December 7, 2020 Follow us on
2020-21 Calendar
December 8: All-School Mass, Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Jr. Ring ceremony), 9:40am (YouTube) December 11: Senior Breakfast March 5: First Friday Adoration December 14-17: 1st Semester Exams (1/2 Days)-no food services March 12: End of 3rd Quarter December 16: NCAA NLI Signing Day March 15-19: Spring Break st December 18: End of 1 semester April 1-2: Holy Thursday, Good Friday – No School December 21-22: Oseman Ins. Holiday Hoops Boys BB Tourney April 5: Easter Monday – No School December 21-Jan 1: Christmas Break January 4: Classes Resume January 18: MLK Holiday – No School January 22: All-Mass, Bishop Talley January 26: PSAT Test February 3: NCAA NLI Signing Day February 5: First Friday Adoration February 12: Professional Day – No School February 13: Night at the Nest February 15: President’s Day – No School February 20: Trivia Night supports Project Graduation
April 11: Catholic School Music Showcase April 14: NCAA NLI Signing Day April 17: Prom May 6: Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm May 7: First Friday Adoration Graduation, 7pm May 28: Last Day of School
If you have a student signing to play sports in college and plans to sign Dec 16, please contact Sharon Masterson,
Because of the current environment and our wish to keep our students as safe as possible, we are making our mid-term exams optional this semester. Students will receive an assignment through Plus Portals from each teacher, one for each class period, asking whether he/she wishes to take the mid-term exam. Parents and students need to make this decision together and submit the assignment back to each teacher by 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 11. All 2nd quarter grades will be available for you to view by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10. If a student takes the mid-term, the exam will count as 20% and 1st and 2nd quarter grades count 40% each of their semester grade. A student cannot ask for the exam grade not to count after the exam has been taken. If a student does not take the exam, the 1st and 2nd quarter grades are averaged for a semester final grade. Because of the reduced number of students who will be taking mid-terms, all students, whether remote or on campus, will take exams on campus. AP teachers may give a required mid-term exam next week or a take-home exam as those classes have more rigorous standards. Students will need to check with their AP teachers to see if an exam is required and if it will count as a mid-term or part of their 2nd quarter grade. Students will need to take exams during the scheduled times posted on our website at The schedule can also be found under our Quick Links. Exams cannot be moved to different times. Students who are quarantined and opt to take exams will receive an incomplete and will take exams when we return from break. We will return to our regular exam exemption policy noted in our student handbook for final exams. We do ask that you adhere to the deadline of 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 11 to submit the assignment asking whether a mid-term will be taken for each class. (Instructions are attached.) This is necessary for us to prepare for the number of students who will be on campus each day. As usual, we will make sure all students are properly socially distanced during exam week. Thank you so much for all you are doing to help during this time!
Faith at SBA!
Mass offered in memory or honor of a loved one or friend? Contact: Father Dexter
All-School Mass Tuesday, Dec. 8, 9:40am Feast of the Immaculate Conception Junior Ring ceremony Streamed at Junior Ring ceremony Streamed at
Limited numbers (see following)Red Christmas tee - Small-20, Medium-24, Large-15, Xlarge-44, 2X-8, 3x-7 Light Blue Christmas tee - Small-13, Medium-5, Large-13, Xlarge-14 Gray tee - Small-15 ——only size left Ornaments-39 SBA Beanies-8 SBA light blue blanket-8 Prices – Blankets $15, Tees $12, Ornaments $10, Caps $ 8 each (combine items for special prices) Contact – Justin Wharton for information,; 260-2873
MBS BOOK ORDER REMINDER Please make your MBS book purchases for 2nd semester courses before classes resume in January. Those semester courses requiring MBS purchases are: Marketing – Course #1354 • Government Honors – Course #1332 Government AP – Course #1341 • Personal Finance – Course #1397 DRIVER’S PERMIT ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form.
Questions about Home & School? Email Please sign up to help with monthly “Teacher Treats”!/showSignUp/10c0b4aadac29a7fa720202021/29303824 ALL STUDENT ATHLETES MUST HAVE A PREPARTICIPATION PHYSICAL ON FILE. Visit for the physical packet that you may use with your private physician.
Reminders for students and parents: From: Lynn Tillman • 1. Email for an on-campus student to be remote for fever or nausea. Email if your child is exhibiting symptoms of COVID, contact of a positive COVID. Contact if your child will be tardy or absent. 2. For students to be able to carry their inhalers and/or epi pens on them, a self-carry contract must be signed by student, parent and Nurse Lynn. (email Nurse Lynn for contract) 3. Students need a prescription form and their own bottle of as needed medicines to be kept in health room. (email Nurse Lynn for form) 4. Students with asthma will need to provide Nurse Lynn a copy of their asthma plan. (email Nurse Lynn for form) 5. Students who are any kind of medication, even if not administered by Nurse Lynn, need a health form on file. The reasoning behind this request is in case of an emergency Nurse Lynn will have a list of medications the student takes to give emergency personnel. (email Nurse Lynn for form) 6. Students who are out with COVID or COVID-like symptoms must have a return to school form filled out and signed by parent before returning. (email Nurse Lynn for form) 7. Following is a break-down of how COVID symptoms are defined and will be treated by Nurse Lynn: LOW RISK symptoms: sore throat, nasal congestion/nasal discharge, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. HIGH RISK symptoms: fever (>100.0), cough, shortness of breath/increased work of breathing and loss of taste and/or smell.
SBA Project Graduation 2020-2021 Dear St. Benedict at Auburndale Parents: A tradition for the St. Benedict seniors is a drug and alcohol free “lock-in” given by the senior parents. Over 95% of our seniors participate each year and they have a wonderful time. We rent out Incredible Pizza and they have unlimited play time, as well as unlimited pizza, drinks and snacks. Whether your child loves go-karts, bowling, putt-putt, laser tag or lots of video gamesthere is something for everyone. Each senior receives a goodie bag valued at over $100 as well as super door prizes that have included 32-inch flat screen TV’s, Yetis and Gift Cards to name a few. Ticket price is $150 for those who pay now. The ticket price increases to $175 after Dec 18, 2020. The SBA Project Graduation committee also hosts a “Trivia Night” in order to raise money to provide a fun-filled night for our graduating seniors, to keep them safe and off the streets on graduation night. Our Project Graduation committee needs your help in a variety of ways. The Trivia Night is Saturday, Feb 20 at 6:30 pm in the SBA Dining Hall. We would like to invite you to be a part of this fun-filled night as a sponsor, volunteer or player. Trivia Night is an event that involves a competition of many teams of “experts” on various subjects. It is a competition that requires teams to answer ten rounds of ten questions about anything from science to nonsense. We are also looking for parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors to get involved with Project Graduation to keep this wonderful tradition going in order that the future years maintain the success level we have experienced. We need several parents to volunteer during the event. On behalf of St. Benedict Project Graduation, we appreciate your help. Donations are tax deductible, and we would also like to offer our sponsors complimentary notice in our SBA Annual Report. Again, thank you for your support of this important event. SENIOR PARENTS, BE SURE TO SEND IN YOUR STUDENT’S RESERVATION AND PAYMENT! Sincerely, Amy Iovinelli SBA Project Graduation Committee Chair 901.849.9644
SBA Project Graduation Rules & Permission Form SBA Project Graduation (PG) is held on the night of graduation at Incredible Pizza from 11:30 pm5:00 am. Incredible Pizza is located at 1245 Germantown Parkway Cordova, 309-3132. The purpose of SBA Project Graduation is to have a drug and alcohol-free evening of fun and fellowship one last time. RULES: If graduate arrives and is suspected to be “under the influence” (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, the parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. ▪ We strongly suggest that parents drop off their students and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired. ▪ No guests are allowed; ONLY students of the SBA Class of 2021 who have paid. ▪ Check-in is between 11:30 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am. ▪ All bags, purses and items brought must be checked in. The less students bring with them the better. Storage is limited. ▪ No one will be allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If a student has permission to leave, a parent will be notified and the student will not be allowed to re-enter. ▪ Students will not be eligible for door prizes if they leave early. ▪ There will be food and drink provided all night long ▪ PG ends by 5:00 am. If a student does not feel capable driving home, please notify Any of the chaperones and we will call a parent to come pick-up him/he. SBA Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation, and we acknowledge the rules listed above. I/We can be reached at ___________________________ in the event of an emergency. I/We DO______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. WE acknowledge that we will be notified by the phone number listed above that he/she is leaving. I/We DO NOT______ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation until the event is finished. Signature: _____________________________________ Date Please return the permission slip along with $150.00 check to SBA office - c/o Projection Graduation before Dec 18, 2020. Make your check payable to SBA Project Graduation.
Dining Services
St. Benedict partners with MMI Dining Systems to provide quality food services for our students, faculty, staff, and guests. We offer a variety of venues and vendors in the Eagle Café, providing an option for every student.
Monday-Breakfast Wednesday-Lunch
✓ Eagle Café Lunch Account Options: ➢ Meal Plan Option 1 Meal Plans include one meal deal at lunch per day for a semester. Meal deals include: • Hot Lunch Plate: 1 entrée, 2 sides, & fountain drink • Grille Special: 1 Grille item, 1 side, & fountain drink • Soup or Salad, 1 standard baked potato & fountain drink • Passport Café Feature: Daily Feature & fountain drink • Bowl You Over: 1 BOWL & fountain drink (No Side) • Uppercrust: 1 personal pan pizza & fountain drink (No Side) Bottled Beverages will be priced additionally at a-la-carte pricing. Examples of items not included in the meal deals are; breakfast items, ice cream, mempops, grab and go, snacks, fruit bar etc. These items may be paid for by cash or from the students’ Declining Balance Account (General). ➢ Declining Balance (General Account) Option 2 The declining balance account is a pre-payment, debit card system that allows your student to purchase anything in the Eagle Café at an a’la’carte price. Please see How to pay for payment options.
How to pay? Declining Balance (General Accounts) can be paid for online at or by check or cash in the Eagle Café. requires a Student ID for registration. This ID is the same number used for the students computer password minus the zero. Example: 01234 would be entered as 1234
Meal Plans are paid for a semester at a time. Meal Plan pricing will be displayed on a separate form and can be paid for by check or cash only. For those who prefer to purchase a Meal Plan and add money to the General Account, you must pay with separate forms of payment.
Our Commitment to You & Covid-19 Awareness
• All students, faculty, staff, and guests are required to wear a mask while in the Eagle Café. • All MMI team members wear an approved face covering, apron, and nitrile gloves during the preparation and service of meals. • All meal-service activities and seating options comply with the appropriate social distancing guidelines. • We provide directional signage and management to support safe and expeditious traffic flow. • Hand sanitizer is available to all students, faculty, staff, and guests throughout the cafeteria. • Meal service utensils and condiments are single-use. • All self-serve food and beverage stations are employee attended service. • Students are able to swipe their Student ID at the register rather than key in their ID. This helps prevent the spread of germs and speed up the flow of traffic. • We have a no change policy for those who pay with cash. This means for anyone who pays with cash the remaining change is added to the student’s account. This helps with preventing the spread of germs and speed up the flow of traffic.
Food Service Director Contact Information Mrs. Angela Reed 901-260-2884 Instagram: SBA Eagle Cafe