I S S U E 0 1 / 2 0 0 8
Belgique-België P.P.-P.B. 1099 Bruxelles BC 14354
The first new member state to take over the EU Presidency p. 6
European Agenda www.europeanagenda.eu
Agenda 2008
Depot Bruxelles X / Agreement number: P501403 / BC 14354 / ISSN 1862-2097 / Helios Media, Rue de la Charité 13–15, 1210 Bruxelles
Special on the events and players that shape Europe‘s hottest topic p. 33
Where we are headed in 2008: Europe‘s vital events and issues.
Janez Jansa‘s top advisor on Europe gives a preview of the incoming Slovenian EU Presidency p. 10
A comprehensive overview of the highlights on the EU calendar for the first half of 2008 p. 13
Who is new: Recent personnel changes in the EU Who was where: Pictures of Brussels‘ recent top events p. 58
EDITORIAL EuropeanAgenda
The Miracle Workers
hen the clock strikes midnight on January
2004 surpassed that of almost all other European countries’ on their join-
ion history by becoming the first of the new
In this edition of European Agenda, we will focus on the upcoming
1st 2008, Slovenia will make European Un-
ing the Union, including Portugal, which currently holds the Presidency.
member states to take up the EU Presidency.
EU Slovenian Presidency, discussing those political leaders who have
If everything runs according to plan, the
as to the rest of the European Union. Slovenia is in the perfect place to
EU will by then be engrossed in the proc-
ess of ratification of the new Lisbon Treaty, which the Union cannot afford to let fail
made the country a prime example to all new member states, as well take on the challenge of peace and political stability in the region and throughout the EU.
You will also find in these pages our Energy Special, in which European
like its predecessor. At the same time, the
Agenda addresses the most important issues from Energy Security to
settlement has not been reached then Slovenia and the European Un-
ergy industry, from European policy-makers to the oil and gas sectors
deadline for a peaceful solution in Kosovo will have passed, and if a
ion will risk another potentially unpredictable conflict in the Balkans involving both NATO and Russia.
These might be overwhelming challenges for such a young nation,
but ‘overwhelming challenges’ are something to which Slovenia has
Climate Change. Interviews with the most influential players in the ento the growing number of renewable energy associations, we hope this
will shed some light on increasingly one of the most crucial issues for the European Union today.
become well-accustomed. As the first nation to join the European Un-
ion from the former Yugoslavia, it managed a small miracle in breaking
away from the time bomb of the Balkans, even maintaining a stable, democratic regime in spite of the political manoeuvring of its neigh-
bour states. What is more, Slovenia’s GDP per capita on joining the EU in
Rudolf Hetzel Publisher
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CONTENT EuropeanAgenda
Slovenia Typically Slovenian?
Slovenia Facts & Figures
Slovenia Political Leaders
Slovenia Presidency Interview
Agenda 2008
Topics Euro Adoption
Topics EU Accession
Energy Map
Energy Agenda 2008
Energy Interview with Exxon Mobil
Energy Global Tycoons
Energy Wind Energy
Energy Biofuels
Energy Nuclear Energy
People Winner and Loser
People Personnel Changes
People Gala
Topics Eurocrat’s Babble
Editor in Chief: George P. Kyriacou, Miguel Maia Editors: Rudolf Hetzel, Grit Fiedler, Elke Zander, Clemens zur Hausen, Jeff Katcherian, Isabel Mendes, Daniel Le Ray, Paul Thomas Graphical Concept: Steffi Butter, Marcel Franke, Diana Steffens Layout: Steffi Butter, Marcel Franke, Diana Steffens Illustration: Burkhard Piller
Photo Editors: Albrecht Noack, J. Nitz-Bessenrodt Cover: www.marco-urban.de Managing Editor: Max Obenaus, (max.obenaus@europeanagenda.eu) Advertising: Cristina Silva (cristina.silva@europeanagenda.eu) Publisher: Rudolf Hetzel
Interview on EU Presidency p. 10
Agenda March: EU Summit p. 18
Gala: Friends of Europe President’s Dinner p. 55
Editorial office: 13-15, Rue de la Charité, B-1210 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax: +32 (0)2 219 22 92 E-mail: info@europeanagenda.eu www.europeanagenda.eu Helios Media SPRL 13-15, Rue de la Charité B-1210 Brussels Print: Druck Vogt GmbH, Schmidstraße 6, 10179 Berlin
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SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
Typically Slovenian? 84 liters According to figures from 2004, the average Slovenian will drink 84 liters of beer a year. That’s something like 23 dl a day, which is a full 10 dl less than the standard beer can of 33 dl. Surely no-where close to 43 dl the Czechs drink every day.
If you happen to be born in Slovenia, chances are if you’re a boy that your name is Luka – the most popular boy’s name at the moment.
12% If you are from Slovenia, then there is a 12% chance that you live in the capi-
was the number of men in Slovenia in 2006, with a total population of 2,020,174.
tal city of Ljubliana. The second largest city, Maribor, is inhabited by 5% of the population.
In 2006 the lowest number of deaths after 1979 was recorded with only 18,180 people dying.
Life expectancy in Slovenia is on the rise, but with an average life expectancy of 74.8 years men live a full 7 years less than women.
Slovenia has 98.7 inhabitants per km2,
which is much lower than in the majority of other European states (460/km2 in the Netherlands, 195/km2 in Italy).
74.8 10%
Marriages are on the rise in Slovenia as
in 2006 over 6,300 marriages happened, almost 10% more than the year before.
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SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
A Country in Numbers
A very popular name for a Slovenian girls nowadays is Nika.
44 liters As is to be expected, this southern, temperate, mediterranean country is quite into wine. The consumption of 44 liters/year is not far off the French, Italian or Portuguese one. But then again, the real country to
1,023,798 was the number of women in Slovenia in 2006.
beat is Lithuania.
90.1 Is the ratio between the Human De-
83.06% of all people living in Slovenia are native
velopment Index for women and men. Nika lives in the 25th best place women could possibly live in the world; at least as far as the difference between her quality of life and that of Luka.
Slovenes (2002 census). There are two national minority communities: Serbs (1.98%), Croats (1.81%) and Bosniaks (1.10%). Hungarian and Italian communities also rank in the several thousands of inhabitants.
56% of Slovenians think they need a diet and 49% are doing something about it.
Luka and Nika will think twice before having
kids of their own. Slovenia has the 6th lowest birthrate in the world, with an average of 1.22 children/woman.
years is the average life expectancy of a woman in Slovenia.
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SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
Slovenia Facts and Figures Capital City: Ljubljana
Other major cities: Maribor and Nova Gorica.
is the average temperature in January
is the average temperature in July
20,273 km2 roughly 2/3 the size of Belgium
46,6 km 2864 m coast line at the Adriatic Sea
is the highest mountain Triglav (the name means “three-heads”)
on 25 june 1991
on 15 january 1992
It did so 24 hours before the expected
munity recognises Slov-
Slovenia formally declared independence. date, wrong-footing Yugoslav military
response. A brief conflict, lasting only 10 days, followed before Slovenia received
broad international recognition as an independent state.
— 8—
enia as an independent State on 15 January 1992
on 29 march 2004
on 1 january 2007
Slovenia joined
Slovenia joined the Eu-
rozone and the Euro replaced the “Tolar” as
on 1 may 2004
Slovenia joined the
on 22 may 1992
European Union
Slovenia joined the
the official currency.
United Nations.
Fotos: archive
The then-European Com-
SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
Slovenia Political Leaders prime minister: janzes jansa
president: danilo türk
pendence War in Slovenia, he
was elected President of the Republic on
The hero of the 10-day Inde-
The new President of Slovenia, Danilo Türk,
was elected Prime Minister in
November 11, beating his opponent Lojze Pe-
November 2004. Educated in
terle as he received 68.2% of the votes. He
Defense Studies to become
will take the Oath of Office on December
part of the Yugoslav regime’s
23rd 2007. A former diplomat and Ambassa-
elite, Jansa’s views on unfair
dor of his country to the United Nations, Mr
treatment within the Yugoslav
People’s Army (YPA) first got
Türk was nominated UN Assistant Secretary-
General for Political Affairs by then-Secre-
his works confiscated, and in
tary General Kofi Annan, an office he held from 2000 to 2005. Despite his
Yugoslav authorities. Fear of popular unrest prevented the authorities
current Slovenian President, Janez Drnovsek. Drnovsek is regarded as a
1985 he was prosecuted by the
from going ahead with his arrest, but he lost any chance of finding employment and survived for two years as a mountain guide, away from the
capital city of Ljubljana. He made his way back into the defense and political system and in 1990 put in place the military apparatus that fended
off the YPA’s response to the Slovenian Declaration of Independence on
25 July 1991. In 1993 he was nominated leader of the Social Democratic
Party of Slovenia and after having been elected to the National Assembly. His first governmental duty was as Defense Minister in 2000, under the government of Andrej Bajuk and in 2004 his party won the elections for
impressive victory at the polls, Mr Túrk will have a hard task replacing the sort of spiritual guru in Slovenia, who, after being diagnosed with kidney
cancer in 1999, changed his life remarkably by refocusing his attention to
the inner-most problems of the human condition. Despised by the political classes, whom he accused of spiritual shortsightedness, President Drnovsek has been quoted referring to current Prime Minister Jansa as “the
Prince of Darkness”. He is, nevertheless, one of the most popular public figures in the country and thus he is going to be a tough act to follow. Advertisement
the National Assembly, consequently nominating him Prime Minister.
foreign minister: dimitrij rupel
Dimitrij Rupel is the Foreign Affairs Minister in Slovenia and considered one of
the most seasoned politicians in Europe
to hold that position. He first held the
Fotos: archive (2); Srdjan Zivulovic/Bobo
position from 1990 to 1993 during the independence process, and took it up again
in 2000. In his second term, he stayed for
4 years, until he was exonerated by Prime
Minister Anton Rop. He then joined the opposition Democratic Party
and when Janez Jansa won the elections later that year, he was reinstated in the position, only 6 months after he had left. Mr. Rupel stud-
ied Literature and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology with Brandeis University. His niece, Anja Rupel, is one of the most successful pop singers and songwriters on the Slovenian music scene.
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26/11/07 12:47:12
SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
Interview The Balkans at the Heart of Europe Janez Jansa’s top advisor gives European Agenda a sneak preview of the incoming Slovenian Presidency. by Rudolf Hetzel
lovenia will be the first of the member
states that acceded to the EU in 2004 to
take up the Council Presidency. It is a mo-
What do you think will be the effect on the whole process of the victory of Mr Tachi in Kosovo?
The results have not changed the situation. It is our understanding that
mentous occasion for the Union as Slov-
there is a broad consensus among the various Albanian parties in Kosovo
Eastern European countries, but it is the
enia represents not only the Central and
first Balkan country to be part of the EU.
concerning its status, and the victory of Mr Tachi does not change that
This question will certainly be the most difficult one during our presi-
With looming prospects over the Kosovo
dency. We do not expect that the issue of Kosovo will be settled by the
tion to show the rest of the region that
year. We are getting ready for that, and our primary goal will be to estab-
issue, Slovenia is now in a perfect posithere is a way to peace, stability and to EU membership itself.
European Agenda met with Janez
Lenarčič, State Secretary for European
Affairs, and a top advisor to Prime Minis-
ter Jansa, to discuss the hottest issues for the first presidency with a Slavic accent.
European Agenda: What will be the four main priorities for the Slovenian Presidency?
Janez Lenarčič: The presidency will work on a number of issues, but it
end of this year and it is more likely that it will spill over into the next lish and maintain a unified position on the issue. It is no secret that, at
the moment, member states don’t have identical views on how to solve this issue; we have to work together with the current Portuguese presi-
dency and continue into our presidency to forge and maintain the unity of the European Union. Kosovo is and will be a European issue, because
the EU is the entity that will have to live with the consequences of the Kosovo settlement for years to come.
If there were a unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo, what would be the Slovenian presidency’s actions?
This is a hypothetical question, but it is one of the scenarios we are
will focus on four cardinal priorities. The first will be the future of Eu-
working on. It is still too early to say what the EU action would then
of the accession negotiations and the role of the EU in general.
cember and there are still some meetings scheduled. We will see where
rope, which includes the ratification of the new treaty, the continuation The second priority is the situation in the Western Balkans. This is of
great importance to Slovenia because it is the region that we have geo-
graphic, historical, cultural and all kinds of other links with. As you know, all the countries in this region have the European perspective and our
goal is to take important steps forward that will lead to the realisation of this ultimate objective, that will obviously take several years.
The next priority is Climate Change and the Energy Policy. This is one of
the most important challenges for the EU and there were very ambitious
be. We are still waiting for the report of the Contact Group on 10th De-
this process will come to and at the same time we are getting ready for
every situation and every scenario. We will try to follow our primary goal, which is ensuring unified EU action.
Are Kosovo and the situation in the rest of Eastern Europe and Central Asia going to be prominent topics of discussion during the forthcoming EU-Russia Summit?
There are very many issues on the agenda for EU-Russia relations,
goals set by the 2007 Spring Council meeting that require some follow-up
namely from the Common Foreign and Security policy, such as Kosovo
cuss at the March 2008 Summit will be the Lisbon Agenda that will come
also other areas like economic cooperation, raising the question of the
work on how to achieve them. The last objective that we will want to disinto its next implementation step, and we must follow that process too.
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and all the other trouble spots and crisis situations in the world. There are
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. There are chances, especially
SLOVENIA EuropeanAgenda
via other avenues, namely through alternative energy sources because
- no matter how we diversify our supply - the European Union’s dependence on imported energy supplies is wrong and this trend is something that has to be dealt with. The way to go about this is greater investment
in renewable energy sources, which is also an important part of our agenda. When I mentioned earlier the commitment made last March, I meant particularly the commitment to achieve 20% share of renewable energies. That binding target is set for the entire European Union and what remains to be done now is to find the target for each individual
member state. One can imagine that it is not going to be an easy matter and it will require intensive consultations and negotiations on the basis
of the Commission’s proposals that we expect will be issued in January. This will all take some time because this falls under the category of legislative package to be reached under the co-decision procedure.
What do you think will be the Slovenian Presidency’s role in the ratification process for the new Treaty?
The Presidency cannot ratify the treaty for other member states, what
it can do is show the right example. Our government intends to send the proposal for ratification to our parliament immediately after the signature. And then we hope our parliament will ratify the treaty speedily to
show the way to other countries. We will also stimulate ratification proc-
esses in other member states and we stand ready to assist whenever we are called to do so.
I think it is important that people understand that we cannot afford
to fail now, because we have been here before, and then the ratificaafter the new elections in Poland, to move forward again in the relationship with Russia.
This Summit will also be particularly interesting in as much as it will
come after the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia and there will be a new president attending the meeting. Let me say that we hope everyone is aware of the importance of the democratic conduct of these elections.
What do you hope to achieve with 2008 being the year for Intercultural
again in a different way, but it is a treaty that is good for Europe.
How much of the Lisbon Strategy overlapped to the Lisbon Treaty, apart from the name, that is?
Well, maybe there will now be more confusion because of the “Treaty”
and the “Strategy”. I think you can find the goals of the Lisbon Strategy all over the place in the text of the new treaty. I think there is no shortage there of Lisbon goals mentioned from the very first articles onwards.
What needs more attention in the Lisbon goals is the budget for it. In
2005, there was an agreement that the Commission would do a compre-
promote mutual understanding, dialogue and respect between people
more aligned with the Lisbon Strategy. But the time for that is not now
The primary goal of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue is to
living in Europe of various ethnic, religious, cultural and other backgrounds. If you take a look at the decision declaring 2008 the European
Year of Intercultural Dialogue, it sets a number of goals to be pursued by
hensive review of the budget for 2008-9 and that should, in my view, be because we need to have a treaty in place; we need to determine what we will do together before we can decide how we finance it.
As far as the Strategy itself is concerned, we believe that its renewed
the Member States in order to promote dialogue within our borders.
or revised form is now more effective with the mechanism that was put
and, in this context, the Presidency will take the opportunity to promote
grams that the Commission monitors and assesses. This mechanism has
Of course, intercultural dialogue can also have an external dimension
intercultural dialogue with third countries, especially with the Western Balkans, but also in the Euro-Mediterranean framework.
Going onto the issue of energy security, what is the importance of the Photos: private
tion process failed in two member states and we are now trying to do it
Nabucco Pipeline in your strategy?
Of course any measure that improves the diversity of energy supply is
beneficial in the EU. The Energy Action Plan will be reviewed on an an-
nual basis, but, in the long run, energy security will have to be pursued
in place allowing the member states themselves to put in place proproved to be good because it gives the member states the initiative and
the Strategy has started to produce results and the economic perform-
ance of the EU in the last few years has been good, especially compared to other big economic players like the United States or Japan.
We don’t expect major changes in the Strategy; maybe just some fine
tuning in some areas and a smooth transition to the next phase of the implementation.
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AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
AGENDA 2008 2nd EU Sustainable Energy Week
Photos: archive; Council of the European Union; www.albrecht-noack.com; Christina Pahnke/EPA
28.01.08 – 01.02.08
European Communication Summit 24.04.08 – 25.04.08
European Business Summit 13.03.08 – 14.03.08
European Patent Forum 06.05.08 – 07.05.08
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AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
28.01.08 – 01.02.08
2nd EU Sustainable Energy Week Energy independence: Outlining foundations for the future
host: jointly undertaken by the european institutions and a wide array of private and public organisations.
Under the umbrella
ganised during EUSEW
efficiency which they
ergy Europe Campaign
stress the need for eve-
troduction of EU policy
of the Sustainable En-
(SEE), the EC’s DG TREN, the EU Institutions, the
Slovenian Presidency and major stakeholders concerned with sustainable
are working together
to put on the second EU Sustainable Energy
Week. The events or-
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in Brussels and beyond
ryone to work together towards a common goal. An extensive list
of key topics will be cov-
ered, highlighting the multi-sectoral nature
of sustainable energy
development, namely: from renewable energy sources to the energy
provide, from the into the local actions
which carry it out, from
distributed energy to planning, from tech-
nologies to markets, from legislation to so-
cietal behaviours and educational integra-
tion, architecture and transportation.
Photos: archive
location: brussels, belgium
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
07.01.08 – 08.01.08
Opening of the Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 location: ljubljana, slovenia
The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue will be officially opened
at an EU conference in
Ljubljana, Slovenia on the 7th and 8th of January 2008, as Slovenia is chairing the EU Presidency in
the first half of the year. At this conference, stud-
23.01.08 – 27.01.08
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2008 location: davos, switzerland host: world economic forum
Europe’s Looming Demographic Crunch
For over three decades, the World Economic
Forum Annual Meet-
ing has provided an unrivalled platform for
leaders from all walks of
life to shape the global
location: bibliothèque solvay, brussels, belgium
This year’s Friends of
host : friends of europe
tactical policies can ad-
Europe “European Policy
Summit on Demographics” will discuss whether
dress profoundly structural problems and what
ies and research papers will be presented on the
agenda at the start of each year. At the core is
policy measures are needed to soften the impact
regards to integration and education. The Civil
collective wisdom of leaders from business, gov-
dress questions on whether the EU’s “Flexicu-
topic of intercultural dialogue, especially with Society Platform for Intercultural Dialogue will also present their political recommendations.
its multi-stakeholder model that leverages the ernment, the media, academia, the arts and civil society by building a global platform for collaboration and action to address priorities on the
global agenda. Under the motto “the Power of
Collaborative Innovation”, the Annual Meeting 2008 programme will also harness the experi-
ence of next year’s diverse and international CoChairs: Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the
Great Britain, James Dimon, Chairman and CEO,
of shrinking workforces. Furthermore, it will adrity“ is the first sign of a workplace revolution, and for how long pensions and healthcare will still be affordable in Europe. Confirmed speakers include: Joaquin Almunia, EU Commissioner for
Economic and Monetary Affairs; Aart de Geus, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD; Beverly Hughes, Minister of State for Children, Young People and Families, UK.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Henry A. Kissinger.
Intercultural Dialogue gets underway
further events
08.01.08 “Give Europe the means to grow -
budget review: reform or reshape?”, ALDE Group, EP, Brussels +++ 08.-11.01.08 New EU Member
Co-Chair Tony Blair
EU Commissioner Joaquin Almunia
States: Preparing for the Euro Introduction, Brussels, Frankfurt +++ 09.01.08 Blueprint Partners
5th Anniversary, Brussels +++ 09.01.08 “Compe-
tences of national, regional and local authorities with regards to urban transport”, Joint Seminar
Parliament: Session Committees Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
ALDE and CoR; EP, Brussels +++ 17.01.08 Interna-
Photos: www.albrecht-noack.com; archive
tional workshop on ‘achieving and safeguard-
ing sound fiscal positions’, DG ECOFIN, Brussels +++ 20.-22.01.08 Informal Workshop on Climate
Change, Slovenian Presidency of the EU +++ Poland at a crossroads: how can the economy benefit more from EU accession?, DG
ECOFIN, Brussels +++ 27.01.08 – 30.01.08 5th
International Trade Academy Forum, Eurocham-
bres, La Hulpe, Brussels +++ 31.01.-10.02.08 7th Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Conference, European Generic Medicines Association, Brussels
SA Tuesday
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AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
21.02.08 – 22.02.08
6th European Business Summit Greening the Economy: New Energy for Business location: tour & taxi, brussels, belgium
With the theme of
from various countries
son, Janez Potočnik;
new Energy for Busi-
CEO, Royal Dutch Shell;
host: federation of enterprises in belgium (feb) and businesseurope
ness’, the EBS 2008 will
ness) climate visions
focus on how Europe can turn a “carbon challenge” into business
opportunity, giving new energy to growth
and jobs. At EBS 2008, leading business and
political figures, NGOs, media and academics
— 16 —
will exchange (busiand present (eco) innovative
Speakers will include: José Manuel Barroso, President, European Commission; EU Commissioners Jacques
Barrot, Stavros Dimas, Ján Figel, László Kovács, Peter Mandel-
Jeroen van der Veer, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, CEO, Air France-KLM; Fulvio Conti, CEO, Enel;
Jean-Philippe Courtois, President, Microsoft
International; Ian Hudson, President, DuPont
EMEA; Dennis Jönsson, President, CEO, Tetra Pak.
Photos: archive (3); Parlement Europeen; archive
‘Greening the Economy:
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
07.02.08 – 08.02.08
EUA Experts Conference location: brussels host: european university asscociation
In an increasingly com-
petitive environment, Europe’s Higher Education Institutions must
find a way to become
financially sustainable.
This conference promises to unite experts from
19.02.08 – 21.02.08
ICT Standardisation 5th Worldwide Policy Conference Security Conference Europe must create an
location: ec charlemagne building
meets both industry
needs and society’s ex-
host: european commission
pectations to promote
the competitiveness of
European industry while
across Europe to identify the key elements nec-
ensuring that all citizens can further benefit
er Education Institutions in the future. Policy-
tion Society. Given the critical importance of an
essary for the financial survival of Europe’s Highmakers, institutional leaders and researchers on
the topic will explore the links between funding
and autonomy, accountability and governance
structures, aiming to pinpoint the key features of sound costing systems.
The WCS5, organised by
location: world customs organization headquarters, brussels, belgium
the EWI in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
and the World Customs
host: east-west-institute
Organization, is one of the largest and most
prestigious security con-
from the opportunities created by the Informa-
ferences. It will bring together 750 government,
efficient European ICT standardisation policy,
the world to discuss the challenge of enhancing
the Commission is organising an open meeting
to present and discuss the recommendations of a recent study on ‘The specific policy needs for ICT standardisation’.
business and civil society leaders from around cooperation to fight terrorism and violent ex-
tremism. The WCS5 will examine a broad range of views from around the globe on the responsibility of business, governments and people to create a new global architecture to face the challenge.
further events
05.02.08 CoR Bureau Meeting, CoR, Brussels
+++ 06.02.08 – 07.02.08 CoR Plenary Session,
EC Vice President Verheugen will open the conference.
CoR, Brussels +++ 07.02.08 Breaga: Award Win-
Michel Danet, Secretary General of the WCO
ning Irish Musicians, Irish Regions Office, Brussels, Belgium +++ 11.02.08 – 13.02.08 Confer-
ence on e-Government, Slovenian Presidency of the EU, Brdo, Slovenia +++ 14.02.08 – 15.02.08
Parliament: Committees Session Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
Photos: archive; www.marco-urban.de; archive
Conference on Cancer, Slovenian Presidency of
the EU, Brdo, Slovenia +++ 16.02.08 EU Studies Fair, European Voice, Brussels +++ 19.02.08
– 20.02.08 Biosimilars 2008, Brussels +++ 21.02.08 – 22.02.08 Informal Meeting of EU
Defence Ministers, Slovenian Presidency of the EU +++ 26.02.08 Lunch Debate on Competi-
tiveness, Forum for the Automobile and Society, Brussels +++ 26.02.08 – 28.02.08 Logicon Europe 2008, Brussels +++ 28.02.08 The Future of
the Franco-German Engine in the European Union, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium
SA Tuesday
— 17 —
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
13.03.08 – 14.03.08
European Council Spring Summit Relaunching the Lisbon strategy under a new treaty When the Heads of
the Kosovo process
plementation of the
ment of the 27 EU
The Council meeting
will also prepare the
State and Governmember-states will in March 2008, the
ratification process of
the new Treaty will of
course be one of the most important is-
sues to be discussed. On the international
front, the outcome and consequences of
— 18 —
will be on the agenda. comes a few weeks before the EU-Russia
Summit that will also
be addressed by the European leaders.
Internally, besides the
ratification of the Lisbon treaty, the gathering will focus on
the new stage of im-
Lisbon Strategy and it
review of the Budget. This will be the first
moment to analyze the achievements of
the European Year
for Intercultural Dialogue.
Photos: Council of the European Union
host: council of the european union
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
12.03.08 – 14.03.08
World Biofuels Markets location: brussels expo host: green power conferences
With 1300 participants
from 58 countries attending in 2007, the
17.03.08 – 19.03.08
31.03.08 – 03.04.08
UIC Highspeed 2008 European Wind Energy Conference location: amsterdam rai exhibition and convention center
The 6th World Congress & Trade Exhibition on
High Speed Rail in Am-
sterdam will be the most important event in
The European Wind En-
Location: Brussels Expo
ergy Conference & Exhibition is widely recog-
World Biofuels Markets
the long distance passenger rail transportation
nised as the unique „Annual General Meeting“
largest gathering of
linked to the development of high speed rail
The 2008 event, to be held in Brussels from 31
Congress is Europe’s
biofuels professionals. Since its inception in 2006, the congress has grown exponentially to
become the must-at-
tend conference for in-
dustry experts looking
to share best practices and attract new clients. This year’s agenda includes over 200 top speakers and is organized into three streams with
and infrastructure business. All strategic issues systems will be addressed at this global event
organized by UIC, NS and ProRail, with all key players from the international transport scene
expected to attend. UIC HIGHSPEED 2008 follows five successful editions of this congress under the EurailSpeed brand name. This new brand name, UIC HIGHSPEED 2008, underlines the new global dimension of UIC’s railway cooperation activities.
for the international wind energy community. March to 3 April, will attract over 4,000 professional visitors and political delegations from 70
countries. Visitors represent all relevant parts of the decision making chain - from engineers, purchasers and analysts to political representatives and board members. It is the only event that
covers every key aspect of the wind market, giv-
ing unparalleled access to business contacts and unique networking opportunities.
five workshops. Several networking events are
also built into the program, offering participants plenty of time to meet new contacts and visit our 100 exhibitors. further events 02.03.08 – 05.03.08 PRFM 2008, European Nu-
clear Society +++ 04.03.08 – CeBIT, Expo Hanover +++ 05.03.08 – 06.03.08 Conference: Use of
Structural Funds for Enhanced Development of
Research Infrastructure, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brdo, Slovenia +++ 05.03.08
– 06.03.08 COGEN Europe Annual Conference
Jaques Barrot
Andris Piebalgs
2008, European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration, Brussels +++ 07.03.08 - 09.03.08
CEP Clean Energy Power 2008, REECO GmbH, Stuttgart +++ 11.03.08 The European Business Photos: www.flickr.com; archive; European Commission
Awards, InterContinental Paris+++ 12.03.08
Parliament: Committees Session Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
Concert of The Slovenian Philharmonic, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brussels
+++ 11.03.08 – 13.03.08 Transmission & Distri-
bution Europe 2008, Amsterdam, The Nether-
lands +++ 18.03.08 – 21.03.08 28th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency
Medicine, Erasme University Hospital, Brussels
+++ 19.03.08 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Smart Textiles for Industry
and Fashion, The Institute of Nanotechnology, London +++ 19.03.08 The European Meeting industry Fair, Brussels Expo
SA Tuesday
— 19 —
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
24.04.08 – 25.04.08
European Communication Summit Conference and Gala for Europe’s PR professionals LOCATION: LE PLAZA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
The European Commu-
than 60 top speakers
ers; Christof Ehrhart,
ers the leading Com-
rate Communications
munication Directors
and tools, methods
and Spokespersons for a two-day conference in Brussels. Participants come from
business, politics, as-
sociations and media
across Europe and will hear presentations and discussions from more
— 20 —
who debate strategies and best cases within the fields of Corporate
Communication, Pub-
lic Relations, Media Relations and political communication. Speak-
ers will include: Mike Davies, Global Director
of Communications, PriceWaterhouseCoop-
Vice President CorpoEADS; Elfrieke van Galen, Vice President Corporate Communications CSR, KLM. At the
evening gala, the Euro-
pean Communication Award will be presented to a campaign that
successfully promoted the European idea.
Photos: www.albrecht-noack.com
nication Summit gath-
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
15.04.08 – 16.04.08
European Nuclear Assembly LOCATION: BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
The European Nuclear
for politicians, industry
Assembly (ENA) provides an opportunity
experts and stakeholder representatives from
around the world to dis-
cuss the latest political, economic and environmental developments in the nuclear field. The
21.04.08 – 25.04.08
24.04.08 – 26.04.08
European Road The EU in Transport Research International Affairs Arena - TRA 2008 TRA 2008 will be an op-
portunity for EU road
transport stakeholders
and researchers to discuss strategies to complete the process that
began at Goteborg’s
The Institute for Euro-
(IEE) at the Université
pean Studies (IES) at the
Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), the Institut
d’Études Européennnes
Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the UN University programme for Compara-
Energy Policy for Europe (EPE), recently adopted
TRA 2006 of creating a true ‘European Road
tive Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS),
and climate change and recognises the central
plementation of the 7th EU Research Framework
Relations organise this conference. In line with
by the Council, forges a link between energy role that nuclear energy will play in promoting low-carbon energy and competitiveness. The
European Nuclear Energy Forum will aim for an
Transport Research Arena’. Coinciding with imProgramme (FP7), it aims to develop new technologies for better transport systems. Climate
change demands urgent responses, and com-
inclusive, transparent and non-ideological de-
petition is challenging Europe’s position in the
to the EU’s energy future.
together research partners, industry representa-
bate on the key contribution that nuclear makes
global road transport market. The event brings tives, NGOs and policy-makers to develop ideas on how to answer these and other challenges.
and the Egmont Royal Institute for International its overall objectives, it provides a forum for dis-
cussion and exchange of ideas among scholars that take an interest in understanding the interface between the EU and international politics
and law, as well as fostering exchange between
the scientific and the related policy communities, and both academics and the policy-making community are expected to attend the conference.
further events 02.04.08 – 04.04.08 Climate Protection and Renewable Energy: Medium and Small Communi-
ties facing the Challenge, European Climate Con-
EU Transport Commissioner Potocnik
ference, Rovigo, Italy +++ 03.04.08 – 04.04.08
Conference “Public Finances in the EU”, EC, Brussels +++ 08.04.08 – 10.04.08 Euromaintenance 2008, European Federation of National
Parliament: Session Committees Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
Photos: archive; European Commission; archive
Maintenance Societies, Brussels +++ 09.04.08 Conference: Social Impact of Education and Vi-
sion 2020, Slovenian Presidency of the European
Union, Brdo, Slovenia +++ 14.04.08 – 18.04.08
GSMP World Wide Spring Event 2008, Brussels, Belgium +++ 17.04.08 – 18.04.08 East meets
West 2008, European Patent Office, Vienna, Austria +++ 22.04.08 – 24.04.08 European Seafood Exposition, Brussels +++ 24.04.08 – 25.04.08
European Forum for In-House Counsel, European Company Lawyers Association, Brussels +++ 27.04.08 NATO Summit, Bucharest, Romania
SA Tuesday
— 21 —
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
06.05.08 – 07.05.08
European Patent Forum and European Inventor of the Year Advancing Innovation in Europe LOCATION: GRAND HOTEL UNION, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA
The European Patent
intellectual property
Brussels in 2006, and
an Inventor of the Year
into account political,
ond year. Speakers in
by the European Pat-
2008 are co-organised
ent Office, the government of Slovenia, the Slovenian Intellectual
Property Office and the European Commission. The Euro-
pean Patent Forum attempts to examine
— 22 —
holistically, taking
social, ethical, techno-
logical, environmental
and historical factors. Jointly organised by the European Patent
Office and the European
the European Inventor of the Year Awards were first presented in
in Munich in its sec-
2007 included Angela Merkel and Günther Verheugen.
Photos: Christina Pahnke/EPA; archive
Forum and the Europe-
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
16.05.08 – 17.05.08
High level meeting of
Heads of States and
Governments between
the EU-Latin America & Caribbean (LAC). The last EU-LAC Summit took place in Vienna (May
2006). The summits are unique occasions to
have a dialogue at high level, addressing important issues to the partnership between both
regions. At each Summit, the Heads of State and Government adopt a Declaration, containing
joint policy statements and commitments regarding the cooperation between both regions.
15.05.08 - 16.05.08
06.05.08 - 08.05.08
IRU World Congress
e-Health without Frontiers This conference organ-
ised by the European
Institute for Health
Records will focus on topics which contribute
Road transport’s indis-
pensable role in enhancing prosperity, wealth
distribution and social relations between regions
and nations. The congress includes speeches
to connecting eHealth
by Binali Yildirim, Minister of Transport of Turkey,
to demonstrate oppor-
Union, and Jamal Saghir, Director, Energy, Trans-
tools and users. It aims
tunities, achievements and challenges of the
implementation of electronic healthcare, and to
define as clearly as possible future directions for
the further development of eHealth in Europe. On May the 5th satellite events such as national eHealth conference and events will be organised by European associations and projects.
Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet
port and Water, World Bank, on May 15th. On May
16th (after sessions on, for example, “Make your road transport operations more efficient, profita-
ble, safer and more secure”), Renate Sommer, MEP, Martin Marmy, IRU Secretary General, and others
will discuss on “The Silk Road – A link between the Asian, European, CIS, Middle East, North, Central and South American economies”.
Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner for External Relations
further events 15.05.08-16.05.08 Adapting EU Trade Law to the
Mikhail Gorbachev
Challenge of Globalisation, Academy of EuropePhotos: European Parliament; www.flickr.com; www.marco-urban.de
an Law +++ 16.05.08 European Policy Seminar: Exporting education: Europe‘s role in transnational education, Academic Cooperation Asso-
ciation (ACA), Brussels +++ 19.05.08 – 30.05.08
Parliament: Session Committees Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
UN Conference on Biodiversity 2008, Bonn, Germany +++ 21.05.08 – 22.05.08 Training: The Europeanisation of Prison Management, European
Institute of Public Administration, Bratislava, Slovakia +++ 23.05.08 – 24.05.08 Conference
on Disability, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia +++ 27.05.08
Conference: „Reforming the Budget, Changing Europe“, DG ECOFIN, Brussels +++ 27.05.2008
European Neighbours‘ Day, CECODHAS - European Liaison Committee for Social Housing, 725 towns in Europe
Tuesday SA
— 23 —
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
11.06.08 - 12.06.08
Employment Week 2008 Discussing Employment Trends in Europe Employment
employment and social
hundreds of employ-
providing participants
its 15th year, provides a
discuss the achieve-
learn more about the
2008, now celebrating
forum for all European
affairs stakeholders. In 23 sessions, the Employment Week 2008 will aim to unlock the
dialogue between the political decision mak-
ers, business leaders, social partners and
— 24 —
ment practitioners to
ments of current European employment policies and trends, as well as exchange ideas on
how to create synergy between all the stake-
holders. A wide range of conference topics illustrated by concrete case-studies aims at
with the chance to employment trends and initiatives in the
European Union. Each session will allow am-
ple time for discussion and debate which will
provide the opportunity to influence future
initiatives that will impact your activities.
Photos: archive
AGENDA EuropeanAgenda
03.06.08 – 04.06.08 03.06.08 – 05.06.08 18.06.08 – 20.06.08 Reform to Perform LOCATION: OECD CONFERENCE CENTRE, PARIS, FRANCE HOST: OECD
The OECD brings togeth-
er the governments of countries committed to
democracy and the mar-
ket economy worldwide
to support sustainable economic growth, boost
employment, raise liv-
After the success of
niversary of the Treaty of
Green Week 2007, which was linked with the festivities for the 50th an-
Rome and looked back at 50 years of European environmental policy as
ing standards, maintain
well as at the future, Green Week 2008 – organ-
other countries‘ eco-
a unique opportunity for debate, exchange of
financial stability, assist
nomic development and
contribute to growth in
world trade.The OECD Forum is a „multi-stake-
ised by the European Commission – will provide
ACI EUROPE Annual Congress
Aéroports de Paris will
host the 18th ACI EU-
ROPE General Assembly, Annual Congress and Ex-
hibition & ACI EUROPE
Best Airport Awards. Traditionally attracting up to 450 senior level
directors from Interna-
experience and best practice among non-gov-
tional airports, government bodies, associations,
levels of government and the public.
sembly, Annual Congress & Exhibition addresses
ernmental organisations, businesses, various
suppliers and more, the ACI EUROPE General As-
the most topical and challenging issues facing
holder summit“ which
the airport sector. The Annual Congress, hosted
brings together business
by Aéroport de Paris, will deliver a prestigious
OECD Secretary General and labour leaders, civil Angel Gurria
line-up of speakers and first-class French hospi-
society personalities, gov-
tality making it an occasion not to be missed.
ernment ministers and leaders of international organisations to discuss the hottest issues on the international agenda. It takes place in conjunction
with the annual OECD Ministerial Summit and
aims to a more prosperous, stable and sustainable future with its title “Reform to Perform”. further events 02.06.08 Conference on e-Justice & e-Law, Slov. Pres. of the EU, Portoroz, Slovenia +++ 02.06.08 - 06.06.08 16th European Biomass
Conference and Exhibition, ETA - Renewable
Commissioner Wallstroem at the Green Week 2007
ACI President Paraschis
Energies, Valencia, Spain +++ 04.06.2008 06.06.2008 ITS in Europe Congress and Exhibi-
tion, ERTICO - ITS Europe, Geneva, Switzerland +++ 04.06. – 06.06.2007 ECOMM2008, Lon-
don, UK +++ 11.06.08 - 13.06.08 AESGP 44th
Parliament: Session Committees Flags: National Holidays
External Parliamentary Activities
Conciliation Committee
Annual Meeting, AESGP, Stockholm, Sweden +++ 12.06.08 - 13.06.08 9th Light Rail Con-
ference, UITP, Istanbul, Turkey +++ 15.06.08 - 17.06.08 ACA Annual Conference, ACA, Tallin, Estonia +++ 16.06.08 - 17.06.08 Eurelec-
tric Annual Convention & Conference 2008, Barcelona, Spain +++ 16.06.-18.06.2008 Joint Photos: archive
AISAM-ACME Congress, Helsinki, Finland +++
22.06.08 - 25.06.08 7th World Surfactants Congress, CEFIC, Paris, France +++ 30.06.2008 - 30.07.2008 45th IFLA World Congress, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Tuesday SA
— 25 —
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TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
Euro Adoption: Adopting or Adapting?
Orchestrating the transition. Communicating a streamlined Euro introduction by Member of the European Parliament, David Casa and Editorial Adviser and Press Officer at the EP, David Stellini
he Maastricht Converge Criteria‘, in all
plement the nitty gritty details of the action plan within the sectors they
to mind when ‘euro adoption’ is men-
to work in concert with each other in order to make their bookkeeping,
likelihood is the first term that springs
tioned. Many will probably recall their
first acquaintance with the euro notes and coins back in 2002. However, for a
member state aspiring to adopt the euro, it means far more than placing its economy on a sound footing and later passing
represent. The government, the banks and the commercial sector have
cash management, and payment systems euro compliant. Given that, the IT systems are usually not only integrated within an organisation it-
self but also feed into other organisations’ IT systems, the euro adoption warrants not only extensive modifications but also that such modifications between organisations are in synch with each other.
the ‘test’. Long before the member state
communication is key; both within and without!
ro it would have most certainly invested
under way, every single person within an organisation is involved in the
and communication strategies, which in
be it TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, websites, telephone help lines, web
receives the green light to adopt the euheavily in early, thorough preparations
the end would pay off in terms of speed of the adoption, public acceptance of the euro and smoothness of the transition.
an extraordinary event warranting an extraordinary action plan …
The adoption of the euro touches upon almost every as-
pect of our lives; it has administrative implications for the
government, for the banks and for the commercial sector; a logistical aspect both to circulate the new banknotes and coins and to mop up the old ones; a psychological aspect
since money per se is not just a store of value, but is one of
the most fundamental factors in our lives that establishes and maintains a feeling of well being and independence; a social facet since weaker groups in society struggle more
than others to get to grips with it. Finally, there are mar-
As soon as an action plan is decided, and technical preparations are well
process. The public at large is informed through a plethora of channels, chatting, conferences, seminars or public meetings. An information campaign targets the general public and specific campaigns focus on particular
target groups, such as vulnerable groups, elderly, children and consumers. These groups are informed through specialised tools including
The government, the banks and the commercial sector have to work in concert with each other .
keting issues at play, since the adoption itself removes of
ad hoc publications, web portals, corporate and information meetings, one-to-one meetings, specific seminars as well as focused advertising and public relations initiatives.
The information campaign evolves into a series of ‘hands
on’ training and education programmes, preparing citizens
to familiarise themselves with the euro notes and coins as
well as to learn the difference between numerical values
of the euro and the ‘soon defunct’ national currency. These programmes target different stakeholders including private
organisations, self employed, teachers and educators, social workers and community leaders, so that they act as multipliers to spread their knowledge to their fellow people.
a trade barrier between the member state and the single market, and
mandatory dual display of prices
market position. From which ever angle you look at it, the key to a suc-
it of prices or salaries. Mandatory dual display — before and after adop-
other words, all stakeholders within the member state have to get round
and services in euro and understand pricing practices in the new cur-
hence after the adoption, businesses find themselves in a much bigger cessful euro adoption is the convergence all these aspects together. In the table, agree on an action plan and see it through together.
an ‘airy fairy’ action plan?
The euro adoption is undoubtedly technical in nature, and hence the
stakeholders do not only choose their priorities and goals but also im-
Consumer confidence is boosted through mandatory dual display, be
tion — helps consumers become acquainted with the value of goods
rency. Slowly they learn to think in euro and be able to compare prices even before the euro becomes legal tender.
keeping a close eye on prices…
Dual display helps consumers monitor and judge whether a particular
— 27 —
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
business entity is adhering to its obligations. They can report any practic-
fied price rises that they believe is related to the euro. The government
es concerning wrongful display of dual prices and any concern or unjustiinvestigates these cases individually and in case of a price increase related to the introduction of the euro the retailer is approached to remedy the situation.
The government monitors the prices and publishes average prices
found for products on newspaper and websites so that consumers check
the pricing benchmark and are able to discern whether the outlet is actually cheaper or more expensive than the average.
indeed, the psychological aspect as well!
bound to
However, notwithstanding all government’s efforts against wrong
dual display and price abuse, the human mind does play tricks at least when one is first faced with euro prices. Prices may seem higher or lower when shown in euro (depending on the exchange rate between the na-
not bound to
tional currency and the euro), because the numerical values (prices) of
the products changes although the purchasing values obviously do not.
The member states that joined the EU after the Maastricht Treaty (2002) have committed themselves in their Accession Treaties to adopt the euro when they meet the convergence criteria. Denmark and the UK were granted an ‘opt out’ clause from the European Monetary Union in the Maastricht Treaty.
formal application procedure to adopt the euro The member state formally asks the European Commission and the
European Central Bank to report on its progress in fulfilling the “Maastricht” convergence criteria. On the basis of a proposal by the Commis-
sion, and after consulting the European Parliament, the Council decides
The euro adoption changes not only the ‘physical’ notes and coins but
even one’s ‘monetary language’. There are cog-
The “mental” changeover takes considerably more time than the physical changeover itself.
nitive, emotional and practical issues at play
and as such, preparation and practice ensures that what customers take for granted before
the adoption — in their ability to handle their
daily budget — continues to be the case after
the changeover itself. Consumers have to use, plan and budget in euro with confidence and ease and start ‘thinking euro’, months before
they start paying in euro. The extent to which they are able to make the mental leap much
depends on their willingness and ability to
maastricht criteria
reference rates
Price Stability
Inflation rate not exceeding by more
cal changeover itself. Five years on, the Euro Barometer survey results
three best performing countries
when doing day-to-day shopping, and only 29 per cent ‘most often’ think
Below the reference value of 3 % of GDP
The “mental” changeover takes considerably more time than the physi-
still show that only 57 per cent of respondents ‘most often’ think in euro in euro when doing ‘exceptional’ purchases.
By and large, these figures show that euro adoption is not only about
passing the Maastricht ‘test’ or adopting the ‘physical’ euro notes and coins, but rather more about adapting to it!
Public Debt
Below or approaching the reference
Long Term Interest Rates
Not exceeding by more than 2 per-
performing countries in terms of
European Parliament and formerly an Information Officer with the
value of 60 % of GDP
centage points that of the three best price stability.
David Stellini is the Press Advisor within the EPP-ED Group in the
National Euro Changeover Committee, Malta. david.stellini@europarl. europa.eu
Exchange Rate Stability
Participation in ERM II for at least
Further to the above criteria, the Treaty requires an examination of the compatibility of the country‘s national legislation with the relevant provisions of the Treaty.
— 28 —
MEP David Casa (epp-ed, mt) is the rapporteur at the European Parliament on Slovakia’s bid to join the euro zone in January 2009.
Photo: European Parliament
Budget Deficit
than 1.5 percentage points that of the
deal with change.
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TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
EU Accession Croatia’s take on EU pre-accession assistance — A dynamic learning process —
by Iva Frki & Dalibor Dvorny
roatia is regarded as well advanced
on its way to the European Union. The
process became very dynamic as soon as the country intensified relations
with the EU at the beginning of this decade. Prompt signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement en-
sued and was followed in early 2003
by an application for EU membership. Already by June 2004 candidate country status was awarded to Croatia and
by October 2005 EU accession negotia-
tions were launched. Having become a candidate country in late 2005, Croatia
jumped the train of pre-accession assistance programmes PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD, in place for the period 2000-
2006. In a relatively short time span, the pre-accession scenario in Croatia
thus gained in complexity, with different policy tools interacting in order to bring the country closer to fulfilling EU membership criteria. Today accession negotiations are proceeding at a high speed, a variety of
pre-accession programmes are being implemented simultaneously, and the reform processes are probably at their peak.
While it is difficult to point at a precise date of its EU accession, there is
no more doubt either abroad or inside Croatia that the country is head-
ing precisely for the European Union. A factor guaranteeing Croatia’s European direction is political consensus of all parliamentary parties on ject of political debates. Most parties support fast accession, fearful of
seeing the door to the EU close in the face of challenges further (south)
east. Such political consensus is quite an achievement in a young coun-
try whose electorate shows a rather volatile opinion on the EU, usually influenced by the current Zagreb-Brussels relations.
— 30 —
Photo: www.flickr.com
this topic. Regardless of domestic politics, EU accession is hardly an ob-
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
along the negotiations’ highway
Another guarantee of a continued high speed of accession negotia-
process is taking place among domestic actors in charge. Efforts by the
ess. The speed of negotiations must have a stronghold in dynamic policy
mentation steps in after a successfully completed programming period.
tions is EU financial assistance supporting the internal accession procreforms; this is where the pre-accession assistance steps in. So far, substantial resources have been allocated to this purpose. Croatia has ben-
efited from 262 million EUR through the programme CARDS (assistance
state administration will have to be intensified as the process of imple-
The challenge ahead lies in including a greater number of actors from the state administration into the management and use of EU funding.
In the face of these challenges, one should consider Croatia’s per-
for post-war reconstruction and stabilization) during 2001-2004, 252
formance record so far. In previous episodes of managing EU funds, the
through PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD, and is entitled to further 592 million
Croatia is a country in which decentralized management of EU funds
million EUR in 2005 and 2006 for a wider scope of investment purposes
EUR in the period 2007-2010 under the new pre-accession programme
IPA. The country is performing very well in terms of absorbing this assistance, extended by five different programmes operating under quite
dissimilar principles. The latest figures indicate that 97% of CARDS funding has been contracted. Entire PHARE and ISPA allocations have been assigned to specific projects and similarly high contracting figures are
expected in their case. The process is not seamless but the administration is adapting in order to address issues as they emerge.
The pace of learning is in fact becoming more steady with the onset of
IPA. The aim of this new programme is to prepare future Member States
state administration has shown it is capable of change and of learning. was allowed on a pilot basis already under CARDS. Having shown a good
“ EU funds both help improve state administration and speed up governance improvements and enhance the system of governance as a whole.”
for effective management and use of the EU Structural Funds. In order
performance there, Croatia went ahead with a relatively speedy proc-
of rules ensuring strategic programming, transparent management and
decentralized manner. It is currently undertaking steps for a similar ac-
to do so, payments under IPA are conditioned upon fulfillment of a set
effective implementation. In this manner projects and programmes fi-
nanced through IPA have a double impact: their outputs are valuable
ess of accreditation for managing all of CARDS, PHARE and ISPA in that creditation for the management of IPA funding.
in terms of helping fullfil accession criteria while their implementation
rising to the twin-targeted challenge
long run greater impact of all public funding.
are conducive both to the current as well as to the upcoming Euro-con-
IPA principles beneficial to domestic policymaking and policy delivery
tion has never been more challenging and dynamic than now, with ac-
method transfers good EU practice into domestic policy, ensuring in the
are the following:
∞ multi-annual planning of priorities, investments and budget;
∞ introduction of partner institutions and their consultation in all phases of the process;
∞ strengthening of inter-institutional cooperation and opening up scope for synergies;
∞ transparency of procedures and clear division of responsibilities among stakeholders;
∞ strong coordination by lead institutions which are able to provide support and guidance and to defend national interests in
negotiations with the EU.
In concluding, two core instrumental observations can be made which
text Croatia is confronted with. Firstly, working in the state administracession approaching. It is empowering to know that one’s work directly influences the pace of that accession. Secondly, challenges arising from the process of managing EU funds do not only point out to necessary
improvements in the functioning of the state administration; they can
in fact speed up these improvements and enhance the system of governance as a whole. If EU pre-accession programmes are understood
as being more than just additional investment money, they become a catalyst of change in domestic policymaking. As a small country with
relatively young institutions and a good learning record so far, Croatia
is well placed to make the challenges of this EU assistance (and of IPA
in particular) work in its favour, enhancing governance and speeding up the accession process as it does so.
Ms. Iva Frki
Mr. Dalibor Dvorny
in Iowa, USA and a Masters degree in International
tions from Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes In-
MA in international relations from Grinnell College
Relations and European Studies from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Working at Photos: private
Insight into Croatia’s management of IPA so far suggests a learning
the Central Office for Development Strategy and Co-
ordination of EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia on projects supporting regional development.
MA in European Studies and International Relaternationales (Nice / Berlin). Working at the Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia on projects in the transport sector.
— 31 —
10.02.08 – 13.02.08 PIME 2008
27.02.08 – 28.02.08
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Map Energy Stakeholders in Brussels
Events Energy Top Events in Europe in 2008
Interview Michael Lane, Exxon Mobil
Portraits Global Energy Tycoons
Wind Energy Interview with Christian Kjaer, EWEA
Biofuel Energy Reconsidered
Nuclear Energy Pro and Con
27.02.08 – 28.02.08
Climate Change Conference
31.03.08 – 03.04.08
European Wind Energy Conference LOCATION: BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
Photos: www.flickr.com; archive
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ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Energy Associations & Companies in Brussels
16 17 28 33 42
2 AEGPL 165 Bld de Souverain 3 AquaFed 6 Rond Point Schuman 4 Assoelettrica 1 Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 5 Cable Europe 41 Avenue des Arts 6 CEDEC 55 Rue Royale, box 10
7 CEER 28 Rue le Titien 8 CEWEP 12A Bld Clovis 9 COGEN Europe 98, Gulledelle 10 eBIO 106 Rue Joseph II 11 EDORA 7 Rue de la Revolution, 12 EFET 93 Rue Le Corrège 1 EGEC (REH) 63-65 Rue d’ Arlon
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14 EHI
153-155 Colonel Bourg-
270 Avenue de Tervueren
straat 15 ELCFED 80 Bld A. Reyers 16 Energie-Cités 157 Avenue Brugmann 17 ENGVA 200 Avenue Louise 18 ENS 57 Rue de la Loi 19 EPBA 204 Avenue Marcel Thiry
1 ESHA (REH) 63-65 Rue d’Arlon 1 ESTIF
33 EURIMA 375 Avenue Louise, box 4 34 EUROBAT
(RHE) 63-65 Rue d’Arlon
(REH) 63-65 Rue d’Arlon
28 ETN
80 Avenue de l’Opale
30 Rue Saint George
12 Rue de la Rosée
204 Avenue Marcel Thiry
5 Pegasuslaan
15 Bld Saint-Michel
4 Avenue Palmerston
1 EREC (REH) 63-65 Rue d’Arlon 25 EREF 73 Avenue de la Fauconnerie 7 ERGEG 28 Rue le Titien
168 Avenue de Tervueren
4 Rue de l‘Industrie
1 EUREC Agency (REH) 63-65 Rue d‘Arlon 32 EURELECTRIC 66 Bld de l‘Impératrice
300 Avenue de Tervueren
Photo: www.sxc.hu
1 AEBIOM (REH) 63-65 Rue d’Arlon
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
46 39 45 19 34 23
14 59 63
12 51
49 3
73 20
30 38
66 29
COMPANIES 39 European Energy
7 Avenue Ariane 15 EUTurbines 80 Bld A. Reyers 1 EWEA (RHE) 63-65 Rue d‘Arlon 42 FEDARENE 11 Rue du Beau Site 18 FORATOM 57 Rue de la Loi 44 GIE 83 Rue Ducale
45 HFP
48 BP
55 EnBW
63 Hydro ASA
49 TVO
204 Avenue Marcel Thiry
11 Rond Point Schuman
60-62 Rue Belliard
83 Avenue Marcel Thiry
6 Rond Point Schuman
49 British Energy
56 Enel SpA
71 Texaco
204 Avenue Marcel Thiry
6 Rond Point Schuman
13 -14 Avenue des Arts
12 Avenue de la Renaissance
25 Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur
50 Czech Power
57 ENI
65 Repsol YPF
72 Total
15 Boulevard Saint-Michel
39 Square Vergote
43-44 Boulevard du Regent
1 Place du Trône
52 Rue de l‘Industrie
51 E.ON AG
59 ExxonMobil
73 Vattenfall
60 Avenue de Cortenbergh
2 Hermeslaan
273 Avenue de Tervueren
8 Avenue de Tervuren
52 EDF
60 Fortum
67 Schlumberger
74 Veolia
21 Avenue des Arts
17 Rue de la Charité
4 Rue de l‘Industrie
26 Rue des deux Eglises
53 Edison
61 Gaz de France
75 Shell International
75 VNG
3 Avenue des Nerviens
39 Rue des Deux Églises
15-23 Ave Arnaud Fraiteur
7A Avenue Edmond Mesens
54 Electrabel
62 GE
68 Siemens
8 Boulevard du Régent
2-4 Rond Point Schuman
69-71 Rue d‘Arlon
52 Wingas 21 Avenue des Arts
48 Statoil 11 Rond Point Schuman
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ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
ENERGY EVENTS 2008 28.01.08 – 01.02.08
07.02.08 – 10.02.08
Bioenergy World Europe ’08
Under the umbrella of the Sustainable Energy
Europe Campaign (SEE), the EC’s DG TREN, the EU Institutions, the Sloveni-
an Presidency and major stakeholders concerned
with sustainable energy are putting on the sec-
ond EU Sustainable Energy Week together. The events organised during EUSEW in Brussels and
beyond cover key topics that highlight the mul-
ti-sectoral nature of sustainable energy develop-
ment and stress the need for everyone to work together towards a common goal.
Four days of exhibitions and conferences
dedicated to bioenergy (liquid, solid and gaseous) held in conjunc-
tion with Fieragricola,
a major international agriculture exhibition. www.bioenergy-world.com
26.02.08 – 27.02.08
The Future of the Carbon Market
25.02.08 - 27.02.08
10.02.08 – 13.02.08
PIME, the conference on Public Information Materials Exchange, is the
annual meeting place for professional nuclear
communications personnel from around the
world. The programme includes the essential issues of the moment and the latest communication techiques, a line-up of quality speakers and ample opportunities for sharing information and discussion.
27.02.08 – 28.02.08
Climate Change Conference
Intelligent Energy Conference 2008 HOST: SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS
The Intelligent Energy
(IE) Conference and Exhibition showcases advanced
services and processes
designed to maximise
oil and gas recovery, as
Market liquidity and the
price of carbon are of key concern as businesses adapt to the new regime
and take long-term stra-
This annual event is a
collaboration between Epsilon and CEPS and
is built on the principle
of creating a forum for
tegic decisions. In addi-
honest exchange of ideas between stakeholders
ploration and Production (E&P) chain. In the ple-
with regulatory uncertainty as political leaders
ers from member state and EU level. Key topics to
tor E&P, Shell), Helge Lund (CEO Statoil), Andrew
the EU ETS beyond 2012. This conference provides
well as optimising efficiency throughout the Exnary session, Malcolm Brinded (Executive Direc-
Gould (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schlumberger) will present their visions and experiences with intelligent energy.
tion, they must also deal
debate the extension of the Kyoto Protocol and a platform for participants to discuss and debate the financial and practical implications of the
carbon trading market and sheds new light on the ways in which individuals and companies intend to react to these changing times. www.marketforce.eu.com/carbon/
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from across the EU and beyond, and policy-makbe discussed are as follows: post-2012 after Bali
and before the Hokkaido G8 summit; progress
of EU-integrated energy and climate package, burden-sharing renewables and technology; EU Emissions Trading Review with a focus on investment; and Transport.
Photos: www.photocase.de; www.flickr.com
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
07.03.08 – 09.03.08
Clean Energy Power World Biofuels Markets Congress LOCATION: STUTTGART, GERMANY
For the fifth year, worldwide experts will meet
31.03.08 – 03.04.08
European Wind Energy Conference
in order to exchange
The European Wind
periences from the practice and offer advice
Exhibition is widely rec-
know-how, present ex-
Energy Conference &
gained through research and development, en-
ognised as the unique
suring this knowledge is quickly transformed in-
“Annual General Meet-
to action. The innovation conference takes place
ing” for the international
over two days parallel to the CEP trade fair.
wind energy community.
15.04.08 – 16.04.08
European Nuclear Assembly
opment, is confirmed to
Photos: www.flickr.com; archive; www.aboutpixel.com
organised by FORATOM, provides an opportunity for politicians, industry
experts and stakeholder representatives from
around the world to discuss the latest political, economic and environmental developments in the nuclear field. High-level speakers will fo-
World Biofuels Markets
panies from the entire global biofuels value chain
to business contacts and unique networking op-
els Markets Congress. The
All-Energy ’08 combines
the UK’s largest renew-
able energy exhibition and a conference covering all renewable sources
tions from 70 countries. It is the only event that covers every key aspect
of the wind market, giv-
ing unparalleled access
21.05.08 – 22.05.08
16th European Biomass Conference LOCATION: VALENCIA, SPAIN
Over 1,500 participants
from more than 80 countries are expected
the industry. It incor-
throughs in the field. The conference will be
and opportunities facing porates H208, with its
worldwide nuclear development.
by UK Energy Minister, Malcolm Wicks MP.
Applications in Transportation & Power’ keynote www.all-energy.co.uk
tors and political delega-
to attend the16th European Biomass Conference
theme ‘Hydrogen & Fuel Cells in the Real World -
4,000 professional visi-
as well as the challenges
cus on investments and economics, security of
supply, climate change, public perception, and
expected to attract over
address the World Biofu-
21.05.08 – 22.05.08
ternational conference
ergy, Andre Piebalgs and LOCATION: BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
to Brussels every year.
Assembly (ENA), an in-
Commissioner for En-
culture and Rural Devel-
biofuels congress and attracts all the major com-
The European Nuclear
is chaired by the EU
Commissioner for Agri-
Congress has grown rapidly into Europe’s largest
The 2008 confererence
Mariann Fischer Boel,
& Exhibition and learn about the latest break-
chaired by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmid, Chairman of the Executive Board of ISET, Council Member of the WBGU (Advisory Council on Global Change to the German Government).
— 37 —
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Interview The Challenge of a Growing Energy Demand European Agenda meets with Michael Lane, Global Environmental & Health Manager at ExxonMobil, to talk about Energy Efficiency and Climate Change by Miguel Maia / Elke Zander
ExxonMobil is the world’s largest private oil company.
was that it did not involve the developing world and without their in-
comparable to the nominal GDP of countries such as Swit-
cause it will not be sufficient. It is certainly not sufficient to stabilize
The scale of its operation is truly global and its turnover is zerland, and larger to that of Austria or Denmark.
Regardless of its commercial success, it is ExxonMobil’s
alleged stance on Climate Change that has come under
volvement and support, it does not matter what everyone else does beCO2 at the 550 parts per million (ppm) range that most scientists seem to think is a reasonable level.
the spotlight. European Agenda met with Michael Lane,
eventually, do you believe that 550 ppm level of atmospheric co2 is
Downstream and Chemical to talk about energy efficien-
I am not an expert in that area, but I listen to experts and they say that
ExxonMobil’s Global Environmental & Health Manager, cy and its importance to an oil and gas company. Before
that, however, the European Agenda first tried to find out more about ExxonMobil’s position on Climate Change.
changing. is that true?
Michael Lane: We haven’t changed our views on
climate change. In the past we have been critical of the Kyoto Protocol because we did not think that it
was the best way to tackle the problems and a lot
people interpreted our position as denying climate change which is an issue that we do take very seri-
ously. We are aligned with the IPCC on this topic, there is increasing evidence that the world has warmed, by approximately 0.6 — 0.7 ºC over about
the last 100 years. There are two major contributors to that effect that we understand and appreciate: the
increasing use of fossil fuels and demand for it and,
if you really had the whole world cooperating, you applied today’s technologies, as a bridge, whilst really aggressively working on long term technical solutions you can probably limit the temperature rise to a few
degrees. But there are huge “ifs” there and I am not qualified. It is pos-
european agenda: many analysts claim that that
exxonmobil’s position on climate change is, itself,
sible, but will it happen? I do not know.
It might sound strange that an oil company would want to reduce the use of its product. Our challenge is to �nd the oil and gas to meet the growth that we know is going to be there.
secondly, the significant changes in land use that happened through deforestation and agriculture.
do you believe there is a direct link between carbon dioxide (co2)
The fact of the matter is that we cannot meet the
world’s future legitimate need of energy without increas-
ing the use of fossil fuels. This can lead governments to attempt to pick technology winners while, according to us, the best approach is to design policies for technology neutral drivers.
can you give us an example of one of those drivers?
The emission trading scheme is an established EU policy.
They have put in place a system of CO2 allowances the trading of which leads to a market value of CO2, but they have not told us how we go about the reduction. They have given a financial incentive to reduce the amount
of CO2 and left it to the experts to figure out the most
cost-effective, the best way of doing that. And that is a
message that we do like to pass to legislators around the world. Let the market figure out the best solutions.
emissions and this rise in temperature?
your energy outlook for 2030 states that oil, gas and coal produc-
answer, but we do know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that there is
co2 emissions is also unavoidable?
I am not an expert in climate science and I cannot give you a definitive
a greenhouse effect, it is reasonable to take precautions.
Our main criticism as a company to the Kyoto Protocol, for instance,
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tion will unavoidably increase. does this mean that an increase in
No, but let me answer the question in two parts. Looking at our Out-
look, we know that in order to meet the future world needs for energy,
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
there will need to be an increase use of fossil fuels, and the most concerning one from a climate standpoint is coal. So, let us say that “if you
produce all this extra fossil fuel, there is going to be all this extra CO2”
technical terms
and that is potentially true. The gains in energy efficiency will help offset the growth in CO2 production, but they will not eliminate it.
In that period and presumably towards the end of that period, large
emitters’ best shot at capping the CO2 emissions is through Carbon cap-
ture and storage and there are basically two main ways of doing that: One is to re-inject carbon dioxide into depleted oil or gas reserves, the
other area that is less well tried is to actually just use an empty cave. The problem is that the historic sites of power plants in particular were built
either close to raw materials or to ports or close to consumers and its not obvious that close to those sites there will be the right holes in the
ground. Building big pipelines and compressing and pumping CO2 large distances to find the right hole is very expensive.
exxonmobil expects that there will be a 50% to 60% increase in over-
you mentioned the gains in energy efficiency. what does an oil and
the developing world, particularly India and China.
gas producer stand to gain from being efficient and, therefore, selling less of its product?
That is what people say: the more oil that gets used the more oil you
At the end of that period, around 80% of that demand will still be met by fossil fuels, about 60% of which will come from oil and gas.
will sell, but we do care a great deal because the costs of using oil are
the hcci (Homogeneous Charged Compression Ignition [check name])
swer about the CO2 emissions. The directors of our company, in the mid-
tal difference between diesel and petrol engines is that every engine
enormous for us too. Well, now we come to the second part of my an1990s re-launched our energy efficiency campaign at a time when the
oil prices were still very low, which showed great foresight. It is a program that involves a group of expert engineers that go to a facility and look at the whole operation from the efficiency point of view. We are an
energy intensive industry and about 40% of our costs in our refinery are energy related.
what about your partnership with the car manufacturers?
Let’s talk CO2. As oil producers, our industry only controls about 15% of
the lifecycle CO2 emissions from producing transport fuel. The remain-
is a cross between a diesel engine and a petrol engine. The fundamenhas explosions inside it that make the pistons go up and down but in the diesel engine there is no spark, and it’s just the compression of the
fuel that produces enough heat to explode inside the cylinder. That is good for efficiency but not particularly good for emissions. In a petrol engine you need a spark to start the explosion. That is not as efficient
but it means you can get lower emissions with the same temperature. The idea behind HCCI is to have a new kind of fuel that can achieve the explosion without a spark and the clean burning of petrol. The efficiency of that system, we believe, is of about 30%, which is enormous.
ing 85% comes from their consumption in the vehicles. But 15% of an
the onboard reforming is kind of a bridge to a hydrogen fuel cell
lars every year with our own energy bill and the sorts of savings we have
vehicle. In a fuel cell you essentially take hydrogen and oxygen. When
enormous quantity is still a very large amount. We spend billions of dolalready achieved since the mid-1990s is something like $750 million a
year, savings that are good for the environment and for the operating
costs. We are in a very cost competitive industry and if reducing our costs enables us to pass on those savings to our customers this would be why we do it for ourselves. But not only! Of course it is better for the environment to reduce the CO2.
as far as we understand, the energy efficiency of exxonmobil is very much related to the company and not to the end user?
It might sound strange that an oil company would want to reduce
the use of its product. Our challenge is to find the oil and gas to Photos: www.sxc.hu
all energy demand over the next 25 years. About 80% is likely to be in
powered car where the hydrogen is made from conventional fuel in the
you combine them together in a fuel cell they release energy and they combine to produce water. At the point of use, the only emissions is water vapor. It’s a “zero carbon system”.
The problems it has, apart from the basic cost of fuel cells is the supply and distribution of the hydrogen fuel. If you make it from electricity and if you get the electricity from oil or coal, all you have done is move the emissions from one place to another, from the vehicle to a power station somewhere else
Part of our research is also looking creating organisms that use to power of the sun to produce hydrogen instead of oxygen.
meet the growth that we know is going to be there. The best way
cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat,
gest oil company, but we only cover 4% of the world’s oil - is to make
the demand of heat and energy in the refinery is met with the steam.
for us to contribute to the world, in our small way - we are the big-
efficient fuels that will help our customers save money, help the environment and eventually help us meet the growing demand for oil around the planet.
usually in the form of steam, and the real benefit is that a very large of It is possible to make electricity and then recover all the heat and use it to a significant extent. It saves up to half the CO2 output.
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ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
What we found was that we did not have within our company the core
expertise in that area and we therefore decided to not to pursue those opportunities ourselves. Moreover, the current range of technology has some serious limitations and therefore we felt it was better to put our efforts into areas where we have some real expertise.
Because of our size, our impact is greater if we are concentrating on
our area and working with our partners and the people that use our
products to improve their efficiency. We also finance the Global Energy
and Climate Project (GCEP) at Stanford University that is leapfrogging current alternative energy solutions with studies in the field of improved
technology to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ExxonMobil is
contributing over €1 million and provide expert technical guidance to the CO2ReMoVe project. Over five years, CO2ReMoVe will evaluate a range of
technologies to monitor the injection and storage of CO2 in four loca-
tions, in European and Northern Africa. For instance, ExxonMobil shares in the ownership of the North Sea Sleipner gas field where over one million tons of CO2 have been sequestered each year since 1998.
focusing now on other region of the world, what do you feel should be the approach to china’s growing demand for oil?
If you assume that the Chinese economy grows in the way it has and
large-scale photovoltaic energy and even - one of my favorites – with
how it is expected to do and then you said that all of that energy was
could even plug in your ipod. Hydrogen also offers great opportunities
meet their energy demand and increase without any significant increase
nano-sized photovoltaic cells so that, in your jacket for instance, you long-term, but there are huge technical and economic obstacles. So, we
are focusing in 2 areas: being as efficient as you can with our traditional
fuel and gas areas; and supporting research programs that explore new
alternatives. Just from our internal energy efficiency program we saved
I believe with some of the new technologies we are helping to develop we will eventually move to a low carbon majority source of energy. enough CO2 to be something like a third of the wind power in Germany
provided by today’s most efficient technology, the Chinese could literally in CO2. This is not directly about China; it is just a very powerful way of illustrating the capability of today’s technology to make a huge impact.
The barriers to China doing that are commercial, funding issues. This
is where politics gets really important, because we cannot do that as a company.
are you also expanding your inFluence in other poorer regions? what is your presence there?
We are expanding our capacity in China but also elsewhere in Asia and
the Pacific. We are not specifically investing in refineries in India yet but
we are certainly providing products into India through our Asian facilities, so are supporting energy demand growth in the developing world.
The area where we are doing it in a slightly different way is in Africa.
which is the biggest wind power country in Europe. We could never hope
There is a venture that we have developed in Chad and in Cameroon
know best and save an equivalent amount of CO2. We prefer doing it
package that helps ensure that the big revenue that will come from the
to invest in that much wind power, we can do that through what we through the exploration of technologies we already have sound knowl-
edge in and that we’ve been doing for some time now, such as carbon capture and sequestration.
going back to ccs, how should one eventually get rid of this co2?
aren’t we creating a problem that is similar to that of nuclear waste, creating another waste that we then do not know how to treat?
I believe with some of the new technologies we are helping to develop
where we, in cooperation with the World Bank, put together a financial oil in Chad actually finds its way to the poor people of the country and benefits their economy.
It is probably best if we try to do that rather than divert it into other
activities. So we are mainly helping in Africa through the upstream development. Moreover, we are involved in a number of social projects in the countries where we operate, regarding malaria and campaigns on HIV.
we will eventually move to a low carbon majority source of energy and
Michael Lane
years. How much time are we buying through sequestration and storage
Chemical Engineering from Cambridge Uni-
stream? My guess is that nobody can answer that question right now,
in 1976. Following several management as-
we will get through the fossil fuel age whether that lasts 50, 100 or 150
to develop low carbon energy sources that are really viable and mainbecause the other question we cannot answer is how long the oil is going to last.
We know that we have used one third, so we probably have two times
the historic total ever consumption of oil available. That does not mean it will last another 300 years, but it does not mean it is going to last only 20 or 30 years.
what is your cooperation with the eu institutions in that field?
There’s a program called CO2ReMoVe, a major European research ini-
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Holding degrees in Natural Sciences and
versity, Michael Lane joined Exxon Chemical signments at the Fawley Refinery (England, Brussels, USA), he returned to Fawley as
chemicals manufacturing director in 1993, whilst being UK Chairman for ExxonMobil
Chemical Ltd in 2000. After working as Safety, Health & Environment Manager for ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemicals since 2002, Mr Lane
became Global Environmental & Health Manager for the Downstream & Chemical businesses, worldwide, in 2003.
Photo: private
what is exxon’s presence in the renewable energy sector?
tiative into the long-term potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS)
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Portraits Global Energy Tycoons Who is who in the global energy market?
by Clemens zur Hausen/ Elke Zander
s the price for oil and gas is reaching record levels, the
list of billionaires around the world is more and more crowded by people who make their fortunes from energy. Forbes.com estimates that there are more than 40 billionaires who earn at least some of their money
from oil and gas. But also renewable energies can make
∞ Born 1957 in Drohobych, Ukraine, married, 2 children
∞ Holds a Ph.D. in mathematics, has been director at the Institute of Advanced Pneumatics in Moscow
you rich. European Agenda presents some of the world’s
∞ In 2004 bought the largest private collection
taken from the Forbes list The World‘s Richest People
closed for the sale, but a price tag of $100-
most influencial energy tycoons. (Note: Net worths are
2007 www.forbes.com/lists/2007/10/07billionaires_
The-Worlds-Billionaires_Rank.html – with the volatile energy prices, they may have fluctuated since then.).
roman abramovich (net worth: $ 18.7 bil)
∞ Born 1966 in Saratov, Russia, divorced, 5 children
∞ World´s richest oil and gas tycoon
∞ Began his business career selling plastic ducks ∞ Owns Chelsea Football Club
∞ Other than most people in Europe think,
the name is stressed on the third syllable (Abramóvich)
mohammed al amoudi (net worth: $ 8.0 bil)
∞ Born 1946 in Dessie, Ethiopia, lives in Ethiopia and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
∞ Bought oil refineries in Sweden and Morocco, before that he made a fortune in construction and real estate
∞ Has been honoured with the Swedish Royal
Order of the Polar Star and holds an honorary doctorate in Philosophy from Addis Abeba University
∞ Sponsors Africa‘s oldest football cup competition, now known as the Al Amoudi Senior Chal-
Photos: private
viktor vekselberg (net worth: $ 10.4 bil)
lenge Cup
∞ honoured by the World Bank for his work in supporting African development
of Fabergé imperial eggs. No price was dismillion has been rumoured.
∞ He is described by Forbes as a „deal junkie“
dan l. duncan (net worth: $ 8.2 bil)
∞ Born 1933 in Shelby County/Texas, USA, lives in Houston/Texas, married, 4 children
∞ Lived the “American Dream”: Company started with 2 trucks in 1968, today it owns 34,000 miles of pipelines
∞ Raised by his grandmother and her preaching: “Do the best you can every day”
∞ Loves hunting, has caught 360 species on 6 continents
∞ Donated $100 million to the Baylor College of Medicine in 2006
shi zhengrong (net worth: $ 2.2 bil)
∞ Born 1963 in Yangzhong, China, lives in Australia, married, 2 children
∞ Founder and CEO of Suntech Power, specialized in producing photovoltaic cells
∞ Scientist, holds a Master in laser physics and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering
∞ He “never thought this solar business could take off or become commercially viable.
I thought I just needed to (…) publish papers to do my job as a scientist.”
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ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Wind Energy No More Time for the Future Christian Kjaer, the CEO of the European Wind Energy Association shares his views on energy, peace and the future of Europe by Miguel Maia those resources in the next few years; the big question is what is it go-
for the future. But with climate change and gal-
At this point we know that, depending on the size of the installation,
ising prospect for an alternative energy source
ing to cost? And we do not know.
loping oil and gas prices many argue that there
wind energy can produce electricity from €5 cents to €9 cents per kilowatt-
the corner, it is now. European Agenda met with
proximately €6.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. In terms of oil, with the prices
is no more time - the future is not only around
the CEO of the European Wind Energy Association, Christian Kjaer, to understand whether wind energy can rise to the challenge.
The estimated global economic growth in the next decades is going to require a growth in the demand for energy. How can this be tackled?
The challenges are different between developed and developing coun-
tries. For developing countries, the challenge is whether they can leapfrog
in terms of technology. Developing countries have just as much right to
prosperity as the rest of the world, but if they go about it as we have done, it is going to kill our planet.
China installed 100,000 megawatts of power generating capacity and
most of it was coal. This is something that has to change! Of course we
hour. With current prices, fueling a new gas power plant alone costs ap-
of the oil barrel at $80, fueling a new power plant would turn costs up to €6.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. In the end, it is incredibly irrelevant whether oil and gas will last. The real issue is what it is going to cost and when it peaks. When it happens we will not have any alternative other than to turn to renewables because we will not be able to afford the alternative.
Oil, however, actually has many other important applications for plas-
tics, medicine, and even for components that make cars lighter. In fact, using and burning oil in a combustion engine or in a power plant is a waste of a wonderful product.
Do you agree with the idea that carbon capture is going to play a big role in solving the CO2 emission problem in the future?
No, I do not. If we look at the science in this, the Intergovernmental Panel
should not forget that the developed world spent 100 years emitting
on Climate Change says that we need to limit the temperature rise to 2ºC
happen in a different way. I think wind energy’s role in that is to act as an
tween 10 and 15 years. In Europe, there are some demonstration projects for
CO2 into the atmosphere, but for these fast-growing economies it has to
example, showing people that there is not necessarily a contradiction between protecting the environment and gaining economic prosperity.
The challenge in the European Union and the rest of the developed world
is different because here we have an established energy infrastructure.
and that the window of opportunity in which we can act is something be-
Carbon Capture and Sequestration which are expected to be ready by 2012. Even if these projects work wonderfully, between now and 2020 they will not contribute anything inside this window of opportunity.
There is, nevertheless, an opportunity ahead of us, as we are facing two
How do you see the Nobel Peace Prize going to the IPCC and to Al Gore?
rope is going to run out of its natural lifetime. This is extremely important
the awarding of this prize is that climate change is a security issue and
installed capacity has been wind energy and about 50% has been with gas.
gating CO2 emissions, especially as we are now seeing the increasing
decades where part of the installed electricity generating capacity in Eubecause, if you look at the last five years, just in the EU, 30% of the new This means that Europe is already waking up to the problem.
The outlook foresees an increase in the demand for coal and oil at
I think it was a good choice. The most powerful message contained in
has repercussions on peace. It is not only about environment and mitibattle for the remaining resources.
least until 2030. Is this unavoidable?
Christian Kjaer (CEO, European Wind Energy Association)
have a technology that can compete economically. Of course coal and
er CEO in 2006, of the EWEA. He is also Director of the European
The challenge for the wind energy industry will be to show that we
oil will play a role but it is not about whether we are going to have
— 42 —
Kjaer moved from journalism to become Policy Director, and latRenewable Energy Council and the Global Wind Energy Council.
Photo: private
ind energy has asserted itself as the most prom-
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ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Biofuel Energy Biofuels reconsidered after the recent bashing Over recent months biofuels seem to have lost their positive image, as enthusiasm receded and critics started to doubt the positive effects of fuels produced from biomass. European Agenda takes a second look. by Clemens zur Hausen
idea more than 100 years ago: why not use fuel from
biomass for car engines? So his first engine (presented at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900) ran on peanut
oil, much to the astonishment of scientists and engi-
neers. The famous ‘Model T’ by Henry Ford from 1908 ran on bioethanol, Ford had the vision that “the fuel of the future is coming from apples, weeds, sawdust, al-
most anything.” In the 20th century, however, cars ran on petrol – due to the large, cheap supply of crude oil.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the situation has changed tre-
neglected is that hydrogen requires a totally different infrastructure in
of the main oil-regions are politically erratic, while in other regions it
seems to be a longer-term solution to Europe’s fuel problems whilst bio-
mendously. The price of oil has almost reached $100 per barrel and some is much more expensive and environmentally unfriendly to get oil out of the earth (like deep-sea-drilling or removing oil out of tar sands in
Canada). On the other hand the demand for fuel is rising dramatically, as more and more people are driving cars ( just think of China).
In the words of Robert Vierhout, Secretary General of the European Bioeth-
anol Fuel Association (eBIO): “It will require tremendous sacrifices both environmentally and economically to get crude oil. And that means that alter-
native fuel becomes more and more attractive. The other big advantage of
terms of car engines and in terms of the distribution of fuel. So hydrogen
fuels, on the other hand, can easily be used within the existing infrastructure: “We can easily blend them into the existing fuel streams, they can
be easily used in cars if you respect certain thresholds, and we can make them now, immediately, and use them immediately,” Vierhout stresses.
biomass for biofuels: reducing dependence on fossil fuels for the future
But what about the social impact of biofuels? Cultivating more crops
biofuels of course is that you can reduce CO2 emissions from cars.”
for biofuels means fewer crops for food, which, some critics argue, makes
biofuels: providing an immediate solution to an immediate problem?
crops are due to bad harvests and rising demands in China and India
For those reasons, the European Commission has set up the goal of
having 5.75% of the total fuelstream in Europe coming from biological sources by 2010. Is that a realistic goal? Vierhout is doubtful: “If you
look at what has been achieved so far and what still needs to be done
by 2010, you could well argue that it is impossible to achieve this goal, simply because most Member States started much too late.” So while France, Germany or Austria for example will easily reach the target of 5.75%, Europe as a whole is most probably going to fail.
“So what?” a number of critics recently stated, arguing that the ecologi-
cal impact of biofuels is overestimated and that Europe should instead concentrate on newer technologies, like hydrogen. But what is often
— 44 —
prices for food rise. Although this is only partially correct (price rises for rather than to biofuel prodiction), this is why many hope for the so called
“second generation” of biofuels and ethanol, made of straw or specially grown energy crops like certain grasses or trees, instead of wheat or
maize. Vierhout asserts: “if we can master this, we have an abundance of
biomass available to produce biofuel. In general, it is possible, the technology is there, but it is still quite expensive. That´s why we believe it will take some more years before it will be commercially available.”
From this point of view, biofuels are not THE solution to all of Europe´s
energy problems in the transport sector, but they can be part of the strategy to reduce dependence on crude oil.
Photo: CE/Reporters
udolf Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine, first had the
ENERGY EuropeanAgenda
Nuclear Energy Pro and Con Rebecca Harms, MEP, The GREENS
Alejo Vidal Quadras, MEP, EPP-ED nuclear energy: The cost-effective and safe way to fight climate change
Nuclear is today broadly recognised across the EU as a key to enhancing
supply security, a producer of electricity at low, stable and predictable costs
talk of renaissance
The 2007 update of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report commis-
and a way of helping combat climate change. Underlining the latter of
sioned by the Greens in the European Parliament shows that, in stark con-
the Reul Report on ‘Conventional Energy Sources and Energy Technology’
energy is in decline. The shrinking in Europe is particularly notable, with
these points, the European Parliament recently adopted by a large majority
recognising the role of nuclear as “the largest low-carbon energy source in Europe”. Nuclear energy along with renewables and coal with carbon cap-
ture and storage, if proven economically and technologically viable, could form a triumvirate of low-carbon energy technologies able to provide the
majority of Europe’s future electricity supply. More concerted effort also
trast to the claims of the nuclear industry and talk of a renaissance, nuclear ten power plants permanently withdrawn from the network since the last
report in 2004. With fewer plants being built and existing ones becoming more decrepit, it seems clear that the grandiose ambitions of the industry will remain in the realm of fantasy.
The gap between the expectations promoted by the nuclear industry and
needs to be made in areas of efficiency.
reality are perfectly highlighted by the bungled attempt to build a new
provider of base-load energy to millions of homes and businesses, and
Europe in 15 years has been blighted by problems. After only two years of
With around 32% of Europe’s electricity nuclear, it is the most important
indirectly a driver of job creation across the EU. Playing such a vital role,
it is imperative to look seriously at how to plan for the future of nuclear. As world-leader in nuclear energy technology and innovation, the vast ex-
perience of Europe’s nuclear industry is being utilised within the EU and
reactor at the Olkiluoto plant in Finland. This first new nuclear project in construction the project is already two years delayed. The budget is set to overrun by at least 50% - 1.5 billion Euro in losses - and shocking errors in key technical specifications.
Apart from the fact that the industry fails to deliver on its promises,
by emerging economies across the globe in building new power plants. To
nuclear energy is fraught with risks which have in no way diminished. At-
energy industry is necessary for business and citizens alike.
misleading and dangerous. It is wrong to try and counteract the risk of glo-
help sustain this, assured and clear political support for the EU’s nuclear
I applaud the European Commission in the establishment of the Euro-
pean Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) and the High Level Group (HLG) on
Safety and Waste Management as well as the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SN-ETP). These initiatives underline the seriousness
of the EU’s planning the way forward for the use of nuclear in years to come, and such action has not come soon enough. ENEF should provide
a platform for direct interaction between the nuclear industry, investors
and decision-makers. Involvement of other stakeholders, including those less favourable to nuclear energy, will offer great potential for debate. Issues such as investments, legislative frameworks, R&D needs, knowledge
management, education and public opinion should be looked at in-depth. Photos: European Parliament Archive
the role of nuclear in the future: Nuclear decline in spite of industry
However, the Forum should not be a talk-shop. ENEF must be about action-driven deliverables which help to build a road-map for the future of
tempts to position nuclear power as the solution to climate change are bal warming through expansion of nuclear energy and the consequential nuclear risks. Promoting it as a sustainable energy source, as the nuclear
lobby in Brussels and elsewhere is trying to do, is misleading. Any technology that can produce devastating consequences such as those in 1986 from
the Chernobyl disaster can never be sustainable. The permanent risk of a
core meltdown is a strong argument against the use of nuclear power. The lifetime extension of nuclear power plants heightens the risk of a major
accident considerably. Other questions are still unanswered. Are we going to find a solution to disposing nuclear waste safely for thousands or even millions of years? Every country using nuclear power could build a nuclear bomb if it decided to do so. These dangers are no less terrifying given the challenges of climate change.
We must ignore the nuclear smokescreen and focus on proven, clean
nuclear energy.
technologies in response to the climate crisis we are facing. Only a strategy
ship in supporting the initiatives of industry is the field of nuclear waste
gy production fix will help fight against climate change. Conservation and
One area where there has to be greater recognition and political leader-
management. Technical solutions to long-term safe storage of radioactive
waste exist. Recognition of these solutions and backing for their imple-
which makes energy companies, ministers and citizens abandon the enerefficiency must become priorities in energy supply and use worldwide.
mentation should be prioritised by decision-makers across Europe and at EU level.
— 45 —
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
People: Winner and Loser Who came out on top and who was a flop in recent months
angela merkel
Since the handing over of the German Presidency of the European Union, Angela Merkel has had more than a fair number of successes. In June, the
same month that Germany handed off a solid EU Presidency to Portugal, Merkel became the second woman after Thatcher ever to chair a G8 sum-
mit. In August, Forbes magazine named her the most powerful woman in the world. With the upcoming signing of the Lisbon treaty on December
13th, she will also have accomplished much in terms of modernizing and updating the EU’s practices in how it approaches the future. With new
and higher standards for transparency, citizen participation, and regulations, the goals of the Treaty aim for a far more streamlined European
governing body.Together with Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also addressed the need to introduce more strict finan-
cial regulation and oversight in the face of recent worldwide stock-slide scares. Last but not least, Merkel also strengthened her position in Eu-
rope with the successful reduction of Germany’s deficit, which in 2007 stays well below the Maastricht criteria for the first time in 5 years.
yves leterme More than five months after its general election in June, Belgium remains in quiet turmoil, without a government, leaving the previous incumbents
to act as caretakers. Yves Leterme, a member of the Flemish Christian Democrat party (CD&V) and the Flemish parliamentary majority, has
so far failed to fulfill the task that he was appointed to as “Formateur” after winning the elections. The initial debate was about the region of
Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde, divided between monolingual Flanders and bilingual Brussels, with the new Flemish majority wishing to consolidate
the region, abolishing the right of the 150,000 French speakers there to
Photos: www.marco-urban.de; www.sxc.hu
vote for Francophone parties. The discussion has not been helped by de-
batable remarks by Leterme, which some Francophone Belgians found
insulting. On August 23rd the development culminated when Leterme resigned, as negotiations had clearly failed - only to be reinstated a month
later. Leterme reputation suffered as well when he cited the wrong rea-
son for celebrating the Belgian National day on July (he took it to be the day when the constitution was proclaimed, while it in fact commemo-
rates the inauguration of the first Belgian king Leopold I) and started to
sing the French Marseillaise rather than the Belgian Brabançonne when asked to sing the Belgian anthem. For Belgium’s sake, hopefully his second round as ‘Formateur’ will prove more successful.
— 47 —
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
Personnel Changes Institutions De Kerchove new EU CounterTerrorism Coordinator
Katerina Batzeli, Chairwoman, MEP – Committee
on Culture and Education +++ Elmar Brok, Member of IGC, European Parliament +++ Giovanni Curtopassi, Head of Information
and Communication, EAR +++ Enrique
Gilles de Kerchove
Baron Crespo, Member of IGC, European
EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
Parliament +++ Andrew Duff Member of IGC,
Council of the EU
European Parliament +++ Wolfgang Ischinger,
Nationality: BE
Start: 19/09/2007
Gilles de Kerchove coordinates the work of the Council of the EU in the
field of counter-terrorism, maintains an overview of the tools at the EU’s disposal, monitors the
implementation of the EU counter-terrorism strategy, and ensures that the EU plays an ac¬tive role in the fight against terrorism. Mr de Kerchove was Director at the Council Secre¬tariat in
charge of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters and in this capacity worked closely with Mr Gijs de Vries, the former EU counter-terrorism coordinator.
Ambassador – EU High Representative +++
Martin Kamp, Secretary General, European People’s Party +++ John Prescott, Leader UK Delegation Parliament Assembly of the
Council of Europe, Council of Europe +++ Dario
Scannapieco, VP, European Investment Bank +++ Eva Srejber, VP, European Investment
Bank +++ Charis Xirouchakis, Head of Visits, European Economic and Social Committee
Giovanna Corda
Anni Podimata
PSE, Belgium
PSE, Greece
Roselyne Lefrançois
Lily Jacobs
Margaritis Schinas
PSE, France
PSE, Netherlands
EPP-ED, Greece
Catherine Neris
Vicente Miguel Garcés Ramón
Armando França
PSE, France
PSE, Spain
PSE, Portugal
Pierre Pribetich
Emmanouil Angelakas
Cornelis Visser
PSE, France
EPP-ED, Greece
EPP-ED, Netherlands
Francesco Ferrari
Costas Botopoulos
Madeleine Jouye De Grandmaison
ALDE, Italy
PSE, Greece
GUE/NGL, France
Ewa Tomaszewska
Maria Eleni Koppa
Georgios Georgiou
UEN, Poland
— 48 —
PSE, Greece
Ind/Dem, Greece
Photos: archive; European Parliament
New MEPs
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda Martyn Griffiths
Associations Griffiths joins CEPI
Lacny elected President of IRU Janusz Lacny President
Martyn Griffiths
Communications &
Nationality: PL
Public Affairs Director Nationality: UK
Start: 01/01/2008 Janusz Lacny, who was previously IRU Vice President, President of the IRU’s Goods Transport Council, and Secretary General of the IRU’s Polish Member Association ZMPD has now been elected
Martyn Griffiths is the new Head of Communications and Public Affairs, Confederation European
Paper Industries (CEPI). He manages the devel-
opment and implementation of global communication strategies working in close collabora-
tions with the CEPI team. Prior to joining CEPI,
President of the International Road Transport Union by the IRU General Assembly. Mr Lacny enjoys
a distinguished career in road transport, which started in 1991 when he became an international haulier, establishing his own transport company “JMJ-TRANS”.
Silvan Agius, Policy Officer, European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay
Association (ILGA) +++ Gianluca Antonelli, Social Affairs Manager, Confederation
Mr.Griffiths worked for the European Council of
European Paper Industries (CEPI) +++ Sabine Arras, Head of Communication, European
Vinyl Manufacturers in Brussels as Communica-
Bioplastics +++ Constantino Baldissara, Vice-President, European Car-Transport
tions & External Affairs Manager.
Sabine Arras
Group (ECG) +++ Götz Brandau, Legal Affairs Officer, Federation of European Direct
and Interactive Marketing (FEDMA) +++ Andrew Cecil, President, European Digital
Media Association (EDIMA) +++ Dr.Panos E. Cavoulacos, President, European Petroleum Industry
New Director General at CIAA Mella Frewen
Director-General CIAA
Nationality: IE
Association (EUROPIA) +++ Paresh Chandra, Chief Information Officer, International Road Transport
Union (IRU) +++ Michele Ciavarini Azzi, Chairman, Union of European Federalists (UEF-BE) +++ Marcel Daniëls, Vice President, TEVA Europe +++ Hendrick Jan de Jong, Chairman, European Pharmacopoeia (EDQM) +++ Susanna di Feliciantonio, Head of EU Public Affairs, Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England and Wales (ICAEW) +++ Niall Doheny, International Communications Manager, European
Railway Industries UNIFE +++ Francois-Xavier Dubois, Managing Director, Excellence for Non Profit (
AFA) +++ Anne–Sophie Duchêne, Communications Manager, European Postal Operators Association (POSTEUROP) +++ José Fernando Figueiredo, President, European Mutual Guarantee Association
(AECM) +++ Pascal Garel, Chief Executive, European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) +++
Florence Gras, General Delegate, European Association of Pari Mutuel Gaming Operators (EPMA) +++ Isabelle Gueury, Director, Association of European Chambers of Comerce and Industry (Eurochambers)
Mella Frewen is the new Director General at
CIAA, the Confederation of the Food and Drink
+++ Jérôme Guyot, Communications Officer, Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EIM) +++
Matt Hardman, Campaigns Manager, the Forum for Private Business (FPB) +++ Emmanuelle Hardy, Communications Manager, European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation
of General Economic Interest (CEEP) +++ Folker Hellemund, Head, EU-Office of
Industries of the EU. She took over from Daniela
German Sports +++ Susanne Keitel, Director, European Directorate for the Quality
Israelachwili. Ms Frewen has worked previously as the Director for Government affairs – Europe
Photos: archive
& Africa for Monsanto. Prior to her engagements
of Medicines (EDQM) +++ Elisabeta Kitanovic, Executive Secretary, Brussels Office of
the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC)
with Monsanto she was International Relations
Martin Todd
producer. Ms Frewen holds a Bachelor and Mas-
Paloma Castro Martinez, Secretary for for EDiMA, European Digital Media Association +++ Antonio
+++ Emma Lawson, Chairwoman, Federation of European Direct and Interactive
Director for Cerestar, Europe`s biggest starch
Marketing (FEDMA) +++ Knuth Lorenzen, President, Food Processing Machinery Europe (FPME) +++
ter of Science degrees from the National Univer-
Montero, President, European Chemical Transportation Association (ECTA) +++ Graham Neale,
sity of Ireland.
President, Union of European Beverages Associations (UNESDA)
— 49 —
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
National and Regional Representations Brandenburg NATO Permanent Representative of Germany
New Estonian Representative Raul Mälk
Ulrich Brandenburg
Permanent Representa-
Permanent Representative of Germany
tive Estonian Respre-
sentative to EU
Nationality: German
Start: 23/08/2007
Start: 17/08/2007
Ambassador Ulrich Brandenburg is Germany’s new Permanent Representative to NATO. Ambas-
Ambassador Raul Mälk joined the Estonian Foreign
previously served as Head of Defence and Security Policy and Head, Partnership and Cooperation
senior positions in the Estonian Ministry of Foreign
sador Brandenburg was Deputy Political Director in the Federal Foreign Ministry in Berlin. He has Section, Political Affairs Di¬vision at NATO.
Tomasz Borczuch, EU Affairs
Specialist, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
EU Office +++ Ricklef Beutin,
Service in 1992. Since then he has served in various Affairs and led a number of Estonian delegations in international negotiation processes.
Media and Think Tanks
Deputy Spokesperson, German Permanent
to the EU +++ Mr. Bettzuege German Bilateral Ambassador
to Belgium +++ Kim Darroch, UK
Löw new Head of ORF Brussels
Permanent Representative to the Juri Luik
EU, UK Permanent Rep. to the EU
Raimund Löw
Jonas Bylund
Re p re s e n t a t i ve ,
+++ Jean De Ruyt, Permanent
Head of Brussels Office
Björne Hegefeldt, Information
Klarenbeek, Counsellor for
Löw is the new Head of the Brussels office of the
Bylund is the new Director of ERRIN, the Euro-
Representation+++ Jüri Luik,
eign correspondent in Moscow. From 1991 to 1997
Mr Bylund succedds Charlotte Andersdotter. Mr
Permanent Representative, Estonian Didier Seeuws
Nationality: SE
and Communication Officer, Mid Sweden Office +++ Joost
Nationality: AT
Permanent Representative +++
Bartlomiej Ostrowski
Bylund new Director of ERRIN
Representative to NATO +++
Bartlomeiej Ostrowski, Head
of Office, Lower Silesia Regional Office +++
Isabel Poli, Project Manager, West Sweden +++
ORF From 1989 to 1991 he worked as the ORF´s forhe was a correspondent in the USA, leading the of-
fice in Washington during his last two years there. Since then, he has been active as resporter in the
pean Regions Research and Innovation Network. Bylund was previously Manager, Technical Experst at Ernst & Young.
EU, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America, before becoming the Head of ORF Brussels.
Alejandro Rodriguez-Ramos, European Business
Seeuws, Deputy Permanent Representative,
Welle +++ Ben Butters, Programme Director, Lisbon Council Entrepreneurs Programme +++ Katharina
Advisor, East of England Brussels Office +++ Didier European Union
— 50 —
Jill Grinda, Director of Worldwide Distribution, Euronews +++ Catherine Martens, News Producer, Deutsche Müller, Marketing Manager, Centre for European Policy Studies.
Photos: archive
Jean Deruyt
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
Companies Schönfelder Head of Siemens’ Government Affairs
Zangrandi leads Enel’s EU Office Roberto Zangrandi
Wilhelm Schönfelder
Head of European Affairs
Head of Government Affairs
ENEL EU Office
Nationality: IT
Nationality: DE
Start: 01/09/2007
Start: 01/09/2007 Wilhelm Schönfelder, who before his recent retirement was Berlin’s ambassador to the European
Roberto Zangrandi is the Head of European Af-
Brussels. Mr Schönfelder, who has also held posts in Washington, Paris and Afghanistan amongst
ously Head of Corporate Social Responsibility
Union (1999- 30 June 2007, the end of Geramny’s EU Presidency), is Siemens Chief Lobbyist in others, took up his duties at the beginning of September.
fairs of Enel in Brussels since September. Previat the Italian electricity com¬pany in Rome, he
started his career as financial journalist with
leading Italian magazines. Successively he was
Salla Ahonen, Senior Manager, Nokia +++ Sebastian Gerlach, Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer,
Microsoft +++ Philippe Ghyssels, Health Policy Manager, Merck Serono Geneva +++ Reginald Otten, Consultant, Fleishman-Hillard +++
Head of International Media Relations and then Head of the Frankfurt Office with Fiat, the automotive group of Italy.
Consultancies TICKER
Sylvie Biebricher, Business Director, Grayling Brussels
+++ Carla Ciminera, Head of ICT Devision, Blueprint
+++ Catherine Gilliard, EU Public Affairs Consultant,
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer +++ Emmanul Goedseels, Emmanuel Goedseels
Executive Vice Chairman, Interel +++ Eva-Maria Hartlieb, PR-Assistant, IKP Communications +++ Andrée Jallon,
Senior Advisor, Athenora Consulting +++ Erika Janson, Political Researcher, Quintus Public Affair’s Brussels +++ Irina Michalowitz, EU Representative for Telecommunications, Telekom Austria Group +++ Karen van Bergen, SVP, Regional Director, Fleishman-Hillard
Roderic Abbot Associate Gplus
Nationality: UK
Start: 04/07/2007
International +++ Van Hulton, Managing Director, Burson-
Roderick Abbot joined Gplus, the EU communications firm, as an As-
RSCG Brussels +++ Baudoin Velge, Managing Director,
an illustrious career as a high-ranking official, namely also as Deputy
Masteller +++ Grégoire Poisson, Senior Consultant, EURO Karen van Bergen
Abbot new Associate at Gplus
sociate. A former Deputy Director-General at the WTO, Mr. Abbot has
Director-General with the European Commissions DG Trade. During his 30-year stint with the European Commission, Mr.Abbott played an
Photos: archive
active part in both the Tokyo and Uruguay Rounds of trade negotiations and served as the EU Ambassador in Geneva.
— 51 —
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PEOPLE EuropeanAgenda
Gala Brussels’ Event Highlights Second half 2008
Photos: Hanns-Seidel-Foundation; Curtesy Friends of Europe
25 years in Brussels
Friends of Europe
President’s Dinner
OCTOBER 2, 2007
OCTOBER 4, 2007
— 53 —
PEOPLE EuropeanAgenda
25 years in Brussels
October 2, 2007 - Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU On October 2 the Liasion office of the Hanns-
Seidel-Foundation in Brussels celebrated its
25th anniversary. Foundation Chairman Hans Zehetmair and Jean Claude Juncker, the Prime
Minister of Luxembourg, addressed more than 500 guests, including Ambassadors, Members of the European Parliament and high ranking representatives from the EU Institutions.
Dr. Rudolf Strohmeier and MEP Ingo Friedrich
Edmund Duckwitz, Hans Zehetmair, Heidrun Piwernetz, Jean-Claude Juncker, Ursula Männle, Ingo Friedrich
Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Zehetmair welcomes the Russian Ambassador Vladimir Chizhov
MEP Michael Gahler, Prince Nikolaus von Lichtenstein, Franz-Hermann Brüner
Guests enjoying the hospitality of the Bavarian representation to the EU
— 54 —
Photos: Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
Elmar Brok, Ambassador Dr Edmund Duckwitz
PEOPLE EuropeanAgenda
Friends of Europe
President’s Dinner October 4, 2007 - Brussels Airport, Sky Hall Over 650 guests from the topmost reaches of politics, business, civil society and the media throughout Europe gathered to celebrate the 75th birthday of Friends of Europe President
Viscount Etienne Davignon. They came to pay
tribute to a man who, during the 50 years since the Treaty of Rome, has played a prominent role in advancing the European project.
Pat Cox (right) moderated the evening
Prince Laurent of Belgium talking to guests.
Étienne Davignon discusses withNeelie Kroes.
Photos: Curtesy Friends of Europe
Friends of Europe President Viscount Étienne Davignon, Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes
Prince Hassan of Jordan, Hans-Gert Pöttering, Antoinette Spaak, Prince Laurent. Sitting: Étienne Davignon, Neelie Kroes.
Prince Laurent talking to World Trade Organization Secretary-General Pascal Lamy.
Former Commission President Jacques Santer
— 55 —
PEOPLE EuropeanAgenda
The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA)
Commercial Vehicle Event November 22, 2007- Autoworld Cinquantenaire The 4th ACEA commercial vehicle event
brought together industry and trade experts, politicians and EU legislators to discuss major changes within the European commercial ve-
hicles (CV) market caused by globalisation and climate change.
Speaker: David O‘Sullivan, Director General DG Trade
Speaker: Aad Goudriaan, Chairman ACEA CV Board & President DAF Trucks
Panel: Ivan Hodac, Secretary General ACEA + Fotis Karamitsos, DG Transport + Arild Iversen, CEO Wallenius Wilhelmsen + Jorma Halonen, Executive Vice President AB Volvo
The European Telecommunications Network Operators‘ Association (ETNO)
Finding the right balance November 22, 2007 – The Hilton Hotel, Brussels More than 300 experts from the e-communications industry, EU institutions, economists and
member states discussed future challenges of the telecoms sector and held a first debate on
EU telecoms rules, on the occasion of ETNO’s 5th Annual Conference.
Michael Bartholomew, ETNO Director
— 56 —
Didier Bellens, CEO Belgacom
Bojan Dremelj, CEO, Telekom Slovenjie Debate on Future Policy Vision from left to right: Fabio Colasanti, Director General DG Information Society and Media; Peter O’Donnell, debate moderator; Ian Hargreaves, OFCOM; Wolfgang Kopf, Deutsche Telekom; Professor Leonard Waverman, London Business School Photos: Photos: ACEA (4); ETNO
the Commission proposals for the review of the
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A G R I C U LT U R A L P R O D U C T S & N U T R I T I O N
TOPICS EuropeanAgenda
Eurocrats’ Babble “GALLIA est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Bel-
the Bruxellois/Brusseleirs, and it seems that they are pretty much fed
appellantur.“ Thus wrote Julius Caesar in De Bello Gallico I. 2,000
sons, pro and con, for the Belgium nation-state to stay together or to
years onwards, Belgium is inhabited by the Flames, the Walloons, and
7 Reasons
Why Belgium should stay together
Why Belgium should split up
De Bello Gallico was written around 50 BC, stating in
fact the following: Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Bel-
gae, “of all these the Belgians are the strongest”. Can
Belgium is not only the host of the European Union, it is its cradle. It
was only then when Celtic, early Gaul and Germanic tribes mingled
on these muddy lowlands to live out the European dream long before Schumann, Spaak, and Spinelli.
Speaking of the so-called “great” Europeans – who are the ones running the real day-to-day European business? Belgians! Why? Because
they TRULY speak more than one language, instead of just having spent one “study year abroad” like everyone else
The French are famous for baguette and acting snooty to almost
everyone. The Dutch are famous for driving caravans and smoking
pot. The Germans are famous for… you know what. YOU, Belgians, on the other hand are famous for brewing the best beer, making the most deli-
cious chocolates and producing the funniest cartoons in the world – do you really want to split that up?
“Wallonian beer” just sounds silly. So does “Flemish
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On the way from check-in to the gate at the Brussels airport, you
beer” So does „Belgo-Germanic beer“. Only „Brussels D.C. Brew“ sounds nice
would pass three national borders
The fact of the matter is that they call them “French fries” or “freedom fries”, but definitely not “Flemish fries” or “Walloon fries”. Get over it.
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split up – from a Eurocrats’ perspective:
7 Reasons
you really divide a force that withstood Julius?
up with their respective co-habitants. European Agenda gives 7 rea-
Less confusion when traveling through Brussels: Double-language street
names like “Rue du Moulin / Molenstraat”, “Rue de la Charité / Liefdadig-
heidstraat, “Quai du Bois à Brûler / Brandhoutkaai” would cease to exist
Brussels would be renamed “Brussels D.C.” and fall under the Commissions’ jurisdiction. The newly created DG D.C. would be headed
by a Croat and a Turk; the newly created police force would speak World English with a strong Euro-accent
Population figures would rise considerably in Brussels D.C. due to the extremely favorable tax rates. VAT, for instances, would be aban-
doned altogether
The national landscape of Europe would
be enriched by two new heraldic animals:
A Flemish black lion saying “No more mooch-
ing” and a Wallonian red rooster sign a sign reading “Stupid Flanders!”
Following these articulate examples, all European states disinte-
grate into smaller region states, until in 12 years, Eurocitzens hold
their breath to the Euro cup final Päijät-Häme vs. Styria
No more “excusez-moi” or “het spijt me”, just good old “sorry, com-
A newly reformed service culture will emerge – the plumber will
ing through” when fighting your way out of the Metro on a Monday
arrive on exactly the time he stated, construction works will be
conducted in an efficient manner and stop causing nerve-wracking con-
gestions during peak time. There will be lots of parking space in central Brussels D.C. and actually, there will be more sun-hours per year than in Malibu
Photos: www.sxc.hu
gae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli