SBANC Newsletter - March 11th, 2014

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Small Business Advancement National Center University of Central Arkansas — Conway Arkansas

115H, College of Business - University of Central Arkansas - 201 Donaghey Ave. Conway, AR Issue: 808 - March 11th, 2014

Upcoming Conferences Who: Allied Academies AA

Where: Nashville, TN

What: Spring Int’l Conference When: March 26-28, 2014




When: October 9-11, 2014

What: Fifth Mustang International Academic Conference

Where: Nashville, TN

Who: Marketing Management Assc.

When: September 17-19, 2014 Where: San Antonio, TX USA

What: Educator’s Conference


Where: Chicago, IL USA

What: Technology Conference When: November 3-5, 2014


Who: International Conference on Services Management What: Int’l Conference

When: December 10-12, 2014 Where: Macau S.A.R., China

Announcements SBANC

We apologize for the delay in this weeks Newsletter, the region of the United States in which SBANC is located has experienced extreme weather conditions thus causing a delay in the delivery of this weeks Newsletter.


Central Piedmont Community College & the Charlotte Business Journal will host the Global Competitive Summit and Advanced Manufacturing Awards 2014 on March 12, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. RICE Business Plan Competition


When: April 10 –12, 2014 Applications Due: February 21, 2014



Case Study Competition & Workshop: The competition is open to any person who is a member of ECSB / ICSB or is attending the ICSB 2014 World Conference. The prize for the competition is €250. Deadline is April 30th, 2014.

The International Educational Technology Conference will be held in Chicago, USA from September 3-5, 2014.

Call for Papers HSGBI

Who: Healthcare Systems and Global Business Issues What: 8





Int’l Conference

When: June 23-25, 2014 Where: Lincolnshire, England Deadline: May 15, 2014

Who: European Marketing & Management Association

When: June 6-8, 2014

What: 2014 Conference

Deadline: April 1, 2014

Who: Society of Business Research

When: March 20-22, 2014

What: 2014 Int’l Conference

Deadline: March 4, 2014

Who: International School for Social & Business Studies

When: June 25-27, 2014

What: MakeLearn Conference

Deadline: March 15, 2014

Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia

Where: Phoenix, Arizona

Where: Portorož, Slovenia

The Power of Publicity Publicity is any commercial news covered by the media that boosts sales but for which a small company does not pay. Publicity has power; because it


of the Week

is from an unbiased source, a news feature about a company or product that appears in a

“Any commercial news covered by the media that boosts sales but for which a small company does not pay.”

newspaper or magazine has more impact on peo-

“Retirement Panning,”

successful that the fishing

ple’s buying decisions

“Minimizing Your Tax Bill,”

tournament, now one of the

than an advertisement

and “How to Pay for College.”

world’s richest and best-

does. Exposure in any me-

Not only do the articles help

known fishing events, has re-

dium raises a company’s

creditability as an expert, but

placed Bisbee’s original busi-

visibility and boosts sales,

they also have attracted new


and, best of all, publicity

customers to her business.

is free! It does require

Involve celebrities “on the

Sponsor an event designed to

cheap.” Few small business-

attract attention. In 1982, Bob

es can afford to hire celebri-

Bisbee, owner of a small fuel

ties as spokespersons for

The following tactics can

dock and fishing store in New-

their companies. Some com-

help entrepreneurs stimu-

port Beach, California, created

panies have discovered other

late publicity for their

a fishing tournament, Bisbee’s

ways to get celebrities to pro-


Black and Blue Tournament

mote their products, however.

Write an article that will

(the focus was on black marlin

For instance, when Karen

interest your customers or

and blue marlin) , in an at-

Neuburger’s Sleepwear,

potential customers. One

tempt to boost sales for his

learned Oprah Winfrey is a

investment advisor writes

business. Before long, the

“pajama connoisseur,” she

a monthly column for the

event picked up by major me-

sent the talk show host a pair

local newspaper on timely

dia outlets. The public rela-

of her pajamas. The move

topics such as

tions strategy was so

paid off; Neuburger appeared

some creativity and effort, however.

on Oprah’s popular television show on three separate occasions, each one resulting in increased

“You can make your town a better place to live and work and raise your company’s visibility at the same time.”

sales for her company. Contact local television and radio stations and of-

your public speaking skills are

include a link to the compa-

fer to be interviewed.

up to par first! (If not consider

ny’s Web site.

Many local news or talk

joining Toastmasters.)

Volunteer to serve on com-

Offer or sponsor a seminar.

munity and industry boards

Teaching people about the

and committees. You can

subject you know a great deal

make your town a better

about builds confidence and

place to live and work and

goodwill among present and

raise your company’s visibil-

potential customers. The

ity at the same time.

owner of a landscape service

Publish a newsletter. With

Sponsor a community pro-

and nursery offers a short

a personal computer and

ject or support for a non-

course in landscape architec-

desktop publishing soft-

profit organization or charity.

ture and always sees sales

ware, any entrepreneur

Not only will you be giving

climb afterward!

something back to the com-

Write news releases and fax or

munity , but you will also gain

email them to the media. The

recognition, goodwill, and

key to having a news release

perhaps, customers for your

picked up and printed is find-

business. The key is to part-

ing a unique angle on your

ner with charities that match

business or industry that

the company’s values and

would interest an editor. Keep

mission, whether that in-

Contact local business

it short, simple, and interest-

volves rescuing homeless

and civic organizations

ing. Email press releases

pets or providing back-to-

and offer to speak to

should be shorter than printed

school supplies for under-

them. A powerful, informa-

ones—typically four or five

privileged kids. Kim Gordon,

tive presentation can win

paragraphs rather than one or

owner of a marketing consult-

new business. (Be sure

two pages—and they should

ing business in the Florida

shows are looking for guests to talk about topics of interest to their audiences (especially in January and February). Even local shows can reach new customers.

can publish a professional -looking newsletter. Freelancers can offer design and editing advise. Use the newsletter to reach present and potential customers.

Keys, recently sponsored an American Idol—style

“Formula for selecting the right cause: mission state-

fashion show and lunch-

ment + personal passion + customer demographics =

eon featuring local male celebrities as models. The

ideal cause choice.”

sold-out show raised money for abused women and children and spotlighted Gordon’s firm as the lead sponsor.

cause: mission statement + personal passion + customer demographics = ideal cause.

Promote a cause. According to the Cone Cause Evolution and Environmental Survey, 79% of customers (and 88% of the Millennial generation) say that, other things being equal, they are likely to switch from one brand to another if the other brand is associated with a good cause. By engaging in cause marketing, entrepreneurs can support a worthy cause that is im-


portant to them and generate publicity and goodwill for their companies at the same time. The key is

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

choosing a cause that is

7th Edition

important to your custom-

Norman M. Scarborough

ers. One marketing expert offers the following formu-

la for selecting the right

Pearson Page 284-285

“Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.” - Indra Nooyi

Feature Paper

SBANC Staff Executive Director Dr. Don B. Bradley III

Development Intern James Vire

Do Web Privacy Policies Still Matter? This paper was written by Ross A. Malaga from Montclair State University. The paper was presented at the 2013 Allied Academics National Internet Conference .

Development Intern Joshua Tucker

Abstract Many studies have indicated that people are concerned with their privacy when conducting online transactions. Websites attempt to address these concerns via privacy policies. The original intent of this research was to compare strong versus weak privacy policies on an actual We site. However, we found that almost nobody actually clicks on the privacy policy link - even in cases where very sensitive personal details requested. We conclude that the current approach to online privacy protection is inadequate and suggest future research directions for determining new methods. (Page 59)

Read Entire Paper Here

Comments? The Small Business Advancement National has recently made immense changes to the layout of its website, SBAER.UCA.EDU, as well as its Newsletter. We welcome constructive criticism, comments, and of course, all questions throughout this transition.

Contact Us Email: SBANC@UCA.EDU Phone: 1 (501) 450-5300 Mail: UCA Box 5018 201 Donaghey Avenue Conway, AR 72035-0001

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