1 minute read
This studio is focused upon creating philosophical aspects towards academics of pre-primary class students. Depicting this philosophy in a way that it represents true meaning of philosophy.
After that spatial translation of that diagram into space making and giving reason to it. This philosophy’s can be generated by any historic movements or expression of reality
Discovering Skills And Skill Based Learning
Skilled and skill learner person has clearence in his mind how to deal with it. Person achieves planning for his future.
Its necessary that every kid know his skill and if he is willing to learn then he learn it thorugh this academic time.
Imagining a kid has lots of perceiving skills which stays in him.
Some of it get intersect with each other.
Some of it get overlap with each other.
Some of it help other skill to develop.
Some of it leads towards center but their face stays opposite side of it.
This all are possiblities which i assumed of circle.
To Elaborate skill development I used circle as shape to relate it with skill based learning.
Simply Circle has a center which is most important part of it. and another one is circumference.