Healing in The Hamptons Summer Newsletter

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Journaling your JourneyWhere were you when COVID exploded to now... Where have you been in between? What are your silver linings to share? And where are you going?

How are you doing in the Summer of COVID 2020? I have some stories to share which I hope inspires you to Journal. It’s a way to validate your experiences and to honor yourself. Sharing what you’ve gone through is important, but doing so in a group or social media may induce terror! It’s the proverbial double edged sword – you may have a deep longing to be seen and heard, but you are also afraid of the prospect of doing that. I felt invisible and unseen in childhood and thought that what I had to say didn’t matter. It's been a journey of courage to recover parts of myself I used to hide to write and be seen in my gifts and my vulnerabilities. Doing so is life-affirming & soul expanding!

Sharing your experiences and feelings is not only healing, it is empowering. Something transforms in the process. Even if you only share that with your trusted inner circle or your beloved pet, journaling provides clarity and facilitates dropping into your deeper truth – to what you want, what’s important and what you are grateful for. Here’s a snapshot of my journaling from March until now: March 11th was my children’s last day in school this year. Like most parents, relatives, friends, and neighbors, I was stunned. The energy in my body froze with fear of this dreadful COVID19 virus. We hunkered down and waited for the tsunami of COVID19 to spread over us like the plagues from the movie ‘Ten Commandments’ – only this time it wasn’t out of Egypt to the Red Sea – it came out of NYC, the epicenter of the US, to the East End of Long Island, the North Sea of Southampton and Sag Harbor - where we live – and the thousands of NYC residents that took refuge here. It was a dark time. We stayed at home while anxiety, fear and isolation festered. The vibration of anxiety is an over-activation of the nervous system and absence of grounding; the vibration of fear is dark, thick & gooey, feeling trapped and confused. To compound current events, we also hold past life Karma as blocked energy within the cellular DNA of our energy body. This gets activated when danger and threat to our health and safety is triggered – such as when watching the news, living through the threat of a war, or in a pandemic. Our deepest and original wounds are of the fear of annihilation that we carry from our ancestral lineage and past live experiences - when this actually did happen to us, our families and our tribes (ex- Nazi Germany, genocides, plagues, famines & slavery). Some of my deepest longings are to understand, face and heal my fears of not feeling safe, belonging and of being enough. ‘Enoughitis’ is what I call the state of having to Strive constantly – to be enough, to feel I am valued, to earn my keep & to feel worthy of love. So prevalent is this underlying belief for women - that we are not doing enough, there is never enough and we are not enough - that we become exhausted and depleted filling the bottomless bucket that can never be filled by ‘Doing’.

I finally decided to stop doing long enough to look at what I was avoiding; this was the deeper invitation for me. I began to sit with the anxiety and drop into what it meant so I could feel what the distortions were about, who I thought I was and started to allow the silver linings of COVID to appear before me with clarity. I was safe, we had enough food, we had shelter, we had our health and I was home with my family. I began to align with my personal fulfillment and offer low cost and free workshops, remote healings and meditations. In service, absent of expectations and with humility, a deeper transformation of peace and spiritual embodiment flowed through. Clarity, safety, belonging and deep gratitude returned. I began to experience my gifts through the grace of surrender. My peace and joy flowed! What I know is that resilience has carried us through our most difficult times and will again through COVID as it enters a renewed resurgence. Part of that is through our choices to appreciate the silver linings and by shifting our perspectives to what is most important, what our deepest longings are to create, what we wish to heal and what is ready to transform. In this age of Aquarius, powerful planetary activity, eclipses & full moons, now is our time to create more authentic and purpose-filled lives! Yet there is still so much Duality & Separation in the world. Love, kindness & spiritual ascension exist along-side fear, mistrust, hate and aggression. Some have lost parents, brothers, sisters, loved ones, friends, neighbors and people of extraordinary talent to COVID. There is grief, economic uncertainty and isolation that's created a pressure cooker of anxiety and anger which has bubbled to the surface throughout the world. Then, the unimaginable happened; George Floyd was murdered by police and it was all caught on video for the world to watch in horror. The flames of anger burst through like a volcanic eruption and BLM emerged with moral authority and protest marches throughout the world. People of all races have united to stand together to hold those accountable that support racism and police brutality to end this travesty. I am learning what white privilege is to me, where I hold the energy of racism, what is hiding in my shadow and how protests have triggered my old fears of annihilation, humiliation, shame and victimization within my ancestral tribe, which is of Jewish lineage.

So many people have been re-traumatized based on current events. We all carry the shame of witnessing the inhumanity, abuse, annihilation, and discrimination; AND, we have experienced this in our lives or within our ancestral lineage. We are all responsible for healing these wounds that divide our world through forgiveness, love and aligned intention. Racism is a spiritual sickness that cries to be healed now. The truth is immutable that We Are All One. Unity is our secret superpower to live purposefilled lives. What's in the way of you saying yes to your curiosity, your longings to learn, be supported, seen & heard into a deeper journey of uncovering your gifts & life’s calling?

The invitation is here for you connect within a Tribe of spiritual sojourners to a fuller, richer more fulfilling life experience and deepen your journey, heal what you long to and create, be and do what lights you up! Join one of my complimentary meditations that I offer twice a week

MY NEXT WORKSHOP SERIES, BEGINNING IN AUGUST IS: Cultivating your unique gifts, sensitivities and super-powers As a Path to Fulfilling your Highest Calling A Workshop Series on the Care, Protection & Maintenance of Your Energy Field Say yes to you and witness miracles in your life!

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