FânFest - Rosia Montana

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the 8 edition


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A F E S T I VA L A B O U T AC T I V I S M , M U S I C , T H E AT R E , D E B AT E S A N D TO U R I S M

The first edition of the FânFest Festival (Hay Fest) was organized in 2004 by several NGOs gathered under the banner of the Save Roșia Montană Campaign and supporting the Alburnus Maior Association. The festival is held yearly in August and is one of the main events in Roșia Montană. Its programme consists of artistic events, debates and workshops. FânFest aims to inform its participants about the historical and natural heritage of Roșia Montană as well as about the disadvantages of the proposed mono-industrial gold-mining project. This campaign offers sustainable alternatives for development through tourism, agriculture and local businesses. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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A F E S T I VA L B A S E D 1 0 0 % O N V O LU N T E E R I N G

The festival is organized entirely by volunteers. Artists perform pro bono and the participants have FREE access to all the FânFest events. The main expenses are with renting the music stage, transport, accommodation and meals that we provide to the guests. They are partially covered from donations and funding from small environmental and cultural grants. Our endeavour is to attract tourists to a cultural festival which both promotes arts and advocates social awareness with emphasis on the Save Roșia Montană Campaign. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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In the last years, the festival has started to appeal to a more mature and better educated public. Last year, during the five days of the festival, Roşia Montană was host to a passionate cultural experience that brought together local people and tourists, young and elderly, people of different social backgrounds, Romanians and foreign visitors, artists and activists. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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THEATRE m u r o F l cia o S T S I V I ACT









CONCERTS ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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WHY FÂNFEST? FânFest was conceived to showcase the valuable cultural, historical and natural heritage of Roșia Montană. Ever since its first edition, the festival has attracted thousands of young people to Roșia Montană. Through their participation, they have learnt about the destructive mining project and the reasons why the local people and so many organizations oppose it. During the last editions of the festival, the site was changed in order to facilitate the interaction with the locals and to ensure better access to the natural and historical sites of the region. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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This year’s edition again aims to stand up to the unprecedented intentions of the government to authorize the project and to amend national legislation so that the project swiftly clears all judicial hurdles still left in its way. FânFest 2013 celebrates each and every supporter of the Save Roșia Montană Campaign and through their voices spreads one clear message: people are more valuable than gold! Roșia Montană will continue to exist as is in perpetuity! ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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FÂ N F E S T S I T E S Since 2010, the festival has taken place in various locations in the town’s historical area, in glades, parks, courtyards, churches, historical heritage buildings, streets and squares. The concerts were held on the meadows nearby the historic centre. During the last editions, more and more locations were used for film screenings, social debates and other artistic activities which led to an even broader advertising of the unique built heritage of Roșia Montană. Tourists were provided with maps and the town streets were again buzzing with people, participants in various activities or who were simply strolling through the town that was first documented 1882 years ago. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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FÂ N F E S T PA R T I C I PA N T S Year on year, the number of participants differs. The organizers’ only challenge is to have accommodation for everyone, thus, avoiding the overcrowding of the camping sites or other locations where festival activities take place. In 2005, there were 15.000 participants. In following years the number shrank as the location was changed. However, interaction between tourists, guests and the locals grew more intense. The FânFest activities are designed mainly for those between 18-45 years of age, from students to working people, from those enamoured with bohemian and alternative cultures or people wishing to sample variegated cultural events. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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FÂ N F E S T PA R T I C I PA N T S Participant socio-demographic profiles: highschool and university graduates, from creative workers in advertising, media, freelancers and artists to corporate employees. Most participants do not see themselves as being environmental activists, are not members of such organizations. The majority of them in 2012 were FânFest returnees who saw the festival as an opportunity to consolidate their civic and ecological awareness. At the same time, for many participants the festival is a hallmark of civism, a reference point for NGO campaigning to enshrine social justice and a public appreciation of the invalualbe culture heritage deeper into Romanian society . ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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FÂ N F E S T 2 0 1 2 I N N U M B E R S Ÿ 4000 participants Ÿ over 60 events in 4 days Ÿ 15 locations Ÿ 36.584 unique visitors on the festival’s

website: www.fanfest.ro with a maximum of 2.651 visits/day in August Ÿ 300.000 unique visitors on the FânFest Roşia Montană Facebook page with a maximum of 2.362 visits/day in August Ÿ 5 newsletters sent to a 40.000 e-mail addresses Ÿ 6 press realeases sent to 10.000 email addresses from the mass media Ÿ 6 FânFest PRE-events in 6 major cities (Bucureşti, Cluj, Oradea, Satu Mare, Alba Iulia, Bistriţa), over 2000 participants ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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H O W W E P R O M OT E O U R S E LV E S Advertising, marketing and delivery strategies

The advertising strategy of the festival is mainly based on alternative tools strengthened over the 10 years of experience. Even though we are supported by several mainstream media organizations, we pay attention to reaching our target group, those socially active people who could also get involved in our campaign. � S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A� C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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H O W W E P R O M OT E O U R S E LV E S Advertising, marketing and delivery strategies Our ambition is to promote far-reaching widespread messages to those who are already interested in the Save Roșia Montană Campaign as well as to those who may be curious to find out about it. The content is specific and related to the festival (date, locations, artists, special guests etc.), as well as more complex such as reasons to oppose the mining project, the initiative to make Roșia Montană a UNESCO world heritage site, or the Adopt a House programme etc., presented in both online and outdoor form. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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H O W W E P R O M OT E O U R S E LV E S Advertising, marketing and delivery strategies The materials and the messages are disseminated through both national and international communication channels by the supporters of our campaign. This is a good opportunity to promote our partners ensuring visibility among a wide and growing audience who takes an interest in Roșia Montană. Our partners are NGOs, institutions, entrepreneurs, charities, physical or legal entities whose activities do not threaten the environment and are never regarded as contentious. ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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H O W W E P R O M OT E O U R S E LV E S Ÿ Local and national media partnerships Ÿ Over 50 local and national media

partnerships Ÿ Over 50 festival layout inserts Ÿ Over 20 TV and Radio broadcasts Ÿ Advertising and distribution materials Ÿ 10.000 brochures spread in over 300 places Ÿ 3000 A2 posters in 40 cities Ÿ Online advertising Ÿ Over 20 partner websites Ÿ Over 50 local and national take-over webreports Ÿ Facebook: over 150.000 friends and likes (the page of the festival and the page of the campaign) ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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PLANS FOR 2013 So far this year we have raised 7.000 EUR. We still need 7.700 EUR (logistics, transport, technical equipment renting, tents for events, portable electric generators, gas oil, food, prints etc.) to have as many foreign and Romanian artists, activists and organizations as possible. In 2012, we had guests from: France, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands and the Republic of Moldova. This year, we invite artists and special guests from: Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Swizerland, Turkey. � S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A� C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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W H AT W E C A N D O TO G E T H E R Every year, the FânFest activities are designed by hundreds of volunteers, from artists and guests to the on-site staff who prepare the locations. However, certain expenses cannot be covered only through enthusiastic work. We have to purchase or rent certain goods, materials and services (stage, sound, lights, transport for guests, food for the organizers and artists, fuel and rent for electric generators, portable toilets, waste transport). To cover these expenses we need financial or material support. In return, we offer to promote or backers or their brands through all the public communication means listed above. â€? S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N Aâ€? C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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The Activist Social Forum, one of the international shows, the live music concerts, the restoration of the organ in the Unitarian church and the classical music concerts. Your support may be either financial or in kind –covering totally or partially the services needed to organize the festival. � S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A� C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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D O N AT E N O W ! We can make FânFest at Roşia Montană possible together with you! PayPal: donate@rosiamontana.org Bank transfer: Beneficiary: Asociaţia Aurarilor Alburnus Maior Fiscal registration code: 13411229 IBAN: RO11RNCB0008021190850012 – EURO bank account SWIFT Code: RNCBROBU Name of bank: Banca Comercială Română (BCR), Câmpeni front-office Address of the bank: Piaţa Avram Iancu nr. 8, Câmpeni, judeţul Alba, România Please do mention when making the transfer: “For FânFest” ” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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In the hope of a future collaboration, we are looking forward to your response. Alburnus Maior Association Roşia Montană FânFest 2013 working unit: B-dul 21 Decembrie nr. 60, ap. 32 400124 Cluj-Napoca Tel/Fax: +40 364-104706 E-mail: contact@fanfest.ro www.fanfest.ro

” S AV E R O S I A M O N TA N A” C A M PA I G N 2 0 1 3

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