Annual Report 2019

Page 30

Staff Professional Development

Professional Development at ABS has always been a strength that attracts many excellent educators who see the school as an excellent place for professional growth. ABS places a significant emphasis on professional development as a way to continuously improve the quality of teaching and learning in the school. A generous budget per academic year is specifically allocated for ABS teaching and non-teaching staff professional development. The Professional Development Committee decides on the priorities and the needs of the staff. There is a policy and its associated practices that are effectively implemented to ensure equity and transparency. Allocation of PD opportunities is linked to the school’s strategic plan, the outcomes of the teaching and learning audits, self-evaluation and appraisal process in addition to the areas that have been identified by the accreditation agencies such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the Council of international schools (CIS). Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, many professional development opportunities that took place during the last 3 months of the academic year were taken online.

Primary school - - - - -

1 counselor attended Substance Prevention Workshop; 3 teachers attended the Classroom Calendar & High Behavioral Expectations workshop at QRTA; 13 teachers attended the ADHD Conference in Amman; 9 teachers registered at the ISTE (ICT Skills) online workshop; 5 teachers took the University of Bath University unit.

Middle Years School - - - - - - - - -

1 counselor attended the Substance Prevention Workshop; 4 teachers took IB MYP online workshops; 1 teacher took a CIS Evaluator workshop; 2 teachers attended the Alan November workshop; 2 teachers attended the Classroom Calendar and High Behavioral Expectations at QRTA; 5 teachers attended the ADHD conference; 1 teacher attended the Ta’alem – IB MYP Approaches to learning workshop; 9 teachers registered for the ISTE (ICT Skills) online workshop; 4 teachers took the University of Bath University unit.

IB College - - - - - - - - -

1 counselor attended the Substance Prevention workshop; 4 teachers attended an IB Diploma online course; 2 teachers travelled to attend IB Diploma workshops in Coventry, UK; 1 teacher attended Alan November workshop; 1 teacher attended the Classroom Calendar and High Behavioral Expectations at QRTA; 1 teacher attended the ADHD Conference; 1 teacher attended an IBICUS IB DP workshop in Prague; 1 counselor attended Inclusion and Wellbeing workshop in Dubai; 2 teachers attended the University of Bath unit.

Non-Teaching Staff -

4 staff took local courses related to their specific responsibilities.

Whole School Departments - - - - -

10 staff took the Leadership in Education Session by Malcom Nicolson; 4 teachers took the online training Jolly Grammar; 3 teachers attended the ADHD conference; 6 teachers took online courses; 2 staff took the online ISTE workshop.




4 staff members attended a CIS conference, the World Science Forum in Budapest, a Round Square meeting in India and the University of Cambridge Guidance Counselor Conference.

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