October 28, 2019 Please check www.sbaeagles.org for sports schedules. Follow us on
2019-20 SCHOOL CALENDAR OCT. 30: TRUNK OR TREAT & POWDER PUFF GAME (see following information) February 5: 1st Wed. Dismissal, 2pm (Faculty Inservice) NCAA NLI Signing Day February 7: First Friday Adoration November 5: Shadow ½ Day Sweets Feast November 6: 1st Wednesday Dismissal, 2pm (Faculty Inservice) February 11: Home & School Meeting, 8am November 7: AP/HONORS FAIR, 6pm February 17: President’s Day – No School November 7-10: Fall Play – Romeo and Juliet February 22: Name That Tune Trivia November 12: Home & School Meeting, 8am February 26: All-School Mass-Dept HS Inductions, 10am November 13: NCAA NLI Signing Day, 3pm March 4: 1st Wed. Dismissal, 2pm (Faculty Inservice) November 14: All-School Mass (Mass Uniform), March 6: First Friday Adoration NHS Inductions, 10am March 9-13: Spring Break November 19: Shadow ½ Day March 21: Trivia Night for PG November 27, 28, 29: Thanksgiving Holiday March 26-29: Spring Musical, Les Miserables December 3: Shadow ½ Day April 1: 1st Wed. Dismissal, 2pm (Faculty Inservice) st December 4: 1 Wednesday Dismissal, 2pm (Faculty Inservice April 3: First Friday Adoration December 6: First Friday Adoration April 8: Wednesday of Holy Week (1/2 day) Rock Band Winter Concert, 7 pm April 9, 10, 13: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Break December 7: Pre-ACT Test (8th grade) April 14: Home & School Meeting, 8am December 9: 30 (ACT) + Breakfast April 15: NCAA NLI Signing Day All-School Mass (Mass Uniform) & Junior Ring Ceremony, 10am April 18: Prom December 10: Winter Concert/ choir, band, orchestra, 6:30st April 19: Mother-Daughter Tea (senior girls) December 16: Alumni Christmas Breakfast, 9:30am April 30: All-School Mass (May Crowning), 10am December 16-19: Semester Exams - ½ days May 1: First Friday Adoration December 18: NCAA NLI Signing Day, 11:45am May 2: Night at the Nest January 6: Faculty PD, No School for Students May 7: Baccalaureate Mass, 7 January 7: Classes Resume May 8: Graduation, 7pm January 8: 1st Wednesday Dismissal, 2pm January 16: Home & School Meeting-6:30pm January 20: MLK Holiday – No School May 18-21: Final Exams January 22: All-School Mass (Mass Uniform) May 21: Last Day of School In honor of those going to March for Life, 10am January 22-25 March for Life, Washington, DC January 27-31: Catholic Schools Week
November 1: All Saints Day – Holy Day (no school) Senior Night at Football Game for band, color guard, Cheer, Dance, Football, Golf, 7pm
Parents & Students can find out about all the many academic opportunities SBA offers!
SIGNING Day – November 13
Signing Day for senior student/athletes officially signing to play sports in college, Wed, Nov. 13, 3:00 pm in DLC. (Early basketball signing and other sports.) If your child is signing on the first NCAA NLI Signing Day on November 13, please contact Sports Information Director Sharon Masterson to make arrangements – mastersons@sbaeagles.org. Other singing dates are: December 18 – Early Signing for football; February 5 – Football and other; April 15, Basketball and other Any senior athlete interested in applying for the Heisman High School Scholarship – visit this link – heismanscholarship.com
TREE OF LIFE – through this Thursday, October 31. Sponsored by SBA Students for Life! Supports Birthright & Life Choices! Help us collect newborn baby items for these worthy organizations. Girls Lacrosse parents’ meeting TOMORROW, Oct. 29, 5:00pm in the DLC. DRIVER’S PERMIT ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form.
It's Baaaack! After several years, SBA will host a Trunk or Treat this Wednesday (Oct. 30) in the football stadium parking lot. Tell your family and friends to bring all their little goblins and ghouls for a fun and safe time and then head over to the turf to watch our annual Powder Puff game. All - free of charge!
Stadium chairs are great for the upcoming basketball season, $40. New white hoodies, $25. Re-stocked backpacks, $50. Spirit Shop “FLASH“ SALE • Thurs, Oct. 31. Discontinued items are priced to sell.
It is that time of year again and flu season is coming upon us. The flu is a contagious viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs. The flu comes on very suddenly and usually includes the following symptoms: high fever, fatigue, aches, chills, headache, cough, sore throat, and muscle and joint pain. The best thing that you can do to protect your child is to speak with your healthcare provider about getting the flu vaccine. The CDC recommends the vaccination for everyone over the age of 6 months. The CDC recommends getting the vaccination by the end of October. It takes about two weeks after the vaccine to develop antibodies to the flu. Speak with your child about frequent hand washing, practicing cough and sneeze etiquette, and staying home when sick. Students should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Contact your healthcare provider within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms. Antivirals can help decrease the severity of symptoms, but work best when started within the first 48 hours. Please contact me if you have any questions. Nurse Lindsay, wilemonl@sbaeagles.org
ADMISSIONS – Are you concerned about the future of your high school student? Finding the solutions through goodness, beauty and truth only comes with an authentic Catholic education. Let St. Benedict at Auburndale High School (SBA) be the answer to your prayers. Applications are still being accepted for 2020-21. Please visit our website at www.sbaeagles.org/admissions for procedures & application.
Faith at SBA! Looking Ahead Class Masses:
All-School Masses -10am, Gym (Students in Mass Uniform)
Nov. 14 Dec. 9 Jan. 22 Feb. 26 Mar. 19 Apr 30 Fridays of each week Lunchtime Adoration & Penance Mass offered in memory or honor of a Class Masses: Mon, Oct. 28 -7th & 8th periods Tues, Oct. 29-5th & 6th periods Wed, Oct. 30-3rd & 4th periods Thur, Oct. 31-1st & 2nd periods
loved one or friend? Please contact Deacon Jeff Drzycimski at 260-2888
Be sure to sign-up for FIRST FRIDAY ADORATIONS! Wonderful way to spend time with the Lord and pray for SBA! Contact: Deacon Jeff Drzycimski 260-2888 • deacon@sbaeagles.org First Friday Dates Dec. 6 Feb. 7 Mar. 6 Apr. 3 May 1
or deacon@sbaeagles.org
Meeting Dates – November 12 – 8 am January 16 – 6:30 pm February 11 – 8 am April 14 – 8 am .
At our next Home and School Meeting on November 12 at 8am, we will have Tera Simmons & Mandy Lamey with Catholic Charities join us to talk about all the Volunteer opportunities they offer. This would be a great time to come see how our students can help and earn their service hours, as well as opportunity for our families to get involved. So, come join us and enjoy a light breakfast! Teacher Treat Days! Join in the fun and sign-up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4aadac29a7fa7-monthly
A huge thank you to those who brought in something for our first “Teacher Treats” Day on Sept. 12. The faculty and staff are most grateful for all the wonderful treats and the kindness of all who participated. The Home & School Association provides service through volunteer efforts for many events at SBA throughout the school year. Because we do not fundraise, we request a $45 per family donation to help take care of all the special activities that Home & School help support. To make a family donation visit - https://www.sbaeagles.org/home-and-school-online-membership
Email – sbahomeandschool@gmail.com
SBA Project Graduation 2019-20 Dear St. Benedict at Auburndale Parents: A tradition for the St. Benedict seniors is a drug and alcohol free “lock-in” given by the senior parents. Over 95% of our seniors participate each year and they have a wonderful time. We rent out Incredible Pizza and they have unlimited play time, as well as unlimited pizza, drinks and snacks. Whether your child loves go-karts, bowling, putt-putt, laser tag or lots of video game. There is something for everyone! Each senior receives a goodie bag valued at over $100 as well as super door prizes that have included 32-inch flat screen TV’s, Yetis and Gift Cards to name a few. It will also be the last time they will all be together as a group.
Ticket price is $175. The SBA Project Graduation committee also hosts a “Trivia Night” to raise money to provide a fun-filled night for our graduating seniors, to keep them safe and off the streets on graduation night. Our Project Graduation committee needs your help in a variety of ways. The Trivia Night is Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm in the SBA Dining Hall. We would like to invite you to be a part of this fun-filled night as a sponsor, volunteer or player. Trivia Night is an event that involves a competition of many teams of “experts” on various subjects. It is a competition that requires teams to answer ten rounds of ten questions about anything from science to nonsense. We are also looking for parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors to get involved with Project Graduation to keep this wonderful tradition going in order that the future years maintain the success level we have experienced. We need several parents to volunteer during the event. On behalf of St. Benedict Project Graduation, we appreciate your help. Donations are tax deductible, and we would also like to offer our sponsors complimentary notice in our SBA Annual Report. Again, thank you for your support of this important event! SENIOR PARENTS, BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR STUDENT’S RESERVATION AND PAYMENT! Sincerely, Amy Iovinelli SBA Project Graduation Committee Chair 901.849.9644 • amyiov6@gmail.com
St Benedict Project Graduation Rules & Permission Form SBA Project Graduation (PG) is held on the night of graduation at Incredible Pizza from 11:30 pm-5:00 am. Incredible Pizza is located at 1245 Germantown Parkway Cordova, 309-3132. The purpose of SBA Project Graduation is to have a drug and alcohol-free evening of fun and fellowship one last time. RULES: If graduate arrives and is suspected to be “under the influence” (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. ▪ We strongly suggest that parents drop off their students and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired. ▪ No guests are allowed; ONLY students of the SBA Class of 2020 who have paid. ▪ Check-in is between 11:30 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am. ▪ All bags, purses and items brought must be checked in. The less students bring with them the better. Storage is limited. ▪ No one will be allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If a student has permission to leave, a parent will be notified and the student will not be allowed to re-enter. Students will not be eligible for door prizes if they leave early. ▪ There will be food and drink provided all night long. ▪ PG ends by 5:00 am. If a student does not feel capable driving home, please notify any of the chaperones and we will call a parent to come pick-up him/he. Any questions or if you need to reach us during the event: Amy Iovinelli (901.849.9644) SBA Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation, and we acknowledge the rules listed above. I/We can be reached at ___________________________ in the event of an emergency. I/We DO______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. WE acknowledge that we will be notified by the phone number listed above that he/she is leaving. I/We DO NOT______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation until the event is finished. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________________ Make $175 check payable to SBA Project Graduation and return to the main office.