SBANC Newsletter April 1, 2014

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Small Business Advancement National Center University of Central Arkansas — Conway Arkansas


115H, College of Business - University of Central Arkansas - 201 Donaghey Ave. Conway, AR Issue: 811– April 1st, 2014

Of The Week

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” -

Winston Churchill

Upcoming Conferences ICSB

Who: International Council for Small Business

When: June 11-14, 2014 Where: Dublin, Ireland


What: 59 Annual Conference




When: October 9-11, 2014

What: Fifth Mustang International Academic Conference

Where: Nashville, TN

Who: Marketing Management Association.

When: September 17-19, 2014 Where: San Antonio, TX

What: Educator’s Conference


What: Technology Conference When: December 18-20, 2014

Where: Doha, Qatar

Announcements SBANC

The Small Business Advancement National Center aims at increasing your knowledge of small business and entrepreneurship. All questions and comments would be greatly appreciated.


The Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship will be holding their Conference at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia from May 22-24, 2014.




The AACSB will be holding their International Conference & Meeting on April 7-9th 2014 in Singapore.

Case Study Competition & Workshop: The competition is open to any person who is a member of ECSB / ICSB or is attending the ICSB 2014 World Conference. The prize for the competition is €250. Deadline is April 30th, 2014.

The International Educational Technology Conference will be held in Chicago, USA from September 3-5, 2014.

Call for Papers HSGBI

Who: Healthcare Systems and Global Business Issues What: 8





Int’l Conference

When: June 23-25, 2014 Where: Lincolnshire, England Deadline: May 15, 2014

Who: European Marketing & Management Association

When: June 6-8, 2014

What: 2014 Conference

Deadline: April 1, 2014

Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia

Who: International Conference When: June 18-20, 2014 on Marketing Studies Where: Taipei, Taiwan What: 2014 Int’l Conference Deadline: April 1, 2014 Who: Global Business Research Journal nd

What: 2 Int’l Conference

When: July 11-13, 2014 Where: Chennai, India Deadline: April 5, 2014


Implementing Change The final step to be managed in the change process is implementation. A new, creative idea will not benefit the organization until it is in place and be-

of the Week

ing used fully. One frustration for managers is that employees often seem to resist change for no apparent reason. To manage the implementa-

“Getting others to understand the need for change is the first step in implementation.” leaders until bankruptcy

enthusiastic about their new

proved the urgent need for

ideas. Members of a new-

working more closely togeth-

venture group may be sur-

er. Sometimes, though, there

prised when managers in the

is no obvious crisis. Many or-

regular organization do not

ganizational problems are

support or approve their in-

subtle, so managers have to

Need for Change

novations. Managers and em-

recognize and then make oth-

ployees not involved in an in-

Many people are not will-

ers aware of the need for

novation often seem to prefer

ing to change unless they

change. A need for change is

the status quo. People resist

perceive a problem or a

a disparity between existing

change for several reasons,

crisis. A crisis or strong

and desired performance lev-

and understanding them can

need for change lowers


help managers implement

Resistance to Change

change more effectively.

Getting others to understand


tion process effectively, managers should be aware of the reasons people resist change and use techniques to enlist employee cooperation.

resistance. The shifting relationship between GM and the United Auto Workers (UAW) provides a good example. GM managers’ efforts to build a more collaborative rela-

tionship typically met with resistance from UAW

the need for change is the first step in implementation. Yet most changes will encounter some degree of resistance. Idea champions often discover that other employees are un-

People typically resist a change they believe conflicts with their self-interests. A proposed change in job design, structure, or technology may increase employees’

workload, for example, or cause a real or perceived loss of power, prestige, pay, or benefits. The fear

“The fear of personal loss is perhaps the biggest obstacle to organizational change.”

of personal loss is perhaps the biggest obstacle

heuser-Busch employees are

port the changes.

to organizational change,

resisting the new managers’

Consider what is happen-


wide-ranging changes be-

ing at Anheuser-Busch,

cause they feel they are losing

which was acquired by the

both financially and in terms

Belgian company InBev.

of status.

The lavish executive suites at Anheuser-Busch

Lack of Understanding and

Uncertainty is the lack of information about future events. It represents a fear of the unknown. Uncertainty is especially threatening for em-


ployees who have a low toler-

demolished in favor of an

Employees often distrust the

ance for change and fear any-

open floor plan that has

intentions behind a change or

thing out of the ordinary.

staff members and execu-

do not understand the intend-

They do not know how a

tives working side-by-

ed purpose of a change. If pre-

change will affect them and

side. Mangers accus-

vious working relationships

worry about whether they will

tomed to flying first class

with an idea champion have

be able to meet the demands

or on company planes are

been negative, resistance may

of a new procedure or tech-

now required to fly coach.

occur. When CareFusion Cor-

nology. For example, employ-

It has become a competi-

poration was spun off as a

ees at one mail-order compa-

tion to get a company-

subsidiary of Cardinal Health,

ny resisted the introduction

provided smartphone, as

CEO David L. Schlotterbeck

of teams because they were

InBev has dramatically cut

and other top executives want-

uncomfortable with their

the number it will provide

ed to implement new values of

working environment and un-

for employees. Free beer

collaboration and teamwork,

certain about how the imple-

is a thing of the past, and

but lower-level managers were

mentation of teams would al-

complementary tickets to

initially suspicious of their in-

ter it. People have developed

sporting events a few and

tentions. Only when they saw

good collaborative working

far between. Once the en-

that the top leaders were fully

relationships informally and

vy of others in the indus-

committed to the values and

they didn’t see a need for be-

try for lavish benefits, An-

honored them in their own be-

ing forced to work in teams.

headquarters have been

havior did others begin to sup-

Different Assessments and Goals Another reason for re-

“Critics frequently voice legitimate disagreements over the proposed benefits of a change.�

sistance to change is that people who will be affected by a change or innovation may assess the situation differently from an idea champion or newventure group. Critics frequently voice legitimate disagreements over the proposed benefits of a change. Managers in each department pursue different goals, and an innovation may detract from performance and goal achievement for some departments. For example, if marketing gets the new product it wants for cus-

pressure for change because

technique and the use of se-

of poor working conditions in

lective implementation tactics

overseas supplier factories.

to overcome resistance.

More than half of the suppliers recently audited were found to have violated aspects of Apple/s code of conduct and some have broken laws. However, there is conflict within the company because although the top executives want to improve conditions, some managers argue that a radical overhaul will derail crucial supplier relationships and slow innovation and the delivery of new products.

tomers, the cost of manu-

These reasons for resistance

facturing may increase,

are legitimate in the eyes of

and the manufacturing

employees affected by the

superintendent thus will

change. Managers should not

resist. Apple executives

ignore resistance but instead

are currently encountering

diagnose the reasons and de-

9th Edition

this type of resistance. In

sign strategies to gain ac-

Daft & Marcic

August 2010, Apple be-

ceptance by users. Strategies

came the largest U.S. cor-

for overcoming resistance to

poration in terms of mar-

change typically involves two

Page 332-334

ket valuation. But execu-

approaches: the analysis of

Copyright 2015

tives are currently under

resistance through force-field


Source: Understanding Management

Cengage Learning

Feature Paper


ERG For MGT: A Practical Model For The Small Business Manager

Executive Director Dr. Don B. Bradley III

Development Intern Abstract

James Vire

Managers experience difficulty focusing their time on higher - level management activities (strategy, innovation, change, etc.) designed to promote the success of their company because lower - level issues arise requiring their attention. This is especially true for managers of small businesses. These issues are interruptions and are disruptive to managers because it takes them away from their work of creating opportunities for growth of their organization. This research introduces a model to enhance the understanding of an organization’s composition and activity for the practicing manager, and focuses on the negative impact of these interruptions Page (147)

Read Entire Paper Here

Development Intern Joshua Tucker

Comments? The Small Business Advancement National has recently made immense changes to the layout of its website, SBAER.UCA.EDU, as well as its Newsletter. We welcome constructive criticism, comments, and of course, all questions throughout this transition.

Contact Us Email: SBANC@UCA.EDU Phone: 1 (501) 450-5300 Mail: UCA Box 5018 201 Donaghey Avenue Conway, AR 72035-0001

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