Argentina During summer, Argentina experiences extreme precipitation deficit and strong winds. These conditions create extreme wildfire risk in the whole region. Forest fires leave communities and children particularly vulnerable to its effects. In addition, Argentina experiences floods in rainy season.
Save the Children’s Presence in Argentina In 2006 in Argentina, Save the Children implemented a DRR program ‘Preparedness to emergencies in the school environment’ with funds from Save the Children Spain. The program benefited many in the community. The Regional Emergency Coordination of Save the Children in Latin America and the Caribbean supported training in DRR and provided advice on livelihoods.
key governmental and non governmental organizations and strengthen local capacities to prevent and respond to emergency situations. The network is made up of Action Against Hunger/Action South, Caritas, Red Cross, White Helmets, Scouts, IOM, an emergency network that aims to strengthen the mechanisms for prevention. In addition, the network seeks to provide resources to strengthen local capacities in managing risk through the implementation of the ‘Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Plan’ in the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Misiones, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Santa Fe, Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, San Juan, La Rioja, San Luis and Mendoza. During the social crisis between 2001 and 2004 which caused high level of malnutrition among children, Save the
Prevention and Emergency Response
Children has contributed to training children and youth in DRR
Save the Children Argentina is part of an Emergency network that aims to strengthen the mechanisms for prevention and emergency response through coordination with stakeholders
and the recovery of productive assets, through family organic
gardening, water management and breeding small animals such as chickens and rabbits.