SBANC Newsletter - March 4th, 2014

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Small Business Advancement National Center University of Central Arkansas — Conway Arkansas

115H, College of Business - University of Central Arkansas - 201 Donaghey Ave. Conway, AR Issue: 807 - March 4th, 2014

Upcoming Conferences Who: Allied Academies AA

Where: Nashville, TN

What: Spring Int’l Conference When: March 26-28, 2014



Who: Saint Louis University

When: April 5-6, 2014

What: Gateway Entrepreneurship Research Conference

Where: St. Louis, MO

Who: International Council for Small Business

When: June 11-14, 2014 Where: Dublin, Ireland

What: ICSB World Conference




When: June 25-27, 2014

What: 5th Int’l Conference on New Horizons in Education

Where: Paris, France

Who: International Conference on Services Management

When: December 10-12, 2014

What: Int’l Conference

Where: Macau S.A.R., China

Announcements SBANC

We apologize for the delay in this weeks Newsletter, the region of the United States in which SBANC is located has experienced extreme weather conditions thus causing a delay in the delivery of this weeks Newsletter.


Central Piedmont Community College & the Charlotte Business Journal will host the Global Competitive Summit and Advanced Manufacturing Awards 2014 on March 12, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. RICE Business Plan Competition


When: April 10 –12, 2014 Applications Due: February 21, 2014



Case Study Competition & Workshop: The competition is open to any person who is a member of ECSB / ICSB or is attending the ICSB 2014 World Conference. The prize for the competition is €250. Deadline is April 30th, 2014.

The International Educational Technology Conference will be held in Chicago, USA from September 3-5, 2014.

Call for Papers HSGBI

Who: Healthcare Systems and Global Business Issues What: 8





Int’l Conference

When: June 23-25, 2014 Where: Lincolnshire, England Deadline: May 15, 2014

Who: European Marketing & Management Association

When: June 6-8, 2014

What: 2014 Conference

Deadline: April 1, 2014

Who: Society of Business Research

When: March 20-22, 2014

What: 2014 Int’l Conference

Deadline: March 4, 2014

Who: International School for Social & Business Studies

When: June 25-27, 2014

What: MakeLearn Conference

Deadline: March 15, 2014

Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia

Where: Phoenix, Arizona

Where: Portorož, Slovenia

Criteria for Site Selection Choice of location is perhaps the most important decision that retailers make. A good location allows easy access and at-


of the Week

tracts large numbers of customers. Even minor variations in location can have an impact on market

“The specifics of the trading area are gathered in order to determine a customer profile.�

share and profitability. Since many retail outlets

such as the household in-

crisis than many other U.S.

have nearly identical prod-

come, whether residents are

cities obviously imparts infor-

uct offerings, this point

homeowners or renters, the

mation crucial to housing and

becomes more significant.

market value of homes in the

commercial development in

Location represents a

area, and levels of fashion

the area. Criteria used when

long-term investment; a

consciousness provide a

selecting a specific site in-

poor location decision is

deeper look at the customers.

clude the following:

extremely difficult to over-

In order to determine an ap-

Pedestrian traffic. The

propriate site, retailers need

number of people who

information on city population

pass by a location is im-

dynamics, national and local

portant to chart, but

economic trends, the competi-

should be qualified as to

tion, and local media. Some

shoppers and non-

The specifics of the trad-

knowledge of the history of

shoppers. Pedestrian traf-

ing area are gathered in

the city or town, including its

fic is monitored by time of

order to determine a cus-

reason for existence, also is

day and the age and sex of

tomer profile. A trading

important. Knowing that De-

people in transit. Check-

area is the geographic ar-

troit, Michigan, has been an

lists stating the minimum

ea from which a retailer

automotive manufacturing city

requirements are often

draws its customers. De-

for over 100 years and has

used in the context. For

mographic information

sustained a deeper economic

example, a prospective

come. Matching retail offerings with potential customers in the right location requires skill and imagination.


retailer evaluating a location in a seaside resort shopping center as a site for candy

“Infrastructure analysis allows retailers to evaluate how public and private conveyances may affect their location.”

shop might need to confirm that 100 people enter the area hourly before considering the location for the store. If a more qualitative study is sought, individuals could be questioned as to destination, shopping habits, and retail preferences. Vehicular Traffic. An analysis of traffic patterns, congestion times, and road conditions is needed. This information is particularly important for retailers such as convenience stores, quickserve restaurants, gasoline stations, and shopping centers. Software programs are available to help retailers with this task. Retailers might see that alternative means of transportation are

needed to safely and

effectively move shoppers

malls offer complimentary

around the premises. For

valet parking.

example, a trolley bus can provide a solution for visitors to a large lifestyle center that is spread over several acres.

Infrastructure. Both customer vehicles and delivery trucks require access from major highway networks to retail stores and

Parking. The number and

malls. Many public high-

quality of parking spots,

ways are open to passen-

their distance from the

ger traffic but not to large

store or mall site, and the

commercial vehicles. In-

availability of employee

frastructure analysis al-

parking should be evaluat-

lows retailers to evaluate

ed. Parking lot size should

how public and private

be judged on the ability to

conveyances may affect

service customers not just

their location. Physical fa-

on average shopping days,

cilities and services that

but also during peak traffic

support a specific area—

periods such as holidays.

and include highway and

Convenient, inexpensive,

transportation systems,

and safe parking should be

communications net-

easily accessible for cus-

works, and public and pri-

tomers who drive to urban

vate utilities—are exam-

sites. Extremely large facili-

ples of infrastructure.

ties plan for shuttle ser-

Stores in central business

vices to convey customers

districts need proximity to

from their cars to the door.

mass transportation. Cus-

Some upscale stores and

tomers are occasionally

perplexed when they see two identical gas stations or quick-serve restaurants across the

“Although rent is higher for street corner sites, larger sales volumes justify the choice.”

highway from one another. Most likely, traffic pattern studies have indicated commuting patterns that justify two units. When the highway is divided, the reasoning is more apparent. At that point, infrastructure criteria are as important as vehicular traffic issues. Infrastructure decisions have an impact on safety, customer convenience, and business efficiency. A few yards or meters can make all the difference in retail.

volumes justify the choice.

the micro-environmental deci-

Companies like Starbucks

sions on specific store place-

and Walgreens seek corner

ment with the mall. For exam-

spots as part of their loca-

ple, some chain stores seek

tion strategies. Fast fash-

spots directly adjacent to an-

ion retailers like H&M also

chor stores; others look to be

benefit from corner loca-

near food courts in order to

tions. Some retail compa-

benefit from the increased

nies look for spots that are

traffic in those areas. Appar-

near compatible retailers.

el stores prefer not to be next

That paradigm suggests

to food operation, due to the

that a group of strong re-

intense aromas, and many

tailers increases the draw

retailers do not like corner

of an area. For example,

locations in the “L” of a com-

Bob’s Stores, a retailer of

munity shopping center.

casual men’s and women’s apparel, seeks sites near Marshalls, the off-price re-


Placement & Visibil-


ity. Specific location

and Juicy Couture also se-

on a street or in a

lect companion locations

shopping center is

when available, as illustrat-

carefully studied. Cor-

ed in Figure 9.3. It is the cu-

Lynda Rose Poloian

ner locations are im-

mulative attraction that

Fairchild Books

portant to high-volume

benefits both retailers.

retailers. Although rent

Macro-environmental factors

is higher for street cor-

surrounding the selection of a

ner sites, larger sales

mall are complex, but so are

Retailing Principles 2nd Edition

Page 264-265 Copyright 2013

“Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it’s useless. - D r. T h o m a s A . E d i s o n

Feature Paper

SBANC Staff Director Dr. Don B. Bradley III

Development Intern James Vire

The Impact of Salesperson Brand Love

Development Intern

This paper was written by Lee Allison , Oklahoma State University . The paper was presented at the 2013 Society for Marketing National Conference .

Abstract Our research purpose is to consider how attachment theory can explain a salesperson’s brand love relationship with a brand the salesperson sells. We explore how the salesperson uses the relationship in the selling organization. We propose salesperson brand love as an antecedent to role conflict and perceived (felt) stress. Further, we propose that within the selling organization, the control system’s level of brand support moderates these relationships. Finally, as a result of these relationships, we propose that salesperson brand love can result in negative consequences for the salesperson.

Joshua Tucker

Comments? The Small Business Advancement National has recently made immense changes to the layout of its website, SBAER.UCA.EDU, as well as its Newsletter. We welcome constructive criticism, comments, and of course, all questions throughout this transition.

(Page 253)

Read Entire Paper Here

Contact Us Email: SBANC@UCA.EDU Phone: 1 (501) 450-5300 Mail: UCA Box 5018 201 Donaghey Avenue Conway, AR 72035-0001

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