May 30, 2017 Please check for sports dates and times. Follow us on
June 3
eaglessba &
Used Uniform Sale (See Info & Forms attached)
2017-2018 Calendar Highlights August 3: Soar Day (1) 8:30-11:30am; (2) 5-6:30pm January 3: Classes Resume st August 8: 1 day of school ½ day (New Students) January 15: MLK Holiday (No School) August 9: 1st full day for all students February 19: Presidents’ Day Holiday (No School) August 15: Feast of the Assumption-Holy Day (No School) March 12-16: Spring Break September 4: Labor Day March 29: Holy Thursday (1/2 day) September 8: Homecoming March 30: Good Friday (No School) October 6: PD Day (No School) April 2: Easter Break October 9: Fall Break (No School) May 25: Last day of school (1/2 day) November 1: Feast of All Saints-Holy Day (No School) November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break December 8: Holy Day (No School) December 19: (1/2 day) December 20-January 2: Christmas Break Baccalaureate Mass/Graduation requested on May 11 & 12,2018, but will not be confirmed with host churches until Fall, 2017.
The end of the school year is fast approaching and I would like to remind you that all medicines must be picked by the last day of school or they will be disposed of. We can- not store medicine over the summer. As a reminder for next year, all medicine forms expire at the end of the school year and must be updated yearly. The medicine distribution form can be found on the website under the parent tab then the forms link. If your child needs any medicine during the school day these forms must be filled out and signed by a physician. This is for over the counter medicines, as well. I hope everyone has a healthy summer!
Required, for a student to get a Driver’s Permit! Students may pick up a form in the front office during regular office hours. Please have student Social Security Number to complete the form. ADMISSIONS Applications are still being accepted for 2017-18. Please visit our website at for procedures and application. Parents Please Note: All siblings who wish to attend SBA must complete the Application for Admission. If you have questions, please contact Terri Heath, Director of Admissions, at 260-2873;
SOFTBALL Tryouts – June 6 & 7, 4-6 pm. For information contact Coach Ashley Benbow-Scarborough, 288-9021,
GOLF NEW AND RETURNING Students interested in joining the Boys or Girls Golf Team, contact Coach Hervey @ 901 674-1658 ;
Faith at SBA!
Would you like to have Mass offered in memory or honor of a loved one or friend? Please contact us!
REMEMBER TO SIGN – UP NEXT YEAR FOR FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION! Wonderful way to spend time with the Lord and pray for SBA!
Used Uniform Sale Coming Up Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 3! That’s the date of this year’s Used Uniform Sale. See the information in this week’s Monday Mail on donating uniform items, tips for shopping the at the event and volunteering.
Volunteers Needed for the Used Uniform Sale SBA’s annual used uniform sale is coming up THIS Saturday, June 3 in the rotunda. This is a great opportunity for graduating families to unload items they’ll no longer need and incoming families to get fantastic deals on quality SBA uniform items. To learn more about buying and selling items at the Used Uniform Sale, please refer to the information sheet that is included in today’s Monday Mail. Volunteering for the Used Uniform Sale is an excellent way to get a first look at incoming inventory! Many volunteers are needed for this event, as it includes a day of gathering and organizing items prior to the sale. If you’re interested in volunteering for a two-hour shift on the sale drop-off day (Friday, June 2) or the day of the sale (Saturday, June 3), please visit the Sign-Up Genius page to choose a shift: If you have questions about the Used Uniform Sale, please contact the event coordinator, Angela White, at
USED UNIFORM SALE INFORMATION - 2017 DROP-OFF DAY FRIDAY, JUNE 2 Drop Off Times: 7:00-9:00 AM, Noon-2:00 PM and 5:00-7:00 PM Location: Rotunda foyer area (outside the school office) PROCEDURES: 1. Bring in CLEAN uniforms, in good condition and on hangers. Stained and torn items will not be accepted. 2. Bring completed form and tagged items. See instructions for filling out form and tagging items (on the item list form). 3. Home and School consignment fee of $1.00 per item due at time of drop off. CASH or Check Payable to SBA Home and School. 4. NO DROP OFFS ON SALE DAY! The sale will be held in the Rotunda foyer area outside the school office. We cannot be responsible for loss due to fire, theft, etc. We will be using similar forms and procedures as in past years. Please note the following: 1. Clothes must be on hangers and already tagged before drop off. 2. For ease at check in, please place clothes in the order they are listed on the form. 3. Use the form included in SBA Monday Mail to list each item. 4. When listing items to sell, please be very specific: (girls/skirt/color/size; boys/khaki pants/size 32 x 33 for example) 5. Place tag on the upper left side of each item. Each tag should include your name (who the check is payable to), item number on your list, size and price. Please attach tags with safety pins.
SALE DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Sale Times: 10:00 AM –Noon and 5:00-7:00 PM Location: Rotunda foyer area If paying by check, separate checks are needed for each seller you purchase from. Cash is always accepted.
PICK UP DAY SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Immediately following the sale (after 7:00 PM) 1. Pick up money and any unsold items. 2. Any items you do not want back can be donated to Home and School. 3. Any unsold uniforms and/or money not picked up at the posted time will be donated to Home and School.
QUESTIONS?... Contact Angela White
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With the purchase of these gift cards through Eagles Bucks orders, SBA receives a percentage & saves you time, too!