Iron – Why it’s So Important for Athletes

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Iron – Why it’s So Important for Athletes If you’re an athlete, you know how important good nutrition is for your performance and general health. Many athletes monitor their intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, several fail to pay attention to their intake of micronutrients. Not getting enough of these micronutrients however, can have a significant impact on your overall performance. Why iron is so important: Iron plays a key role in many processes in the body. One of its major roles is transporting oxygen in the body. This is especially important for athletes who are engaged in strenuous physical activities. Their muscles demand greater supplies of oxygen to continue to produce energy and sustain performance. Athletes, especially those in endurance sports, experience an increase in the total mass of red blood cells as well as in hemoglobin in order to meet their body’s greater demand for oxygen and energy. This results in an increase in demand for iron.

Female athletes are especially vulnerable to iron deficiency. This is because many female athletes are unable to meet the increased demand for iron in their diets. Menstruation also plays a role in the depletion of their iron stores. Vegetarian athletes are also at risk of iron deficiency as their diets are low in iron. Attacking iron deficiencies in athletes: Low iron levels can result in athletes feeling tired all the time. Deficient athletes are unable to train as hard as they usually would. They may also experience elevated pulse rate, poor appetite, frequent colds and infections as well as light headedness. Iron depletion can have a significant impact on your performance as an athlete. It is therefore important to have your iron levels checked by a doctor. Your doctor may recommend a diet rich in iron. Some good sources of iron include chicken liver, clams, beef liver, tuna, eggs, turkey legs, lean ground beef, tofu, instant oatmeal, beans, peanut butter and spinach.

Your doctor may also recommend taking an iron deficiency supplement. Iron supplements can help to replenish your iron stores. They will also help to ensure you meet your daily requirement of iron. It is important to seek the advice of your doctor in determining dosage. Maximizing absorption of iron: Various factors influence the total amount of iron absorbed by the body. For example, some foods such as milk interfere with iron absorption. It is important to avoid eating these foods in combination with iron rich foods or with iron supplements. Conventional iron supplements also have limitations when it comes to absorption. If you want the best results you should try a liposomal iron supplement. This is the best iron supplement in terms of absorption and bioavailability. These supplements feature liposome micro capsules that enhance absorption of iron and increase its bioavailability. The liposomes also protect the iron and keep it from causing irritation to the gut. Are you an athlete? Do you have low iron levels? Consult a doctor to determine the best way to increase your iron levels safely. Contact Details of ORZAX: Email: Website:

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