April 29, 2019 Please check www.sbaeagles.org for sports schedules. Follow us on
Calendar April 30: Last Tuesday Early Dismissal of year May 2: May Crowning Mass & Senior Awards, 9:30am May 3: First Friday Adoration May 10: Baccalaureate, 7PM
May 11: Graduation, 1PM May 13: Underclassmen Awards Day, 2pm May 15: Sports Physicals, 3:30-5pm May 20-23: Final Exams-½ day schedule
Tomorrow is the last 2:20pm Tuesday Activity Day Dismissal. None in May! 2019-20 SCHOOL CALENDAR August 1: In-Service August 3: Used Uniform Sale August 6: SOAR Day August 8: First Day of School (1/2 day) August 15: Feast of the Assumption – No School September 2: Labor Day – No School October 11: Professional Day – No School October 14: Fall Break – No School November 1: All Saints Day – No School
November 27, 28, 29: Thanksgiving Break December 20: Christmas Break (1/2 day) January 6: Classes Resume January 20: MLK Holiday – No School January 24: March for Life February 17: President’s Day – No School March 9-13: Spring Break April 8: Wednesday of Holy Week (1/2 day) April 9, 10, 13: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Break May 22: Last Day of School
ATTN SENIOR Parents: Project Graduation reservation forms must be in by this Friday. (see info & reservation form in this issue of Monday Mail) DRIVER’S PERMIT ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form. ADMISSIONS - Applications are still being accepted for 2019-20. Please visit our website at www.sbaeagles.org/admissions for procedures and application.
Please see the link below for voting for The People’s Choice award. Voting opens today and will close May 17 at 4pm. LET’S VOTE FOR ADDAMS FAMILY THROUGH THE VOTING PERIOD! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Peoples2019
BOBBY RUSSELL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DUE Each year, SBA students have the opportunity to apply for the Bobby Russell Scholarship. The selection receives a $1,000 scholarship toward their SBA tuition. The scholarship is in honor of Bobby Russell, a former SBA parent. Applications are due May 3. Please encourage your student to apply by completing the following form and turning it in to the guidance office.
Return to the Guidance Office by May 3.
Grade_______ Please answer the following on a separate sheet of paper:
List all clubs/ sports, etc., in which you have actively participated during high school. You may use an attachment or resume.
List any community projects, volunteer work or service projects in which you have participated in the last two years.
Write 150-word essay: What a Catholic Education Means to Me, Now and In the Future.
Optional: Describe a club, sport, or service project which has been important to you and why.
Optional: Write anything else you would like the selection committee to know about you, especially if there are any special circumstances affecting the finances of your parents, etc.
Faith at SBA!
Mass offered in memory or honor of a loved one or friend? Please contact Deacon Jeff Drzycimski at 260-2888 or
May 2, 9:30am • All-School Mass & May Crowning, celebrated by Bishop Talley. • Senior Class Honors Day following Mass May 3 First Friday Adoration & Lunchtime Penance Be sure to sign-up for Nest year’s FIRST FRIDAY ADORATIONS! Wonderful way to spend time with the Lord and pray for SBA! Contact: Deacon Jeff Drzycimski 260-2888 • deacon@sbaeagles.org
Inquiries about volunteer and leadership team needs for the upcoming school year, please email sbahomeandschool@gmail.com.
Looking Ahead to the New School Year: Consider Volunteering with Home & School SBA’s Home & School Association is able to serve our school’s families, faculty and staff through the work of many volunteers. At the end of the current school year, we’ll be saying goodbye to a number of parents who have been valuable members of our volunteer team for a number of years—making this a great time for new parents to get involved! If you would like to know more about Home & School and the organization’s various volunteer needs, the next group meeting will provide a perfect opportunity to get more information. BE SURE TO SEE INFORMATION IN THIS MONDAY MAIL ABOUT USED UNIFORM SALE!
SBA Project Graduation 2019 Dear SBA Parents: A tradition for the St. Benedict seniors is a drug and alcohol free “lock-in” given by the senior parents. Over 95% of our seniors participate each year and they have a wonderful time. We rent out Incredible Pizza and they have unlimited play time, as well as unlimited pizza, drinks and snacks. Whether your child loves go-karts, bowling, putt-putt, laser tag or lots of video game. There is something for everyone! Each senior receives a goodie bag valued at over $100 as well as super door prizes that have included 32-inch flat screen TV’s, Yetis and Gift Cards to name a few. It will also be the last time they will all be together as a group. Ticket price is $175. Our Project Graduation committee needs your help in a variety of ways. We are also looking for parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors to get involved with Project Graduation to keep this wonderful tradition going in order that the future years maintain the success level we have experienced. We need several parents to volunteer during the event. On behalf of St. Benedict Project Graduation, we appreciate your help. Donations are tax deductible, and we would also like to offer our sponsors complimentary notice in our SBA Annual Report. BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR STUDENT’S RESERVATION AND PAYMENT of $175 payable to SBA Project Graduation Sincerely, Amy Iovinelli, SBA Project Graduation Committee Chair, 901.849.9644 amyiov6@gmail.com
St Benedict Project Graduation Rules & Permission Form RULES: If graduate arrives and is suspected to be “under the influence” (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. ▪ We strongly suggest that parents drop off their students and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired. ▪ No guests are allowed; ONLY students of the SBA Class of 2018 who have paid. ▪ Check-in is between 11:30 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am. ▪ All bags, purses and items brought must be checked in. The less students bring with them the better. Storage is limited. ▪ No one will be allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If a student has permission to leave, a parent will be notified and the student will not be allowed to re-enter. Students will not be eligible for door prizes if they leave early. ▪ There will be food and drink provided all night long. ▪ PG ends by 5:00 am. If a student does not feel capable driving home, please notify any of the chaperones and we will call a parent to come pick-up him/he. Any questions or if you need to reach us during the event: Amy Iovinelli (901.849.9644) SBA Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation, and we acknowledge the rules listed above. I/We can be reached at ___________________________ in the event of an emergency. I/We DO______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. WE acknowledge that we will be notified by the phone number listed above that he/she is leaving. I/We DO NOT______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation until the event is finished. Signature:___________________________________________
SBA Home & School Wants the Shirt Off Your Back
Ready to clear out that closet to make room for college gear? Donate your SBA uniforms. After your last final, you can donate your SBA uniforms to SBA Home & School. There will be a collection box near the front office. Please No stained or torn items.
The SBA Used Uniform Sale is August 3, 2019. If you want to make a little extra money, you can follow the instructions on the next 2 pages. Complete the inventory form, put CLEAN uniforms, in good condition on hangers with price tags attached. Drop them off on Friday, August 2.
SBA 2019 USED UNIFORM SALE DROP OFF DAY – Friday, August 2 Drop Off Times: 7:30 – 10:30am; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Location: Rotunda foyer area (outside the school office) PROCEDURES: Bring in CLEAN uniforms, in good condition and on hangers. Stained and torn items will not be accepted Bring completed form and tagged items. See instructions for filling out the form and tagging items. Home and School consignment fee: $1.00 per item due at time of drop off. CASH or Check Payable to SBA Home and School. NO DROP OFFS ON SALE DAY !!! We will use similar forms and procedures as in past years. Please note the following: • • • • •
Clothes must be on hangers and already tagged before drop off For faster check in, place clothes in the order they are listed on the form Use the form included in SBA Monday Mail and the Home and School web page When listing items, please be very specific (girls / boys, color, size – pants size 32x32, blouse size 36, price) Place tag on the upper left side of each item. Each tag should include your name, item number on your list, size and price. Please attach tags with safety pins. No straight pins
SALE DAY & PICK UP DAY – Saturday, August 3 Saturday, August 3 • Sale Times: 9:00 am – Noon • Location: Rotunda foyer area Remember that you need separate checks for each seller you purchase from. Cash is always accepted. Pickup is also Saturday, August 3 • Pick up Times: 3:00 – 4:00 pm • • • •
Pick up money and any unsold items Any unwanted items can be donated to Home and School Any unsold items and / or money not picked up by 4:00 on August 3 will be donated to Home and School ** The sale will be held in the Rotunda foyer area outside the school office. We cannot be responsible for loss due to fire, theft, etc.
SBA 2019 UNSED UNIFORM SALE FORM PAYABLE TO____________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________________________ ITEM #
Adult Medium
Boy’s Navy Polo Shirt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Please remember that every item must be on a hanger and have a tag secured with SAFETY PINS. Place tag on left side of the item.
Tag Example:
Jane Doe#1 – Size Adult M $6.00
Please check one: __________ DONATE MY ITEMS