Saudipreneurship is an initiative that aims to build a stronger community of entrepreneurs across the kingdom. Entrepreneurship is a hot topic and many of us want to understand what it is and more importantly know how to be one. This magazine will help to aspire and advise potential entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur there are always lessons you can learn and lessons you can teach.
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Khaled Ali @TweetKhaledAli
Contributor of the month
Translated by Saudipreneurship from Jeeran
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P Chris Messina {אCHאG:אA |&b/ א9A X א7D5L: W&Cs9: אGG,5= -9Lכ You Made Our Life Easier
SJא2 J582 12 =כJ }אX אE~`א: ga.9= -a6sH z z &"""6.א[ א#dJ"""<.""( א5 0 ."""כ#-. אf"""2אT5 EK"""HKH. 4r"""#y96.""" א#);. אE""".{\אF:"""& א5 *אt@" z ""9A$.אz u R"""#S' 1+"""א2 t@"""9A$. אW"""$G. )"""; א0 C+אG"""Z """א-);k &"""=*0\B j"""> א9$Bא
f`&אL: *&a( א-9Lכ u ;lG6B א0 ,כsאZ &D C8;אS. א,!KT5 א$eא+ כ#KP כHy9: כ6:;7B aFP ,כ.Fs fD (5 }כא:
P Cz`&אA U6.= X כ9G:א אCכ &-#dS. א4 * {אF6@כK. C*א+ '& אאCא#s
INSTAGRAM BUSINESSES A picture speaks louder than a thousand words, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why instagram has been growing exponentially in the last couple of years. Instagram is not just an expression tool for individuals but its also an amazing tool for businesses. It allows businesses to display, get instant feedback and reach new people with a touch of a button. In food a creative photo of a delicious product can make you stop and â&#x20AC;Ś. think of how can i eat it now?! Many of the very big chains had very humble beginnings. If you are into food and have an amazing product start now. Dont forget you need consistency, fast responses, and a vision of how to keep growing. Its all about how to expand in the right time. Voted to be some of the the best Instagram businesses:
Its the go to place when you need help of where to eat in Jeddah. Jeddah Food is an updated hub for restaurants, cafes, and bakeries. They have a user friendly website plus an İPhone app. Soon Jeddah Food will be available for Android. They also have a list of top 10 that gets updated.
Its the ultimate food guide if you live in Riyadh. It gives you the top restaurants in each category. They also have a list of Riyadh top restaurants in 2013. Qaym has a website and an İPhone app that allows users to browse and review. Available for other cities in Saudi beside the capital.
Very neat and simple layout with easy to navigate through interface. Available for different cities in Saudi and the Middle East, with a focus in Khobar. Sufrati is a directory with a social touch, where you can follow people and write reviews.
Editor’s Pick
BOOK REVIEW The story involves four characters who live in a maze: the mice Scurry and Sniff, and two ‹littlepeople›, Hem and Haw. All is going well because they have found a huge source of their favourite food, cheese. Hem and Haw have even moved their houses to be near it and it has become the center of their lives. However, they do not notice that it is getting smaller, and are devastated when they arrive at the site one morning and find that the cheese is gone. This is where the story splits in two. Scurry and Sniff quickly accept the loss of the cheese and go off into the maze in search of other sources. The littlepeople, because they have built their lives around the big cheese, feel they are the victim of some kind of fraud or theft. Yet this only makes things worse, as their clinging on ensures that they go hungry. Meanwhile, the mice, Scurry and Sniff, move on and find new cheese. The fable captures well that moment after we have lost a job or a relationship and we believe it is the end of the world as we know it. All the good things were in the previous situation, and all the future holds is fear. Yet Johnson›s message is, instead of seeing change as the end of something, we must learn to see it as a beginning. We have all been told this, but sometimes motivation is lacking. To make himself accept reality, Haw writes this on the wall of the maze: «If you do not change, you can become extinct.» For life not to be wasted, it demands a level of risk and adventure. If you are willing to live this way, change loses its horror. In fact, the advancing person purposely creates change because the world is not currently how they would like it. What the Littlepeople, Hem and Haw, discover is that breaking through your fears makes you free. Those who continually seek security, ironically, are wracked by the possibility that they may lose it. While the book addresses the fact of change in all aspects of our lives, given how many offices it circulates in it would be fair to say that its main message relates to work. Most employees are employees because they prefer the security of a set wage under the apparent protection of large enterprise. For others, the chief benefit may be that for most of the day they do not have to really think; they ‹complete tasks›. But such dependence restricts personal growth, in the same way that medieval serfs, while given a roof over their heads on the estate, often never strayed more than a few miles beyond it and could never expect to be truly independent people.
Final word
Many will regard Spencer Johnson›s sub100- page work as trite, but its valuable lesson is easily remembered: Do you have a ‹big cheese› in your life that you believe will last forever?
SAUDI FOOD BRANDS (#)+FG""Z cא-""^ E ;* אk f""ABא#s &""' qF""k0rB ;""{;: r"".א אF""G9U j""@ אG: ? כא1""א5 ""א:0 C;""-P >""=+ אj0+ (""5 ,f""GT.א אr""D f"".אG.א אF )<""א*כjא .(&B;{;:) f""GT5 ..f""A$GT5 b""א66'א0 f""A.א$2""( א5 E.אS6""Zאא: א0*F""AB
u ""6כ$.""> אK2 "";אHk ""#. W""$G.א (""5 ""כK$2 ""Z B j""כ א9כ$) W"": ;""l"";? אכ2א0 @D ^""א,1\""9$.א :א9D (5 [אSKY. אW@ כD^א
THE INTRINSIC APPEAL OF ENTREPRENEURS TO INVESTORS RESEARCH SURVEY Jamal A. Al Akkad, an entrepreneur since 1986 and currently heading the Communication and Collaboration of Aramco Entrepreneurship Center, is conducting his doctorate degree research in the entrepreneurship training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jamal research focuses on the intrinsic appeal of entrepreneurs to investors toward getting funded. In other words, the study will identify how the engagement of entrepreneurs with investors (mainly angel investors and venture capitalists) could work - based on what investors are looking for - through an optimal entrepreneurship training program in Saudi Arabia? Based on heavy practice in entrepreneurs development, Jamal argues that current entrepreneurship training courses and programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are not practical enough to prepare entrepreneurs in communicating, mainly through their business plans, with investors toward getting funded. Thus, Jamal's study aims to identify the areas investors focus on when looking at entrepreneurs' business plans. These areas of knowledge will be the components to add or rely on to build an optimum training program that may better prepare entrepreneurs to succeed in dealing with investors toward getting financed. The participation, by responding to this study, is immensely appreciated as it will considerably contribute in helping entrepreneurs as well the investors and the entrepreneurship training programs in a step-change improvement in the entrepreneurship ecosystem that adds tangible values to both the society and the economy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Follow the link or QR to the survey: The Researcher can be reached by Email: Mobile: +966 550 500 469
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