SBANC Newsletter (January 14th)

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Small Business Advancement National Center University of Central Arkansas — Conway Arkansas

115H College of Business - University of Central Arkansas - 201 Donaghey Ave. Conway, AR Issue: 800 - January 14th, 2014

Upcoming Conferences ASC





Who: American Society For Competitiveness

Silver Jubilee Year

What: ASC 25th Annual Conf.

Where: Washington, DC Area

Who: International Economic Development Council


What: Federal Economic Dev.

Where: Washington, D.C.

When: October 16-18, 2014

When: March 23-25, 2014

Who: Association for Collegiate When: March 12-15, 2014 Marketing Educators Where: Dallas, TX What: 41st Annual Meeting

Who: BizStrategy

When: April 28-29, 2014

What: 4th Annual International Conference

Where: Phuket, Thailand

Who: Small Business Institute

Where: Las Vegas, NV

What: 38th Annual Conference When: February 13-15, 2014

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Announcements SBANC





The Small Business Advancement National Center is pleased to tell you that we have revamped our website recently. Also, starting this week our newsletter will be delivered in a new format. ISBE will be hosting this one day event at Ulster Business School, Belfast Campus during March 13, 2014.

Allied Academies will be hosting their Spring 2014 Conference in Nashville, TN during March 26-28, 2014.

ICSB will be hosting their annual conference in Dublin, Ireland during June 11-14, 2014.

USASBE will be hosting their annual conference in Fort Worth, TX during January 9-12, 2014.

Call for Papers ICSB


Who: International Council for Small Business

When: May 22-24, 2014

What: World Conf.

Deadline: April 17, 2014


When: February 13-15, 2014

What: 38th Annual Conference

Where: Las Vegas, NV

Where: Dublin, Ireland

Deadline: December 8, 2014



Who: Canadian Council for Small Business

When: May 22-24, 2014

What: 2014 Annual Conference

Deadline: December 20, 2013

Who: BizStrategy

When: April 28-29, 2014

What: 4th Annual International Conference

Where: Phuket, Thailand

Where: Nova Scotia, Canada

Deadline: May 12, 2014

Benefits & Limitations of Planning Some managers believe planning ahead is necessary to accomplish anything, whereas others think planning limits personal and organizational performance. Both opinions have merit, because planning can have both


of the Week

“Research indicates that planning positively affects a company’s performance.”

advantages and disadvantages.

Goals and plans guide re-

ning helps managers and

Research indicates that

source allocation. Planning

other employees know

planning generally posi-

helps managers decide

what actions they need to

tively affects a company’s

where they need to allocate

take to achieve the goal.

performance. Here are

resources, such as employ-

Goals and plans set a

some reasons why:

ees, money and equipment.

standard of performance.

At Netflix, for example, a

Because planning and goal

goal of having more video

-setting define desired out-

offerings online rather than

comes, they also establish

in DVD format means allo-

performance criteria so

cating more funds for Inter-

mangers can measure

Goals and plans provide a source of motivation and commitment. Planning can reduce uncertainty for employees and clarify what they should accomplish. The lack of a clear goal hampers

net movie rights and

whether things are on- or

spending more of mangers’

off-track. Goals and plans

time developing alliances

provide a standard of as-

with other companies.


motivation because

Goals and plans are a

people don’t under-

guide to action. Planning

researchers also think plan-

stand what they’re

focuses attention on spe-

ning can hurt organizational

working toward.

cific targets and directs

performance in some ways.

employee efforts toward

Thus, mangers should under-

important outcomes. Plan-

stand the limitations to plan-

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Despite theses benefits, some

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Benefits & Limitations of Planning (Continued) -ning, particularly when the organization is operating in a turbulent environment: Goals and plans can create a false sense of certainty. Having a plan can give managers a false sense that they know what the future will be like. However, all planning is based on assumptions, and managers can’t know what the future holds for their industry

“Benefits of planning include motivation, setting a standard for performance measurement, and determining resource allocation while also serving as a guide to action.” change and uncertainty re-

times squelch creative ide-

quires a degree of flexibil-

as from employees that do

ity. Managers who believe

not fit with predetermined

in “staying the course” will

action plans.

often stick with a faulty plan even when conditions change dramatically.

or for their competi-

Goals and plans can get in

tors, suppliers, and

the way of intuition and


creativity. Success often

Goals and plans may cause rigidity in a turbulent environment. A related problem is that planning can lock the organization into specific goals, plans, and time frames, which may no longer be appropriate. Managing

under conditions of

comes from creativity and intuition, which can be hampered by too much routine planning. For example, during the process of set-

Source: Understanding Management 9th Edition

ting goals in the MBO pro-

Richard L. Daft &

cess described earlier, em-

Dorothy Marcic

ployees might play it safe to achieve objectives rather than offer creative ideas. Similarly, managers some-

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In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. - D wi g h t D . E i s e n h o w e r

Feature Paper

SBANC Staff Director Dr. Don B. Bradley III

Development Intern Joshua Tucker

Moving Entrepreneurship Education Online

Development Intern James Vire

This paper was written by Cesar Bandera, Katia Passerini New Jersey Institute of Technology School of Management Newark, New Jersey, USA. The paper was presented at the 2013 ICSB National Conference .

Abstract Information and communication technology is fundamentally transforming education from a face-to-face synchronous experience to an online and asynchronous one. These changes are not new. The move from faceto-face to online learning has been slow and steady for a long-time, raising many questions on the value and efficacy of the computer-mediated experience. Nowadays, the pace of innovation is much quicker. Today’s educational environments are supported by mobile apps and tablets; tomorrow, they will be supported by gaming, gesture-based computing, voice-driven instructions (and assignments). This is a positive trend, but it will force academic institutions to adapt quickly in order to be able to deliver significant value to graduates who will need to excel in fast-paced work environments. In this paper, we describe pedagogical approaches geared towards exploiting these fast technological changes to support the classroom learning experience in the context of entrepreneurship courses.

Comments? The Small Business Advancement National has recently made immense changes to the layout of its website, SBAER.UCA.EDU, as well as its Newsletter. We welcome constructive criticism, comments, and of course, all questions throughout this transition.

Contact Us Email:

Read Entire Paper Here

SBANC@UCA.EDU Phone: 1 (501) 450-5300 Mail: UCA Box 5018 201 Donaghey Avenue Conway, AR 72035-0001

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