72 & 82 & 86 South Country Road_Quiogue / Westhampton Beach

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Saunders.com | TomichKabot.com 33 sunset avenue, westhampton beach (631) 288-4800 Presents 72 & 82 & 86 SOUTH COUNTRY ROAD QUIOGUE / WESTHAMPTON BEACH

Development Opportunity Quiogue Westhampton Beach Located within 1 mile of the Village of Westhampton Beach, this 33+/- acre land tract offers development opportunity with its existing Country Residence 40,000 (CR-40) residential classification and as Recreation-Tourism incentive zoning already approved by the Southampton Town Board. The special Recreation-Tourism zoning approval allows for regional sports facilities, golf course/driving range, skating rinks, tennis centers, swimming pools, horseback riding, campgrounds, and customary accessory uses. The CR-40 residential classification provides for a potential subdivision yield of single family homes, plus density incentive permitted to facilitate community affordable housing goals. Other residential community facilities may be allowed by special exception use permit such as nursing homes, assistedliving, hospice, hospitals, schools, churches, public utilities, wireless communications. Business uses allowed in CR-40 zoning by special exception/site plan include animal husbandry, horse stabling, greenhouses, plant nursery, wind energy conversion systems. South Country Road Quiogue is located north of Montauk Highway, east of the Village of Westhampton Beach and west of the Village of Quogue Wildlife Refuge. The 33+/- acre site assemblage has over 407 feet of road frontage, with public water/ fire hydrant approximately 500 feet away. This subdividable land tract comprises 3 separate parcels held by same ownership, with a partially paved access drive and a pre-existing sand pit/mining no longer in operation. Call for more details. ExclusiveSouthCountryRoad.com$6,000,000|Web#893227

Linda Kabot Licensed Real Estate Salesperson | Realtor Cell: (631) 219-7218 | LKabot@Saunders.com

Quiogue West RTPDD

(2) District boundary. The Quiogue West QWRTPD is comprised of 14 separately owned parcels (Suffolk County Tax Map Nos. 900-3593-30.1, 30.2, 31, 33, 35, 36.1, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46) zoned CR-40 and totaling approximately 109.07 acres located south of the Long Island Rail Road, north of South Country Road and east of Peters Lane.

(1) Purpose and objectives. The Quiogue West Recreation/Tourism Planned Development District (QWRTPD) is structured to accomplish the findings, purpose and long-term goals established by the Town Board as part of Article XXVI, Planned Development District, of the Town Code. The QWRTPD supports implementation of the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Town of South ampton’s Comprehensive Plan and Community Preservation Project Plan. The QWRTPD also achieves the following objectives:

(3) Permitted uses within the QWRTPD. The following uses shall be permitted within the QWRTPD, subject to compliance with all ap plicable laws, rules and regulations:

F. Quiogue West Recreation/Tourism Planned Development District (QWRTPD). [Added 8-8-2000 by L.L. No. 10-2000]

(c) Preserve the unique community character and sense of place that is Quiogue.

(g) Establish innovative land use and zoning standards.


(f) Provide efficient and viable land use options that complement the surrounding pattern and density of development.

(h) Support the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, Community Preservation Project Plan and Central Pine Barrens Comprehen sive Land Use Plan.

(d) Eliminate costly infrastructure improvements and expansion costs.

(b) Improve the overall quality of the surrounding residential neighborhoods.

(e) Provide incentives for the reclamation and reuse of disturbed parcels.

(a) All uses listed as permitted or special exception in the underlying CR-40 Residence District.

(b) Community or regional sports or recreation facilities, including playing fields, skating rinks, tennis centers, swimming pools, golf course, driving range, horseback riding or other compatible indoor and outdoor recreation facility, subject to the provisions of § 330(c)248F(8).Customary

accessory structures and/or uses except those prohibited by this chapter.

(a) Support the most efficient and purposeful use of vacant and disturbed land.

(4) Dimensional regulations. Within the QWRTPD, the dimensional regulations established for the underlying CR-40 District shall apply as stipulated by § 330-11, Residence Districts Table of Dimensional Regulations, of the Town Code of the Town of Southampton, except for the following:

(j) Establish a greenway connecting with the Quogue Wildlife Refuge.

(a) A buffer yard consisting of natural vegetation shall be maintained along the following: [1] Adjoining a residential zone: 60 feet.

The following specific planned development districts have been adopted by resolutions of the Town Board pursuant to the findings, pur pose and long-term goals established by § 330-240, and in accordance with § 330-243, Planning and zoning approval, and § 330-244, Applications; review procedure, of this chapter. The specific planned development districts have been enacted in accordance with the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Town of Southampton’s Comprehensive Plan.

(i) Protect the Quantuck Creek and Aspatuck Creek watersheds.

(b) The Town Planning Board, in accordance with §§ 330-181 through 330-184, may, through the site plan review process, modify the QWRTPD dimensional standards required herein, provided that no significant adverse impact to surrounding property will occur and the goals of this section can be achieved.

(5) Lighting. A lighting plan shall be submitted to the Town Planning Board as part of any site plan application. The Town Planning Board may limit the type, location, intensity and hours of operation of all lighting devices proposed. In reviewing a lighting plan, the Town Planning Board shall consider the potential impacts of outdoor lighting on both residential properties and the overall character of the surrounding environment.

(b) The Town Planning Board, in accordance with §§ 330 181 through 330 184, may, through the site plan review process, modify the QWRTPD dimensional standards required herein, provided that no significant adverse impact to surrounding property will occur and the goals of this section can be achieved.

(7) Buffer yard landscaping. A landscape plan for all required buffer yards shall be prepared for review and approval by the Town Planning Board. The landscape plan may employ one or more of the following treatments: preserve and protect natural vegetation; introduce native vegetation; installation and planting of an earthen berm; screen fencing or walls.

(8) Special conditions. The following special conditions shall be required to implements the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of South ampton and the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and to facilitate the environmental cleanup of the properties:

(6) Comprehensive golf course management plan. All applications for golf courses shall include a detailed submission of a comprehen sive golf course management plan based on the following general provisions to be further specified by the Planning Board:

(b) Integrated pest management, water quality protection, groundwater monitoring and other relevant best management practices.

(a) Development standards for new golf course construction and management as may be adopted by Suffolk County.

(a) Additional lot coverage proposed for a receiving parcel or tract (i.e., in excess of 20%) shall require the transfer of development rights or Pine Barrens credits. Each development right or Pine Barrens credit transferred shall be equivalent to an increase of 2,000 square feet in lot coverage. However, overall lot coverage shall not exceed 30% of the lot area.

(5) Lighting. A lighting plan shall be submitted to the Town Planning Board as part of any site plan application. The Town Planning Board may limit the type, location, intensity and hours of operation of all lighting devices proposed. In reviewing a lighting plan, the Town Planning Board shall consider the potential impacts of outdoor lighting on both residential properties and the overall character of the surrounding environment.

(a) Additional lot coverage proposed for a receiving parcel or tract (i.e., in excess of 20%) shall require the transfer of development rights or Pine Barrens credits. Each development right or Pine Barrens credit transferred shall be equivalent to an increase of 2,000 square feet in lot coverage. However, overall lot coverage shall not exceed 30% of the lot area.

(b) No lot or tract within the QWRTPD shall be developed or redeveloped without an environmental audit first being performed and the property being cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Town, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and/or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Nothing herein shall preclude the landowner from undertaking the adaptive reuse of the property located within the Quiogue West RTPD without the aforementioned cleanup of the property, provided that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk County Department of Health find that such use is as protective of the environment and to the adjoining landowners as any use would be if the cleanup was performed.

Image Shown Here is close up view of Southampton Town Zoning Map showing Quiogue West RTPDD and Quiogue East RTPDD located on South Country Road. The subject property is part of Quiogue West RTPDD with underlying CR 40 zoning district.

[3] The Town Planning Board may elect to increase the depth of the buffer yard to further conserve open space, natural vegetation and wildlife habitat based on an advisory report for the Natural Resources Director.

(8) Special conditions. The following special conditions shall be required to implements the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Southampton and the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and to facilitate the environmental cleanup of the properties:

(b) No lot or tract within the QWRTPD shall be developed or redeveloped without an environmental audit first being performed and the property being cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Town, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and/or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Nothing herein shall preclude the landowner from undertaking the adaptive reuse of the property located within the Quiogue West RTPD without the aforementioned cleanup of the property, provided that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and the Suffolk County Department of Health find that such use is as protective of the environment and to the adjoining landowners as any use would be if the cleanup was performed.

(7) Buffer yard landscaping. A landscape plan for all required buffer yards shall be prepared for review and approval by the Town Planning Board. The landscape plan may employ one or more of the following treatments: preserve and protect natural vegetation; introduce na tive vegetation; installation and planting of an earthen berm; screen fencing or walls.

C(6)omprehensive golf course management plan. All applications for golf courses shall include a detailed submission of a comprehensive golf course management plan based on the following general provisions to be further specified by the Planning Board:

[2] Adjoining a public right-of-way: 100 feet.

[3] The Town Planning Board may elect to increase the depth of the buffer yard to further conserve open space, natural vegetation and wildlife habitat based on an advisory report for the Natural Resources Director.

(a) Development standards for new golf course construction and management as may be adopted by Suffolk (b)County.Integrated pest management, water quality protection, groundwater monitoring and other relevant best management practices.

The Town of Southampton Zoning Code contains a “Residence Districts Table of Use Regulations” (Section 330-10). The various use classifications are delineated and if a specific use is not listed, it is considered prohibited in all residence districts. The chart identifies certain uses for CR-40 Country Residence District as permitted as-of-right uses with letter “P” and certain other uses allowed with special exception use permit by letters “SE.” A property needs to meet certain site and performance standards for the special exception use permit process to apply, which requires a review of other sections of the Zoning Code applicable to the particular land use. Here is a summary of the Permitted Uses (P) for CR-40 zoning district:

• Agriculture (Animal Husbandry by special exception)

72 & 82 & 86 South Country Road Quiogue | Westhampton Beach SCTM# 0900-359-03-30.001 (22.6 ⁺/- acres) SCTM# 0900-359-03-40 (9.2 ⁺/- acres) SCTM# 0900-359-03-39 (1.2 ⁺/- acres) • 32.88 ⁺/- acres Total Site Assemblage (1,432,312 sq ft per 2007 survey) • 407.7 ⁺/- feet frontage Total Site Assemblage on South Country Road (major collector road, arterial) • Located within one-half-mile distance of boundary for Incorporated Village of Westhampton Beach • Not in Pine Barrens Overlay District or Aquifer Protection Overlay District • Not in Southampton Town Wetlands Inventory • Zoning Classification Country Residence CR-40 • Incentive Zoning Classification Quiogue West Recreation-Tourism Planned Development District (RTPDD) - Identified by Southampton Town as a site assemblage approved for redevelopment for potential golf course and other regional recreational sports facility needs, consistent with Town’s comprehensive planning objectives Site History • Previously owned by Southampton Town for municipal use (adjacent to former Quiogue Landfill) • Previously Special Exception Use Permit approved by Zoning Board of Appeals in 1980 for animal husbandry to raise and train horses (for a prior owner Heather Holding Corp.) • Previously Sand Mining Permits 1984 NYSDEC, 1982 Southampton Town Board

• Planned Residential Development

• NYS DEC Site Characterization Final Report Sept. 16, 2009 (under DEC Case #1-52-087 L&C Concrete Site) contains extensive engineering review of groundwater testing /soil boring results – The subject property is located south of Suffolk County Gabreski Airport (airport uses thereon known for downgradient groundwater impacts.)

• A plan will be needed by Contract Vendee to resolve the issues for approval by the NYS DEC with regard to the 2 construction debris piles on the subject property, as part of the site redevelopment plan, coordinating with NYS DEC staff in Stony Brook that has the responsibility for overseeing compliance with Part 360 Regulations.

CR-40 Zoning

• Park, Playground, Recreation Area when authorized or operated by municipality

• Plant Nursery (Agricultural Greenhouses by special exception)

• Customary accessory structure and / or use, except those prohibited by Southampton Town Zoning Code

• NYS DEC also stated the following in the November 10, 2009 letter: “There are some issues on [the subject] property which would be addressed under 6NYCRR Part 360 Solid Waste Regulations administered by the Department. These issues include C&D wastes disposed of on the property, municipal wastes disposed of on the property, and derelict construction equipment and vehicles stored or abandoned on the property.”

• Fire Station, municipal office or any government building or similar character

• School, elementary or high, public, denominational, or private, operated or licensed by the New York State Education Department

• On November 10, 2009, NYS DEC issued a letter to the property owner stating: “The Department, in conjunction with the New York State Department of Health, has reviewed the information presented in the report and based upon that information has determined that [the subject] property with Tax Map Numbers Section 359 Block 300 Lot 30, Section 359 Block 300 Lot 39, and Section 359 Block 300 Lot 40, should not be listed in the NYS Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites.”

• Single Family Dwelling, new • Dwelling lawfully existing prior the adoption of the Southampton Town Zoning Code.

• Density Incentive (Subdivision Yield increase in exchange for community housing units)

• Home Occupation

• Signs pursuant to Sections 330-85 through 330-91

• Philanthropic, fraternal, social or education institutional office or meeting room, nonprofit

• Yacht Club, nonprofit Hospitals

• Hospice

• Cemetery • Expansion of Pre-Existing, Non-Conforming Cemetery

• Wireless communications towers and antennas

• Conversion into residential condominium m or residential cooperative.

• Temporary Roadside Stand for sale at retail of farm products grown on premises Wind Energy Conversion Systems

Residence Home • Assisted Living* (meets site location criteria within one-half mile of incorporated village boundary Section 330-144.2) • Animal Husbandry, dairy and dairy products • Greenhouse, agricultural. • Horse Farm, horse stabling facility or horseback riding academy • Winery • Agricultural Labor Housing • Temporary Roadside Stand for sale at retail of fish and shellfish taken by the vendor from local waters • Bed & Breakfast in an Accessory Building CR40 Dimensional Regulations for Single Family Dwellings / Home Sites Note: The above zoning land use information is provided as a courtesy guide and prospective buyers are advised to consult with an experienced attorney / land use professional in connection with a real estate transaction so as to ensure understanding and due diligence for proposed development plans. The information contained in this marketing brochure is not intended to be a substitute for a full, thorough review of all applicable Southampton Town Zoning Code sections in connection with a buyer’s development concept plan. Consult with the Southampton Town Department of Land Management at Southampton Town Hall 116 Hampton Road, Southampton NY 11968 as needed and as advised. Minimum 40,000 sq ft Min. Lot Width 150 feet Front Yard Set Back 60 feet Principal Maximum Lot Coverage 20% Max. Height 32 feet Rear Yard Set Back 70 ft Principal Side Yard Set Back 60 ft for both (20 ft for one) Principal Accessory Set Back 20 ft from side / rear lot lines

• Private Mooring, dock or similar marine structure in a tidal wetland or walkway over the dunes on an ocean beach pursuant to Section 330-39 • Private Swimming Pool

• Public Utility structure or right-of-way, sewage treatment plant or water supply facility necessary to serve the municipality

• Bus Passenger Shelter

• Camping Ground

Here is a summary of the Special Exception Uses (SE) for CR-40 zoning district:

• School for the mentally retarded, public or private, nonprofit, for which a certificate of incorporation has been issued under Article 31 of the Mental Hygiene Law of the State of New York

• Home Professional Office

• Private Garage or private off-street parking area pursuant to Sections 330-92 through 330-101

• Battery Energy Storage Systems less than or equal to 600 kWh

• Beach Club, nonprofit

• Church or similar place of worship or religious instruction, parish house, rectory, seminary or convent

• Greenhouse, private Accessory Apartments pursuant to Article IIA of Southampton Town Zoning Code

• Conversion of existing single family dwellings for 2 families.

• Nursing Home or proprietary rest home

Westhampton Beach is the ultimate seaside community. Amidst its many charms is its beachfront location along miles of ocean and picturesque shores. From Rogers Beach to the village green, the Greater Westhampton community is a fabulous retreat with exclusive boutiques, a thriving business community and a keen focus on the creative arts. Antique shows, arts and crafts street fairs, farmers market and summer concerts enhance the inviting atmosphere of Westhampton Beach. The Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center is a local venue hosting world-renowned artists of various genres year round.

of Quiogue lies between the incorporated villages of Quogue and Westhampton Beach and is bounded in the south by Quantuck Bay. Three hundred and fifty years ago, Native Americans inhabited the area and named this area Quiogue, meaning “Little Quogue.” According to the Quiogue Hamlet Heritage Resource Report, originally this area was named “Little Assup’s Neck” and the first documented use of the name Quiogue dates back to the 1707 Southampton Town Records. Historically, the economy was based on farming and fishing, and over time, as a resort area with boarding houses and summer homes associated with greater tourism attracted to the Village of Westhampton Beach.

On the East End of Long Island, the Greater Westhampton Community is composed of several incorporated villages and hamlets in the western portion of the Town of Southampton – “The Hamptons.” Here you will find the Incorporated Villages of Westhampton Beach, Quogue and West Hampton Dunes, mixed with the hamlets of Remsenburg-Speonk, Eastport, Westhampton and Quiogue. Each offers a unique blend of history, beauty and character that makes these communities special and stand out as the “First Hampton.”


The Westhampton Beach Country Club and Hampton Hills Golf Club offer golfing and social events, and numerous beach clubs line the Atlantic Ocean including The Swordfish Club, La Ronde, Quantuck Beach Club and Bath and Tennis Club. Cupsogue Beach, Pikes Beach, Quantuck Beach and Lashley Beach provide various amenities along the beautiful surf and sand.

The following community services are present in Quiogue / Westhampton Beach: Westhampton Beach School District provides public education for Kindergarten through Grade 12, with an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school. The Westhampton Free Library is an important community resource. The Westhampton Volunteer Ambulance Corps provides emergency medical services and the Westhampton Beach Fire Department provides fire protection. The Town of Southampton serves as the local government for this hamlet area for police department, zoning matters such as building permits, code enforcement, public safety, highway services, parks & recreation and other services. The ZIP Code for Quiogue is the same as Westhampton Beach 11978.

Quiogue / Westhampton Beach is located off exit 63 south on Sunrise Highway accessible by taking Old Riverhead Road south to connect to Montauk Highway. Convenient to all that the Hamptons and the North Fork offers and less than 80 miles from NYC.

The Quogue Wildlife Refuge is a 305 acre non-profit nature preserve that was founded in 1934 and is home to diverse wildlife. Open 365 days a year from sunrise to sunset, you can enjoy walking seven miles of trails to explore diverse habitats including forests and ponds, as well as the ecologically rare Dwarf Pines in the Pine TheBarrens.hamlet

Web ID#: 893227 Tax Map #s 0900-359-03-30.001: (22.6 acres) 0900-359-03-40 (9.3 acres) 0900-359-03-29 (1.2 acres) Total Acreage: 32.88 +/Frontage: 407.7 Ft. +/Collector Road Arterial Zoning: CR-40 and Quiogue West RTPDD Notes: Pre-Existing Sand Mine No Longer in Operation, NOT located in Pine Barrens Overlay District or Aquifer Protection Overlay District, Subdividable Vacant Land Tract, Will Require Coordination with NYS DEC Price: $6,000,000 72 & 82 & 86 South Country Road, Quiogue All information is from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. No representation is made as to the accuracy of any descriptions, measurements, square footages or acreage and should not be relied upon as such. All information herein should be confirmed by the customer. All rights to all content, including but not limited to photographs, videos and other graphics, are reserved exclusively to the Broker who supplied such listing content. Please refer to our website for the names under which our agents are licensed with the Department of State. All advertising in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. “Saunders, A Higher Form of Realty” is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Robert Tomich Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Cell: (516) RTomich@Saunders.com901-7228

Linda Kabot Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Cell: (631) LKabot@Saunders.com219-7218

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