WAS School Handbook 2014-2015

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enc unter this is my story…

Student Handbook:

Updated August 2014


Principal’s Message Welcome to Woodlands Adventist School. As your teaching principal I would like to wish you a wonderful and successful school year. Because the biblical charge to raise our children to know God includes choosing a school that will work with us to achieve that goal; because Woodlands Adventist School teaches from a worldview that clearly demonstrates Christ’s claim over all aspects of our lives; because we understand that the choices and sacrifices we make have an eternal impact, Adventist Education through Woodlands Adventist School is a great place for your child(ren)'s spiritual education and growth. We deeply value the engagement of our families, and are most successful in fulfilling our Vision and Mission when everyone is active and involved. Your teacher(s) are here for help you succeed in your educational years. Take the time to ask us questions to help you succeed. During the school year, make it your priority to do your best. Work hard in all your classes, complete your assignments and study for your tests. Your teacher(s) will be there for you if you need extra help outside of class time, per honoured request. Excellent attendance and being on time for your classes is an important part of your work at school and your commitment to excellence in learning—this will play a major role in your success.


Prepare yourself or life-long learning and believe in your achievements. Take the time to get to know your classmates. They are gems and have much to offer. Spend time with them, play with them, and even study with each other. Thank you for entrusting your children to our care, and thank you for partnering with us to create and refine these relationships. It is our desire that the time spent here will be fruitful and enriching as we work together in encouraging our students to be God’s children making the world a better place.Enjoy your year.

! I look forward to a successful school year. ! Mrs. Andrea Sayler Woodlands Adventist School Box 16 Site 2 RR#3 Ponoka, AB T4J 1R4 Telephone: 403-783-2640 Website: WoodlandsAdventistSchool.ca

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DATE: Tuesday, September 3, 2014 TIME: 10:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: Mrs Sayler’s Classroom DETAILS


1. Bring the following personal identification for your child(ren): - Alberta Health Care number (new students only) - birth certificate (new students only) - proof of citizenship (if not Canadian)


2. Come prepared to pay for full class fund fee; and ‚ tuition (as per the financial commitment option chosen on your application form) by monthly post-dated cheques made payable to WAS, Master Card or VISA imprints, or a lump-sum payment. Students will not be allowed to start school until post-dated or lump-sum payments have been received.

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Pick up a supply list for your child(ren).

4. If planning to drive for school field trips, please bring proof of $1 million public liability insurance. We will then provide you with a sample of the letter we require to have on file from your insurance company.

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NOTE: All Registrants must have applied previously and applications must be approved by the WAS Admissions Committee before registration can take place.

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General Information


Recognizing that all children are of God, the mission of Woodlands Adventist School is to teach Christian values in a Christian atmosphere through an accredited, Christ-centred curriculum.



Woodlands Adventist School envisions students reaching their highest potential in church, community and school life while preparing for eternity.


Volunteers and visitors must sign in at the school office. All volunteers at Woodlands Adventist School are required to have current “Criminal Record Check” and “Social Services Intervention Check” clearances on file with the school.


In the event of an emergency evacuation, students and teachers should use the nearest and most direct exit route from their location. Routes are posted by each classroom exit. If the most direct path is blocked, the next nearest and direct path should be chosen.


Upon exiting, people should proceed to muster points as directed, and assemble in their class so that the teacher can ensure all students are accounted for. Nobody should re-enter the building until the all-clear is sounded by the Principal.


School and classroom doors remain locked for the duration of the lockdown. Police will advise the school when the lockdown status can be lifted.


Should the police advise, a School Alert Status may be implemented rather than a Lockdown. School Alert Status would retain a locked school and classrooms but the minimal visibility restriction would be lifted. Students could remain in their desks and could be escorted from their classrooms to use washroom facilities.

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• If a lockdown situation arises at our school during classes, an announcement will be made.

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• Students that are not in class should proceed immediately to the nearest lockable room. • During the lockdown, students are to keep away from doors or windows and remain silent. • Once an area or room has been secured no one is to be let in or out until directed to do so from the school office.

! • Authorities will announce when it is safe to come out of lockdown. ! !

• Once the all-clear announcement is made, subsequent directions will be provided.

To ensure the ongoing security of students, Woodlands Adventist School operates an alarm and security system, and locked doors.


Children must not be dropped off at school before 8:30am. Outdoor supervision starts at 8:15am. Students may enter the building at 8:15am.


Closure of Woodlands Adventist School due to weather will be at the discretion of the Wolfcreek School Division, with input from the Principal. If closure is necessary, local radio stations will be notified to broadcast this information. The school website will also be updated.


Buses may be cancelled during extreme weather and unsafe road conditions. When Lacombe radio stations report temperatures below -30°C at 6:00am, buses will be cancelled for both the morning and afternoon routes. If cancelling bus routes becomes necessary due to inclement weather, information will be sent to each family on the route will receive a phone call.


When temperature including wind chill is -20C or colder, elementary students will be given the choice to remain indoors during their recesses. When it is raining steadily, students will remain indoors.

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Through an inclusive school environment, all students are appreciated for their unique gifts and are encouraged to participate and contribute to the school community. A wide range of instructional strategies and modifications are used to provide students with tools to succeed in the classroom. Woodlands Adventist School draws upon school staff and other professionals to ensure that, to the best of their ability, the needs of the students are being met. Speak to the Principal and Learning Support Teachers for complete information on the services available.


Woodlands Adventist School teachers hold Alberta Education certification and are professional, knowledgeable, faith filled, Christian educators. Teachers also hold Seventh-day Adventist Education Certification.


Teachers structure learning environments that challenge students to achieve excellence, encourage creative and critical thinking, and teach a worldview that is founded on the Bible. Teachers are purposeful about discussion of Christian principles and develop teaching styles and methods that match the learning styles and abilities of their students. 

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Student Life


Woodlands Adventist School upholds the Principles of Christian conduct. Honesty, courtesy, reverence, purity, and obedience are emphasized. It is understood that when applications are made for admission to the school, all students thereby pledge themselves to follow the regulations and to live in harmony with the ideals and policies of the school. Students are encouraged to practice the principles of Christian living by:


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showing respect for God, the Bible, and the religious ideals of the Seventhday Adventist Church showing respect for self and others by refraining from:

the infliction of injury

insubordination (rebellion)

inappropriate association with members of the opposite sex

showing respect toward the property of the school and the property of others

using language that is free from profanity

attending school punctually and regularly

maintaining a cooperative attitude

seeking out constructive entertainment, recreation, and leisure time activities

bringing to school only those items required for regular school use and approved activities (items such as knives or weapons, matches/ lighters, playing cards, occult objects, and obscene literature are not acceptable)

keeping electronic devices such as personal sound systems, cell phones and electronic games out of sight and out of use during the school hours of 8:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. (teacher’s permission must be given for the use of electronic devices for school use)

refusing to possess or be under the influence of any mind-altering substance such as alcohol, tobacco, or non-medical drugs

having proper authorization before leaving school grounds or taking other students from the school grounds during school hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (See “School Ground Leave”)

refraining from the entry of locked facilities

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◦ refraining from the misuse of fire alarms or extinguishers Students who demonstrate an unwillingness to cooperate in maintaining the school standards, including the support of the above principles, seriously jeopardize their privilege of continuing in school.


Harassment is any unwelcome physical or verbal behaviour. Harassment occurs when such conduct undermines another individual’s personal dignity by causing embarrassment, discomfort, humiliation or offence; or such conduct interferes with an individual’s work performance or learning opportunities by creating an intimidating or hostile work or learning environment.


The WAS School Board is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work and to learn in a safe setting which promotes equality of opportunity and which prohibits discriminatory practices.



At WAS we encourage students to choose clothing using the guidelines of neatness, modesty, cleanliness, healthfulness, and appropriateness. Clothing that meets the above guidelines is considered acceptable classroom attire. (Students may use shorts for physical education classes).


The following are not considered acceptable: • tattered clothing • messages or graphics displaying non-Christian values • tight-fitting clothing (such as spandex material) • shorts and skirts that are more than several inches above the knee • clothing where the midriff is exposed • immodest swimwear • sleeveless shirts, dresses, or blouses (for Sports Day and Beach Day, full shoulder sleeveless attire may be worn)


It is the prerogative of the faculty to interpret styles of dress and grooming consistent with the standards of the school. Those who violate these guidelines may be asked to return home to change or may be provided with alternate clothing for the day.


Because the school is an office-type work place for students, we request that students remove hats/caps when in the school. Hats/caps are acceptable in the gym and outside, and may be worn for Hat Day.

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Elementary students are asked to provide 2 pairs of shoes—one pair for outdoor use and one pair suitable for indoor and gym use.


The cooperation of parents/guardians in guiding their child(ren) in these areas is greatly appreciated.


Woodlands Adventist School requests that students maintain a natural, wholesome appearance.


Non-functional jewellery of any kind such as rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces should not be worn at school or at school functions. Students will be asked to remove any jewellery that they wear. Offences to this policy require that items will be taken, receipted and stored for the rest of the school year. At the end of the school year, parents/guardians may pick up their students’ items.


1. In the interest of student safety, throwing snowballs, rocks, or other dangerous objects is not allowed. A $5.00 fine will be levied for each offence.


2. Tampering with thermostats is not allowed. A $5.00 fine will be levied for each offence.


3. Unauthorized use of locked doors, windows or fire escape doors will result in a $5.00 fine.


4. Removal of screens or going through windows or an emergency exit will result in a $5.00 fine.


5. Any student using a skateboard, scooter or roller blades in the school or gym will result in a minimum $25.00 fine.


6. Anyone tampering with safety equipment, fire extinguishers, or security apparatus will be charged a $50.00 fine.




Any student hanging on the bars, nets or rims of the basketball equipment in the gym will be charged a fine of $50.00.

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In the interest of student safety, students will not be allowed off WAS school grounds during school hours (8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.) unless the school has received written permission from a parent/guardian. Phone calls are not acceptable.


Unless the student is leaving to go home for lunch daily, a note will be expected for each leave. At the beginning of the school year, each student going home for lunch on a regular basis must bring a note from their parent/guardian indicating this fact.



A student is considered subject to school discipline from the time he leaves home going to school until the time he returns home after school, as well as at all school functions.


Parent/guardian cooperation is vital to the effective discipline of students. Close contact with parents/guardians when students are having behavioural problems forms a major part of our discipline policy.


Students have the right to be heard, to present their cases and to have reasons given to them. However, the teacher has the right to choose the appropriate time and place for this meeting.


A teacher may temporarily suspend a student from the classroom who is insubordinate or disruptive in class.


The principal may suspend a student from school for reasons such as gross insubordination, persistent violation of school regulations, or disruptive behaviour. Parents/guardians will be notified of such suspension and may be requested to appear at the school before the student is reinstated. Students who are suspended from school are barred from all school functions during the period of suspension. Parent/guardian cooperation is especially solicited in the implementation of this policy.


The school board has authority to expel a student. Such action is recorded in the student's permanent record. Parents/guardians are urged to contact the student's teacher and/or principal whenever any disciplinary action is questioned. Should further clarification be required, parents/guardians may request a meeting with the discipline committee of the board.

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When school regulations are not observed, one or more of the following procedures will be used: a) The student is removed from the problem situation to discuss the problem with the teacher or principal. 
 b) The student is given an in-school suspension or an assignment to a constructive work project during free time to help dissipate ex- cess energy. 
 c) Staff members will discuss the problem with the child’s parents or guardians.


If the above procedures do not result in a change in the problem, one or more of the following procedures may be implemented:


a) A parent or guardian may be asked to accompany the child to classes to observe and work with the school to find a solution to the problem.

b) A creative, individual solution for the problem may be worked out in consultation with staff members, the student, parents or guardians, the WAS Board, Discipline Committee, and possibly a counsellor.

c) The student may be assigned to complete his or her classwork in another classroom for one to three days. If the above procedures are not effective in changing the problematic behaviour of the pupil, one or more of the following procedures will be implemented:


a) The student is required to be absent from the school premises (suspension). A principal may suspend a student from one or more class periods, one or more courses or school programs, school, riding on a school bus, or participating in an activity sponsored or approved by the school. When an out of school suspension is implemented, the parents and discipline committee of the board are involved and notified. 
 b) If no other solution can be found, expulsion may be implement- ed. The school board, upon receiving a written report from the principal, has the authority to reinstate or expel the student un- der suspension. Parents and students have a right to question and make representation prior to the final decision of the

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board. In the event of expulsion WAS shall continue to be re- sponsible for the student’s education. This could involve either an alternate program (ie. home schooling) or transferring funding to a new school.


Notify the school of student absences or late arrivals as soon as possible. Also, please inform the school office when a child needs to leave class early, or if there is a change in transportation arrangements. It is crucial for the safety of our children that the home and school know where each student is.


Please keep your children home when they are ill and until they are fully recovered. Children must not come to school when they are ill with vomiting, nausea or diarrhea; they are considered contagious for up to 48 hours after they feel better. The student may return to school 48 hours after their illness abates.


Homework assignments contribute to the educational growth of the student. Homework is assigned to complete work begun in class and to reinforce classroom learning.


Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 are assigned daily reading assignments that are recorded in a Home Reading record. Grade 4–9 students can expect to devote an average of 30 minutes daily to their homework and reading.


Students in Grade 3 are required to write Provincial Achievement Tests in Math and Language Arts. Students in Grade 6 and Grade 9 are required to write PAT’s in Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies.


Student bicycles are to be parked in the designated area. Bicycles, skateboards, and roller blades may not be ridden during the school day or noon hour. Students are strongly encouraged not to bring valuable items such as electronic games and collector cards, or amounts of money to school. Cell phones are to be switched off and stored for the entire school day. Lunch boxes, school supplies, instruments, and clothing should all be labeled with the student’s name.


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Unclaimed “Lost and Found” items are donated to the Bibles for Mission Thrift Store.


Students are assigned library borrowing privileges based on grade level. While there are no overdue fines, there will be borrowing restrictions for students who are late in returning books. There will be replacement charges for lost or “damaged beyond repair” books.


Students are not permitted to use cell phones of any kind in the classroom unless specifically directed by their teacher. Students who violate this rule may have their cell phones confiscated by the teacher, who will turn the cell phone over to the school administration. Students can then retrieve their cell phone at the end of the school day.


Security of our computer network is a high priority, as it plays an important role in maintaining stability and reliability.


Students are required to report any security problems on the Internet to a staff member. Any student found knowingly compromising the security of the computer network will be subject to disciplinary measures including suspension from school. Privately owned systems (pda, iPods, laptops etc.) can be connected to the Woodlands network. All environments are monitored by the Woodlands.


School technology resources are to be used to increase student achievement and help students learn and develop in positive ways. Students are expected to be respectful of all school equipment and use appropriate language in all postings and communications while using computers at Woodlands. While using technology at Woodlands Adventist School students are not permitted to:


• Harm or destroy data of other users; • Intentionally waste network resources by playing games, or by down loading software or restricted files; • Be involved in gambling or gaming;

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Visit or view inappropriate websites; Provide personal information; Use Hotmail, chat or other electronic mail besides their Student Mail; Plagiarize material;


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Connect or download files from personal websites; Send or display inappropriate messages or pictures; Allow others to use their account; Use the computer to communicate inappropriately with others; or Physically damage any hardware.

Any misuse of the Woodlands Adventist School computer network will result in strict disciplinary action which may include suspension from the network and/or suspension from school.


In order to inform Grade K – 9 students and their parents/guardians more frequently about the student’s academic progress, teachers send a Progress Report as needed. This Progress Report will show formative and summative assessment that the teacher has completed for the student and the student’s current overall mark in the class.

! REPORT CARDS ! All students receive a Report Card at the end of each Term. ! PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES !

Three Parent-Teacher Conferences times have been designated on the school calendar. While parents are encouraged to use the conference times that have been established they may contact their child’s teachers any time when there are questions or concerns.

…let me tell you about my friend Jesus.

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