I S S U E 0 3 / 2 0 0 8
Opinions, facts and figures on Corporate Social Responsibility
p. 16
Current events and issues in the Transport sector
Helios Media, Rue de la Charité 13–15, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
p. 41
Values & Diversity Interview with Günther Verheugen on CSR News
Updates on the latest initiatives and debates in Brussels p. 08
A comprehensive overview of the highlights on the EU calendar for April/May 2008 p. 25
Who is new: Recent personnel changes in the EU Who was where: Pictures of Brussels’ recent top events p. 54
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he recent turbulences in the financial markets have
ernment governs alone to accept that, in an era of globalisation compa-
porations deal with their responsibility towards society
see their role in society then we are seeing a change in governance in the
drawn renewed attention to the question of how coras a whole. It comes at the right time then, that we at
European Agenda turn our attention to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and explore companies’ efforts to
look beyond the balance sheet and examine the social and environmental impacts of their business.
Our interview with Günther Verheugen on the subject raises some in-
teresting points, particularly about CSR and SMEs. He suggests that SME have demonstrated a high level of corporate social responsibility and
assume a stabilising role in crises such as the one we are currently ex-
nies play an ever increasing role. If CSR is changing the way companies EU, and this of course ties CSR in with the Lisbon Strategy, and a more comprehensive view of the future of Europe.
Few sectors illustrate these challenges as well as transport, which we
cover in this issue’s special. In this sector, vital to trade and growth, CO2
emissions and safety are high on the agenda. In an era of globalisation and ever increasing trade within the EU, reforms will be needed allowing
transport to continue to flourish and fulfil its role, whilst addressing its impact, not least on global warming. How negotiations on these issues develop could have a huge impact on the lives of Europe’s citizens.
periencing in the financial sector. The current financial climate will also allow us to see to what extent companies are really committed to CSR, or whether it is a branch of operations they consider expendable in times of difficulty. Richard Howitt predicts the former, convinced that CSR is by now an established part of European corporate culture.
The word culture is an important one here, because this brings us to
why CSR is not purely a matter for business, but also one for government.
The term governance reflects the fact that we have left the idea that govEW_210x120_adv2.qxd:Layout 1 20/2/08 14:15 Page 1
Grit Fiedler
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Typically MEP & Lobbyist
News from EU Brussels
CSR Interview with Günther Verheugen
CSR Facts & Figures
CSR Across Europe
CSR Opinion by Richard Howitt
CSR Sustainable Chemistry
Agenda April/May 2008
Transport Events
Transport Aviation Pro & Con
Transport The Future of European Transport
Transport Road Safety
People Winner and Loser
People Personnel Changes
People Gala
Brussels Insider Networking & Gimmicks
Brussels Insider Eurocrat’s Babble
Agenda April/May: Congress of Europe p. 36
Personnel changes: New Health Commissioner p. 54
Gala: EUROCHAMBRES celebrates 50th birthday p. 60
Photos: archive; private; Eurochambers
Editor in Chief: Grit Fiedler Editors: Azra Ahmed, Christine Holthoff, Daniel Le Ray, Elke Nussbaum, Sarah Roberts, Christopher Robotham, Sara Schützeberg, Susi Teichmann Graphical Concept: Steffi Butter, Marcel Franke, Daniel Schnatterer Layout: Steffi Butter, Christina Ohmann
Illustration: Burkhard Piller Photo Editors: Albrecht Noack, Olga Bode Cover: www.marco-urban.de Managing Editor: Max Obenaus (max.obenaus@europeanagenda.eu) Business Development Director: Cristina Silva (cristina.silva@europeanagenda.eu) Publisher: Rudolf Hetzel
Editorial office: 13-15, Rue de la Charité, B-1210 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax: +32 (0)2 219 22 92 E-mail: info@europeanagenda.eu www.europeanagenda.eu Helios Media Friedrichstraße 209 D-10969 Berlin Print: Druck Vogt GmbH, Schmidstraße 6, 10179 Berlin
— 5—
Typical MEP? receive the same salary as mem-
bers of parliament working in the country of their election. As of the beginning of 2009, there will be an EU statute put in place to equalise salary differences and make for transparency of pay.
Currently there are 785 Members of the European Par-
liament. They will remain in office until the next Parliament elections, due at the beginning of 2009.
Of the members elected in 1999, 6 were prime ministers or presidents prior to taking office in the European Parliament.
Turning 25 this year, the youngest MEP is Dimitar Stoyanov (born in 1983). The oldest member is Giovanni Berlinguer (born in 1924), who will be 84 years old.
One of the higher proportions
globally, one third of all Members of the European Parliament are women.
— 6—
Within the lobbyist community in Brussels, 40%
—which accounts for approximately 5,000 —are Accredited Lobbyists to the European Parliament.
4 MEPs
4 Members have served consecutively since 1979s initial elections to the new European Parliament: they are Hans-Gert Pöttering, Ingo Friedrich, Francis Wurtz and Jens-Peter Bonde.
Within the European Parliament, only 14 MEPs are not members of cross-na-
tionality political groups. Most of the groups are organised around political affiliations.
Sources: all facts and figures from Eurostat; the CIA World Factbook; the US Dept. of Labor; EUbusiness.com; der Standard; the New York Times and europa.eu
Currently, MEPs
Typical Lobbyist?
13,000 6,500 At the moment approximately 13,000 lob-
There are 6,500 Commission officials working
byists are working, in a number of fields, to
on policy-making: a lobbyist’s prime target.
Lobbyist groups are primarily European
influence policy-making in Brussels.
Trade Federations (32%), followed by con-
national associations (10%), regional repre-
There are only 60 Accredited Lobbyists representing new member states in the EU.
sultants (20%), companies (13%), NGOs (11%), sentations (6%), international firms (5%) and think tanks.
Over 2,600 special interest groups have a main office based in Brussels.
€60-90M Some lobbyists estimate that the combined revenue generated by public affairs and lobbying working in the European Union could be between sixty and ninety million Euros.
As the largest national group within lobbyism in the EU, 13% of Accredited
Beginning in March 2008 and running for one year, the European Transparency Initiative is running a voluntary register for lobbyists to make their work more transparent. This will determine whether the register continues or will become compulsory.
Lobbyists to the European Parliament are of German nationality.
— 7—
News eu consumer champion awards
commissioner piebalgs joins the blogosphere
The first ever EU Consumer Champion
awards, marking European Consumer Day, were presented by Commissioner Meglena
Kuneva. The winners were selected from the
top national consumer campaigns, which covered topics as diverse as financial services, air passenger rights, SMS loans, online
Andris Piebalgs
consumers. The competition was held to
Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs has joined
dependent organisations in promoting con-
key figures of the public sphere who are increas-
highlight the work done by national and in-
sumer rights across the EU. Commissioner
Meglana Kuneva
Kuneva also attended an awards ceremony
in Galeries de la Reine in the afternoon of 10 March, where there was also a public exhibition of all of
the national campaigns. Along with the awards, the Commission also launched a poster campaign
to highlight consumer rights. The campaign uses the striking image of a woman with her head covered by a stark white shopping bag. It aims to send a clear message that consumers are too often left standing in the dark. This is part of the Commission’s overall goal to challenge conventional stereotypes and put consumers back as a driving force for competition in the market.
radio europe hits the airwaves
tv from eep
A new radio network
channel to communicate with the public. The
of national and region-
channel’s release coincides with the forthcom-
al stations from across
ing European Election Campaign for 2009. EPP
the European airwaves
hopes to reach out to EU residents by using the
is set to broadcast
TV channel to make policies, ideas and plans
news programmes on Margot Wallström
Wallström announced
that the programmes will reach an estimated 19 million listeners in the EU alone, a further 30 million across the world. Though funded by the
Commission, the network will have total editorial independence. The Commission signed a contract last December with the broadcast consor-
tium, coordinated by Deutsche Welle and Radio
France International, for 5.8 million Euro a year. Initially the radio programmes will be broadcast in 10 languages, gradually extending to 23.
— 8—
ingly embracing the internet, with the launch
of his ‘energy blog’. The first of the weekly en-
tries of the Commission’s blog was posted on February 29th and commented on the Energy
Council held on the previous day. Comments from internauts around the world are of course welcome, as Piebalgs hopes to use the blog to
improve communication with citizens. The blog is intended to provide a more personal behind-
the-scenes insight into the Commissioner‘s day to day work, his views on current energy affairs
and other EU issues. It will be published in Eng-
lish and updated every Friday. Five other EU Com-
missioners have their own blogs: Stavros Dimas, Janez Potočnik, Margot Wallström, Vladimir Spidla and Mariann Fischer Boel.
public in a more interactive way. Video clips from
pleon reinforces brussels presence
Climate Change, Immigration, Security and Ter-
Pleon inaugurated a new Unit, “European Public
sonalities will also be featured. The new visual
January. The new division will reinforce Pleon’s
more comprehensive to voters, engaging the
European affairs, as of April. Commissioner
EPP has launched ‘DialogueTV’, a new web TV
the ranks of EU Commission bloggers and other
DialogueTV will cover topical issues such as
rorism and Demographics. Interviews with percommunication platform is
not an entirely new for
numerous videos on YouTube.
Policy Communications”, at its Brussels offices in
presence in Brussels, allowing it to execute com-
munication assignments from the EC and associ-
ated NGOs. At the end of 2007, the EC awarded Pleon three contracts for supplying pan-Euro-
pean media relations to the DGs for Health and
Consumer Protection, Employment, Social Affairs
and Equal Opportunities and Communication. The latter two with its partner, Mostra.
Photos: G.Boulougouris/EC (2); European Commission; Craig Jewell
shopping, food information and children as
european parliament celebrates 50 years The European Parliament celebrated its 50th anniversary in Strasbourg on the 12th of March, five decades after the first constituent meeting
of the European Assembly in Strasbourg, 1958. The Parliament was initially set up by the Treaty of Rome on the 25th of March 1957 to give the
states of Europe a meeting point where shared values, such as freedom, democracy and the respect of human rights, could be discussed. The
special session was opened and closed by the European Youth Orchestra, and featured speeches from Pöttering, Barroso and Janez Jansa. PreviHans-Gert Pöttering cutting the Birthday cake
mep’s expenses and expensive meps The scandal surrounding MEP’s expenses has
On February 25th, petitioners representing
internal auditors, which highlighted wide-
the petition in favour abolishing the MEP’s
spread abuse of the MEP’s expenses system. MEPs are entitled around €140 million in staff costs (that’s around €14,000 for assistants per MEP per month) and €70 million for travel and
subsistence. In two cases the full monthly al-
lowance was paid to a service provider with
no accredited assistants. In another case an assistant received a Christmas bonus 19.5 times the size of his monthly salary. On the 26th of February the Budgetary Control Com-
mittee voted not to publish the report, citing confidentiality reasons, which
led to some MEP’s speaking out, including Chris Davies, UK, and Jens-Peter
Bonde, DK. Despite possible disciplinary action Dutch MEP Van Buitenen published a five page summary of the report. On March 10 the Bureau of the
European Parliament agreed upon a recommendation, with the aim of se-
curing the possibility of a new set of rules for Members’ assistants, through
Photos: EP 2008; Photo European Parliament; archive
an amended Contract Staff regime.
bullfighting fights for survival The exhibition “Between Man and Bull” will bring bullfighting to the EP this June. Faced with a strong anti-bullfight-
ing movement, the Spanish organisation, Mesa del Toro, hopes to persuade MEPs
that the “sport” is a European Cultural
Heritage. MEP Robert Evans called for a ban in 2007 and an end to EU subsidies
for farmers breeding bulls for sport. The King of Spain is quoted as saying, “the day the EU bans bullfights, is the day Spain leaves the EU.” EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
brussels-strasbourg the wandering parliament
turned into somewhat of a saga. It began
with a confidential report by the parliament’s
Paul van Buitenen
ous Presidents of the Parliament also were in attendance.
more than one million people who signed monthly Strasbourg-Brussels commute made
their case before the Petitions Committee. The campaign was launched by former MEP
Cecilia Malmström and was the subject of some heated discussion at the Committee
hearing. The commute costs an estimated €200 million and generates 20,000 extra
tonnes of CO2 emissions. The monthly commute involves 732 MEP’s, 2,000 staff and a fleet of lorries carrying documents. After the debate in the
Committee, the issue was then brought to the co-ordinators’ meeting on
February 26th to discuss whether the issue can be moved forward. From a legal perspective, the Parliament has no power on the matter.
europe trusts eu parliament, but asks “what does it do?” Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Parliament, Eurobarometer re-
leased their latest survey focusing on citizens attitudes to the institution. The results showed that the majority of people are uncertain of the EP’s
function, its role in the decision making process and dates of upcoming elections. Furthermore European citizens tend to be unaware that most of the time, decisions are taken according to the MEPs’ political affinities and
not by nationality. On the other hand, citizens are quite familiar with Parliament‘s competencies in terms of the EU budget and EU enlargement. In
terms of the Parliaments relative power, 43% of those polled felt that the Parliament had the greatest decision making power, whereas 14% thought
of the Commission and 10% of the Council. The Parliament is held in high esteem by the majority of the Member countries, most highly in Greece
where 69% of constituents “tend to trust” the Parliament. The one exception was the UK, where only 22% of people have faith in the EU.
— 9—
amice starts work AISAM and ACME, the two
Europe based mutual and
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former finance
ciations, have joined forces
the International Monetary Fund is reported to
cooperative insurance asso-
to create AMICE—the Association of Mutual Insurers
Gregor Pozniak
imf to move to paris?
and Insurance Cooperatives
in Europe. As of the begin-
ning of this year, AMICE has now taken over the activities of both associations. The new association has recruited its Secretary General, Gregor
Pozniak, who joined AMICE as of March 1st 2008. AMICE will hold its first Congress in Helsinki in
June 2008. The members of AMICE employ over
320,000 people and underwrite over 180,000 insurance contracts.
AMICE AISBL—Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe Square de Meeûs
22B/16, 1050 Brussels
minister of France now managing director of be planning to close the fund’s office in Brussels
and move it to Paris. This move is reportedly in connection with the IMF’s $100 million planned
spending cuts announced by Strauss-Kahn in December last year. Seeing as the Brussels office only employs 2 people, the closing of the
office may not provide major savings but it will
nevertheless provide a substantial and symbolic blow to Brussels’ aim in becoming the central
pole of economic policy making in the EU. With
a total deficit of over $4oo million the IMF plans to raise its revenue by $300 million to plug it.
whodoicall.eu— one president of the eu
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
greek design for commemorative coin
www. insurance-mutuals.org
city of göteborg opens eu representation
Henry Kissinger Joaquin Almunia and the voter chosen as winner
actively following the legislative work of the European institutions and has a track record of successful participation in a range of EU programmes. In order to further strengthen these
activities the City of Göteborg opened its EU office on March 3rd. The primary role of the EU
office is to act as the Brussels-based interlocutor on behalf of the City, conveying and discussing
positions with policy makers and stake holders. The EU office is an integral part of the City’s International Relations Office assisting the City
Executive Board with regard to EU and international matters. The office is located at ‘Sweden
House’ on Rue du Luxembourg 3, sharing office
space with the West Sweden office. Mr Sebastian Marx was appointed head of the EU office.
— 10 —
Henry Kissinger’s famous quote about European
EU citizens and residents have chosen the win-
Whodoicall.eu campaigns for the Presidency
to celebrate 10 years of Economic and Monetary
politics, “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” of the European Council, created by the Lisbon
Treaty, and the Presidency of the EC to be held by the same person. The website was launched
in February by Jan Seifert and Jon Worth, two European political bloggers in Brussels. They argue that one President would be more democratic
and efficient, and would provide greater leader-
ship. They go on to refute the idea that the sepa-
ration of powers would cause problems. They also examine the legal basis and possible hurdles. The website encourages readers to support
the single President concept by signing a petition. A regular blog provides the comment and updates on how the media is covering the idea.
ning design for the new anniversary 2 Euro coin, Union. Over 40% of an impressive 141,675 votes
opted for a design by Greek sculptor George
Stamatopolous. The artist’s primeval design presents the euro as a modern step in Europe’s long history of trade—from pre-historic barter to economic and monetary Union. Stamat-
opoulos also works on commissions from the Central Bank of Greece. In January 2009, the 15 eurozone countries will issue some 90 million copies of the coin into circulation. This will be the second commemorative coin to be minted
by all eurozone countries since the first coin, issued in 2007 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the EU’s founding treaty.
Photos: private (3); Christian Lambiotte/European Community 2008
Göteborg, Sweden‘s second largest city, is
A new website has been set up to address
european parliament launches journalism prize
grayling plc and the global consulting group merge
The European Parliament launched
Two international subsidiaries of Huntsworth Plc. – Grayling and The Global
which will be awarded to European
Grayling Global, the company announced on March 19. The new firm will
a Prize for Journalism this year, journalists whose work has helped citizens to better understand the institutions and policies of the
EU. The Prize will be awarded in
four separate categories—press, television, radio and internet. Journalists must be residents of the EU and have had their submitted work published
or broadcast between May 1st, 2007 and April 30th, 2008. The Prize will
recognise journalists whose work has contributed to the improvement of communication between the European institutions and its citizens. A prize fund of 20,000 euros will be equally divided between the winners in each category. The first awards will be held in October 2008.
Consulting Group (GCG)—will merge to create a new consultancy called
focus on PR, Public Affairs, investor relations and event management and will have a major presence in Europe, the USA and Asia. Nigel Kennedy, the current CEO of Grayling, will lead the international company whose rev-
enues top over 21 million. They have around 200 consultants working from 17 offices around the globe. Richard Wolff, the founding chief executive
of GCG and Alison Clarke, group business development director of Huntsworth, have both been appointed as Vice Chairman/woman. Huntsworth
is an international communications group, which specifically focuses on PR across various sectors including consumer, finance, public affairs and technology. Grayling Global now has its headquarters in London with offices worldwide.
new approach to eu agencies
eu ombudsman better access to information
On March 11th the Commission called for a
new approach to the role and governance of
European agencies. Agencies are used as an integral way of implementing key tasks. The communication from the EU executive to
Parliament and Council calls for an inter-in-
stitutional working group to set out “ground rules to apply to all” and to “develop a clear
and coherent vision on the place of agencies in European governance”. According to
Barroso: “The time has come to re-launch a debate on the role of agencies and the serv-
Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman
first proposed regulation of their agencies in
New regulations for the European Ombudsman
ice they provide to the EU”. The Commission
Photos: archive; Jonathan Hordle/European Community 2008; EC
José Manuel Barroso
2005, this was stalled by the Council.
financial dynamics international acquire blueprint partners Blueprint Partners, one of Brussels’ largest independent public affairs and corporate communications
consultancies, was acquired by the leading international consultancy Financial Dynamics International (FD), the company announced on March 17th. Blueprint was established in 2003 and has grown to become a leading public affairs and strategic communications consultancy. The company celebrated its fifth birthday by recently being awarded the Holmes Report Award for best European Public Affairs
Consultancy. Blueprint specialises in creating a dialogue with clients’ stake holders through tailored and strategic programmes of advocacy, communications and media work, in Brussels and interna-
tionally. The company has received numerous approaches from companies wanting to become strategic partners, but decided that FD was the best fit. FD was named the 2007 Financial Public Relations Agency of the Year by the Financial Times and MergerMarkets. EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
are set to improve public confidence in his work. The proposed new rules will affect the Ombudsman’s access rights to information held by EU
bodies and evidence given to him by EU civil
servants when dealing with public complaints.
The EU Ombudsman, Mr Nikiforos Diamandouros, himself requested stricter regulations in a let-
ter sent to the European Parliament President, Hans-Gert Pöttering, in July 2006. The new rules were approved by the Legal Affairs Committee
this March. The two main amendments will concern clearer rules on access to confidential documents; and officials who are bound to testify. After the plenary vote in Parliament this April, the
agreement of the Council is also needed for the changes to come into force.
— 11 —
Interview A question of values and diversity EU Commissioner Günther Verheugen on Corporate Social Responsibility by grit fiedler
SR has once again been high on the political
goals of competitiveness, sustainability and social inclusion rapidly con-
month in Brussels, attended by Commissioner
tion for individual enterprises and for the EU itself. The debate about CSR
agenda with the CSR Alliance meeting last
Günter Verheugen and Commissioner Vladimir Spidla. Their goal was to evaluate the success
of the Alliance over the past year and discuss
verge, CSR becomes a more important part of the competitiveness equais also a debate about the role and purpose of business in society, and as such the European Commission has a duty to make its voice heard.
plausible solutions to the challenges that busi-
On many occasions the EU has spoken of its desire to become a “pole
demographic change, competitiveness and
toward that target?
nesses and the EU are facing with regards to sustainable development. European Agenda
interviewed Commissioner Verheugen about the future of CSR in Europe.
European Agenda: Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and
Sustainability seem to be on nearly every company’s agenda these days. From your perspective, are we witnessing a “Zeitgeist” phenomenon or a genuine, transforming change in this regard?
Günther Verheugen: I am convinced that we are experiencing a funda-
mental transformation in society’s understanding of the role of business. Business leaders and entrepreneurs themselves are increasingly rede-
fining the purpose of enterprise. While the profit motive is key to the functioning of the market economy, there is a growing consensus that the creation of value for society is what
will drive profit and share-holder value in the long term. The acceleration of globalisation has brought a radical
change, highlighting the potential influence of business
on society and also providing more opportunities for the
media, NGOs and others who want more information about the behaviour and impacts of companies.
When did the European Commission first engage with
the concept of CSR? Why is a political institution like the EC involved in this topic?
The European Commission has had an explicit policy on
CSR since 2001. Our interest is largely explained by the
of excellence” in terms of CSR. How do you feel the EU is progressing
The main achievement since the launch of the Commission’s new policy
on CSR in 2006 is that more enterprises are integrating CSR and sustainability as part of their business strategy, rather than merely as a communication tool, as has sometimes been the case. The signals I am getting
from the business sector in this respect are clear. I am a bit disappointed that some stake holders have not yet fully acknowledged this trend or
fully reflected on its implications. I am convinced that civil society has a clear role to play in creating an environment where sustainable and responsible businesses are rewarded.
Who are your most important partners in this?
Any discussion about the role and purpose of business clearly has to take
into account the views of different stake holders in society,
I am convinced that civil society has a clear role to play in creating an environment where sustainable and responsible businesses are rewarded.
such as trade unions, civil society organisations, includ-
ing consumer groups, as well as enterprises. That is why we continue to attach importance to the European Multi
stake holder Forum on CSR. When it comes to implementing CSR, enterprises are in the driving seat, but to be successful they need to engage in dialogue and often joint
action with other stake holders. We have challenged the business community to step up its commitment to CSR on a voluntary basis and the response has been an increasingly powerful European Alliance on CSR. The involvement
of a number of non-business stake holders is important to the success of the Alliance.
fact that companies, through CSR, can promote and defend European
Are citizens aware of the active role the Commission is taking with re-
moting of sustainable growth and providing more and better jobs. As the
on CSR to the public? What role does the media play in this?
values and contribute to strategic EU policy, goals, in particular the pro-
— 12 —
gards to CSR? What channels does the EU use to communicate its efforts
I think that citizens are generally quite well aware of the Commission’s
ies enormously according to the size and sector of the enterprises and
on climate change are a good example of this. However, awareness of our
ful to try to regulate this diverse and fast-changing field. Making CSR a
European Union. The coverage given to the Commission’s recent proposals policy to promote CSR specifically is perhaps not as high as it might be. But the most important thing is that there is a growing awareness amongst
citizens of what it means to be a sustainable and responsible business. The media has obviously played a key role in this, even if the tendency is usually to prefer “bad news” stories at the expense of “good news”.
Together with Vladimir Spidla you are meeting with company CEOs at the
according to different national and cultural contexts. It is not meaningbox-ticking exercise or a formality would harm it not help it. That is why
I have always been against the establishment of a European regulatory framework for CSR, and I will stick to this position.
From your perspective, what motivates companies/enterprises to take on social responsibility?
People who work in enterprises are as much part of society as anybody
second High Level Meeting of the European Alliance for CSR on March 4th.
else. They have values and aspirations, and often wish to contribute to
This informal meeting is for us a way to understand, from those who
ernmental organisations. Values are therefore always going to be a sig-
Which strategic priorities do you expect to emerge from the meeting?
are best placed to know, how enterprises are integrating CSR into their
core business strategies. It is an opportunity for business leaders and the European Commission to have an in-depth exchange of views about Photo: www.marco-urban.de
I am convinced that CSR is a question of values and diversity. CSR var-
commitment to promoting high social and environmental standards in the
competitiveness and CSR in the context of EU policy, and to grasp the different ways business can contribute to the achievement of our growth
a better world as much as people who work in politics or in non-govnificant motivation for CSR, and this is especially true amongst entrepreneurs and in SMEs. But also, I believe that the trends I have already described will increasingly lead to a situation in which the best companies in CSR will also be the best in terms of shareholder value.
and jobs strategy objectives in a sustainable way.
What concerns, if any, do you have regarding the effect of CSR norms on
Up until now CSR has mostly been implemented on a voluntary basis.
companies (from China for example) who want to establish themselves
Can we expect European Directives to make stricter future requirements, for example, in the direction of obligatory reporting on CSR? EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
the competitiveness of EU firms and industry? Can we imagine foreign
on the EU market, having to comply with certain norms and EU expectations of a specific degree of social responsibility in their activities?
— 13 —
invest and produce outside Europe. We will see further losses of jobs in these sectors and the only way to compensate this is to exploit the potential of SMEs for growth and jobs. Out of the 6 million new jobs between 1998 and 2004, 5 million were created in SMEs. It is clear that
SMEs will also account for an important share of the 8 million new jobs expected between 2007 and 2009.
Secondly, the recent financial turmoil and its significant impact on the
economy as a whole have shown clearly that a strong SME structure
makes an economy less vulnerable in a crisis like this. SMEs normally do not invest in highly complex financial products and they normally stay where they are.
And thirdly, SMEs are close to customers and therefore more flexible.
They generally demonstrate a high level of corporate social responsibil-
ity and, as they are very often family owned, have a higher awareness of the needs of their local society. What big companies must develop, implement and monitor, is for many SMEs part of their traditional cul-
ture. In other words: SMEs are the most important factor of stability in an economic environment which is characterized by rapid and permanent
structural change. The new Enterprise Europe Network clearly shows that
we acknowledge the crucial role of SMEs. For the first time ever, all major
players of business support join their forces at a European level, and even beyond, to provide services tailored to the needs of companies, especially I strongly believe that imposing a regulatory straight-jacket on to our
to our SME-Community.
businesses’ CSR activities would increase their costs, decrease their com-
In your opinion, what are the most important changes, regarding the
plies to all companies and I am glad that many non EU based companies
of the new SME policy three years ago?
petitiveness and worsen their CSR performance. Our CSR approach ap-
are very active in the European Alliance for CSR. But let me be clear: all companies operating in the EU have to comply with our
situation of SMEs in the EU, to have been implemented since the launch If I compare the situation of today with the situation that existed at the
beginning of 2005, I can proudly say that together we
legal requirements including, of course, those covering about legal compliance, not about CSR.
What differences do you see in the attitudes and ap-
proaches to CSR in different EU member States? Where
are the efforts to promote sustainable and responsible
policy and behaviour among companies most advanced, and which countries still need to catch up?
CSR varies from country to country, according to differ-
ent political and social traditions. We need to respect
those differences and encourage each Member State to develop an approach to CSR that fits with its own circumstances and priorities. The Commission organises
have made a huge difference. SME policy is now firmly
SMEs are the most important factor of stability in an economic environment which is characterized by rapid and permanent structural change.
regular meetings between representatives of national
governments to allow them to exchange information about their national policies to promote CSR.
We have recently seen the launch of the Enterprise Europe Network that
anchored in the European strategy for growth and jobs. The Modern SME policy has put SMEs high on the na-
tional and European reform agenda, and increased the commitment of stakeholders to commonly agreed goals. I think it is no exaggeration to say that in a little over two years Europe’s 23 million SMEs have become the centre of interest not only at the EU level but also
in most Member States. It is now easier to start up a
company in the EU, and entrepreneurship education is increasingly becoming a part of school curriculum. I call
it a political breakthrough that the “Think Small First” principle is now being integrated into Community and national policies.
CSR is often still perceived as an activity that mainly large corporations
engage in. Where you see the specific challenges and opportunities for SMEs in this regard?
SMEs are not less responsible than larger enterprises, even if the ma-
particularly supports SMEs. Where do you see the role of small and me-
jority are not familiar with the term CSR and do not recognise it as a
promote this role?
more recognition to the responsible business practice of SMEs, and to
dium sized enterprises in terms of globalization, and how does the EU
The role of SMEs in regard to globalization is crucial. Let me give you
three reasons for that. Firstly, European manufacturers will continue to
— 14 —
separate distinct concept. So the first thing we need to do is to give
their economic and social contribution to society. Once we have done that we can credibly seek ways to help SMEs further develop their CSR
Photo: www.marco-urban.de
social and environmental issues. But we are talking here
practices. The Commission has played a pioneering role in this field, in
ness community, stakeholders and the EU as a whole continually need
ROCHAMBRES, and their network of national and regional chambers
sustainability, including setting the conditions in which market players
cooperation with major SME organisations such as UEAPME, and EU-
Photo: Frederic Sierakowski/European Community 2008
of commerce.
What is your personal vision for the future of CSR and Sustainable
Development in the 21st century? What do you think are the foremost priorities to attaining that vision?
I believe that responsible and sustainable business practices are crucial
to the legitimacy of the market economy in the eyes of our citizens. The
EU and national governments will have a higher success rate in creating a positive operating environment for businesses, if business itself is seen
to find ways to combine competitiveness with social and environmental (consumers, investors, public authorities etc.) reward companies for CSR and sustainability.
about günther verheugen
Günther Verheugen, is Vice-President of the European
Commission in charge of Enterprise and Industry. After graduating he started his political career at the
German Liberal Democratic Party (FDP), later working as their General Secretary. He moved on to the Social
to share the values and interests of the society in which it operates. Busi-
Democratic Party (SPD) and was elected into Parliament. Verheugen held
If citizens believe that enterprises are playing their part in defending
Germany before he joined the Commission in 1999. s Commissioner for
nesses must be recognised as part of the solution to societal challenges. our common values, then we will be in a much better position to take
advantage of the chances globalization offers us. Beyond that, the busi-
a number of positions including Minister of State for European Affairs in Enlargement saw the accession of ten new Member States in 2004.
— 15 —
CSR: Facts and Figures corporate social responsibility in the eu
transparency is a key trust-builder
As companies invest more in CSR, so the EU has been moving slowly
the most important activities for socially responsible companies
towards an all-encompassing vision of CSR based on a common policy for socially responsible business.
From Jacques Delors’ initial definitions of the level playing field for
When you think of major global companies you trust, which are to engage in?
European business, we have now moved to a stage where the Commission,
Fair treatment of employees
and sustainability with EU citizens as business stakeholders.
Ensuring products meet environmental/social standards
outlets people use to obtain information about companies csr activities 68.1%
Mainstream Media Corporate websites
NGOs or nonprofits
CR/sustainability reports
Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2007
Communication of both positive and negatives
CEO commitment to CSR 23% Social or environmental reporting
Philanthropic donations or activities 21% Partnerships with NGOs or non-profits 19% Media coverage of CSR practices 15% Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2007
Social Exclusion—Then-President Jacques
sory Board includes IBM,
European Business Declaration Against
First CSR Europe Advi-
Delors and partner organisations define a
Johnson & Johnson and Shell.
level playing field for businesses.
Photos: private; archive
as well as European business leaders, are discussing social responsibility
European Lisbon Summit: “Make Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion by 2010”.
— 16 —
corporate social responsibility within the european union how csr has become policy
alliance partners
With increasingly transparent business models in Europe and with
The Alliance is administered by three existing companies:
climate change, sustainable development and corporate reputation
CSR Europe: is a network for businesses involved in CSR
raising global awareness of issues surrounding CSR, Europe’s policymakers had to take note.
throughout Europe, with nearly 100 partner corporations
and organisations. Taking a leading role in defining the
The European Alliance for CSR is an open partnership focusing on providing political support for companies both large and small in the
sustainability agenda in the EU, CSR Europe provides companies with a platform for sharing best practice on
ever-developing world of corporate social responsibility. As well as co-
CSR and developing innovative business and stake holder plans. It was
holders and the Commission in order to further the EU’s aims, as set
engagement with social inclusion in business.
ordinating the work of EU firms, the Alliance works with both stake out in recent Communications on CSR.
founded in 1995 at the outset of the EU’s and President Jacques Delors’
Business Europe: Known until 2007 as the
The European Commission’s Communication in 2006 led to a greater interaction between the EU and the relatively young Alliance. It added
two important initiatives to their work, namely the Multi-Stakeholder
Union of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations of Europe (UNICE), Business
Forum and an integration of CSR into European policy.
Europe was founded in 1958 to promote free trade within the EU. The
The 2006 Communication focused on how CSR can contribute to:
ter-professional level throughout the Union, and strives to be a political
• Integrated labour markets and social inclusion
organisation promotes EU integration, represents employers at an inliaison between the private sector and official organisations.
• Public Health improvement
• Innovative business and rational use of resources
UEAPME: is the European Association for Craft, Small
• Reducing poverty
a non-partisan, non-profit organisation. Liaising with
Photos: archive
• Human rights, labour standards, environmental protection
and Medium-sized Enterprises, an EU social partner and
over 11 million enterprises and 81 member organisations
read more: www.csreurope.org/solutions
throughout the EU, the UEAPME is also the SME umbrella organisation for the continent.
tegrate social and environmental concerns in
“Implementing the Partnership
First Communication on CSR: “Companies in-
A new Communication entitled
their business operations and in their interac-
for Growth and Jobs: Making Eu-
tion with stakeholders on a voluntary basis”.
holder Forum on CSR re-
ers Verheugen and Spidla meet with business leaders to discuss
European Multi-Stakeports on common principles of CSR in the EU.
rope a Pole of Excellence on CSR”.
First High Level Meeting of the European Alliance: “Commissionprogress, Director Generals meet national CSR Representatives —interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis”.
— 17 —
CSR across Europe compiled by Laura Maanavilja & Jani Lopez, csr europe
CSR Europe’s National Partner Organisation (NPO) is made up of 25 CSR organisations from 22 different countries across Europe. CSR Europe provides an overview of the diversity of CSR approaches from across the European continent below:
• All listed companies to report on CSR performance under the New Economic Regulations (NRE), 2001
• The Grenelle Environment Forum, initiated by Sarkozy, 2007, helped
• Strict requirements for environmental reporting
• Labour laws and regulations on corporate governance shape the business environment
shape a new “five-way dialogue” to address environmental issues
• Demographic change is a key issue, as Germany is one country that
• Example: ‘econsense’ - the German business forum for sustain-
through business, trade unions, NGOs, government and local au-
• Social inclusion and diversity among the key issues related to social dimension of CSR
• Example: 1,700 French companies have signed the “Diversity Charter”, a business initiative launched in 2004 to fight discrimination
will be strongly hit by demographic ageing
able development, and companies such as SAP, Evonik and BASF have launched a CSR Laboratory project on demographic change (www.demographicchange.info)
eastern europe nordic countries
• CSR in the region has developed in context of the Scandinavian welfare state system
• In Sweden, all state owned companies will have to file annual sus-
• Changes in broader business environment have shaped the development of CSR
• Government involvement in CSR issues is diverse across the region
• Foreign multinational companies have often been key corporate drivers of social agenda
tainability report based on Global Reporting Initiative (G3) guide-
• NGOs and media tend to have limited ability to put pressure on
• In Norway, women account for almost 40% of board member-
• Some key topics are community involvement, corporate govern-
lines as from 2009
ship at publicly listed companies—the highest proportion in the world—as a result of a new law
• Business, government and the strong civil society reinforce each other as drivers of CSR
• The climate change bill proposed by the government in 2007 would make the UK the first country to put carbon emissions reduction targets into law (60% by 2050)
• The government published a sustainable development strategy in 2005, a sustainable procurement action plan in 2007
— 18 —
business and government
ance, public-private partnerships and welfare
• SMEs play important role in local communities and Italian economy as a whole
• Banking sector an important driver of CSR movement
• CSR topics high on agenda include corporate governance, measuring CSR progress, and diversity
• Example: Impronta Etica, an Italian business network for CSR, and employment agency Obiettivo Lavoro, are leading a CSR Laboratory on recruitment and ethical management of foreign workers
Responsible Gaming Day European Parliament Thursday, 17 April 2008
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European Gaming & Betting Association
Opinion The European contribution to CSR by richard howitt, mep, European Parliament Spokesman on csr
ust how far Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been mainstreamed in Europe and how
much it has become a core concern for European
our funding and trade instruments, with the support of many of our individual member states.
Nevertheless, reaching beyond the current 27 the EU also has much
companies will be sorely tested this year as belts
more to offer. If I were to be critical about the EU role, as the European
nent. Despite the economic doom and gloom,
get tightened in boardrooms across the conti-
I believe that European companies do not see
Parliament concluded, there has been too much talking and too little In 1999 I proposed that we have a European Union debate on corporate
CSR any more as an optional add-on, the extra
responsibility. That has happened — we have had a Green Paper, a White
to stay, a valued part of how modern European
While there is an understandable hesitancy to follow any other ap-
branch that can be lost in the storm. It is here companies operate.
As European Parliament spokesperson on CSR now over three succes-
Paper and now the Communication of 2006. All well and good.
proach other than voluntary standards, the European Commission is wrong to say there is a consensus to support this position.
There is now a clear and growing movement towards formalising CSR
sive parliaments I have watched CSR develop and root. In the early days
commitments. This call has been made by the European Parliament
mitments on a website cannot gloss over real problems in environmen-
to stand alongside companies’ mandatory financial report.
it was considered a ‘fad’. Today it is accepted that a glossy report or comtal and social impacts of companies in the age of modern global media
which has put forward the need for social and environmental reporting This need to go beyond current ad hoc approaches has been echoed
and consumer activism.
not only by the G8 leaders in Heiligendamm, but by leading European
real progress. In its resolution of March 2007 we agreed that Europe
man Rights (BLIHR) and significantly this challenge was also laid down by
The European Parliament continues to be at the forefront of seeking
must stop viewing this as an internal issue and instead strive to become a true global leader. Yet today, if we are honest, the European Union falls far short of the European Commission‘s stated goal for the Europe to become a ‘Pole of excellence on CSR’.
Of course the European contribution to CSR has already
been significant. Many of our individual companies have themselves become global leaders in reporting through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in the UN Global Compact
and directly seeking to apply standards set by international bodies such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and OECD.
The European Union has a proud record in its research be-
ing carried out and funded by the European Commission into CSR practices. Although the setting up of a business-only
businesses in organisations such as the Business Leaders Initiative on Huthe UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on Business and Human Rights Professor John Ruggie, when he spoke last De-
I believe that European companies do not see CSR any more as an optional add-on...It is here to stay.
cember to an international conference we held in Brussels
on the Global Role for the EU on CSR. These international initiatives on CSR are due to come to a head over the next
two years, yet the European Union (and especially the Com-
mission) has not yet developed a reasoned strategy to help them succeed.
In other areas, the EU’s CSR reach is a large one, and within
the confines of this article it is impossible to list each and every area where Europe can be a force for good.
But let me cherry pick a few areas. Public procurement
and how the EU itself and member states award billions of euros in contracts; creating stronger EU links and input
European Alliance for Business had its controversies, the ‘CSR Labora-
to existing and respected global CSR mechanisms such as the GRI, ILO,
ground. Thanks to the European Parliament itself, there is increased
vestment (SRI) including micro finance projects which have grown mas-
tories’ it has spawned have the genuine potential to uncover the new
mainstreaming of CSR through human rights and labour standards in
— 20 —
OECD and UNGC. We should do more to support socially responsible insively. European investments that include ethical criteria were worth
£1 trillion in 2006 representing 10-15% of total assets under management.
I believe strongly that if Europe is to be a credible actor on CSR, these
at the moment the EU has not even been able to ensure that its own
in third countries must be driven forward by EU member states in the
Europe must also be a leader in multi-stake holder approaches. Yet
house is in order. The European Commission must work to end the boy-
cott of its own Multi-stakeholder forum by NGOs over the issue of regu-
UN Human Rights Council.
The upcoming French Presidency has stated to me that they intend
lation, and find a genuine compromise as advocated by the European
to use their term later this year to maintain and build EU momentum
Member states are also proving adept at moving aspects of CSR for-
business responsibilities on human rights. I look forward to this leader-
ward within their national context. Sweden‘s recent decision to make it
mandatory for all 55 state companies to report to the GRI standard; the UK’s pioneering work on directors duties under the UK Companies Act which came into force in October last year; the lead of Italian regions
such as Tuscany on sustainable public procurement, which is also be-
ing pressed in the UK with clear targets, and Danish and French laws on mandatory environmental reporting are putting into everyday practice concepts which can then be hopefully carried to the EU level.
In looking beyond European shops, to factories and workshops in third
counties, the duties that EU companies play, in this year of the 60th an-
niversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in ensuring that no harm is done, must be to the fore. We have all read Photos: Photo European Parliament
recommendations on tackling human rights abuses in supply chains and
reports of child labour being used in firms providing clothes to our main
street stores, and the often horrific conditions in African mining opera-
behind the Heiligendamm G8 statement, and also around the issue of
ship, and I also look forward to seeing the Commission stepping more
boldly forward on CSR initiatives such as those being led on by member
states, to make sure that Europe really does become a ‘Pole of Excellence’ and not just a talking shop.
Richard Howitt joined the European Parliament as an MEP in 1994. He joined the British Labour Party at 18
years old and is now a member of the Socialist Party
in the EP. He is Vice Chairman of the Human Rights Sub Committee, a member of the Committee on For-
eign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy and is the Labour European Spokesperson
tions which provide raw material for our jewellery and our electronics.
on Foreign Affairs. He is also a member of the Committee on Employment
his recommendations, I believe that they will be a positive step forward
Social Responsibility (CSR). He successfully led the preparation of the Par-
Having worked alongside Professor John Ruggie in the preparation of
in setting out clearly, and in an international forum, what the responsi-
bilities of corporations and states must be. The final recommendations are due to be presented to the UN Human Rights Council this June, and EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
and Social Affairs, and is European Parliament Spokesperson on Corporate liamentary report on CSR, which represented a major step towards establishing international regulation for multinational companies.
Interview Sustainable chemistry Interview with David Kepler, Chief Sustainability Officer, The Dow Chemical Company by elke nussbaum und max obenaus
he Dow Chemical Company is one of the leading providers of chemical, plastic and agricultural products and services. European Agenda met
The latest big issue in sustainable development is water. Can you explain DOW’s strategy in that area?
It’s a fundamental area, where we think we can add a lot of value. First
with David E. Kepler, executive vice president,
of all, our company is focused on business areas around water manage-
tion officer (CIO) and corporate director of Shared
lot of water so we are looking into that as well. But there is also the
chief sustainability officer (CSO), chief informaServices for the Dow Chemical Company, to talk
about the development of CSR over the last few
years and how society and business benefit from a closer cooperation. He illustrates the evolving
synergies that come up through running a business with a focus on standards and values but
also the importance of developing economical and technical solutions for societal problems.
Mr Kepler, “Sustainable Chemistry begins by ensuring that our own footprint is light, but it only reaches its full potential if it delivers solutions
to the problems faced by society.” How do you think chemicals can solve problems of sustainability?
David Kepler: Well, if you think about science and Chemistry as an in-
dustry, it is fundamental. Over 90% of everything that is manufactured has a chemical reaction in its value chain, so we kind of sit at the nexus
between energy and materials and — progress, really. So if you look at economic development, but also environmental and social impact, then chemistry will have a large part to play, both in economical progress but
also in environmental solutions and society solutions — it always has
ment and water treatment plants. Chemical Manufacturing does use a
other side where our technology can help with problems such as clean water supply, dissemination and the purification of water. Traditionally
we are looking into high-end applications for the use in different indus-
tries, so we are looking into what we can offer especially to those emerg-
ing markets such as India and China, where we feel that we can bring solutions to people that might have a limited water supply.
For example, we have invested in a company called ‘Water Health Inter-
national’, which is actually a Californian company that is looking at ad-
dressing markets in India, and small townships and water systems there. We have been able to grant more than 30 million dollars to provide the economic guarantee so they can get funding and then go in and look
to get new water systems installed. So it’s a new way to find economic
models to help people to self-develop. We are going to continue to work in that kind of way and look into local communities. We also recognise that in the emerging areas, economic development puts stress on the
environment — such as local water cycles. So, if we are going into China, we try to think of the local communities, and, for instance, how to man-
age local water systems. This is the kind of thinking that we apply when manufacturing and developing products.
and always will.
Do you co-operate with NGOs when looking into new projects?
You also stated in your ‘sustainability goals’ that the focus is now on
a project of water supply in the Sao Paolo area. In terms of the global wa-
Sure, I think there is a mindset in industry that developed the idea that
concept to make people realise that there are possibilities to provide real
“moving from sheer business goals towards more social responsibility”.
you have to operate your company in the context of the community and society you live in. With our 2015 Sustainability Goals, we continue to look
not only at our footprint — our environmental impact, but also the ener-
gy consumption of our industry, and the social impacts of our operations. We are also looking into those areas where, in the future, our technologies will have a positive impact on society. So, when defining the 2015 goals, we looked at the UN Millennium Development Goals such as affordable housing, human health, and clean water. It’s not only about lowering our footprint, it’s also about extending our positive impact on society.
— 22 —
Yes, we do. Right now we are working with the Nature Conservancy on
ter challenge, last year DOW introduced the Blue Planet Run, which is a
solutions. Our CEO is part of the Global Water Challenge, which looks for ways to raise funding to manage this. The first phase is to develop
projects where people are allowed to self-develop, and in that way sustain these developments.
Usually people do not believe in big business as much as in NGOs. Is the co-operation with NGOs just a way to get your own message across?
With sustainability you have to think about the social, environmental
and economic impact. The reality is that when we want to solve a probEUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
lem, we have to work together. When you are aiming to be a sustain-
certain rules that are compatible with each other. In general it means to
make sure you can improve society. Our company has been engaged at
of, that they understand the relative performances. There are over one
able company then you have to have a value system and you have to community level in the countries where we are operational for years. We
understand ourselves as part of society and as having made a positive
contribution. I think is not only the environment or the society or the economy. It is about the progress we make together and how we can progress in a more sustainable way.
Do you thing DOW will be more recognised among consumers?
Historically DOW is a company that has primarily provided solutions
to other businesses. So we have very good brand recognition as we go
have clarity in what people understand and what the products are made thousand companies in chemistry in the US and another thousand or
more in Europe. So you have a lot of different voices there. As a safe and responsible company we understand what people want and therefore it is very logical to go in this direction.
DOW has many CSR initiatives and it’s a general trend a lot of multi-na-
tional companies from the different sectors are following. Where do we stand with CSR? Is there even more potential?
I think every company has to understand the value they bring to peo-
into emerging countries and work together with countries to build jobs,
ple. Historically sometimes people have just tried to isolate this kind of
son why we go for reputation campaigns, because we do think people
side they try to be a good citizen. But these things have to be coupled
but we are not recognized as a brand by consumers. That is the one reahave to get to know us better. We want to be a company that provides solutions. The important thing is that you are in a position
where you can have an opinion and where you can have a positive influence.
As a multi-national company you have to work together
with a lot of governments and different political systems. When we look at the REACH legislation, where do you see the difference between Europe and the US?
First of all I think a company has to have a set of values
and standards it operates with. We, for example, have an
environmental policy that says that we will operate to our standards. Even if we go to countries that may not have
the same kind of rules, we have certain standards and val-
ues that we will operate to. Our view and thinking in terms of sustainable products, sustainable chemistry, and prod-
uct safety goals are very much in line with what REACH is looking for. We want to be transparent in terms of the
thing. On the one side they try to do their business and on the other with the strategy. You have to couple these things so that you can focus
With sustainability you have to think about the social, environmental and economic impact. The reality is that when we want to solve a problem, we have to work together.
on the things you can contribute positively to. I think companies are learning to be a little bit more pro-active and communicate how they are engaged, and show what the company is about.
What are your expectations for the high-level meeting with the commissioners Verheugen and Spidla?
I think it is good for people to start to talk about their role
and have dialogue with others. I think it is positive. There
seems to be a tendency in society that once a concept gets built, there has to be this very analytical definition of it. I
think corporate citizenship is about having integrity around
who you are and what you are going to do and being trans-
parent about that. But, I think there is a valid discussion, about the role of business in helping without intruding on people’s lives and the work of government.
products we make and ensure we have a positive impact on the risks
Is CSR a way to avoid stricter regulation?
ments of all our products publicly available on the internet and thus
ple in a lot of our security programs we requested regulation, because
— not only scientists — can understand what our products are made
if you try to regulate things you have to come to the lowest common
that have to be managed. We are committed to making safety assessbe globally transparent by 2015, and we want to ensure that all people
of. REACH is a framework we are very committed to and we have the
program to develop that. Furthermore we will drive that concept around the world. The challenge will be to get some harmonisation around the
world about how we want to look at issues so that we do not end up having a hundred different ways to do it. We need some consistency.
Greenpeace sees REACH as one of the “most impressive examples of
foreign lobby efforts ever against a proposed law for the EU”. Green-
peace especially complains that the chemical industry have run a fierce campaign to hinder the EU’s effort to regulate the European chemical sector.
Well, this company hasn’t. From DOW’s point of view, it is not a practi-
cal way to think about it. If the Europeans develop policy it is a big market and if the US develop policy it is a big market. What we really want
is harmony between the two. That is our point of view, that we have EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
Quite often companies are the ones that ask for regulation. For exam-
at some point there is a minimum requirement to work through. I think denominator. When you think about Corporate Responsibility and Social Responsibility you don’t want the lowest common denominator, you
want to take things to another level. And I would say the companies are focused on how to have a positive influence. It is much more about an
opportunity to be a part of society and therefore it is also an opportunity for business and economic development. If you approach issues of social responsibility only because somebody has to set rules about it, it
is not very progressive. Some people maybe think about it that way, but
for our company it is an opportunity to participate more in the society. And frankly this means you can participate more in the market, which
means you have better business opportunities. In other words, you have
the right to run your business but you have to meet social and environ-
mental requirements. That is the mindset. You can find economic ways to solve people’s problems. There is an economic way to drive it. I do not
think there is anything wrong with the right to operate and exploit a
— 23 —
business opportunity as long as society continues to prosper and as long as there is more opportunity for everybody.
Do you think the images of big corporations improve as a consequence of this?
I think, like anything else, there is an image around business as there is
an image around governments and an image around NGOs. I think people characterise. I think there are enough businesses that are starting
to act not only in the best interest of their shareholders but also in the
best interest of the societies in which they operate. I am sure that will be rewarded. I think when you get into the major challenges the world faces today: that is in energy, the impact on climate change, sustainable
Did your own personal lifestyle change with the sustainability goals?
I have personally done a lot of thinking in my life. If you start to look at
the goals from a company point of view, you certainly translate that into an individual point of view in terms of your energy footprint. We have
actually done that with our employees. We have an educational process, just trying to help employees to understand some of the simple choices
they can make in terms of energy efficiency or resources use reduction. So yes, I think it has made a personal impact.
You say you educate your employees Do you think that companies are gaining more responsibility and taking more state-like functions?
First of all your company is reflected in how the employees behave.
supply of raw materials, affordable housing or just getting the economic
So I think it is really important to train your employees in the company
new thinking of solutions is starting to set in, that requires companies
that. But in today’s world that changes a little bit in terms of the envi-
development uniform so that we can get some of the unrest settled. A to help and become part of the solution.
What when big businesses and politics disagree? When the company’s interest is contradictory to the common interest?
The good thing about politics is that nobody agrees a hundred per-
cent with anybody. The real challenge is that you can understand each
other at a higher level. For example, if you take energy, people can acknowledge that energy is required for society and we need to manage
our energy in a more sustainable way. But every energy source has con-
sequences that have to be managed, whether that is biologically based, whether that is alternative energy, whether that is nuclear or coal. They
all have consequences and issues that need to be managed. So some-
times policies work for a few, when you scale it up for all of Europe, for
the world, you will find consequences that we have not thought about.
values and ethics code of conduct. Well, we hope people come in with
ronment between working in the USA, in Europe, Latin America, or the
UK. All those countries have certain standards of behaviour and if you operate in those societies you have a responsibility as a citizen of those
societies. Some people would look and say some states cannot make things happen, so maybe what we have to do is to expect business to
make things happen. I would think that is not good for business and not good for society. We want to be seen as a global company, but we want
to be seen as positive citizens of the country where we do business. I do
not think we want to be somebody imposing our standards. We want to live our standards when we are in the country and if we cannot do that
then we should not be in the country. But I think posing our standards as
a kind of a supra-state-responsibility would not seem to me something we want to go into.
When I think, for example, of bio fuels, there is a point where you really
What comes after the 2015 sustainability-goals?
and bio-diversity. That is something that should have been known as we
We still have a long way to go. But we are learning a lot. We are learn-
make sure that we think ahead and are framing solutions that, from our
We further understand what communities really want and we are trying
have to understand the consequences of bio fuels’ impact on land use started the policy. A lot of companies and people knew that. We like to point of view, are based, not necessarily just on the interest of the com-
pany itself, but on the knowledge of science and technology, the state of the environment and our knowledge of the markets.
So no matter where the pendulum swings, you are engaged in it. Your chemicals are in all the technologies that are available.
That is the magic of chemistry. No matter where society goes, chem-
istry is a part of it. If you do positive things, it comes up, if society has
I think the good thing about goals is that you set them as stretch goals.
ing how to achieve our goals, for instance, in community engagement. to develop our actions around that. I think certain societal challenges
will be there for the next fifty years, not the next ten years. But the ten
year goal gives us and our employees something to focus on. Ultimately, there are many people who have to work on that but we continue to add value. Not only to our shareholders and the customers we serve but
to the environment and the countries we are in. In that mindset, these goals are all about taking action and learning from that.
not thought something through in depth, you can have new initiatives issues; we can look at certain issues and understand that we have to get that operating more economically. That is a business opportunity, but it
is also an economic fact. So we are working on technologies to signifi-
cantly reduce the price of your every day products as well as their envi-
ronmental impact. That is a business opportunity because it is not only a
source of income to many people, but it also addresses social aspects and thus addresses the balance required to succeed in the future. How do you
manage all the chemistry around such a complex system and have safe production and products? That is a challenge we look at as well.
— 24 —
about david e. kepler
David Kepler is executive vice president, chief
sustainability officer, chief information officer and corporate director of Shared Services for the Dow Chemical Company. He began his Dow career in 1975 after graduating from the University of California
in Berkley with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering.
Photo: private
too. The value that we bring is that we can bring technical solutions to
AGENDA 14.04. – 25.05.2008 European Communication Summit 24.04.08 – 25.04.08
Photos: www.albrecht-noack.com; Christina Pahnke/EPA; archive; Miguel A R Lopes
EU-LAC Summit 16.05.08 – 17.05.08
European Patent Forum 06.05.08 – 07.05.08
Congress of Europe 60th Anniversary 23.05.08 – 24.05.08
— 25 —
Photos: private; www.de.wikipedia.org; Government Communication Office; Photo European Parliament; archive
WEEK 14.04 – 20.04.2008
Social Impact of Globalization location: brussels, belgium host : european commission & ceps
This Conference will bring togeth-
the level of global governance, to
atives of international organisa-
a force for social progress. The list
er policy makers, senior representtions, social partners, NGOs, aca-
demics and independent experts. During the event, a new CEPS
report on the social impact of globalisation will be presented. This
high-level event should be seen as
part of the Commission‘s prepara-
tions for a renewed Social Agenda. It will look at the social challenges
that accompany globalisation and
explore what policies are needed within the Member States and at
— 26 —
ensure that globalisation becomes
of distinguished speakers include: Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, Marjeta Cotman, Minister of Labour, Fam-
ily and Social Affairs of Slovenia; Marek Belka, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, former Prime Minister of Poland, and Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner for
Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
15.04.08 – 16.04.08
European Nuclear Assembly location: brussels, belgium host: foratomeuropean atomic forum
This International conference organised by FORATOM, provides an
opportunity for politi-
cians, industry experts and stakeholder repre-
17.04.08 – 18.04.08
Seminar on “Natura 2000” location: brussels, belgium host: alde, european parliament & cor
Informal Meeting of Ministers for Health
The aim of the seminar is to try to find ways of resolving “conflicts of interest” to the benefit
of local communities. Examples of conflicts of
location: brdo, slovenia host: slovenian presidency of the eu
During its presidency
of the EU, Slovenia will
focus on the subject of controlling cancer, offer-
ing a major opportunity to contribute at EU level
sentatives from around the world to discuss the
interest found in regions will be presented. Au-
to reducing the burden of this disease. Based on
velopments in the nuclear field. The Energy Policy
ious Member States have been invited to present
isters of health, conclusions of the Council will
latest political, economic and environmental de-
for Europe (EPE), recently adopted by the Council, makes a clear and unequivocal link between energy and climate change and recognises the central
thorities at both local and regional level from vartheir case. Speakers include Commissioner for Environment, Mr Stavros Dimas, Commmissioner for Regional Policy, Mrs Danuta Hübner, rep-
resentatives from local and regional authorities,
the discussion at the informal meeting of minbe drawn up and submitted for adoption by the Council of Ministers at its regular meeting at the
beginning of June. Other topics that are relevant
the private sector, environmental NGOs, Member States and Members of the European Parliament
and Committee of the Regions. The seminar will touch upon various areas, such as using water
resources, generating renewable energy, the impact of tourism on nature and building transport infrastructure on protected sites.
EU Energy Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs
Slovenian Minister of Health, Zofija Mazej Kukovi
role that nuclear energy will play in promoting
for discussion at this meeting are antimicrobial
first time, a European Nuclear Energy Forum has
gies to support Member States in reducing alco-
low-carbon energy and competitiveness. For the
resistance and the implementation of EU strate-
been created to promote a debate on the contribution that nuclear power makes to the EU’s
hol-related harm. Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment�
energy future. High level speakers will focus on
investments and economics, security of supply,
Photos: private; Srdjan Zivulovic; Christian Lambiotte/EC; private
climate change, public perception and worldwide
further events
nuclear development. The European Nuclear As-
15.04.2008 (08:00–09:00) EU committee Breakfast Briefing with Mr. Robert Madelin, Director Gen-
the EU and industry to debate the vital issues sur-
15.04.2008 Research Colloquium 2008: Consumption and Greening of the Market, Institute for Euro-
sembly will bring together the decision makers of rounding the future of nuclear energy. birthday of the week
pean Studies, Brussels +++ 15.04.2008 Dinner with Rhineland-Palatinian European delegates, Representation of Rhineland-Palatinate, Brussels +++ 15.04.2008 (20:00) Concert of the Camerata Slovenica
group, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brussels +++ 16.04.2008–17.04.2008 14th CEPT 15.04.1953
Rodi Kratsa-
Tsagaropoulou, MEP
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control
Nationality: GR
eral, Health & Consumer Protection Directorate- General, British Chamber of Commerce, Brussels +++
Conference: Technology and Regulation, PostEurop, Strasbourg +++ 17.04.2008–19.04.2008 UEMS 50th Anniversary, UEMS, Brussels +++ 17.04.2008 Responsible Gaming Day European Gaming and Betting
Association (EGBA), Brussels +++ 16.04.2008 ALDE CALD meeting, ALDE Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, Brussels +++ Parliament:
Wednesday COREPER I + II
External Parliamentary Activities Thursday JHA
— 27 —
WEEK 21.04 – 27.04.2008
24.04.08 – 25.04.08
European Communication Summit Conference and Gala for Europe´s PR professionals host: european association of communication directors (eacd)
The European Communication Sum-
ers will include: Claus Haugaard
cation Directors and Spokespersons
Global Director of Communications,
location: le plaza, brussels, belgium
business, politics, associations and
for a two-day conference in Brussels. Participants from the fields of
media, from across Europe, will hear presentations and discussions from more than 60 top speakers. They will
debate strategies and tools, methods and case studies, within the
fields of Corporate Communication, Public Relations, Media Relations
and political communication. Speak-
— 28 —
Sorensen, DG, COMM; Mike Davies, PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Christof Ehrhart, VP Corporate Communica-
tions EADS; Elfrieke van Galen, VP
Corporate Communications CSR,
Photos: www.albrecht-noack.com
mit gathers the leading Communi-
KLM; and Archbishop Claudio Maria
Celli, President of the Pontificial
Council for Social Communications, Vatican. At the evening gala, the Eu-
ropean Communication Award will be presented to a campaign that promoted the European idea.
21.04.08 – 24.04.08
Transport Research Arena 2008 location: ljubljana, slovenia host: transport research arena (tra), european comission
‘Greener, Safer and
This fourth ECB confer-
port for Europe’ is this
objective of the confer-
host: european central bank
event’s key phrase. The ence is to establish an
Entrepreneurial Spirit
ECB: A strategic vision for statistics location: frankfurt, germany
Smarter Road Trans-
24.04.08 – 25.04.08
ence on statistics will
consider the role of statistics in monetary and other economic policy-
making, the future di-
event for the alignment of the road transport
research and development stakeholders, con-
location: brussels, belgium host : european commission dg employment, social affairs and equal opportunities
The key phrase of this
conference is “Harnessing an Entrepreneurial Spirit for Inclusive Local
Employment Development.” Hosted by the European Commission, this
event will discuss the
tributing to a European Research Area (ERA) on
role of Corporate Social Responsibility, Flexicurity,
nate European, national, regional and private
greater prosperity for local communities across
road transport. Aiming to combine and coordi-
Migration and Demographic Change in securing
research actions, improve networking, cluster
Europe. More specifically, how the development
and pool research and development capacities.
of local employment can lead to higher employment rates and a better quality of life for Europe-
an citizens. Guest speakers include Nikolaus Van de Pas, DG, EMP; and Luc van den Brande, Presi-
Jean Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank
rections for collecting and compiling statistical
dent, Committee of the Regions.
data, and future avenues for cooperation be-
tween the ECB and the European Commission. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet and EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Photos: Georges Boulougouris/EC; Thierry Dauwe/European Community 2005; COR; Photo European Parliament
Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Science and Research
This will promote a more competitive, sustain-
able, saf and efficient road transport system. Efficient mobility is a key issue for policy mak-
ers. Enabling the free movement of people and
goods is crucial to economic prosperity and quality of life. However, road congestion in the
EU is on the increase. The TRA 2008 conference represents an opportunity for EU policy mak-
ers to move towards a better transport system.
Guest speakers will include Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Science and Research.
ence. The conference is divided into four Ses-
sions: The role of harmonised monetary, financial and economic statistics in monetary and other
economic policies; future directions for the col-
lection and compilation of statistics; future co-
ordination and collaboration strategies in the area of statistics; how best to communicate European economic and financial statistics.
Luc van den Brande, President, Committee of the Regions
further events 21.04.2008–22.04.2008 EUPAN e-Government Working Group (eGov WG), Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brdo +++ 22.04.2008–24.04.2008 European Seafood Exposition (ESE), Diversified Business Communications, Brussels +++ 22.04.2008 Joint Gala Dinner with American Club of
birthday of the week
Brussels for US Ambassador to Belgium, American Chamber of Commerce to the EU, Brussels +++ 23.04.1935
Giuseppe Gargani, MEP
Chairman of Committee on Legal Affairs Nationality: IT
Joaquin Almunia will contribute to the confer-
23.04.2008–24.04.2008 Global Customs Compliance C5, Brussels +++ 23.04.2008–25.04.2008 “Cable Congress”, Cable Europe, Madrid +++ 24.04.2008–25.04.2008 Intergration of Young People
into the Labour Market Conference, Slovenian Presidency of the EU, Brdo +++ 24.04.2008–25.04.2008 Tax Litigation from the Outset, Academy of European Law (ERA), Ljubljana +++ Parliament: Monday
Session PSC
Wednesday PSC/ COREPER I
External Parliamentary Activities Thursday COREPER I + II
— 29 —
WEEK 28.04 – 04.05.2008 29.04.08
Co-operative Development location: brussels,belgium host: cooperatives europe
It is widely recognized
that national governments and international
organisations cannot re-
solve by themselves the
04.05.2008 – 08.05.2008
Equal Opportunities NESTet 2008 for Women and Men location: hungary,budapest
location: brussels, belgium host : assembly of european regions
The Assembly of EuroGroup on Equal Oppor-
tunities between Wom-
ERATIVES EUROPE are involved in development
projects. A quick but not exhaustive mapping exer-
and training across the
fields of engineering,
networks have been established to maintain
promoting equal opportunities between wom-
and thus, many member organizations of COOP-
ing in nuclear education
include, the Role of the European Commission in
The improvement of the socioeconomic conditions
countries is an intrinsic principle of co-operatives
is dedicated to network-
science and technology. The world is respond-
ference on April 28 in Brussels. Topics discussed
of citizens both in Europe and in less developed
Society (ENS) conference
en and Men holds a con-
problems of the economic and social development. The role of the civil society is crucial for success.
host : european nuclear society
pean Regions Working
The European Nuclear
en and men, Eomen and Microcredit, Daphne II, Women and Migration and the Observatory on Migrant Women. Speakers at this event include Mrs Fay Devonic, Head of Unit and Mr Laurent
Aujean, Administrator, European Commission, DG EMPL.
ing. From the Americas to Europe and Asia nuclear knowledge and to ensure there is a suit-
ably qualified nuclear workforce for the future. NESTet 2008 is designed to faciliate exchange of information, collaboration and the sharing of best practices in nuclear education and training in engineering science and technology.
cise revealed about 158 projects in 82 countries. The objective of this European seminar is an attempt
to facilitate and co-ordinate the links and synergies
Fay Devonic, Head of Unit
Parliament, Budapest
between these actions. With these skills and energies but also with the potential cooperation and
support of the European Commission and the international development organisations, Cooperatives Europe organises this European seminar.
28.04.2008–29.04.2008 EC Projects Seminar : Export your BIC Model and valorize your expertise within and outside Europe, The European BIC Network, Brussels +++ 28.04.2008–29.04.2008 EU General Affairs and External Relations Council European Commission, Brussels +++ 28.04.2008–30.04.2007 Learning for Civil Society Organisations in new Member States Solidar, Brussels +++ 29.04.2008 Joint
Günter Verheugen
President – European Commission
Nationality: DE
meeting Network on energy issues / working group on environment Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Brussels +++ 30.04.2008 Working group on employment and social policy Council of
European Municipalities and Regions, Brussels +++ 30.04.2008 Intellectual Property Rights - Friends or Foes? Institute for European Studies, Brussels +++ Parliament: Monday GAERC
Tuesday PSC/ GAERC
Wednesday PSC/ COREPER I
External Parliamentary Activities Thursday COREPER
Photos: archive (3); www.marco-urban.com
Cleantech Forum XVII Cleantech Network™, Brussels +++ 29.04.2008 09:00–14:00 Transnational
birthday of the week
— 30 —
further events
The ALDE Group is pleased to invite you to the screening of
“ I Have Never Forgotten You” The life legacy of Simon Wiesenthal Narrated by Nicole Kidman Academy Award winner
14thMay 2008 15.00-18.30
European Parliament, Brussels - Room ASP 3G3 An initiave by ALDE members Frédérique RIES and Bronislaw GEREMEK Please register at magalital@ejcc.eu Designed by Lara Szpiro - Background image ©belpress.com
Photos: Christina Pahnke/EPA; archive; Christina Pahnke/EPA; archive; Pietro Naj-Oleari/European Parliament; Dejan Mijovic
WEEK 05.05 – 11.05.2008
06.05.08 – 07.05.08
European Patent Forum 2008 Inventing a Cleaner Future location: ljubljana, slovenia host: european patent office, european commission
The drastic changes in world cli-
by the European Patent Office, the
and the need to find intelligent
enian Intellectual Property Office
mate can no longer be ignored solutions to mitigate the effects is
obvious. That is why the European Patent Forum 2008 is dedicated to
finding answers to the question: how can the fields of patenting and intellectual property support
innovations that benefit the envi-
ronment and counteract climate change? The European Patent Forum and the European Inventor of the Year 2008 are co-organised
— 32 —
government of Slovenia, the Slovand the European Commission. The programme cover the topics: Tech-
nologies to Save the Planet and Pat-
enting Practice and Eco-Innovation. Speakers are Danilo Türk, President
of Slovenia; Günter Verheugen, VP EC; Alison Brimelow, President of European Patent Office; Andrej
Vizjak, Economy Minister, Slovenia; and Jeremy Rifkin, Foundation on Economic Trends.
05.05.08 – 06.05.08
06.05.08 – 08.05.08
eHealth without Frontiers location: portoroz, slovenia host: health Ministry, rep. of slovenia
This conference, organ-
ised by the Slovenian Ministry
will focus on border-
less eHealth in both its vertical and horizon-
tal aspects, covering a wide range of locations
and stakeholders. The ‘without frontiers’ theme
Informal meeting of Greener European Transport Ministers savings and retail banking The Informal Meeting of
location: brdo, slovenia
Transport Ministers will
host: slovenian presidency of the european union
be chaired by Slovenian Transport Minister, Radovan Zerjav. The core
objective of the meeting
will be to discuss the Trans-European network TEN-T: which could effectively link road and
location: brussels, belgium host : the european savings banks group
The financial community has a central contribution to make in the fight against climate
change. For decades savings banks have been
maritime transport in a sustainable transport
active in the environment field. The Conference
include: how to ensure a balanced development
Towards a greener European savings and retail
system within the European Union. Questions of infrastructure in all transport modes? What
elements are vital for a comprehensive initiation of the trans-European network? Guest speakers
at the conference include Jacques Barrot, VP EC, Commissioner for Transport; Paolo Costa, MEP.
“Environmental challenges and opportunities -
banking sector” is aimed at showcasing savings
banks’ experiences in helping develop sustain-
able business solutions and encourage them to continue to grow.
Viviane Reding, Commissioner, Information, Society & Media
highlights amongst others: the collaborative
work being done on good eHealth practic, the
focus on cross-border healthcare provision, the
recommendations on eHealth interoperability, and the intergrated work that is to be undertaken in the prosective eHealth large-scale pilot and proposed telemedicine initiatives. The
conference will be opened by guest speakers:
Radovan Zerjav, Transport Minister of Slovenia
Chris de Noose, Chairman of the European Savings Banks Group
Photos: European Parliament; private (2); Photo European Parliament
Zofija Mazej Kukovic, Slovenian Minister of
Health; Viviane Reding, Commissioner, Infor-
mation, Society and Media; Milan Cabrnoch, MEP, EPP-ED.
further events 05.05.2008–09.05.2008 Eforwood Week, Brussels +++ 05.05.2008 Meeting of Competent Authori-
ties Responsible for Implementation of the Chemical Legislation (REACH), Brdo +++ 06.05.2008 EU Troika - Turkey, Turkey +++ 06.05.2008 EuSalt Salt Intake Workshop, Brussels +++ 06.05.2008 Re-
birthday of the week
search Colloquium: Foresight Analysis, Brussels +++ 07.05.2008 EU Drugs Coordinators Meeting, 10.05.1959
Ville Itälä, MEP
Member of Committee on Budgets Nationality: FI
Brussels +++ 07.05.2008 Lecture: Who’s afraid of the WTO? Trade Policy meets Cultural Diversity, Brussels +++ 08.05.2008 - 10.05.2008 Asia-Link DEVHAS Conference: Europe and South Asia Going Beyond the Stereotypes, Ghent +++ 09.05.2008 Dressing the Brussels Landmark Statue Manneken Pis, in Slovenian costume, Slovenian Presidency of the EU, Brussels +++ Parliament: Monday
Session PSC
Wednesday COREPER I + II
External Parliamentary Activities Thursday PSC
— 33 —
WEEK 12.05 – 18.05.2008
16.05.08 –17.05.08
EU-LAC Summit Reiterating the great importance of the European Union’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
host: european commission
The Lima Summit will focus on the
inclusive societies and more equal
inequality, inclusion. In the light of
able development: climate change,
two following themes: (1) Poverty, sustainable human development, the fight against poverty, inequality
and exclusion/the promotion of so-
cial cohesion remain key priorities for the EU-LAC Strategic Partnership. The Lima Summit will present
the opportunity for an open dia-
logue between both regions on the topic of social cohesion policies, including poverty alleviation
measures, the elimination of discrimination and the recognition of
fundamental social rights. The objective is to share experiences, pro-
mote best practices and policies, and thereby contribute to more
— 34 —
opportunities for all. (2) Sustainenvironment, energy. For both Eu-
rope and Latin America/Caribbean, long term prosperity and economic
growth depend on ensuring sustainable development, including the protection of the environment
and sound management of natural
resources. The EU and LAC coun-
Photos: archive (4); Bernhard J. Holzner
location: lima, peru
tries agreed, at the Vienna Summit, to launch a policy dialogue on environment. Other important topics such as democracy and human
rights, migration, regional integration, trade and investment, drugs and organised crime will also be debated.
13.05.08 – 14.05.08
Conference i2010 location: brdo, slovenia host : slovenian presidency
During the Slovenian
Presidency, the Minis-
try of Higher Education, Science and Technology
is organizing a conference entitled “Informa-
tion Society at the Crossroads”, dedicated to the
EU‘s i2010 strategy,. The conference takes place
15.05.08 – 16.05.08
16.05.08 – 17.05.08
IRU World Congress People Experiencing Poverty location: istanbul, turkey host: international road transport union
This unique event, gathering some 2,000 road
transport business representatives and political leaders from over 70
countries world-wide, will address the theme
“Road Transport, Driving Peace and Prosperity.”
location: brussels, belgium host : slovenian presidency, european commission & eapn
The purpose of this
meeting is to listen to people
poverty, and to establish
a dialogue with policy-
and decision-makers working in the fields
During the Congress, Binali Yildirim, Minister of
of fight against poverty and social exclusion at
Conference to address the “Revival of the Silk
stimulating activities, initiatives and marginal
Transport of Turkey, will convene a Ministerial Road”, to assess all the issues that will be on
government’s trade and transport agendas in the future. Guest speakers will include Janusz Lacny, the President of IRU.
the European and national levels. It is also about
groups into the processes of seeking solutions
and building strategies and policies to improve
their lives. Speakers include Marjeta Cotman, Minister for Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Slovenia; Vladimir Spidla Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities
and Vesna LeskoŠek, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana.
Viviane Reding, Commissioner, DG INFSO
on 13–14 May 2008 at Brdo. It will outline the main topics raised by the mid-term review of
i2010 with the aim of identifying the key issues for further achievement of the strategic i2010
policy targets, and future development of information society in the EU. It is expected that the
Vladimir Spidla
further events
conference will endorse the conclusions that
13.05.2008 Lecture: Innovative R & D for Striving Media and Communications Sectors, Brussels +++
the next phase. Guest speakers include Com-
16.05.2008 Bridging the Gap: Responding to Environmental Changes—from Words to Deeds, Portoro
will provide key input for EU policy making in missioner Viviane Reding, DG INFSO. Photos: archive(2); Photo European Parliament; private
Janusz Lacny
+++ 14.05.2008 The Life and Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal, screening at the EU Parliament, Brussels
+++ 14.05.2008–16.05.2008 Bridging the Gap: Responding to Environmental Changes from Words to Deeds Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Portoroz +++ 15.05.2008–16.05.2008 PRO EU-
birthday of the week
ROPE Congress: Green Dot 2008 - From Waste to Resource Management, Prague +++ 16.05.2008 14.05.1952 Raul Mälk
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Estonia to the EU Nationality: EE
14.05.2008–15.05.2008 Conference: Next Generation Telecommunications, Brussels +++ 14.05.2008–
ACA European Policy Seminar: Exporting education:Europe‘s role in transnational education Academic Cooperation Association (ACA ), Brussels +++ 16.05.2008–17.05.2008 7th European Meeting of
People Experiencing Poverty, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brussels +++ 17.05.2008 –21.05.2008 International Trademark Association‘s 130th Annual Meeting, Berlin Parliament: Monday
Tuesday PSC/ Eurogroup
External Parliamentary Activities
Thursday COREPER
— 35 —
WEEK 19.05. – 25.05.2008
23.05.08 – 24.05.08
Congress of Europe 60th Anniversary location: the hague, netherlands host: european movement
The European Movement is organ-
Netherlands; Jan Peter Balkenende,
anniversary of the Congress of Eu-
the Netherlands; Janez Janša, Prime
izing the celebration of the 60th rope in The Hague. This event will
bring together the EU Institutions and Civil Society by allowing European citizens to directly address
key EU politicians with their con-
cerns about and recommendations
for Europe’s future. The Presidents of the EU institutions and main
European political parties will be present. Attendees include, Her Majesty, Beatrix the Queen of the
— 36 —
Photos: Miguel A R Lopes; private; Dirk Hol; Tom Maelsa; private
May 1948 - May 2008: building the Europe of the Future together Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Minister of Slovenia; the President
of the European Commission, José
Manuel Barroso; President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert
Pöttering; Secretary-General of the Council of the European Un-
ion, Javier Solana (tbc); Secretary
General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis and the President of the EESC, Mr Dimitris Dimitriadis.
23.05.08 – 25.05.08
EUtopia — What’s your identity? location: enschede, netherlands host: aegee-europe
The EUtopia conference
19.05.2008 – 20.05.2008
Financial Times Business of Mobile
will be held in Ensch-
location: brussels, belgium
Twente. The main sub-
host: financial times
ede at the University of ject of the conference is European Identity. Over
22.05.2008 – 23.05.2008
Communicating Europe
The FT Business of Mobile will tackle the issues
location: brussels ,belgium
cess in a rapidly trans-
host : assembly of european regions
that are pivotal to sucforming market, includ-
ing: Putting the “Value”
The conference is based
on the 1st AER Award on
Communicating Europe. How the regions can contribute to a European
Public Sphere will be dis-
three days the participants of the conference will
in Value Added Services, Understanding Mobile
cussed. The success stories of regional communi-
it looks like and how it came to be what it is now.
Regulation in Europe, Predictions on Tomorrow’s
successful regional communication will be iden-
learn about the current European Identity, what
There will be discussions about the desire for a
common identity and the use of it. By means of lectures, discussions and workshops participants will answer questions such as: if a common iden-
Media Consumption, Best Practice Mobile TV
Mobile Business, Delivering Mobile Content, Mo-
bile Surfing, Lessons in Mobile Marketing and To-
morrow’s Mobile Partnerships. Speakers include Bernd Langeheine, Director, Electronic Commu-
nications Services, European Commission; Lieven Vermaele, Technical Director, European Broad-
casting Union¸ Lex Fenwick, CEO, Bloomberg LP; Gideon Bierer, SVP, Digital Media, MTV Networks International and Gareth O’Loughlin, Head of
cation on Europe will be looked at, key criteria for tified, and finally there will be a debate on how
the regions, media, and Europe Direct Centres can contribute to communicate the Lisbon Treaty to
the citizens. The best practice conference on Communicating Europe is directed at institutional af-
fairs, press and communication departments in the regions as well their international relations offices, journalists and academic experts.
Mobile and Hardware Devices, Skype.
Is there such a thing as a “European identity”?
tity is desirable what does the ideal European Identity look like? How can this ideal identity be
achieved? Or if a common identity has no use, what would Europe look like without it? At the
end of the conference, the results of the various discussions will be put together. The results will
form a plan on how to create the European iden-
Margot Wallström
Bernd Langeheine, European Commission
further events
tity and what it should look like. This plan will be
19.05.2008 World Mail Awards, Triangle Management Services Limited, Budapest +++ 19.05.2008,
will also be put together in a brochure, which
19.05.2008–20.05.2008 CEPOL Governing Board Meeting, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union,
offered to the European Commission. The results will be offered to the funds and sponsors.
Maritime Policy European Maritime Day, Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brussels +++
Brdo +++ 19.05.2008–20.05.2008 3rd Annual Asset Allocation in Wealth Management, Jacob Fleming
Group, Amsterdam +++ 19.05.2008–30.05.2008 9th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
Photos: archive (2); BG; Photo European Parliament
Biological Diversity, UN Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Bonn +++ 19.05.2008–
20.05.2008 FT Business of Mobile, Financial Times Brussels +++ 20.05.2008 Research Colloquium 2008:
birthday of the week
Environmental Liability Law, Institute for European Studies, Brussels +++ 20.05.2008 Working group on 19.05.1952 Joe Borg
Commissioner European
Nationality: MT
transport, Council of European Municipalities and Regions, Brussels +++ 20.05.2008–23.05.2008 Meet-
ing of the Heads of SIRENE Offices Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, Brdo +++ 21.05.2008
10:30–14:30 Public Seminar on Results of USDI Survey & Business Confidence Questionnaire American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, Brussels +++ 22.05.2008 Bepolux business lunch, Bepolux, Brussels Parliament: Monday AGRI.FISH
Session Tuesday AGRI. FISH/PSC
External Parliamentary Activities Thursday EYC/ COREPER II
Friday Saturday COREPER I
— 37 —
Since the year 2000, Helios Media has been one of the leading publishers at the crossroads of politics, economics and media in the German-speaking world.
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Alcohol Interlocks, a tool against road fatalities A seminar organised by the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU and Volvo Group
April 16th 2008 Brussels
PROGRAMME 09.15 Registration 09.30 Transport Safety Seminar Welcome by Mrs. Mary Veronica Tovsak Pleterski, Deputy Ambassador of the Permanent Representation of Slovenia Introduction by Mr. Ljubo Zajc, Director General, Ministry of Transport, Slovenia. European Outlook by Mr. Antonio Avenoso, Secretary-General of the European Transport Safety Council. Volvo Group perspective by Mr. Lennart Pilskog, Director Public Affairs, Volvo Truck Corporation. 10.30 Q&A 11.00 Summary & Conclusion LOCATION Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the European Union Rue du Commerce 44, 1000 Brussels.
Road deaths in the EU have fallen by more than 17% since 2001, but they are still too high. About 40.000 people die on European roads every year, and we are currently set to miss our target of halving the total number of fatalities from 40.000 to 20.000 by 2010. Alcohol-related accidents count yearly for about 10.000 people killed on EU roads. Statistics show that commercial transport is not over-represented but the consequences of a truck accident are often very severe. Alcohol ignition interlocks could prove to be a vital tool in the challenge to reach this goal. Smart measures could save a lot of lives every year. They could make European roads safer, benefiting society as a whole. In light of this, the Slovenian Permanent Representation and Volvo Group are inviting you to their transport safety seminar
Alcohol Interlocks, a tool against road fatalities on April 16th 2008. >> Register via group.eu@volvo.com
TRANSPORT Events The Transport Agenda for 2008
Pro & Con Aviation
Interview The Future of European Transport
Report Road Safety
Photos: Thierry Dauwe/European Community 2005; private; archive; Georges Boulougouris/European Community
this years transport line up
Rail on track interview with michael clausecker, director general , unife
Pro and Con aviation co2 emissons and kerosene tax?
Road Safety road deaths in europe—a closer look
— 41 —
TRANSPORT EVENTS 2008 09.04.08
Moving Europe: effi- Transport Safety cient road transport Dinner location: brussels, belgium host: forum for automobile and society
The “Moving Europe: Making Road Transport
more Efficient” Conference will directly address the growing issue
of Freight transport.
location: brussels, belgium host: european transport safety council (etsc)
As part of the ETSC’s
Automotive Warranty Conference
safety lectures, the
location: brussels, belgium
will focus on preventing
host: clepa
Transport Safety Dinner drink driving amongst
Warranty issues affecting the European
automotive industry continue to increase in
importance. The Europe-
young and novice driv-
an Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)
Commission’s Logistics Action Plan in October
European Parliament has called on Member
opments in warranty practices, and will include a
tics more efficient and sustainable; the forum
drivers. Guest speakers including Michael Hübel,
Following the European
2007, which proposed 30 actions to make logiswill debate how to enhance road transport’s already vital contribution to Europe’s econo-
my, whilst limiting any adverse social impacts. Guest speaker Mr Fotis Karamitsos, Director, DG TREN, will provide insight on the issue. www.autoandsociety.com
Sea Your Future location: brussels, belgium host: emf and cesa and german state of mecklenburgvorpommern
The 2nd European Shipyard Week 2008, enti-
tled “Sea Your Future” will be launched in
Brussels to introduce a
week of Europe-wide events, including ship-
ers across Europe. The
States to consider a zero alcohol limit for new DG SANCO. Ad Hellemons, of Dutch National Police Agency/TISPOL will discuss ways of preventing drink driving among Europe’s youth. www.etsc.be
presentation from BearingPoint on the key find-
ings from the recent Global Automotive Warranty Survey. A “CLEPA specific analysis” — focusing
on responses from European Suppliers - will also be included in the conference. www.clepa.be
Road charging in Europe location: brussels, belgium host: european federation for transport and environment (t&e)
On April 9 2008, the
Janez Potočnik
of the EU in coopera-
21.04.08 – 24.04.08
Slovenian Presidency tion with T&E will host
“A Price Worth Paying: Making Road Charging
work in Europe” — a
building activities, to support the sector and
major international con-
both the European Metalworkers Federation
toll roads, at the Goethe
attract skilled young people. Supported by
ference on the future of
and the Community of European Shipyards
Institute in Brussels.
Guest speakers who will
include Jacques Barrot,
Pablo Costa
Transport Research Arena 2008 location: ljubljana, slovenia
“Greener, Safer and Smarter Road Transport
for Europe” is this event’s host: transport re- key phrase. The objecsearch arena (tra), tive of the conference european comission is to establish an event
VP, EC; and MEP Paolo
for the alignment of the road transport research
future of road charging
European Research Area (ERA) on road transport.
Costa will debate the
and toll roads in Europe.
— 42 —
Warranty Conference highlights the latest devel-
and development stakeholders, contributing to a
This will enable a more competitive, sustainable, safer and efficient road transport system. www.tra2008.si
Photos: Thierry Dauwe/European Community 2005; Photo European Parliament; archive
15.05.08 – 16.05.08
18.06.08 – 20.06.08
31st IRU World Congress
18th ACI EUROPE Air European Transport Industry Congress Forum location: Paris, France host: airport council international (aci), aeroports de paris
Janusz Lacny
location: istanbul, turkey host: international road transport union
This the main annual airport industry event
location: brussels, belgium
ed by up to 450 senior
host: volvo group
is traditionally attendlevel directors from
International airports, government bodies, as-
sociations, suppliers and
This unique event, gath-
more. The ACI EUROPE General Assembly, Annu-
transport, business and
challenging issues facing the airport sector. The
ering some 2,000 road
political leaders from
over 70 countries, will address
16.09.08 – 18.09.08
“Road Transport, Driving,
Peace and Prosperity.” Guest Speakers include,
al Congress & Exhibition addresses topical and 2008 ACI EUROPE Best Airport Awards, present-
ed to airports for excellence and achievement, will be held on the second day of the congress.
The European Trans-
port Forum is one of the major events on trans-
portation issues on the Brussels
Calendar. It is held an-
nually and serves as a platform for open debate on the future of European transport. www.europeantransportforum.eu
Road Safety Day
Binali Yildirim, Transport Minister of Turkey, who
will hold a ministerial meeting to address the
“Revival of the Silk Road”; and IRU President, Janusz Lacny. www.iru.org
Photos: private; archive; Georges Boulougouris/European Community
11.06.08 – 13.06.08
9th UITP Light Rail Conference location: Istanbul, turkey host: international association of public transport
The key phrase of the 9th Light Rail Confer-
location: brussels, belgium host: ferrmed
The Fermmed Confer-
ence hopes to promote
the development of a rail network across the
location: paris, france host: european commission
In Europe’s ambitious project to save 25,000
lives on our roads, Euro-
pean Road Safety Days are intended to raise
awareness, give visibility
whole EU. The Association suggests that the Eu-
to best local practices and European policies and
the umbrella of global
one for freight and one for passengers. Attend-
towards more road safety in a European and glo-
cool with LRT!” — under
solutions for a changing
environment. Special-
all aspects of Light Rail Transit over the two
days. Guest speakers will include Yvo de Boer, Climate Change Secretariat of the UN.
European Rail Freight
ence is “Keep the world
ists, engineers and decision-makers will discuss
Jacques Barrot
ropean rail network should have a double line, ees will include EC Representatives, Logistics
Operators, Main Shippers and Rail Operators. Debates will cover technical, social, environmental and economic issues related to freight. www.ferrmed.com
offer all those involved the opportunity to work
bal community. This year’s event will address the
subject of “Road Safety in Our Cities”. Jacques
Barrot, VP EC and Commissioner in charge of
Transport, said: “My aim is that these European Road Safety Days should give an extra boost to the efforts we are all making to improve road safety”.
— 43 —
Air Transport Pro & Con: Kerosene Tax Airlines finally need to pay their share of the climate bill by michael cramer, mep, member of the committee for transport and tourism, group of the greens
It is high time that airlines are treated the same
legislation places no limits on the aviation sector’s buying from other
transport. Taxes on tickets and kerosene should
profits by trading permits given to them for free—while at the same
as other transport polluters, like rail and road be introduced to this end and airlines must be
covered by all measures contributing to climate protection.
Greenhouse gas emissions from airlines are ris-
industries and will also allow the airlines to make enormous windfall
time contribute to rising emissions from non-CO2 sources. The Commission’s proposal also provides for less than 3% of total allowances to be auctioned, running entirely counter to the polluter pays principle.
The Greens had originally called for the aviation industry to be brought
ing rapidly; air traffic is destroying the ozone layer in the stratosphere;
into an emissions trading scheme just for airlines—a proposal accepted
industry and ground transport. Therefore it is unbelievable that the
EPP weakened the report adopted in October last year. However, the En-
aircraft emissions are three to four times more harmful than those of
aviation sector is so far completely exempt from international efforts to combat climate change, such as the Kyoto Protocol. Airlines have a large
part to play in climate change: 5-12% of emissions in the EU come from the aviation sector, a proportion that is growing rapidly: Between 1990 and 2003, air transport emissions increased by 73%, corresponding to
by the full parliament in 2006. Unfortunately, a majority including the
vironment Committee has voted to bring the ever-growing emissions from airlines in check. While the report is not as ambitious as the Greens original proposal, which it adopted last year, MEPs have succeeded in significantly improving a weak proposal from the Commission.
The current state of affairs is that emissions cap is at 90% and 25% of
an annual growth rate of 4.3% per year. All other sectors instead have
emissions are to be auctioned (an increase is planned for 2013), cross sec-
of air traffic, progress by other industries will be undercut.
included. Following the European Council’s work on this, there will be a
reduced their emissions by almost 10%. If no action is taken in the field Despite its undeniably negative impact on the environment, air trans-
port receives a sizeable amount of indirect subsidies, for example the
lack of taxes on kerosene fuel or cross-border airline tickets. These exemptions go some way towards explaining how airlines can offer tick-
ets at a ‘taxi price’ between major European cities. Railways, on the contrary, are faced with taxes on energy and diesel, as well as on the tickets
they sell. Introducing a tax on the currently tax-free kerosene fuels on
tor trading is to be limited and multiplication of NOx emissions will be
2nd reading in May 2008. The Greens regard Parliament‘s vote as a step into the right direction, but definitely not as reaching far enough: emissions trading can only be an effective tool in constraining aviation emissions if there is a rigorous cap on overall emissions, limits to the amount
the aviations sector can trade with other sectors and full auctioning of emission permits.
The inclusion of airlines emissions into the ETS is a first step. It will
EU level would be a positive political step in the right direction.
remain incomplete without equal taxation between different modes of
plan to use the 14 billion euros a year in anticipated receipts to modern-
tax. The aviation industry pleads that, coupled with constantly rising oil
The Greens are calling for this tax to apply to all flights in the EU, and
ise Europe’s railways and to realise a modal shift. It is common experience today that express railway services tend to reduce air traffic and
may even replace it. Ever since high speed trains have come to operate
between Berlin and Hamburg, Paris and Lyon or Brussels and London, the shift has become reality. At a good 1 euro per 100 km of air travel,
transport. I therefore call for the implementation of an EU-wide kerosene prices, new taxes would threaten its existence. However, given airlines
can offer journey prices up to three times below those of their competi-
tors in the rail sector, this plea rings a little hollow. A more honest and realistic assessment of the state of the aviation sector is necessary.
with the cost of billions which would be incurred by doing nothing and allowing unchecked climate change.
Michael Cramer, MEP since 2004, is a member of the Committee for
the climate-bill and have accepted the inclusion of air transport in the
parliament and a spokesman for transportation issues for The Greens in
Thankfully, airlines have conceded that they should pay their share of
European emission trading system (ETS). Unlike the Parliament’s proposals drafted by my colleague Caroline Lucas, the commission’s draft
— 44 —
Transport and Tourism. Previously, he was a member of the Berlin city Berlin. He has practiced automobile-free living for over 25 years.
Photo: private
the cost to the consumer is acceptable—particularly when compared
& CO2 Emissions Trading No Kerosene Tax — Only Emission Trading for Aviation
by georg jarzembowski, Coordinator of the epp-ed group in the committee for transport and tourism
For a sustainable European Transport Policy it is
measures for reducing emissions in the aviation sector. This should not
transport—certainly also for the aviation sector.
sion Trading Scheme at the last ICAO meeting.
important to reduce the emissions of all modes of
On the other hand our Transport Policy has to be
As the Kyoto Protocol had excluded the aviation sector from reducing
embedded in the Lisbon Strategy for growth and
measures, the ETS should carefully be introduced in order to avoid sud-
goods within the European Union and with third
the growth of aviation. This all the more as the aviation sector is vital
employment. As aviation is vital for the trading of countries, as well as for the travelling of business people and all the more for tourists, new economic burdens for the aviation sector have to be kept within reasonable limits.
Considering the different means to reduce aviation emissions, we
should look at the various possibilities, and see which one is the most appropriate and can be introduced within a reasonable time frame. Just
looking at the two means—Kerosene tax and Emission Trading—we
den high cost to the sector, and the passengers and to avoid a cap on
for growth and employment in the European Union. Therefore the cal-
culation for the allocation of emission certificates should be based on recent years. If the historical periods for the allocation were taken from
too long ago, this would also adversely affect the new carriers; especially from the new Member States since they would immediately have to buy new certificates and thus be hindered in their growth.
Furthermore the percentage for auctioning should be as low as around
have to realise that an introduction of a Kerosene tax on a global level
20% since otherwise the extra costs for the certificates might explode
in the world interpret the Convention on International Civil Aviation of
possible effect has also to be seen in the debate of the revision of the
would be very difficult, perhaps even impossible, since almost all States 1944 (the so called Chicago Convention) as prohibiting an international Kerosene Tax.
On the other hand, the European Commission, the European Parlia-
—to the disadvantage of the passengers and the EU air carriers. This general Emission Trading System in which some representatives even demand a 100% auctioning.
The revenues from the emission trading certificates should definitely
ment and the European Council have already in principle agreed on
be spent on measures to reduce the emissions from aviation. Such meas-
ing Scheme (ETS) of the European Union for 2011, respectively 2012. This
for less polluting engines, new materials for the engine bodies or new
the introduction of the aviation sector into the general Emission Trad-
method is politically the most appropriate way of reducing aviation
emissions—certainly only if it is introduced in an appropriate manner.
ures could include the financial support of research and development aviation fuels.
Lastly, we should remind the European Union and the Member States
Since burdening the aviation sector, and in the end the consumer, in one
of their obligations to establish the Single European Sky since an effec-
on top of the ETS introduction.
introduction of the ETS will only have the same effect up to 3 to 5%. What
further way is more than enough, we should clearly deny a Kerosene tax
Looking now on the reasonable conditions for an ETS in the aviation
sector, it is clear that the system should be introduced, not only for the EU carriers, but also for all non-European country carriers landing and departing from an EU airport. Otherwise our endeavours for the reducPhoto: Photo European Parliament
be an unacceptable burden as all countries basically agreed to the Emis-
ing of aviation emission would be half-hearted and less efficient. Fur-
tive SES would reduce the emissions of aviation up to 12% whereas the angers most are the holding patterns over airports that burn kerosene without any sense, produce high costs to the airlines, cause too much
noise, particularly to the people living around the airports, and waste the time of the passengers and crews.
thermore, the introduction only for EU carriers would badly deter the
competition between them and non-European country carriers. This all the more important as aviation is a global business with already fierce
Georg Jarzembowski has been an MEP since 1991 and is currently Coordi-
Such an introduction of ETS for the aviation sector should also be ac-
Born in Lower Saxony, he has been a Doctor of Law since 1980. He is a
competition among the carriers.
ceptable for non-European countries as we are willing to exclude third country carriers from our system if these countries introduce equivalent EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
nator of the EPP-ED group in the Committee for Transport and Tourism. substitute member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs.
— 45 —
Interview The future of European rail transport Michael Clausecker, UNIFE, on transport costs, emissions and the future of rail
by elke nussbaum and max obenaus
vision of the future of European transport
to deal with the question of CO2 emissions, but it is not enough. What
change and CO2 emissions; cheaper, faster
to apply measures accordingly. We, as the rail sector, would be happy to
conquers up ideals about fighting climate travel; and an attractive alternative to the
low cost but high carbon mode of air trav-
el. The Director General of UNIFE, Michael Clausecker, talks to European Agenda about
how he believes the future of European
transport lies predominantly in the rail industry’s hands. However, sees a joint effort
from all sectors of transportation that will
we are again missing are the targets. Without any objectives it is difficult
play an important role in that. We can reduce CO2 emissions within our sector—and we are working on that, of course—with electrification of lines and reduction of diesel emissions: It is obvious that the heaviest impact in this area can be gained by shifting road freight transport to
rail, by shifting passenger air transport to high-speed rail -and there are a lot of opportunities. But some means have to be applied to manage the transport demand.
enable Europe to fulfil its goal for a cheaper,
But how can you do that? The low-cost airline industry especially, is a
Michael Clausecker explains how...
safer and environmentally friendly future.
very fast growing industry. How will you encourage people to take the
Again it is a set of measures that can be applied. If you do not have an
European Agenda: The European Commission set the target to reduce
offer in place, you will not make people use the train. But more and more
is taking the right measures to achieve this target?
lines are very attractive. At the same time you have to consider that a
CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020. Do you think the European Commission Michael Clausecker: It’s a very interesting period right now. But what
we are missing today is a clear directive for the transport sector which
sets a target for the reduction of CO2 emissions for the entire transport
sector, and applies means accordingly to achieve those targets. The Eu-
ropean Environment Agency just published its report, two or three days ago, particularly on transport. And the result of this is that all other sectors of the European economy have contributed already in the past to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Only transport
has grown much faster than anybody expected. In fact,
transport growth today is faster than economic growth. Transport will probably be the most problematic sector to deal with.
Keyword “Euro-Vignette Directive”—would a higher roadcharge be enough to meet the EU’s target in terms of CO2 emissions?
What is under discussion today in terms of the Euro-Vi-
of these very attractive offers are there. The recently opened high-speed passenger that takes the train from Brussels to London has to pay VAT on his ticket. The train operating company that buys the electricity has to pay VAT on the electricity. A passenger that travels by plane from Brussels to
London has to pay no VAT at all and the airline operator has to pay no taxes for its fuel at all. I mean, it is obvious that there are huge differences.
We no longer think about road against rail and all of them against air or maritime transport.
Do you back the user-pays-system which says that users should pay for the negative side effects of transport? And if so which costs do you think should be considered in this scheme?
We are in favour of the so-called polluter-pays-principle,
which is definitely the right one. It is obvious that road transport today puts a lot of costs on the society which it
does not cover. It is in very good hands with the academ-
ics that deal with this question today, who are considering
which kinds of cost shall be considered for internalisation. With the study that has been provided so far, with the
gnette Directive can obviously play a role in this environment. But we do
handbook on internalisation of external costs, they have done a good job.
a shift from road to rail, but that is actually necessary. The DG Transport’s
And which cost-approach is then used in this field.
not see that it would have a strong enough impact that it would lead to approach of internalising external costs is definitely a very important one
— 46 —
The next question then is to which extent these costs are internalised.
You were talking about an interesting period in European politics. Do you see a breakthrough in freight transport also?
The breakthrough can be seen wherever liberalisation is actually hap-
pening. And that is quite interesting: if you look at Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, but also the recent development in Italy, you can see that the amount of freight transported by rail is growing fast. In some of these countries rail transport is growing even faster than on road. It
is a historical change; it has never been like that, and that is only due to liberalisation. Sure there are other countries, like France, Spain, and Portugal, which are late. But they are now, step by step, starting with it.
In passenger transport liberalisation is, in particular in long-distance
passenger transport, just about to start. But we are seeing the first ex-
amples. There is an Italian operator, NTV, they have just ordered 25 high-
speed trains. They are going to operate them between Milan and Rome by 2011. So you will have two operators on that line. And for sure, that is only the beginning.
You were applauding the Swiss model in your report. But the Swiss mod-
el is not entirely liberalised. What would be the advantages of that?
I think some things can be learned from the Swiss model. The Swiss
“Lastabhaengige Schwerverkehrsabgabe” is about four times higher, in average, than the “LKW-Maut” in Germany. The result is that road freight
transport has come down, and at the same time, rail freight transport has grown. In two referendums the population voted for this model. They have voted for earmarking the revenues of such a charging scheme to
invest in transport infrastructure. So in fact, the huge investments into
new tunnels like the Lötschberg tunnel are to a certain extent financed from revenues from this charging scheme. If you look at the economic
outcome—Switzerland is considered to be one of the most economical-
ly competitive countries in the world—it doesn’t seem to damage the country. So we have to see what this will result in. However, you can also see that Austria, the other Alpine country, was not able to apply such a
scheme because they had to follow the Euro-Vignette Directive; and in fact, they had to withdraw a former scheme of high charges for road
We have to think about transport as an integrated means to serve our economy and to serve our citizens in Europe.
transport. This resulted in a lot more traffic for Austria. So the lessons to
be drawn from Switzerland: road charging schemes work. It is welcomed by the country’s population, it is well received by them and actually, it
states will reach the decision point for high-speed rail when the budgets
Should the European Union take a leadership role in putting incentives
Do you think politics should put more effort into educating the popula-
does not seem to damage the economy.
into railway in the new member states?
Today the European Union provides huge budgets for transport in-
frastructure investments. In this budgetary period there are some 48
tion to consequently raise public awareness of environmentally-friendly transport?
Personally, I am not a big fan of education of behaviour. I believe in eco-
billion Euros available for transport infrastructure investments in the
nomics. I believe that demand management, pricing, is the most success-
decide what they use the money for. If we look at how the budgets are
participants in those markets act according to economics. If you look at
new member states. But it is up to the member states themselves to used, the majority of the money goes into road projects. We have to see
that over the last decades they have not invested much money in roads, so probably they need it. At the same time it is a huge opportunity to
modernize and to build up rail infrastructure as well because, for sure, Photo: Unife
are already gone.
in future decades there will be nobody that will finance 85% of such investments for them. If it is not done today, we see the risk that it is
probably never done. I personally fear that some of the new member EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
ful approach. If you look at freight transport, it is obvious because the passenger transport, the economies of transport are maybe not everything, but it is very important. It is in particular their pricing signals that are very important. This is what we have seen with the City Charge in London. If you consider this 8 pound charge per day, it is a very strong
pricing signal. The result has been 25% less cars driving to the city per day, it is a huge success. However, if you consider this amount of money and what the cost per year is for someone who works in the city of London, if
— 47 —
this but, if you used the money gained from such road charging scheme
to build more roads, which is what they want, you would only increase
the offer of infrastructure and by this, you would accelerate the growth of road transport. Now that is an interesting proposition for the road transport sector but is not in line with the overall European objectives.
You can think of different models. The money gained from a road transporting charge could also be invested in research and development of
sustainable road transporting systems. So actually what you are saying, is that we should use money from charging road transport to invest in rail infrastructure. The road industry will obviously disagree with that idea?
The current approach is that we no longer think about road against
rail and all of them against air or maritime transport. We have to think about transport as an integrated means to serve our economy and to serve our citizens in Europe. And that is why we have to develop it as
a whole. It is obvious that the liberalisation in road freight transport
is a recent development. Since the early nineties the sector has been
totally liberalised and this has had effects on the dramatic growth of road transport. Unfortunately, at that time, European politicians had not
per year. If you compare this with the two or three thousand Euros you
have to pay as a registration tax in Belgium for your new car, it is not so much. I was surprised that it led to such a strong result in London but, it shows that there is an effect.
decided on the same liberalisation development on rail. 10, 15 years later, we are in this process. But it is obvious that rail can play a totally different role, a much stronger role in the European transport system than it
plays today. However, it may take some time. I do not believe in a future without road transport. This would be totally crazy. We see this as very pragmatically.
You mentioned before that road transport does not cover the costs it
In regards to the up-coming French EU presidency (France being a coun-
would argue that they do cover the costs due to high taxes on fuels etc.?
second half of 2008?
produces for society but, the road industry and the automobile industry
That has been the old-fashioned approach and in fact, in some coun-
try big in rail but not yet very liberal), what are your expectations for the
The French EU presidency could have a huge impact on transport and
tries you even have a legal link between fuel tax and infrastructure
from our meetings with the transport minister in Paris, we have under-
should cover the costs for infrastructure investments and the costs for
tor. They believe in sustainable transport, they believe in a different role
investments. So the old-fashioned perception has been that fuel tax
the society of road transport. But today we learn that it is probably not
the case. The research and the discussion about the internalisation of external costs and the consideration of such external costs is a rather
new one. We have also learnt that other modes of transport provide advantages that have not been calculated and considered so far. There is a
different perception of external costs and external benefits from transport today. And that is the big challenge the authors of this handbook on internalisation of external costs are faced with.
One more question related to the costs. How do you think the revenues from the pay-used-system should be allocated?
First of all, I think the revenues from such a charging scheme should be
used to build transport infrastructure. Secondly, it may be used to compensate those that suffer from damages from transport. If we consider
stood that they are determined to make an impact on the transport secfor rail transport, they believe in the necessity to offer rail transport in-
frastructure. The outcome is quite ambitious. The plans that are on the way in France to develop new high-speed lines and at the same time to develop rail freight transport are very ambitious. If they could successfully transfer some of these ambitions to the European level, we would be happy.
about Michael clausecker
Michael Clausecker was appointed Director General
of UNIFE early in 2007. He previously held the position as Managing Director of the German rail supply industry association, since 2001. Clausecker was born
in Stuttgart, Germany in 1966 and began his profes-
that the demand for transport will grow, if we consider that to achieve
sional career at Daimler-Benz upon completing his studies in business
port, it is obvious that there is a huge financial demand for sustainable
during his time at the German Privatisation Office. Since then he has
these ambitious CO2 reduction goals we need more sustainable transtransport means, for rail in particular. I think it is a very pragmatic ap-
proach to use revenues generated from transport to build sustainable transport infrastructure. I know that the road sector will probably not like
— 48 —
economics. In 1991 he helped to privatise Diesel Engine Manufacturers held various high-level posts including Head of Division at Siemens AG in Munich with worldwide responsibility for locomotives.
Photos: archive; Unife
you multiply those 200 working days by 8 pounds, that is 1600 pounds
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Road Safety Europe grows safety savvy Driving towards a safer future by sarah roberts
oad safety in Europe has been a major focus for
the European Commission over the past decade, as safety becomes ever more poignant and social responsibility grows. Policy and politics are
moving towards making the individual more
aware of the footprints we all leave behind us through stricter legislation, taxes and penalties for reckless behaviour. The safety and security
of our roads is a responsibility shared, a securer future gained. So what action is Europe taking
to secure safer roads and how are attitudes changing towards road safety for the future?
Walking across the road, cycling or driving to work, is a daily action that
European citizens don’t expect will kill them. In fact, travelling safely on save 25,000 lives on the continent’s roads each year by 2010, outlined in
the economy nearly € 10.5 billion, said a report published by the Audit
frame can we look forward to a safer future on Europe’s roads?
the worst road death rates in Europe. Compared to the average number
its Transport White Paper. As the Union approaches the end of this time At first glance the outlook lacks gusto, as initial mid-term results from
the 2006 report by the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) suggested that, although traffic accidents had decreased by 17.5% between 2001 and 2004, if the current trend continued, the number of deaths in 2010 would stand at 32,500 - way above the EU target.
The Commission brushed itself off and stepped up its European Road
Safety Charter (ERSC), to gain EU support through “shared responsibil-
Commission. The three Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have of deaths per million private cars, which stands at 220, Latvia has 800
and Lithuania, 600. Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands have the low-
est death rate at 130-150 per million, according to data from the EC
mid-term report. Greece, who has the 4th worst record for road deaths, joined the ERSC earlier this year with plans to radically update its road safety awareness.
As road safety becomes ever more important, its ideology is a matter
ity” and a “strong social commitment” to the cause. The charter now
of debate amongst political parties in Europe. The Green Party believes
Jacques Barrot, VP EC and the Commissioner in charge of Transport ex-
a major part of the road safety initiative. Car manufacturers face strict-
has over 1000 members, as support for the appeal continues to grow. plained that, “efforts to limit the number of victims are made through collective awareness and commitment on the part of civil society.”
Further positive steps to gain public support have, since 2007, included
European Road Safety Days, which focus on particular social problems that can lead to death on the road. This years European Road Safety Day will be held in Paris on October 13th, and highlights “Road Safety in our
Cities”. The specific goal will be to raise public awareness through training and education. This follows the success of last year’s event when
young people shared their experiences relating to alcohol and drugs in traffic.
England is the top safety-savvy EU nation, with only 3,000 road deaths
in 2007, according to the Guardian newspaper. These deaths still cost
— 50 —
that innovation in industry is the way forward and that car safety plays
er safety regulations as the EU pushes for definitive legislation. 8000 pedestrians and cyclists are killed across the EU each year, according to
Commission reports, who have proposed stricter performance tests for car manufacturers. The Transport Committee have approved these pro-
posals, and Rapporteur Francesco Ferrari (IT) supported proposals, “in the hope that 2000 fatal accidents a year will be avoided”. Performance tests
will be introduced in two phases: Phase I—based on recommendations
from the Joint Research Centre, set out in existing legislation; Phase II —based on European Vehicle-safety recommendations. The first regu-
lation will be new compulsory brake systems by September 2010. The
EPP however, believes social responsibility and education in road safety methods will be more productive in reducing the number of deaths on
Photo: archive
the road is something we all take for granted. In 2001 the EU set a goal to
fatalities in europe per year per million inhabitants (1995 – 2004) <= 50
51 – 75
101 – 125
Netherlands: 50
126 – 150 151 – 175
176 – 200 > 200
Latvia: 220 Lithuania: 216
Source: Eurostat
the road. Both approaches have their benefits however, a combination
The main objective, to regulate drivers’ behaviour and improve safety.
most productive solution to improving road safety.
training and education is of vital importance. The success of road safety is
monitoring groups, published in March, found that road crossing laws
socially committed may have to broaden its scope to hit the target.
of innovative car technology and social awareness is likely to prove the An EU-wide survey of pedestrian crossings, by local authorities and
for pedestrians vary across the continent. In fact, a broader regulations
for road safety and traffic laws have been called for by the Fédération
Internationale de l’ Automobile (FIA). In line with this strain of thought, the EC proposed a new directive for cross-border enforcement of the highway code, allowing EU states to work together to prosecute driving offenders. In a press conference on March 19th, Jacques Barrot explained that a new electronic data network will be set up over the next two
As Europe drives ever closer to the 2010 goal of cutting road deaths in half,
indeed a shared responsibility and the EC’s aim to make Europeans more
road safety awards As countries take active steps towards social
awareness of road safety, through innovative new schemes to engage and educate the public, their ef-
years to allow the exchange of information on traffic offenders enabling
forts are to be recognised. The European Road Safety Charter launched
“The objective of halving the number of road fatalities in the European
reward schemes of particular excellence and encourage continued
states to collaborate in road safety patrolling.
Union by 2010 is not looking realistic at this point. We need to take strong action to boost the reduction of deaths on the road.” He hopes the new
cross-border enforcement policy will make the difference by deterring driving offenders with financial penalties. “Speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, non-use of a seat-belt and failing to stop at a red light,” are
offences for which a driver can be pursued across a country border, and reprimanded for. The Commission’s new directive would hand out equal treat-
ment to resident and non-resident drivers in regard to road traffic offences. EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
a new annual Road Safety Award ceremony in November last year, to future development of safety on the roads.
MOTORYZACYJNA AKADEMIA Driving School, Poland SME—free road safety training for families ATELIER SCOLAIRE, France
NGO—innovative road risk awareness tutoring of adolescents
— 51 —
European Profile
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People: Winner and Loser Who came out on top and who was a flop in recent months
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero After a second general election win in March, José Luis Rodríguez Zapa-
tero will begin his second term as the Spanish President on April 17th. Leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), Zapatero won 169 seats, just seven short of an absolute parliamentary majority. His first
election victory in 2004 came at a time of national unanimity follow-
ing the Madrid terrorist bombings. Before this years elections Zapatero faced many initial problems: he had to fight against rising inflation, a
slowing economy, and a declining property market; the Popular Party also made the accusation that he only won in the 2004 elections due
to fear mongering over the terrorist attacks, branding him as “betraying the victims of terrorism”. Both the PSOE and the opposition party turned
out to increase their numbers of MPs in parliament this month, due to down-sizing within the smaller Spanish political parties, and the Spanish electorate’s vote for social secularists over the more traditional Catholic conservatives.
Nicolas Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy won the French general election last June with approval ratings that topped 70%. However, since election victory things have
gradually deteriorated for the French President and his UMP Party (Union for a Popular Movement), who narrowly lost the French Municipal elections in March, with 45% of the vote, to the Socialist Party who won
with 48%. Sarkozy’s big mistake, in the eyes of the French, has been to allow his private life to take the public spotlight, and in the mean time fail to confront economic troubles surrounding the opening of the French
markets. A poll by CSA showed those who express confidence in Sarkozy fell to 48% in January from 55% in December, while those who express
no confidence rose by seven points to 45%. Sarkozy’s proposed “MediPhotos: private; www.marco-urban.de
terranean Union” has also prompted concerns that the President would
divide France from the rest of Europe shortly before it acceded to the Presidency later this year. Indeed, Angela Merkel held back support for the initiative until Sarkozy agreed all 27 Member States would contribute
to the project. The question now remains as to whether Sarkozy can turn bad approval ratings around, move his political career back into the limelight, and tackle the most pressing issues affecting France and Europe as a whole.
— 53 —
Personnel Changes EU Institutions and National Representations Vassiliou succeeds Kyprianou as Health Commissioner
New Head of EC Representation
Androula Vassiliou
Androulla Kaminara
Member Designate of the EC in charge of Health
EC Representation to
European Commission
Head of Representation
Nationality: CY
Nationality: CY
Start Date: 04/03/2008
Start Date: 16/04/2008
President Barroso has given his agreement to the nomination of Mrs Androula Vassiliou as a member of the Commission. Follow-
ing the approval of the Council, she has taken over the Health
Androulla Kaminara will lead the Representa-
for twenty years. She was Member of the Cyprus House of Representatives. As a Member of the
Kaminara is currently the Director for Quality of
portfolio. She studied Law at and International Affairs before going on to practice Law in Cyprus
European Affairs Committee, she participated actively in the harmonization process of Cyprus with the Aquis Communautaire . She has been Vice President of ELDR and also served two terms as President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations.
tion of the European Commission to Cyprus. Operations of EuropeAid. Between 2003-2006, she was the Head of Unit for the coordination of development co-operation projects and programs of the European Commission in 44 West
& Central African and Caribbean countries. Mrs
New Director at OIB
Morten Kjærum
Gábor Zupkó
Director of the Office
Nationality: DK
for Infrastructure and
Start Date: 01/06/2008
Nationality: HU
Start Date: 13/02/2008
at high political level, including the private offic-
es of several Commissioners. She has negotiated agreements with partner countries and with international organisations, and held a number of
high profile positions, including in Ministries in
Greece and as senior consultant with Andersen Consulting. She holds a BSc in Geology and Phys-
ics, Masters in Management Science as well as a Maîtrise in International Politics.
The board of the European Union Agency for Fun-
Gábor Zupkó will be responsible for the overall
of the Council of the EU and the European Parlia-
logistics in Brussels (OIB), and its staff of some
munications, CEDEFOP +++ Thierry Bernard-
damental Rights (FRA), on the recommendation
ment, elects Morten Kjaerum as its new director. He was the founding Director of the Danish In-
stitute for Human Rights after starting his career at the Danish Refugee Council. He has published
extensively on fundamental rights and human rights issues. Furthermore he is a member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
— 54 —
management of the Office for Infrastructure and
1,000 people. He has been acting Director of OIB
since 2006. He was recruited from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary.
He served as Hungary’s ambassador to Finland and as Deputy State Secretary for finance, management and operations. A civil engineer by
training, he began his career in the construction industry.
Gerd Oscar Bausewein, Head of Area Com-
Guele, Head of Resources, CEDEFOP +++ Jan Eric Frydman, Acting Head of Unit for International Affairs, DG Enterprise and Industry +++
Emmanouil Angelakas, MEP +++ Gerhard Sabathil, Director, DG External Relations +++ Marciej Popowski, Director, DG Development
+++ Juan Esteban Varestegui, Head of Mission, EU SSR Guinea-Bissau +++
Photos: private
Kjaerum new Director of FRA
Kaminara has a long career in the Commission
Associations ERTICO appoints New CEO
AMICE gets to work
Hermann Meyer ERTICO
Gregor Pozniak
Nationality: DE
Secretary General
Chief Executive Officer
Start Date: 01/02/2008
Nationality: AU
Start Date: 01/03/2008
Hermann Meyer is ap-
pointed Chief Executive Officer of ERTICO, who
previously represented the interests of the
Volkswagen Group towards the EU institutions
AMICE the Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe, created by
Office. Up until 2003, he headed the working
first Secretary General, Gregor Pozniak. Pozniak is currently Advisor for Regulatory Affairs at
in Brussels as head of the Government Relations
group “vehicle technologies” of the “Sustainable Mobility 2030” initiative of the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development. He holds a
PhD from Cambridge University and has lectured environmental economics.
the two mutual and cooperative insurance associations, AISAM and ACME, has recruited its the International Capital Market Association. Prior to that he held the post of Deputy Secretary General at the Federation of European Securities Exchanges. He began his career at
the Vienna Stock Exchange. He holds a Masters and Doctorate from the Vienna University of Economic Sciences.
De Callatay takes Directors position at AESC
Vaughan succeeds Murray at Britcham
Christophe de Callatay
Glenn Vaughan
Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa
Executive Director
Start Date: 11/02/2008
Start Date: 08/02/2008
Nationality: BE
British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
Nationality: UK
Christophe de Callatay joins the Association of Executive Search Consult-
The British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (Britcham) has announced the
of two leading EU business associations, EFPIA and BUSINESSEUROPE. Pre-
expert in EU affairs, having worked and lived in Brussels for more than ten
ants. He brings with him experience gained as Director of Communication viously he worked for Solvay in corporate communications. He also briefly acted as a press officer to the President of Brussels Region, as a bookwriter, a documentary filmmaker and a free-lance journalist and political
news contributor. He holds a Master‘s Degree in Law (UCL), Philosophy (UCL) and Journalism (ULB) as well as a Post-Graduate Management Diploma.
appointment of Glenn Vaughan as its new Executive Director. Vaughan is an
years. Initially he worked as a specialist in EU economic development policy and thereafter as Managing Director of the Wales European Centre in Brussels. He possesses a wide ranging expertise in EU policies and affairs. Additionally, he also works as a Director of the Theatre in English (TIE) and as an alternate member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
Photos: private
Michael Hack, Director, ECRN +++ Romain Poly, Secretary General, EUROGIF +++ Thomas Haas, Advisor, BAK, BIngK, BAIK and ECEC Brussels Office +++
Zeljko Pazin, Senior Advisor, ORGALIME +++ Catherine Denis, Director, European Parliament Financial Services Forum +++ Simona Poppa, EU Policy Advisor, ACT +++ Helen Smith, Executive Chair, IMPALA +++ John Wilkinson, Director General, EUCOMED +++ Morten Thoroe, Secretary General, CEPF +++ Monika Kosinska, Secretary General, EPHA +++ Francis Herbert, Secretary General, Missing Children Europe +++ Massiniliano Minisci, Manager of Regional Relations, ICANN +++ Amanda Afifi, EU Affairs Manager, EuroACE +++ Christophe de Callatay, Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa, AESC +++ EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
— 55 —
Regional Rokanas at Greek Perma- Marx at new Göteborg Representation nent Representation Leonidas Rokanas
Sebastian Marx
Deputy Permanent Representative
Head of Office
Greek Permanent Representation to the EU
City of Göteborg EU Office
Nationality: GR
Nationality: SE
Start Date: 01/02/2008
Start Date: 01/03/2008
Leonidas Rokanas has been at the Greek permanent representation since
Sebastian Marx has been appointed Head of Office of the newly estab-
and then as Minister Plenipotentiary. He studied Law at Athens University
he was Director for Public Affairs and Communications at the Euro-
2006, first as Head of the External Relations and Enlargement Section
and is admitted to the Athens Bar. He started his career at the Diplomatic Academy and has served in a number of prestigious positions including as
Consul General of Greece in Cologne and as Hellenic Intelligence Service (EYP): Chief Advisor to the Director General (external and international relations, cooperation against terrorism and organized crime).
lished City of Göteborg EU office in Brussels. Prior to this assignment
pean Cosmetics industry association. As head of the representation of the City of Göteborg Mr Marx will be responsible for project promotion
and advocacy activities towards the EU institutions and Brussels based stake holders. Mr Marx has over 10 years extensive experience in EU affairs, working with a range of public and private sector partners.
The Committee of the Regions elects the Presidents of its six Commissions Constance Hanniffy has been elected the new President
Michael Schneider, Saxony-Anhalt Land representative
She is a member of Offaly County Council and the Mid-
appointed President of the Commission for Territo-
of the Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) Commission.
and member of the European People‘s Party (EPP) was
land Regional Authority in Ireland. She is also member of the National Economic and Social Forum in Ireland.
rial Cohesion (COTER). Since 2002 he has been SaxonNationality: DE
Gerd Harms, the State Secretary at the State Chancel-
Istvan Sertö-Radics, Mayor of the Hungarian city of
Federal and European Affairs has been elected President
crats for Europe (ALDE), has been elected President of the
lery of the State of Brandenburg and Plenipotentiary for
Uszka and member of the Alliance of Liberals and Demo-
of the Commission for Culture, Education and Research Nationality: DE
(EDUC). He holds a PhD in Political Science.
Commission for External Relations and Decentralised CoNationality: HU
Claudio Martini, President of the Tuscan regional Gov-
Jerzy Zajakala, Mayor of Ljubjana since 1990, has been
for Constitutional Affairs, European Governance and the
velopment (DEVE). Before becoming Mayor he worked in
elected President of the Commission on Sustainable De-
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (CONST). He was CONST
— 56 —
operation (RELEX).
ernment has been elected President of the Commission
Nationality: IT
Anhalt’s State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs.
already well-known for his work as the Mayor of Prato.
the Polish province of Torun as Senior Provincial InspecNationality: PL
tor in Department of Law and Organisation.
Photos: private
Nationality: IE
Companies and Consultancies Esculier succeeds Former Commisioner Meunier at Thales Group joins Fleishman-Hillard Jean-Christophe Esculier
David Byrne
Director for EU and NATO
Senior Councillor
Thales Group
in Brussels
Nationality: IE
Nationality: FR
Start Date: 20/02/2008
Start Date: 01/02/2008 Jean-Christophe Esculier has taken on responsibility for Thales’ represen-
Former Commissioner David Byrne has joined Fleishman-Hillard as Senior
working as head of the Sales Direction in Europe, Australia and the United
European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection. During his
tation to EU Institutions and NATO. He joined Thomson-CSF in 1982, later
States. He was later appointed Air Traffic Management Commercial Director, and then for Airsys ATM, joint-venture with Siemens. In 2004 he was appointed ‘Key Account Director’ within Thales International, and under
the CEO’s directive took on the task of designing and initialising a progressive transformation of Thales’ commercial methods in order to reinforce sales dynamics.
Councillor. He has an impressive European track record, having served as term at the Commission from 1999 to 2004, Byrne made a significant im-
pact on the development of European health, food, and consumer policy. He has since served as a special envoy to the World Health Organization (WHO), as a barrister at the European Court of Justice and as a member
of the International Court of Arbitration, and Attorney General of Ireland. Byrne is also currently Chancellor of Dublin City University.
Bushong joins New Consultants Appointment at APCO Worldwide at Aspect Weber Shandwick David Bushong
Marie-Jeanne Capuano
Roberto Ferrigno
Director and Senior
Senior Consultant
Public Affairs
APCO Worldwide Councillor
Nationality: US
Start Date: 20/02/2008
Nationality: FR
Start Date: 01/02/2008
Vice President
Weber Shandwick Nationality: IT
Start Date: 25/02/2008
David Bushong, former vice president of inter-
Marie-Jeanne Capuano is a senior political and
Roberto Ferrigno, former EU Policy Director of
Brussels office, joins APCO Worldwide as Direc-
worked in Brussels, Paris and Washington DC for
sels and a long-standing veteran of the EU
national affairs for Altria and head of Boeing’s tor and Senior Councillor. Mr Bushong’s career
began as a lawyer in the U.S. Department of Justice. He then moved up to the Minority Council for the US Senate Intelligence Committee. As a
politically appointed diplomat, he later served three years as Secretary of the US Mission to the
EU He worked with international organizations, Photos: private
such as the WTO, the UN and NATO, as head of
the Boeing’s Brussels office, and Fortune 100 company Altria.
corporate communications professional. Having various inter-governmental organisations and
Companies. She joins Aspect after 18 months of managing her own communication support
agency EuroFuture. Previously she was Corporate Communications Director, SOFRESA and
Head of Transatlantic Affairs, Prime Minister‘s Cabinet Office, Department of National Defence
(France). Aspect have also announced new po-
sitions for Sylvie Aitken and Christopher Flores who both join as Consultants.
the European Environmental Bureau in Brus-
policy scene, has recently been appointed Vice
President of Public Affairs at Weber Shandwick Brussels. He was most recently director of the
Public Affairs Practice and he will now take over the strategic direction of the Practice. Christian
Hierholzer, appointed Director of Public Affairs, will assist Ferrigno in the operational running
of the practices and report directly to him. Hierholzer had previously served as policy advisor to German MEP Karl-Heinz Florenz.
— 57 —
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Gala Brussels Event Highlights
EBS 2008
Photos: Eurochambers; Peter Dippel
50th Anniversary
— 59 —
Karlheinz Kopf, Austrian SME-Union; Tomaz Toplak, Slovenian SME-Union; Richard Seeber; Reinhard Rack, MEP
Isabelle Gueury, EUROCHAMBRES; Wendelin Ettmayer, Austrian Ambassador to the Council of Europe
Anniversary Celebration
Peter Mihok; Rifat Hisarciklioglu, EUROCHAMBRES; Sergej Kozlik, MEP; Peter Baclo, MEP
Pierre Simon, President EUROCHAMBRES
February 19, 2008—Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Strasbourg EUROCHAMBRES celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The festivities took place in Strasbourg—the city where the
“Conférence Permanente” of what became EUROCHAMBRES held its first assembly back in 1958. Representatives
of the Chamber network and MEPs gathered for a special festive occasion, recalling half a century of achievements for EUROCHAMBRES and its member organisations.
Georgios Kassimatis; Christoph Leitl, EUROCHAMBRES
Arnaldo Abruzzini; Pierre Simon, EUROCHAMBRES; Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman
Karlheinz Kopf, Austrian SME-Union; Tomaz Toplak, Slovenian SME-Union; Richard Seeber; Reinhard Rack, MEP
Henri Malosse, EESC, CCI France; Paul Rübig, MEP; Birgit Fular, EESC
Roland Berger
Business Awards February 21, 2008 – Tour & Taxis, Brussels On February 21, Roland Berger Strategy Consult-
ants presented its third annual pan-European
‘Best of European Business’ prizes to the Union‘s most outstanding companies. Winners included BASF for Green Business, AXA and PKN Orlen for Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions and Galp Energia for Growth. The performance of over 6,000
companies in Europe’s strongest economies were analysed to come up with the winners.
Award Winners
Photos: Eurochambers (8); Peter Dippel
Vincent Mercier, Roland Berger
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Ernest-Antoine Seilliere, BusinessEurope
EBS 2008
January 21-22, 2008—Tour & Taxis, Brussels At the 6th European Business Summit, organ-
ised by BUSINESSEUROPE and Federation of
Enterprises in Belgium, business and political
Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission
leaders, NGOs, media and academics shared
visions and solutions in the area of climate
Photos: Roland Berger/EBS; Peter Dippel (4); Frederic Sierakowski/European Community 2008; Frederic Sierakowski/European Community 2008; Roland Berger/EBS
change, energy and (eco-) innovation.
Adrian Finighan, Anchor, CNN-International; Torsten Oltmanns, Roland Berger; Mark Haviland, CNN-International
Günther Verheugen
Stavros Dimas
Gala Dinner
Singer at the Venetian themed evening
Vincent Mercier, Roland Berger
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Janusz Lacny, IRU BDO, ZMPD, AISO
International Road Transport Union
Spring Cocktail February 27, 2008—Brussels IRU President, Janusz Lacny, and IRU General Delegate to the
EU, Michael Nielsen, welcomed over 200 representatives of
Jacques Barrot, European Commission
European transport and travel businesses and officials from the EU institutions at the traditional IRU Spring cocktail in Brussels. Discussions focused on access to the profession
and market, visa facilitation and the harmonisation of border controls, the reinstatement of the 12-day derogation in EU coach tourism, and energy and climate change policies.
M. Nielsen and Delegate
Yves Mannerts
Hanak, Humphreij, Slovakian Delgate
A. Tarnowski, U. Pace, W. Czapski
NRW Representation to the EU
February 26, 2008 —Rue Montoyer, Brussels
Dr Christoph Konrad, MEP; Michael Mertes, Secretary of State in the Ministry of European Affairs
Around 800 guests were present as Minister President Jürgen Rüttgers officially opened the new
Representation of the German State NordrheinWestfahlen to the EU. The 29 employees of the
representation had already made the move to the
2,000 square metres offered by the new premises Rue Montoyer mid-December. Mr Rüttgers underlined the importance of the region’s representation to the EU at a time where the influence and
Andreas Krautscheid, NRW Minister for European Affairs
Günter Verheugen, European Commission; Jürgen Rüttgers, NRW Minister President
Photos: NRW
role of the regions within the EU are growing.
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Günter Verheugen, European Commission; Hans H. Stein, Director of the Representation
EUROPEAN AGENDA 02/2008 03/2008
European Council
Prime Minister Juncker; Andrej Bajuk; Commissioner Almunia
Spring Summit
Nicholas Schmidt; Jean Asselborn; Commissioner Verheugen
March 13-14, 2008 — Brussels It is traditional for the spring sessions of the European Council to fo-
cus on economic issues. This time, the Heads of State and Government paid
particular attention to the launch of the second cycle of the renewed Lisbon Strategy; climate change and
energy; and the stability of financial
markets. Attention was also paid to
Barroso, President of the Commission; Jean Asselborn, Foreign Minister, Luxembourg
Chancellor Merkel; José Manuel Barroso
the concept of flexicurity.
Charilaos Stavrakis; Former Commissioner Kyprianou; Joaquin Almunia; Carl Bildt, Swedish Foreign Minister
Group Photo
European Parliament
Photos: G. Boulougouris/EC (3); Council of the EU; G. Boulougouris/EC (2); European Parliament
50th Anniversary March 12, 2008 —European Parliament, Strasbourg To celebrate the European Parliament‘s 50th anni-
versary on 19 March 2008, the presidents of the EP, the Council and the Commission each addressed
the House in a special sitting in Strasbourg. The speeches were preceded and followed by perform-
ances by the European Youth Orchestra. Mr Barroso
Pöttering cutting the cake
concluded with a quote from Portuguese writer
Agustina Bessa Luis: “At 15 years old you have a future; at 25, a problem; at 40, experience; but before 50 years old, you have no history”.
Janez Jansa’a speech
EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008 European Youth Orchestra
Group Photo
— 63 —
Networking in Brussels Your favourite spot Private Parties
Steel Bar
events dedicated to networking. Yet for
“My favorite place for net-
expats and public affairs employees in a
located on the 3rd floor of the
European Parliament
“In Brussels there are plenty of organised
working is at the Steel Bar,
me, the best way to meet Brussels-based relaxed and stress-free setting, is at pri-
vate parties: birthdays, housewarmings,
European Parliament. It is such
good-bye parties, a country’s national
Paolo Berrino
goes by without a maison de maitre
EWEA (European Wind
day…all excuses are valid. Not a weekend opening its doors.”
Campaign Coordinator
a unique junction that almost everyone passes by.”
Cagri Poyraz
Head of Communications Kashmir-Centre, EU
Energy Association)
Nationality: TU
Nationality: IT
Bars on Place du Luxembourg
Lounge 81
The prime location for Eurocrats and ex-pats, Place du Luxembourg is a beautiful square situated
My favourite place in Brussels for
ing for Parliament and EU institutions, as well as a few locals, to have an after-work drink, with
in the Chant d’Oiseau district of
a stone’s throw from the European Parliament. It provides the perfect location for those worka Mediterranean twist, relaxing on the terraces of Place Lux’s trendy bars. In colder months,
the crowd warms up inside for a Eurocrat talk. One side of the square plays host to a number of
fashionable bars full of young professionals, such as The Grapevine, The Pullman, Coco, The London, Le Quartier Leopold and our top three favourites:
Ralph’s at number 13 - popular with young Brussels professionals - the venue consists of several outdoor terraces as well as bars inside offering food and drink throughout the day. Tel: 02/ 2301613, www.ralphsbar.be
Fat boys at number 6 - one of the best sports bars/restaurants in Brussels, which opened its doors in 2000. With ten flat screen televisions it’s the perfect place to enjoy sports, food and
networking is a cosy coffee shop
Woluwe Saint Pierre called Lounge
81 (Avenue Frères Legrain 81). With great food and authentic English
cakes, friendly staff and a relaxing atmosphere, lounge 81 is ideal for
meeting up with clients, colleagues, and family. You can also sign up for
English conversation tables and hire the coffee shop for private functions.
music in or outdoors.
Tel: 02/ 5113266, www.fatboys.be O’Farrell’s at number 7 - close to the food and drink on its terraces served by a mixture of English, Belgian and
Irish staff. Happy hour runs Monday to
Thursday from 5-7pm, popular with the
Rachel Boyer
Affairs & Communication
after-work crowds of journalists and Tel: 02/ 2301887
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Head of Membership ERTICO
Nationality: UK EUROPEAN AGENDA 03/2008
Photos: private (2); archive; private
Parliament buildings, O’Farrell’s offers
Co�ee Avenue
Place du Luxembourg
Coffee Avenue is a mobile coffee café that drives around Brussels bringing coffee to the peo-
Collaboration is the name of the game in
can be found near Metro stations, markets and events. From their professional coffee machine,
ropean integration process. Some of the
ple. Founded in 2007 by two young Belgium entrepreneurs, the restored 1970s VW Combi van
the team makes a wide variety of delicious coffees and a wide selection of teas. They also serve fresh juices, home made pies, cookies and desserts. The Coffee Avenue VW van can be booked for a wide variety of events, openings, exhibitions, private parties and is becoming a common sight on the streets of Brussels.
Tel: 0499/ 273673, www.coffeeavenue.com
Brussels, this is the strength of the Eu-
best formal settings to connect include the Commission forums, Parliamentary
hearings, think tanks and trade associations. But there is nothing better than
an informal gathering around breakfast, lunch, dinner or the occasional drink on Place Luxembourg!
Sean Krepp
Deputy Head of Office Nokia, Europe
Nationality: CA
After work golf
This April to October, the agile Brussels worker will have a
new place to network... on the golf green! After Work Golf gives enthusiastic golfers the chance to get outside and
play 9 holes after work, whilst meeting the local crowd and
working on that handicap. Games start between 18:00 and
Gimmick of the month
19:00 depending on what’s left of the daylight. www.after-work-golf.net
To celebrate their 10th year anniversary, Gellis Communications Photos: archive; private; archive
launched a special wooden yo-yo toy, bearing the company’s circular logo. “The yo-yo experienced a come-back in 1998, the year Gellis was
founded” said the consultancy, who is now giving aware its branded birthday toys as a gift for clients. To get your free yo-yo click on the “Gellis is 10” icon on their website and they will post you one! www.gellis.com
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The Parliament Roadshow End of the Road?
In February the Oneseat petition was delivered to the Petitions Committee of the Parliament. The location of the European Institutions has of course been
a matter of “debate” (understand fight to the death), since 1952. This debate is often led on a rather emotive basis, distinctly lacking in objective arguments and facts. For this reason we at European Agenda thought we should solve the issue for good. Here the arguments: decide for yourselves.
Ditch the commute: 7 Reasons Let the show go on: 7 Reasons It is highly impractical to influence lobby and petition a parliament
If we decide a travelling parliament is a good thing they might want
which keeps moving. How can one work properly when one’s con-
tacts in Parliament keep racing off to Strasbourg?
to push the idea further. Think of the horror: a roving parliament
“The European Parliament, coming to a city near you”.
It is the year of intercultural dialogue, and we should make sure
the Parliament sits in a city which embodies this principle. With
the recent squabbles in Belgium between Walloons and Flemish, surely leaving the parliament there is out of the question. One parliament, in Strasbourg—merci beaucoup!
Sarkozy provoked the ire of Merkel and most of the EU with his
The commute produces 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, the
equivalent of sending 13 fully loaded planes to New York and back.
Giving up this traditional commute may lead people to think that the EU is actually serious about tackling climate change.
Travelling between two cities the MEP’s actually meet real people
on the way. Now surely this is an altogether more effective way for
the EU to reconnect with and reengage its citizens than anything ever achieved under Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate.
Considering all the advantages of a itinerant Parliament why stick to two seats, it could travel around all 27 capitals. This would also
help satisfy countries’ constant nagging for better representation.
MEP’s will surely look forward to the scenic trip from Lisbon to Vilnius.
The EU is short of traditions and lacks the history of other countries
Got to give MEP’s something to spend the 70 million Euro they get
priate time to leave.
gest they otherwise find more creative ways of spending it…
6 7
Divide and conquer: we need two permanent seats, with half our
Think of the poor street musicians, cooks, waiters and administra-
proposed Mediterranean Union before negotiating a solution. If we
move the Parliament completely to Brussels, Sarkozy will know exactly where to place the headquarters of his Mediterranean Union.
The EU purchased buildings in Strasbourg from the local government only a couple of years ago for 147 million. Definitely an appro-
If the French take our IMF office to Paris we’ll keep the Parliament in Brussels thank you very much.
With the Eurovision Song Contest coming up in May, why not let the
voice of the people decide? One seat in the country of the previous
year’s winner! Who said people aren’t interested in European Politics?
— 66 —
and states, so any tradition - however senseless and absurd - should
be cherished and perpetuated for the benefit of future generations.
allocated for subsistence and travel, because recent reports sug-
MEP’S in each; then the Commission can really get to work with-
out worrying about that bothersome Parliament getting in its way.
tors of Strasbourg who rely on the business brought by the EP. Do
we really want to turn Strasbourg into a ghost town?
Photo: archive
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For more information about the Lilly MDR-TB partnership visit www.lillymdr-tb.com