Karnataka State Khadi Vilaage and Industries Board
#aud vaao badlaava banao jaao
badlaava Aap laanaa caahto hO. - maha%maa
karnataka Khadi Village & Industries Board Designed By - Saurav Kisku Oraganisation - National Institute Of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru Date Of Publishing - 17.04.2015 Published By - NIFT, Bengaluru NIFT campus, C.A site # 21, 16th cross,27th main, Sector - 1 HSR Layout, Bengaluru - 560 102 Ph: 080 2255 2550 to 55 Fax: 080 2255 2566 Email:
Content The Brand
Logo Use
Brand Story Mission Brand Promise Rebranding Tone of Voice
The Identity
Corporate Identity
Concept Logotype variations Colour palette Typeface
Visiting Card
Khadi mentally means decentralization of the production and distribution of the necessaries of life. M.K.Gandhi
Khadi, an unassuming piece of handspun and hand-woven cloth, embodies the simplicity synonymous with Mahatma Gandhi’s perso na. After renouncing the western attire of hi s advocacy days in South Africa, Gandhi emb raced the practice of weaving his own clothe s from thread he himself spun and encourag ed others to follow suit. Mahatma used the adoption of Khadi as a subtle economic tool against the Brtish industrial might and also as a means of generating rural employment in India.
All the other industries will recieve warmth and sustenence from khadi Industry. M.K.Gandhi
Main objective of Kvib to give priority for Khadi and village industries in rural areas and to dev elope, provide assistance, generate employment opp ortunities in rural areas and improve the econo mic status of the artisians. The khadi reform & Developement programme initiated by govt. of India with the support of ADB is an effort in the direction of rural develo pement.
The ideas is to associate the brand with the consumers by impacting the strong message of “pertaining the freedom and prestige of India”. “contributing and adapting the green challenge for india” and “recolleting the Gandhiji’s Khadi philosphy”. On-target positioning is required for the brand to hit the target audience and the target market with the bang. Khadi’s unstoppable and magnimous USP’s like “eco-savy”, “Gandhi-Khadi relationship”, “importance in history”, can be utilized properly to capture the market.
Brand Promise The 11th yrs plan notes khadi production has huge employment prospects particularly among wom en and minorities Revitalization the Khadi Industry is expected to bolster employment opportunities in Rural india.
The whole process of rebrand of Khadi is to bring in a new a whole new face to khadi by adapting to the existing and the upcoming trend by repreenting the brand as an ecofriendly and high quality Brand.
KVIB is re-created the whole brand with new elements discarding the old ones.
Rebranding The whole process of rebranding of Khadi is to bring in a new face to khadi by adapting to the existing and the upcoming trend by rep eresenting brand as an eco-friendly and high quality brand. Ths process of rebranding Khadi might help in changing the image of the brnd from an old fashioned to a high quality fashion brand amongst the citizens of India.
The Identity
Concept Khadi is a brand based on celebrating the value of independence and self sufficiency. Khadi is also a symbol of power, for the fabric was the expresion of a nation. This logo captures the origin of Khadi. The Logo is made up of three elements:the Textur e , Yarn and the Charkha. While it is simple logo ,it ensure to look its best always. To ensure the in tegrity and legibility of the logo lock-ups , the area are well surrounded. Here i have taken the inspira tion from texture , yarn and charkha , combining these three elements represents my logo . And logo has been coloured green because its signifies nature.
Logotype This is yhe primary logotype for the Brand Khadi, this logo symbolizes the fineness of yarns fibers and the linean shape representing the Khadi village Indu stries in the country.
Logo Variation Representing the Khadi logo in various different ways can help usin using the logo in different situations and mediums.
KHADI Black & White
Line Drawing
When using the logo on a colour background, both the symbol and logotype should appear White. The logotype should never appear in gray also when experiment in the logo as print on Tshirts or casual print no typeface is recommended.
Clearspace KHADI
NOTE:the logotype typography has been carefully spaced, and should not be change or re-type.
To ensure that our signature versions are clearly visible in all applications, surround them with sufficiebt clear space-free of typ e graphics, and other elements that might cause visual clutter-to maximize the recogn ition and impact of our identity.
KHADI No other elements except the corporate tagline can be present in the clear space as specified in the guidelines.
Colour Palette C-65 M-0 Y-100 K-0
C-100 M-0 Y-100 K-0
Please note, when printing certain colours onto coated or uncoated paper, the green color specified differs.
R-98 G-187 B-70
R-0 G-166 B-81
KHADI Caviar Dreams Font The other fonts which are used in branding process are Exo Regular, Riesling, and Samarkan
Dont’s Typography is an important aspect of our brand identity, Our typographic style contributes to our distinctive aesthetic.
Use fonts that are overly stylized Use drop shadows Condense, use excessive tracking or horizontal scaling set type in all capitals Use type with additional inter-character spacing
Caviar Dreams
ABCD abcd 0123 ABCD abcd 0123 ABCD abcd 0123 ABCD abcd 0123
Logo Use
Violation 1.Don’t change the logo’s orientation. 2.Don’t add bevel or emboss to the logo. 3.Don’t change the logo colours. 4.Don’t crop the logo. 5.Don’t place the logo on a busy photograph. 6.Don’t give outline to the logo. 7.Don’t add drop shadow to the logo. 8.Don’t distort the logo. 9.Don’t recreate the logo by yourself. 10.Don’t change the placement of the logo elements. 11.Don’t add a white box backgroud around the logo when its kept in a darker background. 12.Don’t bring any element inside the logo’s clearspace. 13.Don’t keep the logo in a similar colour background.
Tone of Voice
Tone of voice of the brand can be depicted directly from the brand logo / visual identity which says brand is “Proud” for there initiative of generating employment in ru ral Areas and very “contemporary.” and re branding shows the “freshness.”
Corporate Identity
Business Card
Stationery Set
saurav kisku FC IV