2020 Southern Annual Meeting Magazine

Page 6

City of

PCB City Hall

Panama City Beach

17007 PCB Parkway PCB, FL. 32413 P: (850) 233-5100 F: (850) 233-5108 www.pcbgov.com

It is my great privilege to welcome the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors to the World’s Most Beautiful Beaches! Our City is honored that of all the places your group could have chosen for your 97th Annual Meeting, you chose Panama City Beach. If this is your first visit to PCB, you are in for a treat! We believe our beautiful sunsets, emerald waters and small‐town feel will bring you back for years to come! As a lifelong resident of Panama City Beach, I am certain you will enjoy your stay, and I trust you will find the people of our community friendly and helpful as you make your way around town and explore all that the beach has to offer. Panama City Beach has seen tremendous growth in the last few years, as more than 4 million people visit the beach each year. Another 15,000 full‐time residents live inside the City limits. Panama City Beach has a strong, tourist‐based economy, as the City was recently ranked Number 4 in Best Places in Florida to Buy a Vacation Home. There is an expansive list of things to do here, from family‐friendly attractions at Pier Park, along Front Beach Road and in other areas of Bay County. We have wonderful retail shopping and a wide variety of great restaurants to choose from – from seafood to sushi, country cooking to great steak – many of them located on our beautiful beaches. We appreciate your group, the manufacturers and distributors of your many products, and hope you will consider our area for any future expansion needs. If we may be of any assistance to you while visiting, do not hesitate to call City Hall at (850) 233‐5100. Our public information officer can answer any questions you may have. Sincerely,

Mike Thomas Mayor

Mayor Mike Thomas

Vice Mayor Phil Chester

Ward 1 Paul Casto

Ward 3 Geoff McConnell

Ward 4 Hector Solis

Home of the world’s most beautiful beaches. 4 | THE SOUTHERN 97TH ANNUAL MEETING • 2020

City Manager Tony O’Rourke

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Articles inside

out of college…how would you define the perfect employer?

page 73

98th Annual Meeting Announcement

page 71

2020 Board Mid-Year Meeting

page 70

2019 SAWD College Scholarship Winners

page 72

2019 Williamsburg Wrap-Up

pages 68-69

Vendor Highlight: Q&A with Miguel Martin, Reliva CBD

page 67

Council of Presidents

page 46

Schedule of Events

pages 40-43

A Note About Anti-Trust

page 47

SLD Officers & Directors

pages 60-62

2019 SLD Business Resource Meeting

pages 34-35

Education Fund Contributors

pages 44-45

23rd Annual Silent Auction

pages 32-33

Wholesaler Highlight: Q&A with Sherwin Herring, SouthCo Distributing

page 31

Letter from the CEO

pages 16-17

Letter from the SLD President

pages 10-11

What is your legacy worth to you?

pages 18-21

Hospitality Suite

pages 12-13

2019 Meetings with a Mission

page 23

COVID-19 Notice

page 9

Letter from the SAWD President

page 8

Letter from the Mayor of Panama City Beach, FL

pages 6-7
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