Photo: Phil Schermeister
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How’s the Weather
Up There?
Imagine standing at the base of a coast redwood tree. If you crane your neck and look up, you will just see the lowest branches some 10 stories above you. If you peer even higher up, through the distant branches and needles, you will hardly see the top of the tree, which can be higher than a 37-story building. Just how can a coast redwood get so tall? Trees continue to grow as long as they live — and coast redwoods can live more than 2,000 years. However, age alone cannot fully explain the redwoods’ vast height because they are not the oldest trees in the world. Some bristlecone pines in the White Mountains of California are more than 4,500 years old but usually only grow to about 60 feet. The coast redwoods’ environment plays a large part in why they grow so tall. These trees live where the soil is very rich in nutrients, where they are mostly protected from winds and where they receive lots of winter rain and summer fog. These conditions allow them to thrive and grow to great heights. Scientists now think that fog may be a critical reason for coast redwoods being so tall. Where the trees live, winters are very rainy, but there is very little rain the rest of the year. During the summer, however, a thick fog usually blankets the region. Redwood trees are able to intercept this dense fog in their crowns, where it condenses on their leaves. The trees use this fog in a number of different ways. First, the fog reduces the amount of water that the trees need because they lose less water through their leaves when it is foggy. Second, the trees can absorb the fog directly through the leaves, which is an especially important source of water for young trees. Finally, the condensed fog drips to the ground below the trees, where it soaks in for later use. With summer fog and winter rain, redwoods have water all yearround — this may be the most important reason for their great height.
It’s in the Genes Redwoods have more chromosomes than most other cone-bearing trees, a fact that also may help them grow tall. Chromosomes are the part of the cell that carries genes. Conifers usually have 20 to 24 chromosomes, but redwoods have 66 or more. That is because redwoods have six copies of each chromosome, while most conifers have two copies of each. How does the number of chromosomes help the redwoods grow? With six copies of each chromosome, a single tree can have several alternative forms of a gene. For example, a tree may have two or even three different gene codes for an enzyme that helps the tree fight a certain disease. This means that if a pest or disease tries to attack the tree, the tree has a greater chance to protect itself. The healthier the tree, the more likely it is to grow. Find books about redwood trees or ancient forests at a local library.
Inspire Others Research different organizations that work on forest issues and join one you like. Send your redwood art, poetry, photos or memories to Save the Redwoods League, and we might post them on our Web site!
Visit a Park Plan a trip with your family to a park or reserve in the ancient redwood forest. See the Save the Redwoods League Web site at for information on redwood parks and reserves.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Everything we use comes from nature. You can help trees and the environment by using fewer natural resources and recycling what you do use.
Plant a Native Tree Learn what kinds of trees are native to your area and choose one to plant. Find a location for the tree that will allow it to grow for many years. If you can’t plant a tree, find a local group that will plant one for you.
Photo: Humboldt Historical Society
Get Active
Saving the Coast Redwood Forest The native peoples of California lived among the coast redwoods for more than 8,000 years. They did not cut down redwoods, but used fallen trees to make planks for houses and hollowedout logs for canoes. There were 2 million acres of ancient coast redwoods in California and Oregon before the 1849 Gold Rush. Since then, redwoods have been logged for lumber and to make way for roads, houses and other buildings. At first, there were so many trees that people did not worry about cutting them down. Today less than 5 percent of the original ancient forest remains. Save the Redwoods League was founded in 1918 to protect these awe-inspiring trees. Over the years, the League has purchased many thousands of acres of forestland and has helped to develop dozens of state and national parks and reserves. Much work remains to
ensure that future generations can enjoy these magnificent forests. Thousands of acres of ancient redwood forest remain on private land and could still be logged for lumber or for real-estate development. Save the Redwoods League knows that past climate change was a serious danger to coast redwoods. Many scientists are concerned that rising temperatures and changing weather patterns will reduce the coastal fog on which redwoods depend and may further limit the range of redwood forests. The League is leading an effort to study redwoods and climate change so that we can keep protecting these amazing forests.
About Save the Redwoods League Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected redwood forests so that people can be inspired by these precious natural wonders — now and in the future. The League and its partners help people of all ages experience these majestic trees through the forestlands we have helped protect and restore, the many education programs we sponsor and our Web site.
114 Sansome Street, Suite 1200 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 362-2352
Cert no. SCS-COC-000000
“Save the Redwoods League” is a registered service mark of Save the Redwoods League. © 2010 Save the Redwoods League, All Rights Reserved. For non-commercial educational use only. Permission required for sale or commercial use.
What’s the
Tallest Thing You’ve Ever Seen?