Uplift Your Farming Business with Advanced Technologies
In today’s time you just can’t get dependent on natural environment for the cultivation of your plants because there is no assurance whether the climate will remain in favorable condition or not and if climate remains unfavorable then it will result in huge loss in terms of business. Majorly, it will affect poor farmers whose only source of income is farming. So, it is necessary to adopt changes according to the changing time and it is only possible with the help of agriculture biotechnology which provides you upgraded technology that you can use for the better cultivation of plants.
The concepts of greenhouse farming in India is becoming beneficial for farmers because it assures cultivation of plants in a safer way and protect plants from the external environment specially in protecting its contents during cold weather.
Agri-Biotech provides numerous advanced methods for the cultivation of species whether it is a vegetable or a flower. Gerbera is a flower which is from Daisy family. It was named in the honour of German botanist and medical doctor Traugott Gerber. It is the fifth most used cut flower in the world. Gerbera cultivation in polyhouse is one of the best way for the cultivation of these flowers as these flowers are sensitive to frost conditions.
Saveer Biotech is one of the leading plant growth chamber manufacturers which provide growth chambers for plants that maximize the growth of plant; they are sometimes called environmental chambers.
Contact Details Contact Name
1442, Chaudhary Hardhyan Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110003.
Contact no.
+91-11- 24622889, 24602074