cities across the planet. We, after all, are the architects of the urban world. Now, over half of us live in an urban environment... Looking down on this great metropolis, the ingenuity with which we continue to reshape the surface of our planet is very striking, but it’s also sobering. It reminds me of just how easy it is for us to lose our connection with the natural world. Yet it’s on this connection that the future of both humanity and the natural world will depend. It’s surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth.” - Sir David Attenborough

1.1 Introduction Whether we specialize in environmentally friendly building design or not, “Being Sustainable & Going Green” is the new world order and recently, Wildlife-safe design has begun receiving much needed attention shedding a spotlight on animal safety. With these and many other environmental problems that we are quite aware of (global warming, depletion of resources, carbon emission, pollution etc.) Factors effecting ecological footprint indirectly causing disrupt in surrounding biodiversity and ultimately harming animals. It’s no secret, buildings are one of the biggest contributors to this cause. It becomes increasingly important as an architect to study and help fight this, with principal design decisions for planning, structure, materials, services etc. A research in this field is paramount for survival.

Figure 1.1 - News collected from sources; Patrika, Hindu, Dainik Bhaskar, Times of Inida about Animal-Human Conflict




Designing for Wildlife

1.2 Research Questions - How Architectural intervention help with animal safety while reducing the impact on ecological footprint and balancing the biodiversity? Sustainable design, biophilic design and other such techniques will be considered along with wildlife safe design techniques. Various variables in nature that impact efficiency of a building, Effective strategies that simulate to natural environment in an architectural space will be formulated. This is a research need for study related to animals as ecological footprint has an indirect relation to balancing biodiversity. - Will conservation and preservation techniques for wildlife have an impact on the performance of the building and the user? It has to be addressed whether the building and the user will have to sacrifice their performance and comfort to achieve the more pressing issue of sustaining ourselves and helping wildlife with balance of biodiversity. Each aspect will be measured Quantitatively and Qualitatively in terms of comfort.


1.4 Objectives 1. To Study the concept of wildlife. - What is wildlife? - Types of wildlife in different regions. - Threats to wildlife - policies and programs

2. To study biodiversity and ecological footprint and various building practices effecting them. - What is biodiversity? - What is ecological footprint. - Building practices - their impacts.

3. To study and research best practices in building design strategies conserving and preserving wildlife with least impact to biodiversity and ecological footprint. - What are the best practices in terms of ecological footprint and biodiversity - Researching the buildings that are wildlife safe.

4. To conclude and suggest appropriate guidelines for ecologically balanced buildings preserving biodiversity in Rajasthan region. - Parameters, guidelines and qualitative and quantitative with details

1.5 Scope - The study will be primarily focus on recommending guideline for buildings and wildlife of Rajathan region while not elaborating on ecological aspects in conclusions. Introduction



Designing for Wildlife


‘DESIGNING FOR WILDLIFE’ Introduction Need for study and Research Questions Formulating Aim & Objectives Defining Scope of study METHODOLOGY

• • • •



Understanding Wildlife

Building Practices

Secondary Study

Secondary Study

Concept of Wildlife Concept of Ecosystem Types of wildlife Threats, Policies & Programs

• Concept of biodiversity • Concept of ecological-foorprint

Wildlife safe Design Strategies

Design Strategies reduce impact on Biodiversity & Ecological-Footprint

Building & architectural practices and their impacts: Biodiversity Ecological-Footprint

Case Identifications Biodiversity Balanced Buildings

Ecologically Balanced Buildings

• Planning Strategies • Design Strategies

• Planning Strategies • Design Strategies


Inferences Analysis

Comparative Analysis

CONCLUSION Recommendations Recommendations of designing for Wildlife-Animals Introduction




UNDERSTANDING WILDLIFE Wildlife & Architecture

“Sunset Moment” by Olivier Puccia Showing Hanuman Langurs Looking Over Urban Life After Deforestration in Ramtek,Maharashtra

Designing for Wildlife

2.1 Understanding The Concept of Wildlife In the simplest terms anything that is not human or undomesticated is ‘wildlife’. Wildlife traditionally refers to undomesticated animal species, but has come to include all organisms that grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. Wildlife resources constitute a vital link in the survival of the human species and have been a subject of much fascination, interest, and research all over the world. Humanity defines animals by their relationship to humans. Through this non-human species are categorized into two forms; Domestic - dependent on humans for survival and augmented to live as companion species to humans, Wild - independent of humans, capable of sustaining life without anthropogenic support. these relationships are based on the level of human intervention into an animal’s ability to survive.

Figure 2.1 - Gradient of Human Animal Relationship by Sarah G.

Domestic species are further divided by there degree to human intervention, for example neutralized as pets, capitalized as livestocks and anaesthetized as human entertainment. Alternatively, The independence of wild animals has always instilled fear and reverence for the unknown other into the human culture. These species, who remain outside the boundaries of civilization, have come to associate with landscapes which support them. Today, when wildlife habitats are under severe pressure and a large number of species of wild fauna have become endangered, the effective conservation of wild animals is of great significance, Because every one of us depends on plants and animals for all vital components of our welfare, it is more than a matter of convenience that they continue to exist; it is a matter of life and death. Being living units of the ecosystem, plants and animals contribute to human welfare. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways, including the legal, social, and moral senses. Some animals, however, have adapted to suburban environments. This includes such animals as domesticated cats, dogs, mice, and cows. Some religions declare certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times, concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest against the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment. Human society depends on animal genetic resources for virtually all of its food; nearly half of its medicines; much of its clothing; in some regions, all of its fuel and building materials; and part of its mental and spiritual welfare. Here’s an Example if all Bees were to die, the seemingly simple mechanism of pollination which is directly responsible for 70% of fruits, vegetables, seeds & nuts that we consume accounting for 20000 crores of global agriculture revenue will collapse just like the ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ bees have been facing, wiping out half of the bees population since 2006. Not to mention extension of more than half of plant and animal species, bringing about a chaos to the world. Just having a small garden in your house could help avoide this disaster. Still think bees are small.

Figure 2.2 - Bee Size Compared to Human

Figure 2.3 - Bees Making Natural Edible Vaccine

Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands, and other areas, including the most developed urban areas, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that much wildlife is affected by human activities. Considering the way we are galloping ahead taking over the habitat, oblivious of what legacy we plan to leave for future generations, the future does not seem too bright. It is here that the concept of management and conservation of wildlife comes into play. The global wildlife population decreased by 52% from 1970 and 2014, according to a WWF report. ‘Wildlife Protection Act, 1972’ hasn’t been updated since it’s regulation. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

2.2 Regional Ecosystem & Wildlife in India Presence or absence of an animal or plant in a region is determined by ecological and historical factors. Animals and plants are living indicators of the characteristics of their environment; their ranges mark the places where environmental conditions are the same or similar. To interpret the range of a species properly, it is necessary to know, in detail, the conditions required for the species to live and thrive. The science of zoo-geography has both ecological and historical aspects. On this basis, the world can be divided into six zoo-geographical regions :

Figure 2.4 - Zoo-geographical Regions In The World

• Nearctic - North America and Greenland • Palaearctic - Eurasia, without India • Ethiopian - Africa, south of the Sahara • Oriental - India and Indochina • Australian - Australia and New Zealand • Neotropical - South & Central America

Table 2.1 - Ecosystems In India by Erach B. Enviromental Studies.

Figure 2.5 - Vegetation Habitat In India (Map 2015)

While we study about Wildlife and ways of preserving and conserving it through architectural practices, we cannot overlook the areas where the animals reside, their natural habitat. Hence we study the concepts of ecosystem and biodiversity to understand the direct and indirect relation with the ways we can design better guidelines for wildlife safe architecture. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 2.6 - Wildlife Map of India 115 Aimals & 46 Biodiversity Hotspots Illustration by

Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

2.3 Synurbization & Defining Limits Although natural habitat is where animals reside, Urban development is creating opportunities for these species to adapt to the city. “The rapid transforming urban landscape creates ‘ecological vacuums’ that provide opportunities for species to adapt and establish commensurable relationship with humans. This micro evolution change can occur within species over shot time scale is defined as Synurbanization.” - Maciej Luniak - (synanthropic Suburbia pg. 10) It’s evident that synanthropic species, unlike humans, perceive the city as a site of ecological opportunity, not degradation. Human engagement with Synanthropic species is informed by spatial, cultural, and ecological factors that establish a dynamic relationship. Often two different species territories are at odds. Together the biological interaction and spatial condition outline the relationship between humans and animals with respect to physical and conceptual limits.

Figure 2.7 - Structure of Physical & Conceptual Limits by Sarah G.

Figure 2.8 - Human Animal Interaction By Sarah G.

Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 2.9 - Biological Intraction Between Individual Species

2.4 Threats To Wildlife Extinction is somehow classified as ‘biological reality’ because no species has, as yet, existed for more than a few million years without evolving into something different or dying out completely. Extinction is threatening all species, but most of the time smaller animals, like bats and rodents, face this threat more than other animals. We however, tend to focus on the charismatic flagship species, which we like to see and which fascinate us. Success in evolution is measured in terms of survival: failure, by extinction. Most recent extinctions can be attributed, either directly or indirectly, to human demographic and technological expansion, commercialized exploitation of species, and human-caused environmental change. These factors, in turn, have affected the reproductive rate of endangered species and their adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Concern for wildlife is, infact, a concern for ourselves. “All that is needed to restore Indian ecosystem is protection, not plantation.”

Figure 2.10 - Threats to wildlife & population decline from 1970-2010 Stat. World Wildlife Fund

Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 2.9 - Biological Intraction Between Individual Species

Figure 2.11 - Proportion of threatened species across countries T.C.A

Land clearing and habitat loss: Habitat destruction occurs when natural habitats are no longer able to support the species present, resulting in the displacement or destruction of its biodiversity. Examples include harvesting fossil fuels, deforestation, dredging rivers, bottom trawling, urbanization, filling in wetlands and mowing fields. Encroachment on wildlife forest, river and costal areas.

Figure 2.12 - Land Clearing in NSW leave Koala homeless.

Figure 2.13 - 30 Deers in Essex to graze on grass by Mark Bridger.

Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Illigal trapping and poaching: Many species are sought for their use as valuable products. Even though poaching of wild animals and the trade of animal parts is banned in India but there are a number of majestic animals being poached to bring the best out of the animal products like ivory, horn, teeth, skin and bone, major ones include Tiger, Elephant, Rhino, Leopard, Indian Pangolin, Monitor Lizard, Indian Star Tortoise, Red San Boa Rajasthan, etc.Wildlife are also trapped, sold or bred in the pet trade. There have been 141 cases of poaching and 84 seizures between 2012 and 2018 as per National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).

Figure 2.14 - Poachers killed black rhinocerous by Brent Stirton.

Figure 2.15 - Tiger Poached in Corbett National Park - 20 since 2017

Accidental deaths: Accidental deaths and collisions pose considerable threats to vulnerable species. An unknown number of deaths are caused by this worldwide. Large buildings, Towers, Electric lines for buildings, Glass, Light and Wind turbines also injure or kill many different species of wildlife Roads and Highways running through wildlife areas. The critically endangered state bird of Rajasthan, India The Great Indian Bustard (GIB) is nearing extinction due to collision with high voltage power lines that criss-cross their flying path, according to a report by the Ministry of Environment.

Figure 2.16 - Deer hit in road accident on NH37 by Rita Raj K.

Figure 2.17 - GIB died from power line collision. Kanoi, Jaisalmer

“It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment forest, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures� Article 5-A-(g), Fundamental Duties , Constitution of India. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



Designing for Wildlife

Yet, Biggest cause and threat to Wildlife ecosystem and biodiversity in India is Pollution and Climate change, climate change & pollution are also the biggest contributors in the world. Pollution: A man-made waste or by-products that are released into the environment. Pollutants can change ecosystems and can have severe effects on people, wildlife and the natural environment. Many organisms ingest or absorb harmful toxins that ultimately get passed along through the food chain. Water pollution, Air pollution, Solid waste pollution, Light pollution, Noise pollution, Land & Soil pollution all harm Wildlife and most of it is indirectly or directly related to architectural planning of cities and buildings. Indian cities are leading in pollution created all over the world.

Figure 2.18 - Most polluted cities around the world by IQair Air-visual 2018 World Air Quality Report & Green Peace

• Air Pollution: Animals, or wildlife, are vulnerable to harm from air pollution. Pollutant issues of concern include acid rain, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other toxic substances. It affects the quality of the environment or habitat in which they live in & affects the availability and quality of the food supply. Air pollutants can poison wildlife through the disruption of endocrine function, organ injury, increased vulnerability to stresses and diseases, lower reproductive success, and possible death. Changes in the abundance of any species because of air pollution can dramatically influence the abundance and health of dependent species. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



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Figure 2.20 - Air pollution around India Gate Delhi

Figure 2.19 - Air Pollution India and China - stat. Nasa socioeconomic data

Figure 2.21 - Pollution around Indian National Highways

• Water Pollution: Dangers emanating from water pollution have severely affected humans, animals, and plants increased use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture has aggravated the situation with Excessive use of soap, soda, bleaching powder, detergent or acids at home and chemicals in the industries are primarily responsible for water pollution. Urban sewage and industrial waste flows into the water sources without treatment. Eutrophication and Dead Zones,Drinking Water Contamination, Harmful Algae Blooms, Mercury Pollution and much more is suffocating aquatic fishes, mannals, amphibians, birds and animals that feed on them alike, poisining their insides and causing cancer. “Pollution of air or of land all ultimately ends up in the sea” - Jacques Cousteau

Figure 2.22 - Turtle eating plasticbag deep underwater by Tory Mayne - WWF

Figure 2.23 - ‘Sewage surfer’ by Justin Hofman - Seahorse & plastic

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• Light Pollution: Nocturnal animals sleep during the day and are active at night. Light pollution radically alters their night-time environment by turning night into day. Glare from artificial lights can also impact wetland habitats that are home to amphibians such as frogs and toads. Sea turtles live in the ocean but hatch at night on the beach. Hatchlings find the sea by detecting the bright horizon over the ocean. Artificial lights draw them away from the ocean. Insects attracted towards artificial light confuse all sorts of animal life not only insects on 100’s of type but birds, reptiles and amphibians “When we add light to the environment, that has the potential to disrupt habitat, just like running a bulldozer over the landscape can.” - Chad Moore

Figure 2.24 - Sea Turtle changing direction due to artificial light

Figure 2.25 - moths swarm around floodlight by Simone De Peak

• Noise Pollution: Sounds produced by vehicles, oil and gas fields and urban sprawl interfere with the way animals communicate, mate and prey on one another. The sounds are becoming so ubiquitous that they may threaten biodiversity. Noise pollution can also effect the ability of many animals such as owls and bats to find and hunt their prey. Female grey tree frogs exposed to the sounds of passing traffic take longer to locate and find calling males, Certain animals can’t communicate or overcome the din from the roads “Many animal species evolved hearing sensitive enough to take advantage of the quietest conditions; their hearing is increasingly compromised by noise” - Dr Barber, BBC.

Figure 2.26 - Urban Great Tits have to sing at a higher pitch by Johan Nilsson

Figure 2.27 - Bats rely on sounds made by prey to hunt.

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• Land and Soil Pollution: Chemicals in the trash are found in soil; bleach, motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, paint thinner, and cleaning solutions, etc. The animals that are at risk of eating polluted plants include cows, sheep, pronghorn antelope, deer, and elk. Not only can animals ingest chemicals, they could also absorb or inhale the chemicals & get entangled or swallow the litter. All chemicals, including POPs, poison the ground. Plants growing in the ground, animals that eat the plants, and even humans are all affected by these chemicals when they enter the food-chain. Spread of Invasive Species, Loss of Fertility, Erosion, Spreading diseases through land are other impacts of pollution of soil and land effecting Animal and human life alike.

Figure 2.28 - Seagul with belly full of plastic autopsy by Chris J.

Figure 2.29 - Goats consuming plastic waste outside Aayojan

Global Warming: Sea levels are rising and oceans are becoming warmer. Longer, more intense droughts threaten crops, wildlife and freshwater supplies. From polar bears in the Arctic to marine turtles off the coast of Africa, our planet’s diversity of life is at risk from the changing climate. Coral bleaching due to rise in ocean temperature causes corals to die, reefs rarely come back,they struggle to reproduce & entire reef ecosystems on which people and wildlife depend, deteriorate. Coral reefs support some of the most bio-diverse ecosystems on the planet Sea turtles, Fishes, Crabs, Shrimp, Jellyfish, Sea Birds, Starfish and more.

Figure 2.30 - Starving polar bear by Paul Nicklen.

Figure 2.31 - Pandas, Himalayan Bears, and Indian black bears are not Hibernating sue to wrong season by Yong Yange.

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Designing for Wildlife

2.5 Policies & Programs Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 : The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for protection of plants and animal species. Before 1972, India had only five designated national parks. Among other reforms, the Act established schedules of protected plant and animal species; hunting or harvesting these species was largely outlawed. The Act provides for the protection of wild animals, birds and plants; and for matters connected there with or ancillary or incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir which had its own wildlife act.

Fisheries Act


Indian Forest Act


Mining And Mineral Development Regulation Act


Prevention of Cruelty To Animals


Animal Walfare Board of India


World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)


Wildlife Protection Act


Project Tiger, Bengal (NTCA)


Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act


Crocodile Conservation Project, Odisha


Forest Conservation Act


Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change


Environment Protection Act


Project Elephant, Central India


Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI)


Wildlife Trust of India (NTI)


National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)


National Wildlife Action Plan

2017 2031


Rajasthan Wild Animals and Birds Protection Act.


Wild Life Protection Rules, Rajasthan.


Biodiversity Rules, Rajasthan.


Project Great Indian Bustard, Rajasthan.


Project Leopard Conservation, Rajasthan.

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2.6 Biodiversity The great variety of life on earth has provided for the needs of human beings over thousands of years. This diversity of living creatures form a support system used by each civilisation for it’s growth and development. Those that use this bounty of nature carefully and sustainability survived, while those that overused or misused it disintegrated. Biological diversity or biodiversity is that part of nature which includes the differences in genes among the individuals of a species; the variety of richness of all the plants and animals species at different scale in space - locally, in a region in the country and the world; and the types of ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic, within a defined area.

Figure 2.32 - Functional Biodiversity in a perticular area.

A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened by human habitation. To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot on Norman Myers 2000 edition of the hotspot-map, a region must meet two strict criteria: it must contain at least 0.5% or 1,500 species of vascular plants as endemics, and it has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation. India is one of the world’s most biologically and culturally diverse countries the world’s ‘mega diversity’ countries. It is ranked ninth in the world in terms of higher plant species richness. At the ecosystem level, India is also well endowed, with ten distinct biogeographic zones. It also contains two of the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots, because of their extraordinarily high levels of species-richness and endemicity, and threatened status. Catagories 1. Floweting 2. Mammals 3. Birds 4. Reptiles 5. Amphibians 6. Fish

Estimated number 1336 39 72 17 3 2

Table 2.2 - Status of threatned plant & vertebrate species in india by S.S Hundal

India’s Ranking

No. of species in India

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibia Angiosperms

397 1232 460 240 17500

Table 2.3 - Animal biodiversity ranking of India by S.S Hundal’s report.

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Figure 2.33 - Ways to measure biodiversity by Encyclopedia Britannica

Figure 2.34 - Indian biodiversity infographic.

Figure 2.35 - Primary drivers of biodiversity loss by Encyclopedia Britannica

Table 2.4 - Endangered animals of India.

Figure 2.36 - Protected areas in India stat. IUCN red list UNESCAP

Figure 2.37 - Constructin near wildlife reserves.

“Architects are creators of space, not necessarily habitats. Weare the ones who regulate the humans’behaviors within the spaces we produce.(Lefebvre 1991) So we can not only conserve and restore biodiversity by building habitats for humans as parts of the ecosystems, but also direct their behaviors fornature’s sake, through wise and directional planning.” - stated in ‘Biodiversity and Architecture’ by Rojin Jazayeri UofT, Canada. Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture



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2.7 Ecological Footprint In 1996 the concept of ecological footprint was created. The simplest way to define ecological footprint would be to call it the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. More simply, it is the amount of the environment necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular lifestyle. the resources used in the house we live in, the furniture and objects, clothes, transportation that we use, what we eat, what we do at leisure and to absorb carbon dioxide emissions. the quantity of nature it takes to support people, an economy or a building is Ecological footprint.

Figure 2.38 - Aspects considered for calculation of Ecological Footprint.

The building sector is responsible for 32% of the total enegry consumption and 19% of energy related CO2 emission globally (IPCC,2014). Approximately 50% of the total enegry is consumed for maintaining thermal comfort inside built envelope during the operational phase of building.(Husain,D. and Prakash, R. 2018 Ecological Footpint Assessment and reduction of an Academic Building in Shadol India. )Annexture -

Figure 2.39 - Life Cycle analysis of a Building.

Figure 2.40 - Ecological footprint of a building.

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Figure 2.41 - Methodology flow-chart for life cycle EF of building project

Calculation of Ecological Footprint: Ecological footprint (EP):

Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of a Building (LCEFtotal)

Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of Transportation (LCEFt): Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of Manpower (LCEDm): Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of Waste Disposal (LCEDww): Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of Water Consumption (LCEFW): Life Cycle Ecological Footprint of Built-up Land (LCEFbuilt-up) Carbon Footprint: Carbon footprints are more focused than ecological footprints since they measure merely emissions of gases that cause climate change into the atmosphere. Carbon footprint is one of a family of footprint indicators, which also includes water footprint and land footprint. The carbon Footprint is one part of the ecological footprint Understanding Wildlife - Wildlife & Architecture




IMPACT OF BUILDINGS ON WILDLIFE Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint

“Paradise City” by Sarang Niak, Migratory Flamingos Habitated Lake NRI Complex, Flying Across A Residential Buliding in Navi Mumbai

Designing for Wildlife

3.1 Building Practices & Impact On Ecological Footprint The current development of urban areas underlines the importance of focusing on cities, buildings and their importance for the human economy. It is also important to consider the consequences of urban area spreading on ecosystem health which has an indirect impact on Wildlife as established in earlier chapter. Considering people’s tendency to live in urban areas, cities are becoming focal points for human life but unfortunately, they are not sustainable. They are cross-roads of most material and energy flows and, at the same time, they contribute to natural capital depletion. About 40–50% of total energy cost in developed countries is closely linked or is a consequence of building construction. Moreover the construction of new buildings, infrastructure and industries, the production and the transport of building materials as well as waste disposal require an increasing amount of bio-productive areas. Modification of land and water ways: due to the high demand of urban centres and nearby housing, suburban areas corresponding deforestation to meet the land-use. Modification of waterways to meet building requirement comes in the form of dams, artificial canal, and even the reversing the flow of rives. Impact of biog-eochmical pathways: Urbanization results in a large demand for chemical use by construction, such demands have a substantial impact on boogeochemical cycle, resulting in phenomena such as acid rain, eutrophication and global warming. Furthermore, impermeable surfaces that prevents the nutrients from entering the soil, water and atmosphere hinder natural cycle in urbanization. Effect on climate: local temperatures, precipitation and other activities due to variety of factors such a pollution and altered geochemical cycles, Create an urban heat island effect oasis effect, green house gases and acid rains. Concrete, cement and metal surfaces in buildings tend to absorb heat energy rather than reflect it contributing to this cause. Green house gases: including carbon dioxide, methane, fossil fuel combustion nitrous oxide released in atmosphere increase this effect which is majority due to urban transport and construction. Not having effective, optimal, and efficient planning in building and not taking into consideration of the energy consumption, release of green house gases and effect on nearby habitat are some of the worst practices in building designed increasing each day due to urbanization commercial standards of building. ecological building practices start from taking sustainable development into account. Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

3.2 Design Strategies to reduce the impact on Ecological Footprint Managing and reducing carbon footprints as part of a low carbon strategy, with its inherent cost benefits and revenue opportunities, is increasingly important in building design. Building green has proven to be best strategies to temper negative climate change because the technology to make substantial reductions in energy and CO2 emissions already exists. Evaluate and measure a building design’s carbon footprint as early in the process as possible. “It is a process of considering all the flows (energy, water, materials, waste) in and out of a system to calculate its environmental impact” HVAC: Since Heating ventilation and air conditioning comprises 40 percent of all carbon emissions. Building Incorporating the most efficient HVAC, along with efficient operations and scheduled maintenance of such systems, reduce their carbon footprint. Some such building use Passive or Hybrid techniques for the same. Thermal comfort: Achieved in building by using materials according to climate, insulation and HVAC system. Placement of windows and providing shade through building facade or planting tree. These methods have sown since thermal comfort is achieved, their isn’t a need to use resources or energy to achieve the same. Lighting in the building: Optimised daylighting by placement of windows and opening from where most natural light can be made to enter the building. such buildings for the most part are ecologically friendly as Lighting accounts for approximately 40 percent of the energy used in a typical commercial building. Solar thermal gain lowers carbon footprints, but too much solar gain in summer causes overheating and increases the need for cooling. Using Solar energy and producing energy from it that can be used for the required energy consumption managing water in ways where drinking water isn’t wasted and most of the water is recycled. Recycle materials and material with less embodied energy :used on building and interior materials. Choosing recyclable building materials that have less negative effect on the environment. Support green suppliers and vendors that embrace green practices reducing the economical cost of the building. Water usage major factor contributing to the carbon footprint of a building is the amount of energy expended to supply, Installing efficient fixtures and appliances can reduce water usage. Rain water harvesting Renewable energy Carbon footprint is reduced in building by sourcing its operational energy from environmentally responsible sources, or by generating renewable energy on-site electric photovoltaic systems, Wind Towers etc. Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 3.1 - Best ecological building practices demonstrate in a section.

3.3 Building Practices & Impact On Biodiversity The fact that there is a direct connection between ecological imbalance, degradation of biodiversity, problems for wildlife, architecture and construction. Projects, whether commercial developments, housing estates, infrastructure or public sector projects, all have the potential to damage natural habitats, threatening wildlife and plant species. Habitat destruction: During construction it may occur where a habitat is removed to make way for a new development. Plants and animals in these areas are usually directly impacted generally resulting in alteration or reduction in biodiversity. Mobile animals (especially birds and mammals) retreat into remnant patches of habitat Fragmentation: Native habitats, which were once continuous, may become divided into separate fragments during construction. The extent and connectivity of remaining habitats are reduced, and species may or may not be able to survive as a result. Fragmentation may alter the distribution of populations, the migration rates among populations, or the size of local populations. Animals with large home ranges will be the most severely affected. Often habitat fragmentation doesn’t present an absolute barrier to movement, but rather subjects animals to greater mortality as they try to cross the contrasting habitat, where there movement path collide with humans, worse vehicle which in most cases is road-kill. Disturbance: There is the potential for noise from construction activities to disturb fauna resulting in their relocation and thus reducing the biodiversity of an area. Poorly timed construction, can have a negative impact on a wide variety of species including nesting Good practice starts with location. As far as possible, construction should take place in areas where it will have least impact on biodiversity. Construction during mating or birthing season in a biodiversity area for certain animals is the cause of extinction. Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

Pollution: Soil, waste concrete and toxins in runoff from construction sites or fuels, accidentally spilled during storage or delivery, can enter Food chains, water system etc. These pollutants can impact aquatic habitats, plant life, invertebrate, amphibians and all types of fishes waste remains on land poison animals who feed on them and are in tern fed on by a predator. Lighting and materials used in construction also severely disturb animal lifestyle and their biological clock, lighting is the least thought out aspect while designing for biodiversity friendly however artificial blue light has far worse impact on wildlife as they can see in certain spectrum that it has on humans and in most cases materials are harmful of their heath, doesn’t belong in the ecosystem which earlier excited prior to construction.

Figure 3.2 - Biodiversity hindered by building practices.

Figure 3.3 - Adverse effect of artificial lighting on wildlife at night.

Figure 3.4 - Birds having different problem with windows.

Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

3.4 Design Strategies to reduce the impact on Biodiversity 3.4.1 Animal Safe Design Strategies

Habitat Conservation - Building practices are Conserving and restoring wildlife habitats within the urban environment, Minimizing human and humanrelated impacts in sensitive habitat areas, Ensuring proper management of habitat areas & Integrate wildlife habitat with human uses and residences. Habitat loss is number one threat to wildlife safety, while some animals adapt to urban environments and thrive others can’t so much. However, simple cohabitable spaces designed by architects provided on the site or the building itself have proven to be a great way to inculcate wildlife and restoring their habitat in urban areas.

Figure 3.5 - Spaces in a house to incoorprate wildlife

Figure 3.6 - Building material used as space for bats to inhabit.

Road-free zones - Where foot traffic and bikes are be allowed, however even while areas as such have less road kills, not planing according to animal corridors and having pathways cross is always a problem. A lesser option while planning is to minimize road kill by slowing vehicle speeds in wildlife areas, especially at night when many species are active. Fences are used to separate animal and human pathways or to keep certain animals away .

Figure 3.6 - Pathways created for animals and human interaction with defining limits

Figure 3.7 - Use of fences to create scenarios of human-animal iinterection in urban areas.

Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

Connectivity Via Plantation - Whenever in a building there’s a retention or creation greenbelts, continuous wildlife corridors, and strips of interactive vegetation along rivers and streams - the wider, the better, Bolder, Fencings, Moats, serve as excellent connection between Human-Animal on pathways and interactive spaces in such co-habitable spaces are created.

Figure 3.8 - streams with well vegetated riparian zones encouraging greater biodiversity.

Gardening for Wildlife - Backyard in building can provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. As urban development takes over more of our natural open spaces, small areas such as backyards provide increasingly important food and shelter for birds, bees, and butterflies. Planting according to certain seem to attract them and creating a liveable habitat and certain plan are also used to repel rodents, snakes, and birds. Green-Roof - The role of green roofs as wildlife habitat remains a work in progress, it is promising that a well-designed green roof helps support various insects and birds, and even aid conservation efforts by serving rare and endangered species affected by habitat loss. In addition to ecological benefits, having wildlife habitat on rooftops creates more green space similar to parks that people can enjoy in the sky. Windows & Buildings Facade - hundreds of millions of birds are killed or injured from window collisions annually. Clear glass appears translucent to birds, causing them to fly right into it, while mirrored glass reflects the sky or surrounding trees. Etched Glass, Ultraviolet Glass

Figure 3.9 - Solution to birds having different problem with windows - I.

Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 3.10 - Solution to birds having different problem with windows - II.

Lights - Many buildings are using automated light which only activate when motion sensors tips them off, light are put out after midnight until morning. Blue-lights and of certain wavelengths are being avoided so to keep nearby animal from loosing their sleep or attracting them to their death. all windows outfitted with a laminated glass solution that features a tinted grey interlayer

Figure 3.11 - Do’s and don’t of Lighting fixtures

Impact of Building on Wildlife - Biodiversity & Ecological Footprint





“The Jackals of Kala Dungar” by Gangadharan Menon, Where A Community Has Kept Them Alive

Designing for Wildlife

4.1 Parameters of Analysis The method of analysis aims to list the tools in various architectural cases which protect and provide habitat for nearby flaura and fauna. These tools are divided into two major category Planning Strategies & Design Strategies based on the studies discussed in previous Chapters 3

4.1.1 Planning Strategies 1. Planned and built with animal safety in mind: Whether the architect has consciously taken into consideration animals-wildlife before planning or building. 2. Location and Sighting: Whether the site were the building is constructed or the placement of the build structures on a particular site created any impact on surrounding biodiversity and animal life. 3. Built Open Relationship: Built spaces on the site corresponding to the open spaces the ratio with scale in cases. 4. Plan Form: The plan form having the impact on site, ecological factors and wildlife interaction.

4.1.2 Design Strategies 1. Construction Technique: 2. Structure System: 3. Material Selection: 4. Services Used: 5. Utilities & Lighting:

4.2 Case Identification To understand implication of Architectural tool and strategies directly and indirectly preserving and conserving wildlife as established in Chapter 3 in cases better, The identified cases were again segregated into two main categories; Biodiversity friendly buildings & Ecologically friendly buildings. Research papers and Cases found in database online will also be sought out in research. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.1 The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife

Biodiversity Friendly

Figure 4.1 - ‘The Water Tank’ Urban habitat for wildlife at Bat Yam, Isleal presentation render.

Abandoned water towers from various periods are scattered throughout Israel, many falling into disrepair. The “Water Tower - New Perspectives” design competition held at the end of 2010 challenged participants to come up with new, contemporary interpretations of the Israeli water tower in general, as well as a specific project for an existing tower that explores its role as a public space and preserves its unique architecture. The winning design comes from Tel-Aviv-based Ifat Finkelman_Ofer Bilik Architects, who proposed to re-purpose the Ramat HaNasy water tower in Bat Yam as a Habitat for Urban Wildlife. The design requires minimal changes to the tower, preserving and building on its original architecture.

Figure 4.2 - Actual condition of the water tower.

Figure 4.3 - Site of the water tower at Bat Yam.

Proposed project, identified the potential within the urban water towers – functioning and abandoned – with their height, unique structure and strategic locations, to act as an impetus for encouraging an urban wildlife. Their obvious characteristics as urban landmarks and meeting places suggested expanding their designated function as natural systems. Design suggests defining and addressing this strategy to urban towers. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

The Main Goals: 1. Saving biodiversity 2. Reintroducing species that previously existed in the region 3. Water sources to attract migrating birds in the autumn 4. Education, information: sign-age, explanations, viewing platforms, seasonal and daily activities, special events and guided tours, internet platforms for continuous updates 5. Strengthening the sites presence and within the local community and specifically within the nearby school

Figure 4.4 - Section showing different animals housed in the water tower & urban wildlife.

Figure 4.5 - Ground & roof plan of The Water Tank

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Designing for Wildlife

Hundreds of water towers were built in different periods and styles across Israel, many of which now stand dry, noticeably disintegrating. What used to be a sign of vitality now stands as a shameful memory of useless concrete, carrying antennas or advertisement posters. Very few municipalities have realized the historic and cultural value of the water tower and renewed the structure. Most of the towers, however, haven’t been gracefully treated, if at all. The competition called for contemporary interpretations for the Israeli water tower in general, and for a specific design suggestion referring to an existing tower. The design should take into consideration the communal role; resume its position as public space in a form adequate to the contemporary lifestyle and specific context. Moreover, it should respect and value matters of conservation.

Figure 4.6 - Section showing Water tower & Water tank from inside galleries, viewing platforms and Human intrection to building.

The Water Tower: Viewing platforms The preservation of the water tower demands a minimal intervention that respects the original architecture of the tower without compromising the new program and activities within it. Having created a system of staircases and viewing galleries that occupy the internal space and allow for bird (and wildlife) watching without disturbing the various species. The galleries are specifically arranged to match the geographical and biological variety. They complete a full panorama – 360 degrees of urban wildlife. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



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Figure 4.7 - Water Tower plans at different levels

Figure 4.8 - Viewing tower section at different levels

The Water Tank: An interface between citizens and the environment In order to create a real dialogue between residents and the natural system, a high quality interface including hidden viewing platforms, research activities, publicity, nature & art galleries and other educational functions, has to be established. The Water Tank is an integrative structure. It’s double skin and winter rain pool create natural living systems inhabited by a variety of species surrounding the structure’s inner space which is designated for communal activities.

Figure 4.9 - Section showing Typical details of dual skin in Water tank.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.2 Biodiversity Training Institute

Biodiversity Friendly

Figure 4.10 - Biodiversity training instuite presentation render.

fUSE Studio and Architecture BRIO have been appointed via an international tender to design the Biodiversity Training Institute of Pangtang, Sikkim. The Biodiversity Training Institute is located near Sikkim’s capital Gangtok. Sited on a slope, it faces world third highest mountain, the Kanchenjunga. The site is sparsely vegetated with low shrubs and bushes, but more small trees on the peripheries. The site is flanked on the north by a small school, a village and grass land. To the east and west the site is defined by small seasonal streams beyond which the Forest Land continues. To the south the mountain ridge . On the other side of this mountain ridge one can see Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim.

Figure 4.11 - Site plan of training instuite.

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The Main Goal: “Knowledge generation” & “dissemination of biodiversity and best practice information”. 1. The enhancement of the spatial and resource information base for planning, implementation, and monitoring of forest and biodiversity management; 2. The establishment and improvement of zoning and of plans for the management of reserved forests and protected areas; 3. The promotion of public support for biodiversity conservation through research, ex-situ conservation, and extension; and 4. The capacity development of the Forestry Department.

Figure 4.12 - Concept Section

The Institute is located in one of the most fragile ecological zones of the Earth. “Life on Earth faces a crisis of historical and planetary proportions. Unsustainable consumption in many northern countries and crushing poverty in the tropics are destroying wild nature. Biodiversity is besieged. The institute intends to become a meeting place to educate through the exchange of knowledge. More importantly it aims to inspire as an example of the Sikkimese ‘green mission’.

Figure 4.13 - View of Kanchenchunga &The diverse vegetatio

Figure 4.14 - Exterior view of court with water filter pond

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Designing for Wildlife

The design of the building is compact with a small footprint. It makes use of solar energy, local vegetation and wind. The thermal mass of the walls will be used to moderate fluctuations in the indoor temperature. Local materials like rammed earth and natural stone are chosen to increase the thermal accumulating qualities of walls and floors. The divers vegetation of Sikkim will become an integral part of the building. Moss grown stone walls and a vegetated herbal roof with local plants will cover the exterior. The institute intends to become a meeting place to educate through the exchange of knowledge. More importantly it aims to inspire as an example of the Sikkimese ‘green mission’.

Figure 4.15 - Massing Development

Figure 4.16 - Circulation & Spaces Development

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.17 - Plans & Sections of the Building

The design of the institute has a dualistic character. On one hand its symmetrical plan and its tall, road facing elevation imposes itself on the landscape as a building of public importance. The roof has a gentle but critical slope which emphasizes the strong shape of the building. Ecological Layer: The humid climate of Sikkim is ideal for the growth of mosses. Instead of trying to keep stone walls clean, the external walls will be covered by epiphytic species such as mosses, lichens and ferns, creating an additional layer of biodiverstiy over time.The spcies are so called pioneer species. They colonize previously uncolonized land, usually leading to ecological succession.

Figure 4.18 - Insulated wall construction which forms a canvas for mosses and ferns to grow

Figure 4.19 - Mosses as pioneering species in the successive growth

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.3 Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing

Biodiversity Friendly

Figure 4.20 - ‘Kingsbrook’ Housing, Oakfeild near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

The RSPB is leading a progressive approach to wildlife-friendly housing in conjunction with Barret & David Wilson Homes and Aylesbury Vale District Council. This award-winning partnership, which involves working with the national Barratt team and AVDC ecologists, aims to show that new homes need not be at the expense of the natural world. By engaging with development companies, the RSPB is increasing the likelihood that wildlife is considered at the start of the design process. An estimated 200,000 new houses to be built each year across the UK, there is an urgent need to ensure developments do not become sterile places with little wildlife. Research has shown that homes that welcome the natural world are good not just for wildlife, but also for human health and well-being.

Figure 4.21 - Oakfeild village master plan

Figure 4.22 - Kingsbrook housing planning layout

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

The Main Goals: 1. 60 per cent wildlife-friendly green-space, excluding gardens. This sets a new standard, where the new housing will be surrounded by large areas of ponds, parks, meadows, orchards and nature reserve. 2. Wildlife corridors. Kingsbrook is being designed so that wildlife can move all around and through the greens-pace and the residential areas. Whether it be hedges, strips of wild-flower grassland or gaps under fences and walls, wildlife won’t have the barriers they normally face. 3. Sustainable Urban Drainage. Rather than shunting rainwater straight underground into pipes, in many places it will be directed along rills and swales on the surface - great wildlife habitat - slowing the flow and using nature to clean the water. 4. Planting for wildlife, including a higher proportion than is usual of native shrubs, many hedges, areas of wild-flower grassland for pollinators and butterflies, plus fruit trees in gardens. 5. All manner of wildlife homes, from bird-boxes built into the walls of houses to places where amphibians can hibernate. The site was created on former farmland which had been used for grass and cereals and was divided up by hedgerows. Much of Britain’s wildlife has been declining because of the loss of hedgerows and the developers were keen that the animals that lived there should find a new home. All the show gardens have been planted as wildflower gardens, and new homeowners are given special gardening packs which teach them how to plant their own plots for encourage birds, bugs and animals. The RSPB is planning to carry out regular surveys to monitor how well the birds and insects are doing at the site. Conservation features, such as ‘hop points’ to allow bats to cross busy roads safely, a loggery to encourage stag beetles, dragonfly perches and vertical banks in which sand martins and kingfishers can dig their nests. Channelling rain into underground pipes, groundwater is directed along ‘rills’ and ‘swales’ on the surface, allowing natural wetlands to develop, which are a haven for wildlife. Figure 4.23 - Wildlife safe design

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing

Figure 4.24 - Wildlife safe Design strategies adopted in Kingsbrook housing by BARRETT AND DAVID WILSON HOMES

Kingbrook’s value for wildlife comes from the fact that it will include a lot of green spaces - a whooping 60%. however, it can’t be expected such swathes of greenery with every development, thus it’s vital that wildlife measures are incorporated into kingsbrook’s “built environment”. The features include green corridors cutting little holes in the base of fences so called ‘hedgehog highways’ - so that wildlife, including frogs and newts, can move from garden t garden with ease. Netboxes can be expensive, thus building a hollow plastic brick that can be built in walls, wildlife can’t get further into haouse cavity and cheaper alternative for swift/bird boxes. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.24 - Wildlife safe Design strategies adopted in Kingsbrook housing by BARRETT AND DAVID WILSON HOMES

Figure 4.25 - Hedgehog nests installed in garden at Kingsbrook

Figure 4.26 - A nesting box installed in gardens at Kingsbrook

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.4 New National Zoological Park

Biodiversity Friendly

Figure 4.27 - Structure made in National zoological park providing shading & acts as interactive space for elephants.

During the mansoon session of parliament on 25th august 2010 the National Zoological Park, new delhi popularly known as Delhi Zoo echoed in the question hour in Lok Sabha. Various issues were raised about the park ranging from unchecked deer population to other management issues as poor state of infracture, maintenance and visitor exprience etc. The Zoological park has played an important role in wildlife conservation over the years, not only breeding endangered species but providing support to other zoos.However for more than 50 years of ir’s existance the national zoological park is merely a poor shadow of it’s glory. A new master plan for next 20 years with updated services for both animals and visitors was proposed is in place. “The national zoo should be the role model for other zoos to follow making it truly the National’s zoo” - Amitabh Agnihotri, IFS ( director)

Figure 4.28 - Old master plan of NZP, New Delhi

Figure 4.29 - New master plan for NZP, New Delhi

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

The Main Goals: 1. To generate awareness and compassion in society towards wild life and to gather their support for the national conservation effort. 2. To play an effective role in reducing man animal conflicts in urban landscape 3.To play an effective role in species preservation Objectives: 1.Animal care: Provide excellent quality of animal care and well being 2.Visitor Experience and Education: Provide unforgettable visitor experience. Inspire them to support and contribute to the cause of conservation of wildlife, habitat and water. Provide opportunities for passive recreation and attract all kinds/class of people. 3.Wildlife Preservation: Wildlife preservation by conservation breeding and release of captive bread animals. 4. Sustainability: Plan, Practice and demonstrate sustainability in all spheres 5. Research: Provide platform of research in wildlife behaviour, nutrition, reproduction and preservation, visitor experience and education. Annexures -

Figure 4.30 - View of visitor centre in new National Zoological Park

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.31 - Section Through Roads, Pavement and Moats along side main road to segregate human & animal circulation.

Providing green connecting corridors instead of fast lanes and or heavy vehicle movement roads in cases where the site is close to a biodiversity hotspot or near animal habitat. However, the need for roads and pathways cannot be denied and in such cases it’s rather more crucial to providing segregation between roads, pathways. This is done in NZP with moats, bridges in places where the pathways are intersecting animal movement routes

Figure 4.32 - Water recycling on site through S.T.P and plants helping with purification .

Figure 4.33 - Plants at S.T.P in NZP

Apart from biologically friendly methods and animal safe design, Ecological aspects were also taken into considerations; Water harvesting, Water treatment Grey water use, Photovoltaic panels, Bio-filters, Biosawle, Constructed of wetlands and Planting trees according to animals and climate responsive techniques, CPCB guidelines followed.

Figure 4.34 - Planting & space according to animals.

Figure 4.35 - Planting & platform space according to animals.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.36 - Section showing interactive planning according to herbivorous animals

Figure 4.37 - Plan

Figure 4.38 - Section showing interactive planning according to reptiles

Figure 4.39 - Plan

Figure 4.40 - Section showing interactive planning according to animals that can jump or climb

Figure 4.41 - Plan

Figure 4.42 - Section showing interactive planning according to safe animals

Figure 4.43 - Plan

Figure 4.44 - Section showing interactive planning according of aqurium,

Figure 4.45 - Plan

The section, plan and more in National Zoological Park, New Delhi (some) showcase above in Figure 4.?? - 4.?? give an understanding of how distance is attained, a drawing a boundary with moats, eco-walls, fences which proves to be beneficial for both humans and animals in some cases. Often times, certain animals are better left in their habitats. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.5 California Academy of Sciences

Ecologically Friendly

Figure 4.46 - The rainforest dome & Living Roof of the California Academy of Sciences .

The museum, which contains an aquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum and research and educational facilities, and numerous sustainable features Record-setting “green” building designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Stantec Architecture all under one living “green” roof at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Following the widespread destruction of the Academy buildings by the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, a consultation for this new building was held. The new building has maintained the same position and orientation as the original, all the functions laid out around a central courtyard, which acts as entrance lobby and pivotal centre to the collections. This connection point is covered by a concave glass canopy with a reticular structure reminiscent of a spider’s web, open at the centre.

Figure 4.47 - Conceptual sketches by AR. Renzo Piano

Figure 4.48 - Living Roof ‘green’ on the Museum

The entire 37.000 sq. m complex is like a piece of the park that has been cut away and lifted 10 m up above the ground. This “living roof” is covered with 1,700,000 selected autochthonous plants planted in specially conceived biodegradable coconut-fibre containers. The roof is flat at itsW perimeter and, like a natural landscape, becomes increasingly undulating as it moves away from the edge to form a series of domes. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

The Main Goals: “Spreding awareness and knowledge about Natural history� & Being energy efficient The roof is flat at its perimeter and, like a natural landscape becomes increasingly undulating as it moves away from the edge to form a series of domes of various sizes rising up from the roof plane. The two main domes cover the planetarium and rainforest exhibitions. The domes are speckled with a pattern of skylights automated to open and close for ventilation.

Figure 4.49 - Design of roof such that it catches wind and provides natural light in centre of the building,

Figure 4.50 - Efficient cross ventilation & light in building which reduces the need for mechinical services for the same.

The soil’s moisture, combined with the phenomenon of thermal inertia, cools the inside of the museum significantly, thus avoiding the need for air-conditioning in the ground-floor public areas and the research offices along the facade. Photovoltaic cells are contained between the two glass panels that form the transparent canopy around the perimeter of the green roof; they provide more than 5% of the electricity required by the museum. Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.51 - Section of the whole building showing different spaces and circulation under the green roof.

Figure 4.52 - Section of Plantarium with artificial lighting produced by Photovoltic cells & ventilation

Beaneath the Domes , inside the glass-covered ceiling and facade elements in the piazza provide visitors with a view into golden gate park, the outside of the building looks just like part of park from a bird’s eye view. the development of the fully glass-covered piazza proved to be just as challenging. measuring approximately 22 x 30 meters, the gently curving roof is supported by a dual network of steel beams, bolted together by horizontal braces. the triangular glass surfaces each have an edge about 1.83 m long and follow the dimensions of the underlying steel frame structure, giving the structure the multi-faceted appearance of an insect eye.

Figure 4.53 - Typical detail of circular cutout windows on domes

Figure 4.54 - Indoor space of Plantarium inside the museum

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.55 - Ground floor plan of California Academy of Sciences

The choice of materials, recycling, the positioning of the spaces with respect to the natural lighting, natural ventilation, water usage, rainwater recovery and energy production: all of these design issues became an integral part of the project itself, and helped the museum obtain LEED platinum certification. 90% of all demolition materials were recycled, 32,000 tons of sand from foundation excavation applied to dune restoration projects in san francisco, 95% of all steel from recycled sources, 15% fly ash (a recycled coal by-product), 35% slag in concrete, 50% of lumber harvested from sustainable-yield forests, 68% of insulation comes from recycled blue jeans, 90% of office space will have natural light and ventilation, 60,000 photovoltaic cells; 213,000 kilowatt-hours, 30% less energy consumption than federal code requirement

Figure 4.56 - Circultion, Ventilation, View & Solar path in different seasons.

Figure 4.57 - Axonometric view of the museum

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.3.6 Synanthropic Suburbia - Gunawan, Sarah - University of Waterloo

Figure 4.58 - Synanthropic Suburbia ‘ecological prosthetics’ in one building presentation render

Sarah Gunawan’s Master thesis of Urban animals and architectural intervention Invention of so-called “ecological prosthetics” as habitats for birds, bats, and raccoons in suburban neighbourhoods across Canada’s Ontario province. The project’s author proposes a set of small interventions for animal residents normally neglected in any design or planning process – in this case, raccoons, chimney swifts, tree swallows, blue birds, barn owls, and brown bats, all native species to the region. Synanthropic Suburbia explores the tension between humans and synanthropic species – animals who benefit from living in close proximity to people but remain beyond their control. It re-imagines human and animal interactions through a series of Ecological Prosthetics which subvert conventional housing typologies and enable multi-species relationships. These subtle, architectural retrofits restructure the behaviours and territorial boundaries of six animal species and their human neighbours.

Figure 4.59 - Chart of species adaptability and human tolerance by Sarah G.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.60 - Designing for biodiversity through architectural Intervention & suburban development cohabitation.

Figure 4.61 - Interface opportunities & Interface vulnerabilities

Figure 4.62 - Surface interface.

Figure 4.63 - Human & Animal interacting spaces.

Figure 4.64 - Volumetric interface.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.65 - Compost chimney prosthetic for Common Raccoons & Chimney Swifts by Sarah Gunawan.

Figure 4.66 - Extended Eve prosthetic for Bluebirds & Tree Swallows by Sarah Gunawan.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.67 - Habitat Dormer prosthetic for Barn Owls & Brown Bats by Sarah Gunawan.

Figure 4.68 - Ecological prosthetics attached in a single house re-inventing conventional building components

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.69 - Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Corridor setback.

Figure 4.70 - Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Improving quality of soil.

Figure 4.71 - Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Creating animal movement blocks.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 4.72 - Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Creating animal connecting corridors .

Figure 4.73 - Sub-Urban Typologies - Wildlife architectural landscaping - Syn-Urban assembly of created corridors.

Figure 4.74 - Synanthropic Suburbia ‘Syn-Urban Corridors’ in presentation render

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.4 Comparative Analysis - Planing Strategies 4.4.1 Location & Siting Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- Hundreds of water towers were built in different periods and styles across Israel, many of which now stand dry, noticeably disintegrating. On sites usually located in urban areas surrounded by Urban fabric.


-The site is not usually as biodiversity, however they have clear open space around them.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- Placed on a slope, Facing world third highest mountain, the Kanchenjunga. The site slope in and away from main road where the building is surrounded by Green vegetation. - The dilemma is to build for awareness of biodiversity however, the building is being placed in such a biodiversity hotspot area which will have adverse effect on it.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- Site is a large chunk of Flat Farm-land which is being converted into housing near Aylesbury for urban expansion. - Green farmlands with meadows, Wet ground and Shrubs with berries were a great site for small animals, hedge hogs, Foxes, Owls, Bats etc. Surrounded by Framlands and water canal’s with less urban fabric.

New National Zoological Park, - Site near a open surrounding topographical vegetated grounds Delhi, India with water body close to old Delhi metropolitan city.

- area approx 240 acres covered with independent growth of exotic spices of plant 5 km away from populated area. next to a forth constructed in hstoric times.

California Academy of Sciences, - Sited in Golden Gate Park urban San Francisco, California, US state park consisting of 1,017 acres of public grounds. Surrounded by San Francisco Botanical Garden & Japanese Tea Garden with Excellent Biodiversity around the site, Green spaces,Vegetation, Meadows & Ponds -On the West side of the Site is Gulf and all other side are packed by urban fabric. Analytical Inferences : - The location and siting of the building in areas where the biodiversity is dense and or encroach animals habitats is undesirable. Building on urban grounds and rejuvenating buildings which are abandoned. - If the site is in Forest, Green or biodiversity area, than stopping of the cars away from main building,providing walkways, insuring the building has spaces for animals and plants, biodiversity on site is maintained, Reducing the ecological footprint of the building. Such measures were taken into consideration.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.4.2 Built & Open Relationship Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- The Site surrounding the Water towers are usually open, this is due to the fact that there need to be clear ground if the tower falls. The Tower structure never have open cut-outs in there built form.


- These open areas surrounded by buildings make great places for the wildlife/animals to co-habitat and survive in.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- The Site’s Extension, play ground and landscaping near the main road have bare minimum built. - 30% Built to 70% open on Site, this was one of the ways to tackle the dilemma of building for biodiversity yet still keeping the construction minimum as to not harm the habitat.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- The Whole Housing Site is approx 60% - 40% Built. On a neighbourhood level and House level 50%-50% - Open areas have been used to plan native shrubs and trees to support the biodiversity, birds and bees and integrated to have better flow of wind reducing the need for mechanical Services.

New National Zoological Park, - Majority of the site is open with only bare minimum built compared to site. Delhi, India - The built areas are for visitor restaurants, services, offices and animals houses. -Maximum site is open with pathways and landscaping according to animals on site. - 10% built to 90% open

California Academy of Sciences, - The Building has all built on the San Francisco, California, US state site. However, the whole site and the building is middle of Gardens, meadows and park.

- The building has provided 100% of the ground built on used as ‘green’ Roof top garden.

Analytical Inferences : - Building have consider at least 60 - 40 % built to open ratio. Where in it’s optimal having open areas on one side rather than in the centre. - Open areas are planned in ways so that they can help in reducing the energy consumption of building by thermal comfort. Wind, solar energy as resources . -Open areas are kept as soft-scape,plantation and gardening for wildlife with green corridors on site.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.4.3 Plan Form Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- Circular Plan Form.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- Plan Form in ‘C’ Shape.


- Has interaction of animals to the building and also viewing platform of 360 degrees from every angle due to the circular plan form.

- The form is such so that there is protection from direct light and takes in north light also, view from most of the building. -The open court is inviting nature on the building doorsteps.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- The Plan Form of the Houses are usually in Square or Rectilinear but some of the houses are in ‘L’ ‘C’ shapes as-well. - Such plan shapes are better for residential building to get most space and easier planning of spaces which leave more open area for garden and green corridors.

New National Zoological Park, - Plan form of the of the building are square or rectangular with linear Delhi, India circulation, plan form of kiosk are circular and octagonal while the plan form of site inhabited by animals are based on the topography of the site.

California Academy of Sciences, - Rectilinear Plan form almost in 2x1 San Francisco, California, US state proportion - The interaction is from one side for visitors and two sides for openings in certain way and most of the building from roof is accessible to flying animals and insects. - Better Planning of Spaces according and Linear moments in the buildings Analytical Inferences : - Having a certain plan-form doesn’t have much of an impact when it comes to wildlife safe designs or interaction of building with wildlife. - However, Certain plan form in certain climatic zones placed in correct manner, help in reducing the energy consumption and also help in better plantation and interaction for urban wildlife and humans.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.5 Comparative Analysis - Design Strategies 4.5.1 Construction Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- Viewing platforms, The preservation of the water tower demands a minimal intervention that respects the original architecture of the tower without compromising the new program and activities within it A system of staircases and viewing galleries that occupy the internal space and allow for bird (and wildlife) watching without disturbing the various species with dual skin for animals to inhabit.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- The divers vegetation of Sikkim will become an integral part of the building as the roof garden is merging with site slope hanging important vegetation for animalise building is also partly embedded in the surface of the earth


- Elevation imposes itself on the landscape as with any building i.e. biodiversity balanced

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- Construction of housing community is done with a planned manner so that the nearby suburban animals can interact with the community, Cut-out in boundary walls and on each house is given for small animals like crawl under. Each house is done in a manner that there is ample open space around the site, with each house having Garden supporting biodiversity meadows

New National Zoological Park, - Construction done in the NZP is based on keeping a safe distance Delhi, India between wild animals and visitors to the park.

- The animals have been provided their own spaces with respect to their behiviour on NZP insuring the construcion inside the cages corrospondes with the animals.

California Academy of Sciences, - The entire 37,000 sq.m complex is like San Francisco, California, US state a piece of the park that has been cut away and lifted 10m up above the ground. This “living roof� is covered with 1,700,000 selected autonomous plants. - The two main domes cover the planetarium and rain forest exhibitions. The domes are speckled with a pattern of skylights automated to open and close for ventilation. Analytical Inferences : The Construction including spaces within building for wildlife; Bird platforms, kennels under the house, hedgehog hives etc. Construction being compact, not digging too much of site , ground. Building on stilts (pillars) insuring that the ground is left for the animal, insect and plant life, if not it, a provision of roof gardens. - The building merging with the surrounding nature for that landscaping taking care of the natural resource use in building for less carbon footprint of the building and recycling of material through construction techniques,

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.5.2 Structure System Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- The Old Structure system wasn’t changed it is raised on pillars with Concrete columns.


- The Water Tank is an integrative structure. It’s double skin and winter rain pool create natural living systems inhabited by a variety of species surrounding the structure’s inner space which is designated for communal activities.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- The site in Pangthang is located in seismic Zone IV, Therefore the structural principle for the institute is based on a simple grid system of Reinforced Concrete columns, beams and slabs. - The walls are capable of bearing their own weight and are connected to the RCC frame structure

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- The structural system is square footing of R.C.C continued by columns - Most of the inside the house has structure for made of wood, trusses and support beams. - The walls are sometimes loadbearing brick walls other wise they are supported with columns.

New National Zoological Park, - Structure system used for different type of buildings in NZP have Delhi, India different structural system, offices and buildings have used concrete framed structure.

- however the different cages for different animals have various structural system, including nets, Domes, arches, etc.

California Academy of Sciences, - The dependence on organic San Francisco, California, US state structures extends to the entire rolling roof structure made from curved steel beams with a span of up to 29m, which carry the concrete roof.

- The gently curving roof is supported by a dual network of steel beams, bolted together by horizontal braces

Analytical Inferences : - Load bearing walls used-in place on Pillars, foundation shallow insure the construction is not hindering the wildlife on site. - A dual skin facade for the exterior skin can be used to create spaces for wildlife and shading from the direct sunlight, also used to plan mosses or vertical garden, away from main wall while providing thermal insulation, also can be used for roof.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.5.3 Material Selection Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- Material Selection in this Project wasn’t important as the structure was already erected with concrete.


- This project was majority proposed on the biases of construction techniques and design strategies. This is to keep the equilibrium between structure and natural surroundings.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- Locally available stones are used for construction, Rammed earth - Thermally insulated wall construction which forms a canvas for mosses and ferns to grow. - Mosses as pioneering species in the successive growth of a forest, diverse vegetation become an integral part of the building such as the vegetated roof with local plants.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- The material selection is vernacular timber wood is used in construction. -The roofing and walls are made of brick walls and terracotta sheathing.. The brick have different opening for different birds and mammals. -Steel is used in reinforcement and for services, pipes and gutter-lines -No paint or coating material is used on the outer facade.

New National Zoological Park, - Most of the material used in NZP is natural material inside the animal Delhi, India cages, including rack, stones, mud, fern and mosses are grown on thee. material is used according to animals in the cag. - Concrete is also used in most of the building as a binding material.

California Academy of Sciences, - Apart from mosses and fern,90% of all San Francisco, California, US state demolition materials were recycled 32,000 tons of sand from foundation excavation applied to dune restoration projects in san Francisco 95% of all steel from recycled sources 15% fly ash (a recycled coal byproduct), 35% slag in concrete 50% of lumber harvested from sustainableyield forests 68% of insulation comes from recycled blue jeans.

Analytical Inferences : - The locally available material that are found in nature are optimum, Stone, Wood, Mud makes for excellent materials or being animal friendly. -It’s also good to not demolish building and using the same material as it had by altering the purpose and if rebuilt reuse material, form the earlier structure.Recycled materials, fabric, fly ash, can also be used. -Mosses, ferns and plantation can also be grown on certain materials on external facade instead of paint and coating.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.5.2 Services Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- For Urban Animals living structure needs to supply hidden areas, nesting spaces and food resources in order to strengthen the natural biological, ecological and visual systems. Creating a series of openings and internal voids – each specifically sized and positioned to allow for a rich and varied range of animals – from fruit bats and song birds to small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. - Water pond and Green walls.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

-The Building services are heavily dependent upon natural sources; using solar power for lighting and electric services and heating water & Water harvesting for gardening and flushing through collection of water and recycling of water.


- No HVAC system used, instead displacement vent system using correctly placed windows.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- All the individual houses are provided with photovoltaic cells for solar energy. This is used to heat water in winter and provide basic equipment lighting in house. - The whole housing site and water harvesting ponds also recycle use of grey water. All services for animals are provides shelters, stands, barns for owl and bats,bricks with water services and feeders also provided.

New National Zoological Park, - Photovoltaic panels, STP rainwater harvesting pipelines are used to Delhi, India provide enegry in NZP, to supply water to the animals or lighting on the site.

- Facilities like HVAC weren’t required for animals as they are exposed to climate however trees are planted in such a way to provide comfort to animals.

California Academy of Sciences, - Photovoltaic cells are contained San Francisco, California, US state between the two glass panels that

form the transparent canopy around the perimeter of the green roof; they provide more than 5% of the electricity required by the museum. - The soil’s moisture, combined with the phenomenon of thermal inertia, cools the inside of the museum significantly, No AC needed.

Analytical Inferences : - Services insure that most of the sunlight or rainwater is harvested and used for multiple purposes in the building. This reduces the electrical and water use of building. HVAC system centralised, Optimum placement of ventilation and hybrid-passive system of ventilation insures most of the thermal comfort thus, less energy consumption for such services. - Drip irrigation from harvested water on gardens and vertical plantation. - Services provided for urban animals residing the buildings as well, Habitable spaces, drinking, meadows, ponds etc.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis



Designing for Wildlife

4.5.2 Lighting & Utilities Cases


The Water Tower For Urban Wildlife, Bat Yam, Israel

- Holes are Punctured inside the Tower so that during day provides ample light inside it also serves the purpose of visual connection and as Ventilation.


-No artificial lighting are certain hours insures the biological clock of birds isn’t disturbed.

Biodiversity Training Institute, Pangtang, Sikkim, India

- Natural-light intake optimised with placement of windows and skylights, also for thermal comfort according to climate. -Series of windows in the courtyard side of building for the view and light -Most of the artificial lights are powered through solar power.

Kingsbrook’s Wildlife-Friendly Housing, Aylesbury, England

- The windows are such that there is no bird collision while insuring not to emit certain wavelength of light from indoors that disturb wildlife.

New National Zoological Park, - The lighting on site and light poles is provided by Photovoltaic panels Delhi, India - Offices, store and have not optimised on window placement and use commercial electricity for light apart from natural light. - Lighting in carges is only provided to certain animals in there caves and feeding houses.

California Academy of Sciences, - Natural lighting through Insect eye San Francisco, California, US state like circular openings in domes that also work very well for ventilation and temperature control

- Entire Glass curved Piazza also insured ample Natural daylight. - Artificial light powered by Solar panels. Analytical Inferences : -Optimising placement of opening as techniques for taking in to most natural light should be placed. -No lighting after a certain hours or lighting that disturbs the biological clock of Nearby animals and wildlife on site or even confusing them should be placed. -Filtered windows to shield the indoor lighting and certain wavelength no make it wildlife friendly. -Automated light-poles and site lighting so that the lightings aren’t always on but only trigger when needed or in use.

Designing for Wildlife Conservation - Case-Identification & Analysis




DESIGNS FOR WILDLIFE Conclusions & Recommendation

“Adaptive Afternoons” by Author Showing A Red Neck Parrot & An Olw Residing In Brick Walls Providing better Habitat at Aayojan,

Designing for Wildlife

5.1 Conclusion It’s inevitable that their will be conflicts between Animals-Wildlife and human beings as long as we keep taking away their habitats and spaces for our expansion, it’s also inevitable that human life will expand and need more space as the daily requirement for almost all resources increases. However, we cannot ignore the fact that while we take away spaces we have to give something back in some or the other way “We are the architects of this new world..” As rightfully said by Sir David Attenbourg (quoted at the start of this research). Wildlife is Entitled to all the resources as much as we are after-all we are cut from the same cloth. In urban spaces, conservation techniques and providing spaces for animals plays more important role, exponentially more in India’s ever expanding diverse urban context than providing spaces in wild, animals are adaptive and those who aren’t are better left alone in their habitable environment. This research was concentrated of trying to find ways in ‘Designing for wildlife’ without scarifying user comfort also focusing Architecture and ecology, environment and biodiversity without contextual burden. The research also, engaged in trying to study objective as an architect for Animal-life, behaviour, diversity, limits, access, circulation, built environment, landscape, circulation, construction ways, material and techniques, all in respect of Designing for and with the non-human as an active subject.

With the study taking examples of two typology of buildings in to account biodiversity planned building and Ecologically planned building. Comparing, evaluating different architectural strategies and studying concepts related to wildlife we are able to conclude and prove the hypothesis that “Appropriate planning and design strategies to conserve and preserve wildlife can balance biodiversity while reducing ecological footprint.”

5.2 Design Recommendations The research studies various types of buildings and their design strategies and how they can be used for designing spaces for wildlife. The research has found that all the techniques for keeping the buildings ecological footprint low should be mandatory as they don’t impact wildlife-animals directly however, indirectly it has an impact on the biodiversity and sustainability of that particulate building with respect to it’s surrounding. While in response to biodiversity of building with respect to wildlife there are many recommendations to the aspect: Policies, Planning strategies, Designing Strategies. According to Wildlife/Animals. 5.2.1 Policies and Programs Wildlife Protection Act,1972 needs an update, since the implantation of this act, wildlife scenario has changed with respect to biodiversity. The policies needs to respond with construction and should include,Architectural policies and guidelines for designing buildings according biodiversity in urban context and Wildlife in protected zones. It should be mandatory to build spaces in house to accommodate nearby wildlife. Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

5.2.2 Planning Strategies ‘Before planning or building, A study of the biodiversity of the area should be conducted to understand the native animal and Plant life that resides the area their behaviour, circulation pattern, needs etc. To avoid any conflict and to understand where to draw a boundary and how to design according to the Fauna and Flaura.‘ Location and Siting: - Location of building should be either in an urban area or at the edge of the urban and Forest or protected area. This make for optimal positions to build without disrupting biodiversity and gives a chance to incorporate spaces for animals in urban life.

Figure 5.1 - Optimal site to select or revive for co-habitation of wildlife and humans in Sub-Urban context

Building In Forest Area : - Roads and pathways should be planned in a way that they don’t cross animal path of circulation. Car parking should be provided at the entrance of the site to insure no car or heavy vehicle moves on site to avoid road-kills , unless dangerous animals are in the varsity. ( case ref. 4.3.2) - Animal corridors and walkways should be constructed and provided on site yet away from human activities. Small dug pathways along side walkway concealed by hedges and vegetation for frogs, newts, lizards etc. ( case ref. 4.3.3) - Boundary walls should be eco-friendly or non existence with certain amount of flexibility for animals to enter the site, in case of dangerous animals on site, moat should be provided to separate animals from human walkways and form site. Bio-Fencing is another option to provide natural and economical method to keep human-animal conflict to minimum : Lemongrass hedge for Elephant & agave for Wild Boars. Uttrakhand guideline by PPCF.

Figure 52 - Planning of building according to animal corridors -

Figure 5.3 - Moat to keep dangerous animals away

Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

Building In Urban Area: - Insuring that ample free spaces are left for human animal intersection, each space or neglected spaces in urban context outside the house is used to house Syn-Urban Animals - Green corridors and Pathways for animals should be created separate from human pathways to make sure urban animals are not repelled. ( ref. 4.3.6 - Figure 4.72 , 4.74) - Boundary walls should be avoided or in case of boundary walls, there should be entry points under walls for animals: Foxes, Jackles, Rabbits etc. Boundary walls can also house Bee hives if Bee bricks are used at certain places with plants and shrubs supporting bees planted nearby. ( case ref. 4.3.3)

Figure 5.4 - identifying urban animals around the area and finding spaces for these urban animals.

Open to Built Relationship: - The data Collected can be segregated in 2 categories and further according to the type of buildings. In urban Area:

In forest area: Residential Buildings, -Built up area >50% -Open area

< 50%

Institutional Buildings,

Residential Buildings,

Institutional Buildings, Built up area

> 50%

Open Area

< 50%

-Built up area


Built up area >70-60%

-Open area

< 70%

Open area

< 30-40%

Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 5.5 - open to built construction in institutional and residential buildings

5.2.3 Design Strategies Construction techniques: - More interactive opportunities of Animals with buildings Should be created. Open areas of the site be used to attract urban animals and plantation should be done. (ref. 4.4.6) - Meadows, wetlands from rainwater harvesting should be placed on site for small animals and amphibians this enriches the biodiversity of the site. (case ref. 4.4.1) - Pollination and animals that help with plantation should especially be catered in the house or site, including Bees, Birds, Bats etc. (case ref. 4.4.3) - Construction should be compact with least excavations, building on pillars is optimal Landscaping should be done with native plants and plants that create interaction and attract particular animals or repel animals if need be. - Roof gardening should be considered, in areas supporting it, Planting of mosses and of ferns supporting biodiversity provides for an opportunity to blend contemporary building and nature in an unique way. ( case ref .4.3.5)

Figure 5.6 - Bee and Bird brick molds

Figure 5.7 - Bat wall cladding - Sarah G.

Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

Structure System: - Structure system which creates spaces later can be converted for animal habitable space according to need should be adopted. - Structure should be used innovatively to get larger opening in building, so that energy efficient building can constructed keeping ventilation, thermal heat gain and energy consumption in mind. (case ref. 4.4.5) - Effectively structural so that deep foundation can be avoided, load bearing stone walls should be considered.

Material selection: - Natural materials are the most animal friendly ex. Wood, Bamboo, Stones, Mud should be used in and on the buildings for construction. However, animals can get to the core of structure with some of the listed, hence using materials wisely is also important. Artificialchemical repellent sprays coating and paint should be avoided, unless used to repel certain insect or animal ex. mites and ants. - Mosses and ferns can be plated and grown on material in building façades where ever climate supports. - Materials which can be converted into animal habitat should be used and prefabricated. (case ref. 4.4.3) - Material with low embodies energy, vernacular so transportation cost can be cut down indirectly effect the carbon emission over all (ref. 2..2)

Figure 5.8 - Ecological material manufacturing and assembly for animal friendly buildings.

Services: - Services should be provided in such a way that it benefits both wildlife and human, while insuring that building is ecologically balanced - Sprinkler - Drip irrigation system from rain water harvesting should be used to irrigate mosses, ferns and bird bath eve’s - (ref. 4.4.6)

Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

- Heating and Ventilation services should be minimised and optimised by careful planning integration of design strategies which rely more on natural resources for energy, thermal comfort. These ventilation exhaust on external facade can be used to provide for cohabitation spaces providing thermal comfort to Wildlife as well. (ref 4.4.6) - Bird Bath Provided along Gutter line water via rain water harvesting, Bird feeder can also be provided. - Grey-water or discarded water should be drained and collected on site creating wet land if the site allows for frog, reptiles, grasshoppers, dragon flies, Beatles, fishes, etc. it also serves as a drinking area if animals like Deer, Goats, Cows, foxes are nearby. This Wet land can be converted into an bioswale by using bio-filter trees to clean the water before using it to recharge ground water. (case ref. 4.4.3)

Figure 5.9 - Building services for birds in nest and bath eve.

Figure 5.10 - Building of Wetland for water cleaning & wildlife

Lighting - Street Light be solo powered with 10lux of luminaires with a luminous flux directed towards the surface that needs to be illuminated no glare, should be automated by Installing a timer, a motion detector to optimise the use only when required, this insures lights are energy friendly and doesn’t disturb wildlife by staying put all night & limiting use of blue light. PC-amber LED (1800K), Amber LED, mix of warm-white + amber LED with optical filters. - Street lights can also house bird/bee nest above them, avoid lose electricity wire. - Lighting fixtures with ultraviolet spectrum that disturbs particular animals should not be installed. Lights indoors should be filtered through windows- glass insuring it’s double glazed fritting, silk-screening, or ultraviolet coating for reducing bird collision. Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

Figure 5.11 - Do’s and Don’t of lighting on site according to wildlife.

5.2.4 Recommendation for Particular Animals - Rajsthan Region Aerial Small Birds: Sparrow, Swift, Bulbul, Bank Myna. These small birds can easily be accommodated by Providing a hollow brick for nesting, bird bath eve and supported-structure with plantation as feeder. Ensure there are nesting holes available in trees and buildings, or use nest-boxes. Landscaping, Meadows or wetland features to create insect-rich habitats, provide seed food throughout the winter. Evergreens trees and hawthorns ex. Bougainvillea. Larger Birds: Owls, Eagle, Kites, Parrot, Pigeons & Doves. Pigeons, Eagles and Kites can be accommodated by feeders and extended platform with ample space to nest usually on top of building. Nesting boxes on tall buildings are preferable. Landscaping; Evergreen trees, Neem, Mango. Tree shape, size, and location are more important to an eagle looking to build a new nest than is the tree species. Owls and Parrots are accustomed to hollow trees, old barns , but take readily to nestboxes placed in modern buildings, insuring there’s ample space in barns created for owls, it can be smaller for parrots. Thermal insulation can be provided. It is strongly advised not to mount a box within 1km of a major road. Landscaping with Rough grassland can be established that includes tall or shorter, softer grasses, trees like Neem and Mango. Pollinators: Bats, Bees, Humming birds. Bats can be accommodated in building by providing bat bricks and bat wall claddings placed on building facades. Landscaping should have fruiting plants and trees and Ashoka tree. Bees and Humming birds are sensitive to environment change to provide a co-habitation use bee bricks and bee houses made of wood, making sure these places are away from electrical radiation, Providing sugar water feeders and drip irrigation around site as both animals prefer constant water supply Landscaping with flowing plants, vines, shrubs. Avoiding invasive species of plants. bee balm is preferable. Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



Designing for Wildlife

Amphibians & Reptiles Frogs, Newts, Geckos, Worms. Building an wetland pond on the site away from large trees shaded 3 quarter of the day, The water body can be near tall grass and can provide home for frogs, snails, certain reptiles and insects. Insuring fishes are in the pond to as they clean. The water provided to this can be rain water harvested of grey water discharged from building. Landscape should include native water plant Reeds and sedges are ideal, lily are exceptionally good for such pond. Insuring pond is at a certain distance from the building as it can attract snakes, insects and grey water can smell. Mammals & Flightless birds Foxes, Jackals GIB, Chickens. Insuring building has small entry exit cut outs in boundaries which can be assessed by smaller animals like Roosters, foxes, chicken these cut out shall have water facilities and feeders according to animal in the area. There can be resting areas made where hvac vent are to provide these accesses will also be used by dogs and cats in the area. Landscaping of tree which provide shade and shrubs retaining ground water are preferable as foxes, dogs and chicken like to rest in such areas. Horses, Deers, Goats, Neel Gai can not to given spaces in the house however landscaping design should insure there are welcoming spaces for such animals. Planting threes & ruff and throne shrubs where these animals can starch there bodies and feed on should be provided, water features in and along the site for such animals. If there are unmaintained or unused structures on site they can be created into shelters. insuring there path don’t cross, roads or cars. Dangerous animals Carnivorous: Hyenas, Wild-dog, Leopard, Tiger. Insuring boundaries are at least 4 M with no tree outside side is near to the boundary, moat along the site can be provided to insure such animals can’t enter site. Proper placement of opening in windows should be done insuring animals can’t climb inside. Kitchen ventilation should be placed opposite to windward side and should always open above the building. Landscaping can be done to repel animals like hyena, wild-dogs and wild boars. Snakes: Insuring boundary walls are inclined at least 20 degrees, services and outlets aren’t opening on ground level epically pipes. Buildings should not have dump or garbage outside with increase rodents of site inviting snakes. Landscaping areas should be well maintained with grass cut short, wetland and ponds created should be at least 5 m away from building. small shrubs creating cold shaded areas shouldn’t be planted. Design for Wildlife - Conclusion & Recommendation



GLOSSARY OF TERMS Wildlife : Wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region. Wild : to live or grow in the natural environment, refers to plants and animals that are neither domesticated nor cultivated; uncontrolled, uninhibited actions a natural region, unaltered by human intervention Conservation : The protection of natural environment. In broad sense it means the wise use and management of all resources, life, or habitat both natural and man-mad carefully planning them for our future need. Preservation : The act of keeping something in it’s original state or in a good condition. Ecology : Relation of all living organism to each other and their environment to understand ecosystem, special technique, qualitative and quantitative. Ecosystem : All the plans and living creatures in a particular area are considered in their physical environment. Ecological Footprint : The impact of human activities measured in term of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce goods consumed and to assimilate the waste generation. A measure of the amount of the Earth’s resources used by a person or a population that live in a particulate way - Humans demand on nature. Biodiversity : A large area of land covered thickly with trees. Biogeography : the study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time. Organisms and biological communities often vary in a regular fashion along geographic gradients of latitude, elevation, isolation and habitat area. Synanthropic : describes a species of wild animal or plant which live near and benefit from Association with humans and their built environments which form “artificial Habitats” such as houses, gardens, farms, roadsides, garbage dumps, etc. Eutrophication : Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life. Suburbia : The suburbs or their inhabitants viewed collectively. Synanthropic: (Greek “together with” + “man”) is a member of a species of wild animals and plants of various kinds that live near, and benefit from, an association with human beings and the somewhat artificial habitats that people create around them. xv

BIBLIOGRAPHY Books 1. Designing for Biodiversity - A technical guide for new and existing buildings (2nd Ed) - Gunnell, Kelly; Carol Williams, Brian Mu 2. Introducing Wildlife in Urban Ecosystems - Amartya Deb 3. Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses - Erach Bharucha

Published Articles & Research 4. Synanthropc Suburbia - Sarah Gunawan (2015) - Master Thesis - University of Waterloo

5. Wildlife Conservation Strategies and Management in India: An Overview - S.S Hundal

6. Ecological Footprint Assessment and Reduction of an Academic Building in Shahdol. - Dilawar Husain & Ravi Prakash

7. National Biological Park, New Delhi - Master plan

8. The Wildlife protection Act (1972),%201972.pdf

9. Semi-permissive - Supurbia - HTA Design LLP & Pollard Thomas Edward

Web References



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