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Playing with baby dolls appears to be natural! Speaking of what shows up naturally... Playing is a pure, organic way to learn and involves using both sides of the body i.e developing bilateral coordination and the brain, it’s a holistic activity. Baby dolls offer a lot of learning opportunities about themselves, others, and the world around them. Playing with baby dolls is a kind of pretend play. Following are the specified benefits of playing with dolls. PLAYING WITH DOLLS

● Develops Care-taking and Nurturing Skills Play is the way where kids proceed to understand and make sense of their world. Playing with baby dolls to design what they have seen or reenact what’s been done to them or a sibling. By swaddling and bending their baby doll, or changing and feeding, your child is practicing to take care of your ‘loved one’. They acquire a feeling of empathy as well

● Develops Languages Skills and Cognitive Ability The toys naturally lend themselves to pretend to play, making use of creativity and imagination. The ability for speech and language growth is immense. This pretend play will benefit your child to increase their vocabulary and understanding. ● Develops Fine Motor and Self-Help Skills Playing with dolls is beneficial in improving your child’s sense of grooming and hygiene. Dressing his baby doll will help your son improve his pincer strength and precision as well as tone additional fine motor muscles. By outfitting the dolls, putting on shorts and shirt, socks and shoes, your kids will understand the mechanics and sequence of dressing. They will be able to translate to themselves. Likewise bathing his baby doll, augments his bathing routines. Doll play is valuable for both boys and girls. It imparts life skills as it authorizes them a way to understand and process day-to-day events that take place in their homes and care centers. Compassion, kindness,

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