ThinkImpact Institute Overview for Students

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ABOUT THINKIMPACT ThinkImpact is an educational travel company, offering experience-based programs to elevate how we learn and grow. We know that people learn most effectively through experiences, so we’re sending students around the world to explore different cultures, tackle tough challenges, and form relationships with people they wouldn’t otherwise meet. Guided by a unique curriculum, our programs bring together students and local community members to spark ideas and create innovative business ideas in rural Africa and Latin America. We’re proud to say that ThinkImpact Institute programs are unlike any other international education program you might find. We aren’t a volunteer, intern or study abroad program, nor do we perform traditional international development work. So, what exactly does ThinkImpact do? We run experiential education programs in rural villages in Africa and Latin America, connecting students with

local community members to create innovative solutions to social problems. Our award-winning curriculum will guide you through the process, giving you clear actions to take and provoking thoughtful reactions and insights along the way. The ultimate goal of our programs is to learn through collaboration. To accomplish this, participants build a team with locals and work together to seek out opportunities within a community, formulate ideas on how to improve quality of life, and test those ideas in the field. We use an asset-based approach to our work, which means we don’t focus on what a community needs or lacks, but rather we emphasize the resources they already have and how we can leverage those assets. Teams then research, develop and prototype small business ideas, creating opportunities for the community to grow and thrive.

SOCIAL INNOVATION One of our favorite definitions of this type of work comes from the Stanford Graduate School of Business: “A social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than present solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.” What does this mean for you as a participant on a ThinkImpact Institute? You’ll be working alongside locals to identify opportunities and co-create products and services with a social impact. The true mission of the program is to use the innovation process as a method for personal and professional development for both you and local community members.

South Africa Institute, Summer 2012

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AFRICA GHANA Ghana is a vibrant and politically stable country located in West Africa. ThinkImpact works in communities outside of Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana. Although Ghana is well-endowed with natural resources and has been able to sustain GDP growth, the quality of life for many people is still very low. However, there is also a lot of small business activity, and community members are eager to partner to create new ideas.

RWANDA Nicknamed the Land of a Thousand Hills, Rwanda is a small landlocked country in Eastern Africa. ThinkImpact works in the Eastern Province, about 60 km from the capital city of Kigali. Although tourism is now the country’s primary foreign exchange earner, Rwanda is largely rural, with about 90% of the population engaged in (mainly subsistence) agriculture. Rwanda has made remarkable strides since the 1994 genocide and is a safe and welcoming destination.

SOUTH AFRICA South Africa is the only country in Africa to be considered an emerging economy, and much of the country is bustling and developed. ThinkImpact works in rural communities a few hours from Cape Town, the country’s legislative capital.

LATIN AMERICA PANAMA We are excited to have recently expanded our reach to Latin America with the Panama Institute! Panama is considered the fourth strongest economy in Latin America and one of the top 20 fastest growing economies in the world. However, despite Panama’s impressive economic growth, the country also has the highest level of income inequality in Central America after Haiti. ThinkImpact programs are held in communities across Panama.

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Program Dates 12/30/13 - 01/10/14

Enrollment Deadline 12/06/13

Final Payment Due 12/13/13

Price $1,995

Enrollment Deadline 02/07/14 02/07/14

Final Payment Due 02/14/14 02/14/14

Price $1,595 $1,595

Program Dates 06/25/14 - 07/09/14 07/23/13 - 08/06/14

Enrollment Deadline 05/14/14 06/11/14

Final Payment Due 05/28/14 06/25/14

Price $1,995 $1,995

Program Dates 05/28/14 - 06/25/14 07/11/14 - 08/08/14

Enrollment Deadline 04/02/14 05/16/14

Final Payment Due 04/30/14 06/13/14

Price $2,995 $2,995

Program Dates 06/18/14 - 08/13/14

Enrollment Deadline 04/23/14

Final Payment Due 05/21/14

Price $4,795

SPRING INSTITUTES Session Week 1 Week 2

Program Dates 03/08/14 - 03/14/14 03/15/14 - 03/21/15

SUMMER INSTITUTES 2-WEEK Session Week 1 Week 2

4-WEEK Session Week 1 Week 2

8-WEEK Session Week 1


For more information, visit or give us a call at 303.377.3776


WHAT’S INCLUDED Pre-Departure Preparation

24/7 Emergency Access

All ThinkImpact Scholars will receive thorough pre-departure materials to prepare you for this experience. Pre-trip preparation includes activities through our mobile app Unleesh, recommended readings and a robust fundraising platform.

Participants will have access to emergency care 24/7 during the program, including both local and US-based on-call doctors for questions and medical advice. Staff are also trained in First Aid. Students must have their own medical insurance.

ThinkImpact University

In-Country Staff

The first phase of your program will include in-country training sessions, which we call ThinkImpact University (TIU). Educational and cultural site visits are included during training.

ThinkImpact Curriculum Our award-winning tech-powered curriculum will guide you through your experience. Includes print and mobile app versions and supporting materials.

In-Country Travel Program fees include transfer to the rural community where you’ll be living and working, as well as all transportation within the community.

Homestay & Accommodations ThinkImpact Scholars will be placed with a vetted homestay family for the duration of the program. All accommodations are included in the program fees, including hotel or guesthouse lodging during training and the post-trip debrief. Also provided: bedding, mosquito nets, toilet paper, and other necessary supplies.

The ThinkImpact country team is comprised of a Country Coordinator and a ThinkImpact Year Associate. Our local country staff undergo intensive training, including preparation in First Aid, curriculum, leadership, and general risk management.

Weekly Newsletter ThinkImpact will share updates and news during the Institute with your family and friends through our weekly e-newsletter! Send blog posts, photos, and videos to share your experience in Africa or Latin America.

Post-Institute Support Once you have experienced the Institute, you’re part of the ThinkImpact family! You’ll become part of our international alumni network and receive ongoing support from our staff—including professional references for future opportunities.

Meals & Clean Drinking Water Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included every day during the Institute. Special care is taken to ensure that participants are provided with only clean drinking water.

Language Lessons & Translators Institute Scholars will receive basic language lessons specific to the country and region in which they are living. Translators will also be available in the community to help facilitate communication with locals.


Rwanda Institute, Summer 2013

For more information, visit or give us a call at 303.377.3776


UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS In addition to our open enrollment programs, we partner with top tier universities in a variety of ways to make ThinkImpact programs accessible to even more students. Current ThinkImpact university partners include: Stanford University, Georgetown University, Northwestern University, Dartmouth College, University of Southern California, and more. We also partner with University of the Pacific to offer course credit for Institute programs. Credit units are typically designated as an independent study or elective course, however we encourage participants to speak with your on-campus academic advisor to understand how credits may transfer to your university.

SCHOLARSHIPS & FUNDRAISING Many of our university partners offer competitive scholarships to help students participate in an Institute program. Scholarships range from partial tuition to full coverage of program fees and international transportation. To find out if your school offers ThinkImpact scholarships, visit and reference the “Scholarship Opportunities” tab on our Current Programs page. Prospective applicants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined on each of our partner pages. Keep in mind that you must be a current student at the host school in order to qualify for a university scholarship.

Ghana Institute, Summer 2013 ThinkImpact has a dedicated staff member who offers ongoing support and works with program participants to achieve your fundraising goals. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive toolkit to get started, including a step-by-step guide to crowdfunding and customizable templates to help rally your friends, family, and supporters. Many Scholars have successfully funded their ThinkImpact program through crowd-funding, and we encourage students to let us know how we can help you get started!

ThinkImpact also provides participants with an optional fundraising platform and customizable page to tell your story. Using the crowd-funding website, Scholars can leverage their community to make a ThinkImpact experience possible.

For more information, visit or give us a call at 303.377.3776


WHY THINKIMPACT Our Scholars gain tangible professional skills that can be applied to any career path. As a participant on a ThinkImpact Institute program you’ll cultivate a wide range of skills, including leadership & management, creative problem-solving, cross-cultural communication, and adaptability. These aren’t qualities you’ll hone while sitting in a classroom or building a school with bricks and mortar. The human interaction, brainstorming, and prototyping that happens on a ThinkImpact program pushes participants to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and uncover inventive solutions. Aside from the resume-boosting skills you’ll develop on our programs, you will also walk away with an intangible, indescribable life-changing experience. You’ll form lasting bonds with your


homestay family and local community members, and come home with a fresh perspective on the world. On a ThinkImpact program you will learn the true meaning of “people are people everywhere.” Our scholars are imaginative, capable leaders who seek out extraordinary opportunities and thrive when pushed beyond their comfort zone. Program participants come from a variety of backgrounds, from art history to international relations to business and entrepreneurship. We encourage bright, passionate individuals to enroll, no matter your field of study. To learn more about ThinkImpact programs, visit us online at or give us a call directly at 303.377.3776.

For more information, visit or give us a call at 303.377.3776


WHY THINKIMPACT The social and cultural integration that I experienced in this program is something you cannot get anywhere else. Within a few weeks, I felt like a true member of the community—a testament of the program and it’s curriculum. TRULY life-changing. Stephen S., Delaware Valley College Ghana Institute, 2013

The ThinkImpact Institute gave me the resources to create positive change in my host community. Through immersion, collaboration, and coaching from my advisor, I lived a high-impact summer of social change. Rachel J., University of North Carolina Rwanda Institute, 2012

Kenya Institute, Summer 2012 I learned how most of the world lives, works, eats, and sleeps. By working together with community members I realized how much untapped potential is just waiting for the right opportunity. This will be a defining moment of my life. Jared Y., Penn State University Kenya Institute, 2013

The Institute was extremely worthwhile. Two months in rural Africa and I could never see the world the same way ever again, in a good way. Geronimo R., USC-Marshall Kenya Institute, 2013


CONTACT US Website Phone 303.377.3776 Email Jessica Morse // Social Media ** For custom programs and university partnerships, contact Jessica Morse at 303.377.3776 or

For more information, visit or give us a call at 303.377.3776

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