April 3, 2017 Please check www.sbaeagles.org for sports dates and times. Follow us on
eaglessba &
2016-17 Calendar Highlights April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 17 April 23 April 29 May 5 May 11 May 12 May 22-25 May 25
1st Wednesday, 2pm Spring Fling & Art Show 4:30 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration Prom Senior Mother/Son Dinner Senior Skip Day
2017-2018 Calendar Highlights st August 8: 1 day of school ½ day (New Students) August 9: 1st full day for all students August 15: Holy Day September 4: Labor Day Senior Class Retreat October 6: PD Day Home & School Meeting, 8am October 9: Fall Break NCAA NLI Signing Day November 1: Holy Day Holy Thursday (1/2 day) November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break Good Friday (NO SCHOOL) December 8: Holy Day (No School) Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL) December 19: (1/2 day) Senior Mother/Daughter December 20-January 2: Christmas Break Senior Father/Son Outing January 3: Classes Resume Sports Physicals @ Campbell Clinic, 7:30am January 15: Holiday 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration February 19: Holiday Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm March 12-16: Spring Break Graduation, 7pm March 29: Holy Thursday (1/2 day Senior Project Graduation, 11:15pm March 30: Good Friday Exams (1/2 days) April 2: Easter Break Last Day of School (1/2 day May 25: Last day of school (1/2 day) Baccalaureate Mass/Graduation requested on May 11 & 12,2018, but will not be confirmed with host churches until Fall, 2017.
Signing Day for senior student/athletes officially signing to play sports in college, Wed, Apr. 12, 3:00 pm in the gym. If your child is officially signing, please contact Sports Information Director Sharon Masterson to make arrangements – mastersons@sbaeagles.org
DRIVER’S PERMIT ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION FORM Required, in order for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form. ADMISSIONS Applications are being accepted for 2017-18. Please visit our website at www.sbaeagles.org/admissions for procedures and application. Parents Please Note: All siblings who wish to attend SBA must complete the Application for Admission. If you have questions, please contact Terri Heath, Director of Admissions, at 260-2873; heatht@sbaeagles.org. NCEA Archived Parent Letters can be found at: http://www.ncea.org/NCEA/Lead/NCEA_Parent_News/NCEA/Lead/Parent_News.aspx?hkey=a2c7b9fc -f8b5-4af7-b2c6-2aaf360c68b1
NEW AND RETURNING Students interested in joining the Boys or Girls Golf Team, contact Coach Hervey @ 901 674-1658 or Herveyb@sbaeagles.org. Practice and Evaluations begin August 4th and 7th.
Tell your talented student to sign-up –
Show us your talent! Try out for the SBA Talent Show Tuesday, April 4, 3:00, Theater. Sign up & pick up information letter outside Ms. Freel’s room, B120.
SENIOR PARENTS: PLEASE TAKE NOTE LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BY APRIL 24 FOR SENIORS! Books must be turned in before exams. Thanks so much for your help.
Be sure to let you friends and neighbors know about the 2nd annual Spring Fling! It’s a campus-wide showcase for prospective families about all SBA has to offer!
SPORTS PHYSICALS for 2017-18 School Year
CAMPBELL CLINIC 1400 S. Germantown Rd Germantown, TN 38138
Saturday, April 29 • 7:30 am
$20 per athlete
Bring official forms found at http://www.sbaeagles.org/forms
Faith at SBA! Friday, April 7 First Friday Mass 7:15 AM Chapel 1st Friday Adoration 7:30am-2:30pm
*Family members are always welcome to join us for Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as Adoration
PLEASE SIGN-UP FOR FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION! In hour increments from 7:30-2:30 http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c0b4aadac29a7fa7201620174
Would you like to have Mass offered in memory or honor of a loved one or friend? Please contact us!
RICE BOWL • For Lent/For Life We are joining in this worthy Lenten activity through the Theology Department. SAVE YOUR PENNIES!
Dates: Mondays - March 20 & 27 Time: 7:45 am – 8:30 am Heavy Socks
Home & School Meeting APR. 11 The final Home & School meeting of this school year will take place Tuesday, April 11 at 8 a.m. in the Faculty Dining Hall. We hope many parents can join us for this year-end wrap-up and to plan for next school year.
Treasurer Needed for 2017/2018 School Year SBA’s Home & School Association is seeking a treasurer for the upcoming academic year. If you are interested in knowing more about this volunteer position, please plan to attend the next Home & School meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 8 a.m. in the Faculty Dining Hall. You can also email sbahomeandschool@gmail.com to volunteer or get more information.
April TEACHER TREATS is Next Tuesday… The next Teacher Treats date is Tuesday, April 11. You can help make the day special by volunteering to contribute a snack or assist with set-up and take-down. Visit the Teacher Treats Signup Genius page at the following web address to add your name to the list of helpers: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4aadac29a7fa7-201617
Please RSVP for Mother/Son Dinner by This Wednesday Senior moms and theirs sons are reminded that the annual Mother/Son Dinner is coming up on Sunday, April 9 from 6-9 at the Butcher Shop’s Grand Ballroom. An e-vite was sent to each the family email of each Senior young man just before Spring Break. CLICK HERE to view the e-vite for event details and to RSVP/ purchase tickets. Tickets may also be purchased by check ($30/person) in the school office. The RSVP deadline is this Wednesday, April 5. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-mother-and-son-dinner-tickets32594592303?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm _term=eventurl_text
More Great Senior Events Coming Up: Each spring, Home & School coordinates a number of special events for our senior families. If your son or daughter is a senior, be sure to mark these dates on your calendar and watch for official E-vites later this week: Sunday April 23 in the afternoon - Mother & Daughter Tea Sunday, April 23 in the afternoon - Father & Son Outing
GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crawfish-boil-family-festival-to-benefit-our-lady-eagles-soccer-team-tickets32274675423?aff=ehomesaved
Tickets must be purchased in advance by April 15. Purchases can be made by cash or check. Can also be picked up at most SBA sporting events prior to April 15. Tickets will also be available during all three lunches on Friday, April 7.
SBA Project Graduation 2017 Dear St. Benedict at Auburndale Parents: Friday, May 12, 2017 is Graduation for St. Benedict Seniors. A tradition for the St. Benedict seniors is a drug and alcohol free “lock-in” given by the senior parents. Over 95% of our seniors participate each year and they have a wonderful time. We rent out Incredible Pizza and they have unlimited play time, as well as unlimited pizza, drinks and snacks. Whether your child loves go-karts, bowling, putt-putt, laser tag or lots of video games-there is something for everyone. Each student receives a goodie bag as well as super door prizes that have included 32-inch flat screen TV’s, Microwaves and Gift Cards to name a few. It will also be the last time they will all be together as a group.
Ticket price is $175. RESERVATIONS MUST BE IN NOW so we can order the items that the students receive in their “goodie bag.” Please complete the following form and return to school with your check!
Sincerely, Amy Iovinelli
SBA Project Graduation Committee Chair 901-849-9644 amyiov6@gmail.com
St. Benedict Project Graduation Rules & Permission Form SBA Project Graduation (PG) is held on the night of graduation at Incredible Pizza from 11:15 pm-5:30 am. Incredible Pizza is located at 1245 Germantown Parkway Cordova, 309-3132. The purpose of SBA Project Graduation is to have a drug and alcohol-free evening of fun and fellowship one last time. RULES: If graduate arrives and is suspected to be “under the influence” (either alcohol or drugs) and the student fails a Breathalyzer test, the parents will be called and the student will not be admitted to Project Graduation regardless of the paid admission. ▪ We strongly suggest that parents drop off their student and pick them up due to the long hours of fun, they will be very tired. ▪ No guests are allowed; only members of the SBA Class of 2017 who have paid. ▪ Check-in is between 11:15 pm - 12:00 am. No one will be able to enter after 12:00 am. ▪ No backpacks or large bags. All items brought must be checked in. The less you bring with you the better. Storage is limited. ▪ No one will be allowed to leave early without a signed parental form. If you want to leave, a parent will be notified and you will not be allowed to re-enter. You will not be eligible for door prizes if you leave early. ▪ There will be food and drink provided throughout the event. ▪ PG ends at 5:30 am. If you do not feel able to drive home, please notify any of the chaperones and we will call a parent to come pick you up. Any questions or if you need to reach us during the event: Amy Iovinelli (901.849.9644)
SBA Project Graduation Permission Form I/We do give our child ______________________________permission to attend Project Graduation. I/We do _______ do not ________ give our child_____________________ permission to leave Project Graduation at any time during the event. If our student leaves Project Graduation, we can be reached at the following number _____________________________. You may speak with ____________________ (Must be a parent or legal guardian.) Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________________
Welcome to AmazonSmile! Thank you for supporting Catholic Diocese of Memphis We receive those that come from SBA Remember, always start at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases.
With the purchase of these gift cards through Eagles Bucks orders, SBA receives a percentage & saves you time, too!
This Week We Celebrate International Week on our Passport and Dessert Stations !!!
Mon: Walking Tacos Dessert : Tre's Leche’ Cake-Mini Sopaipillas Tues: Bavarian Style Pretzels-Funnel Cakes Dessert: German Chocolate Cupcakes
Wednesday: Chic Fil A Dessert: Strawberry Cream Crepes Thursday: Domino’s Pizza Dessert: Cannoli Filled Waffle Cones Friday: Pasta Bar Dessert: Watermelon Cupcakes