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While the nation is fighting its rigorous fight against the deadly coronavirus, scientists across the world are striving their best to discover the perfect treatment and develop an effective antidote to kill the virus. One of the most common elements in Indian cuisine is turmeric having highly potent antiviral properties as per a study released in the Journal of General Virology. Turmeric has a natural solution called Curcumin which can abolish certain harmful viruses. The golden spice is packed with healing benefits. For centuries, Turmeric has been used as a remedy to fight and cure various ailments. A most valuable ingredient in Indian kitchens, it adds excellent flavor to our food and the perfect pinch of good health too. Curcumin has been ascertained to inhibit the recurrence of some sorts of viruses, such as the dengue virus, hepatitis B, and Zika virus. The solution has also been found to have varied considerable biological effects, including antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial actions.

Now that you know the advantages of raw turmeric in combating COVID-19 here, let's look at other benefits of this kitchen ingredient. The golden seasoning available in every household can be found in your kitchen’s flavor box or mother’s home remedy chest. Components of the ginger family, turmeric’s root (rhizomes), and leaves are nutritive too and are widely used in various cooking. People use this seasoning in cuisines like Indian, Nepalese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Thai, and many Mediterranean dishes. Benefits of Kachchi Haldi(Turmeric): Healing properties: Curcumin present in Haldi is abundant in anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial properties which assist to heal any kind of wound. Lessens the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart disorders are very common in India and the world. Curcumin enriches your heart health by enhancing the functioning of the blood vessel lining called endothelium. It further improves the endothelial process.

Improves digestion: The bright seasoning can be used to improve the digestion process. Drink turmeric juice, a mixture of milk and haldi to accelerate the production of bile, and boost digestion. It moreover helps in reducing gas and improving metabolism. Antifungal Properties: The essential oils from the kitchen exhibit antifungal properties that fight respiratory tract viruses too. Turmeric juice mixed with milk and black pepper can work for curing a cough. Reduces the chance of Diabetes: Adequate usage of Haldi can benefit in lessening the cell-damaging effects of chronic hyperglycemia in diabetes sufferers. With so many favorable benefits, Haldi has proved to be a natural immunity booster ingredient.

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