Division 5 South August 2014 Newsletter

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The Trojan Oracle Key Club

Division 5 South

August 2014 Edition

Volume II Issue IV

Region 12

Table of Contents‌ 3

Message from our LTG Message from our Division News Editor & Social Media Task Coordinator


July & August Calendar ICON Recap



T- Shirt Design Contest / Instagram Information

Trojan Points



ICON continued / July Event Recap

Nickelodeon the Big Help



Contact Information


Hey Trojans, I would like to begin my message by saying thank you to all of you for all the service you have done in the past four months. Without your efforts we would not have raised $1210 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Without your dedication in making an impact in our community we would of not have accomplished 535 hours of service. Finally, without you, none of our global efforts in eradicating a disease would have been possible. You, the members, being part of this organization is what keeps me going in working to make more connections with business, government officials, & nonprofits so we can make the biggest positive impact that our organization has ever done in the Fresno Metropolitan Area. With this said I would ask if you all continue to carry on with your efforts and hope to see you all at our next DCM. Thank you.

Your Lieutenant Governor,

Alex Tellez

Hi Trojans! I hope everyone is having an awesome summer and volunteering! I know I saw some of you at the Climb to Kaiser Event so I'm really proud that my Trojans are serving their community. Remember to submit all of your photos and articles to me before the 10th! I'd love to show case more of my division through the newsletters. So to help contribute, please send in all of your pictures and articles of events to me on time! Thanks! Also, make sure to follow our Division’s new Instagram account @d05s_trojans! Your Division News Editor,

Sarina Sylavong

Hey key clubbers! I hope everyone's Fourth of July was sparkly! My name is Ariana Mendoza, I go to Edison High school, and I'm the new Social Media Task Coordinator! My position involves handling the Instagram account, that is need of followers by the way, and other future accounts. I can't wait to take pictures and post all of your guys' lovely pictures! We need a variety of photos to make the account look great so we can modernly tell the social network what Division 05 South is all about! So clock in those hours, snap those pics, and have a chill summer!

ICON Day 1

ICON Day 2

ICON Day 3/ Fourth of July

Club Monthly Report Due

ICON Day 5

July DCM

Club Monthly Report Due

August DCM

ICON Day 4

International Convention This month, four students including me from our district attended the very exhilarating Key Club International Convention, or ICON, in Anaheim, California. Besides the excitement of standing up for what you believed in during the House of Delegates and Elections (I know it sounds dull and insipid, but trust me, it was intense!) and fangirling at the mere sight of Rapunzel in Disneyland, my favorite thing about ICON was meeting people from across the nation. The intertwining of separate cultures from regions across the US including the Caribbean was truly, a surreal event; a thing that isn't achievable in any other convention. Lastly, it's an eye-opening experience. The insight I gained about the international scope of Key Club and the influence us members have on the organization was just inspirational, and I advise everyone to try to attend it next year! Definitely worth every dollar.

Sidney Ezenwugo

From June 30 to July 6, four members of Division 05 South participated in Key Club’s annual International Convention at Anaheim, California. During the journey to Anaheim, Nike Keovilay, Alex Tellez, Sidney Ezenwugo, and I met up with representatives from our counterpart, D05 North, as well as D46 South and North at Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm. Throughout the course of the week, Key Clubbers from Jamaica to Maine experienced various leadership workshops; danced to music performed by U.S. Army’s music group; and dominated the local Starbucks. Nike Keovilay, a divisional delegate, took part in the House of Delegates meeting to vote for next year’s international board and amendments. From D05 South, the four of us can agree that we mostly enjoyed meeting various people from across the nation. We realized that our goals, our dreams and ambitions, aren’t very different, despite our distance.

Sean Ezenwugo

My experience at ICON was not only an incredible one, but a truly unforgettable one as well. I got the chance to meet so many Key Clubbers from a broad range of places around the world, and live a momentous five days with them. I even got to meet members from my general division area, which was quite nice, considering our group of four divisions really got to know each other a bit more. We all became best buddies, and it's those moments of crazy randomness that we shared together that I live for, and made the trip an even greater experience. Over those long yet strangely short five days, I had the honorable pleasure and opportunity to make new bonds, share experiences, and gain wonderful and beneficial knowledge in the process. We attended workshops and various sessions that would aid our place in the volunteering world, as there were a wide variety of workshops that helped with a wide array of issues and roles of a Key Clubber. Heated debate during the House of Delegates taught me how complex this system of clubs all over the world really was, and blew my mind as to what I had believed before. The House debates and decides on amendments of our organization, and having members from all around the world discuss of such affairs demonstrated to me how intricate the rules of Key Club are. At convention, we also elected the 2014-2015 International Trustees, Vice President, and President. Being involved in such key decisions gave many members a sense of place, as their voices were heard among the rest of their kind. ICON extended my understanding of Key Club as an international organization, and has motivated me to do more for my home, school, and community. I believe going to convention has changed my mindset about many things, and given me truly special experience that I would gladly pass on and disperse among everyone. I would encourage those who have yet to attend, to go, as it is an enriching experience for both the mind and soul. It is a wonderful time that will imprint your mind, brand your heart, and stay with you forever. I'll never forget Paco the Penguin, Rachel Benoit, and the countless district chants. Through all the late night eating, deprived sleep, bombastic people, dehydration, workshops, sessions, immense fun, endless walking, karaoke, stress, the struggles, and many other things that are too great in quantity to describe, ICON was a fantastic and wild thrill ride that I wouldn't mind going on again. #INDIANAPOLIS2015

Nike Keovilay

Key Club's International Convention in Anaheim, CA was an unbelievable event. As it was my first International Convention I did not know what to expect. I feel that was a great thing as not expecting anything helped me enjoy everything including the dances and appreciate all that our international organization does around the world. I'm honored that I could attend with members Sean, Sidney, and Nike as they made the experience memorable. They did stuff that was not expected from them like volunteering to be on the stage in front of 1600 Key Clubbers and convince delegates to vote to reconsider an amendment to increase dues. One thing I regret is that not many people from D05 South could attend this event put this has inspired me to start fundraising earlier so many more people from the Fresno Metropolitan Area can attend next year's International Convention in Indianapolis to see the international side of our organization and to have great fun celebrating the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International with people from around the world.

Alex Tellez

CLIMB TO KAISER EVENT On June 28th, members from Division 5 South and Division 5 North attended the Climb to Kaiser Event held at the Alta Sierra Intermediate School. Although it was a bit slow in the beginning because there were many volunteers, our key club members got to help set up in the back with the supplies necessary for the bicyclists and in the kitchen. When we helped out at in the back we organized the supplies such as water hoses, tire pumps, and other miscellaneous items. We arranged each item in their own specific group to make it easier for the bicyclist to grab the supply they need. Afterwards, we received an hour long break which was really fun! I got to meet a few new people from my club and Division 5 North’s. One person from my club was the president of the Hoover High School Key Club, Brittany Madrigal. She turned out to be extremely funny and awesome. Her advisor Michael O’Hare was just as hilarious. I was really glad I got to meet them. After our extremely long break, our members finally got to work in the kitchen. We worked together with Division 5 North to make the delicious salads that we served the bicyclists for lunch and dinner. Overall, the event was surely enjoyable and exciting. It was fun getting to meet new people and volunteering with them. We also received cool Climb to Kaiser 2014 Crew t-shirts, so that totally made the event ten times better.

Nickelodeon’s Big Help What is the Big Help? The Big Help is Nickelodeon’s commitment to engage kids on issues that they are passionate about including the environment, health and wellness, service, and education. This pro-social campaign supports the contributions that children can make to their communities. The Big Help Service initiative allows kids to connect to their passions by participating in Big Help Actions, which are service opportunities designed to engage kids in specific real world activities that affect the world around them.

Who do they benefit? Nickelodeon is focused on putting kids and their families first. The philosophy is rooted in the organization’s mission to “create surprising and playful entertainment experiences.” Nickelodeon’s goal is to go beyond providing quality kid’s programming and entertainment, and to inspire kids and families to take action to improve their communities, their relationships, their lives and the world around them.

HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED?  Host a can food drive, donate What do and they do?    

to a local soup kitchen! Take part in the World Wide Day of Play Help a local animal shelter or raise funds and awareness for the ASPCA Plant a garden or plant a tree More tips are available on the website!

Visit: http://www.nick.com/thebighelp

Design our Division 5 South T-Shirt! Designs must include: 

Division 5 South Trojans

Three main colors: black, blue, white, & silver

All names of schools on the back I.
















Divisional Mascot: Trojans

Must represent the purpose of Key Club -

Contact Alex Tellez at d05s.cnhc.ltg@gmail.com at any time regarding any questions pertaining to the t-shirt designs

“Caring- Our Way of Life”

Hey Key Clubbers! Make sure to follow our Division’s new Instagram account @d05s_trojans! We’ll keep you updated on our projects and events!

Trojan Points Each month, clubs will be awarded points based on the following criteria and the clubs with the highest points by DCON 2015 will be awarded a pizza party for all its members. Points will be awarded for: - Early Bird MRF – 10 points - On Time MRF – 5 points - DCM Attendance – 1 point per member - Divisional Event Attendance – 1 point per member - Fundraise for a charity – 15 points - Kiwanis DCM Attendance – 3 points per member - Turn in Articles & Visuals – 5 points

Club Name


















Contact Information

Frank Vierra

Pauline & Maury Nyberg

Alex Tellez

(209) 768-9368

(559) 897-3609

(559) 708-6173

Region Advisor

Division 05 South Advisors

Lieutenant Governor

Sarina Sylavong

Ariana Mendoza

Sidney Ezenwugo

(559) 478-5399

(559) 666-7522

(559) 974-5984

Division News Editor

Social Media Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

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