5 Sensational Baby Alive Dolls Entertaining Your Kids

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1. Baby Alive Lil and Slumbers HSB-9720LA00 The Baby Alive Lil' Slumbers is a sleepy baby doll which both boys and girls can nurture taking in their arms and take care of like an alive kid. Cradle or place the toy down for a nap and it can be seen that her eyes are repeatedly closing and opening. Children can hold her upright, which can seem like they are feeding, burping, and cuddling her. Girls and boys can act to feed her with the included bottle.

2. Baby Alive Sweet Spoonfuls Baby HSBE0586LX00 A special doll for the doll lovers, this Baby Alive Doll is an amazing entertainer. These toys bring out a pragmatic rocking experience like feeding, diapering and others. With this Sweet Spoonfuls Baby doll, the kids can involved in the baby care feelings by mixing up gorgeous looking dolls and their foods for meeting their

3. Baby Alive So Many Styles Baby HSBE2101AX00 The Baby Alive So Many Styles Baby gets excited when it gets fashioned. This girl toy has her own stylish wet resistant accessories like raincoat and boots or her glamorous sunglasses. This baby girl doll comes with two complete sets of wears and plenty of accessories so that the youngsters can make a distinguishing blend altogether.

4. Baby Alive Love My Blankie Baby HSB-E1088LX00 This Baby Alive Doll make getting ready bedtime enjoyment effortlessly. When it’s time to curl up under the covers and snuggle in for the night, the kids can assist their Love My Blankie Baby toys get ready for getting to bed. These fluffy and tender dolls miraculously fold into their own turned-in sleeping sack by smoothly turning their PJs inside out. The kids will love to tuck their baby in. They can even turn their babies acting to suck their thumb. This baby doll is made for the kids from age 2 years and above.

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