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Saudipreneurship is an initiative that aims to build a stronger community of entrepreneurs across the kingdom. Entrepreneurship is a hot topic and many of us want to understand what it is and more importantly know how to be one. This magazine will help to aspire and advise potential entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur there are always lessons you can learn and lessons you can teach.
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Salma Alheraiqi @salheraiqi @arab_Entrepreneurs
Contributor of the month
Translated by Saudipreneurship from crowdsourcing.org
Translated by Saudipreneurship Funders & Founders
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KS8eא9b@ f_L8 5 כ+1' אgא,כ How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Business by Jeffrey Fox o אYY-2] o א.YY3+ B-%'YY\א@ אYY' כk1 אo כא1 , =.YYcא1 7YYmD> IYYH hאYYeD0 hאYYS !YY" BYY?א%f @אYY' כk1א אYYJ0 אIYYD&P א.YY+א
Dokkan Afkar is a unique E-commerce website that is full of unique items. It is a niche idea that executed very well. The website is very colorful, user friendly, and has excellent customer service.
Raffy is a Social Platform that revolves around Arabic books. People could post a Book, review it, and share glimpses and summaries. It started by passionate readers who share their love of books with friends.
Layfootak is an outlet that allows businesses to offer vouchers and coupons to attract new customers. For customers, its a place to find a good deal. The name choice is very good in terms of explaining the idea.
Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pick
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For an entrepreneur opportunities are always being looked for. This month we witnessed two global occasions that millions of People Follow. The first is the beautiful month of Ramadan. The second is the World Cup that is being held in Brazil. Occasions like those get people together and enjoy more. For an entrepreneur that translates to decoration items, catering, food, and much more. Many businesses could easily start with the buzz of word of mouth. Always start small with a big vision and don›t miss an opportunity like this. As the saying goes, “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect”.
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Sawerly is an online platform that links photographers with customers in need of their photography services (i.e. wedding, conferences, product, personal, etc.). Sawerly is great for customers because it allows them to sort a wide range of offers from photographers and compare them according to quality, price, and rating. Additionally, the website will help photographers showcase their previous work by creating a profile, which is rated by customers. So, the next time you plan on using a professional photographer for any event, you should definitely use Sawerly.
Arabic Coffee is the most famous coffee drink in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Region. As much as people enjoy this traditional drink, almost everyone hated the time-consuming brewing process and the inconsistent taste. Thus, Yatooq was established to ease the whole process by creating ready-made Arabic coffee blends as well as the innovative first Arabic coffee maker! Eid is coming up and this could be a great gift for family and friends.
There is no question that is silly. We welcome any type of question.
CONTACT EMAIL: saudipreneurship@gmail.com
If you are an entrepreneur, investor, or just an interested individual with any useful content. You can suggest a section, topic, person to be featured, or a competition is taking place. We know that there is a lot that is happening and any contribution would be impactful to the Saudi entrepreneurial community.
If you are interested to advertise this is a very target and niche outlet. We are a monthly issue targeting entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. Email us to send you our Media Kit.