SBB Awards Invite 2022

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S a n ta B a r b a r a B e a u t i f u l 58 A n n u a l A w a r d s C e l e b r at i o n th

Santa Barbara Shines!

Community Awards Cabrillo Pavilion 1118 E Cabrillo Blvd President’s Award

Sue Adams

Jacaranda Award for Outstanding Community Service

John C. Woodward

Griswold Award for Philanthropy

Foothills Forever

Playa de Santa Barbara Award for Environmental Stewardship

Beautification Awards Plaza Granada Mural 1214 State St Art in Public Places

Unity of Santa Barbara 227 E Arrellaga St Commercial Property

Cabrillo Ball Park

800 E Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara Commons / Public Open Space

Mayee Plaza

226 E De La Guerra St Multi-Family Residence

2318 Anacapa St Single Family Home

Your are cordially invited to our

Annual Awards Celebration

Santa Barbara Shines! Sunday, September 18, 2022 3 to 5pm

Marilyn Horne Main House & Kuehn Court Co



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brillo Blvd

Photo by

Erik Spike

Appetizers & Cocktail Reception Awards Celebration

Jacarand a Sue Ada Award for Outst ms anding C ommunity Griswold Service: Award fo r Philant Playa de hr opy: John Santa Ba C. Wood rbara Aw Foothills Fo ward ard for E rever nvironmen Beautifi tal Stewa rdship: catio

Live Entertainment

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RSVP & Pay Online: Summer Chic  Complimentary Valet Parking Sponsorship Opportunities Available

2022 Sponsorship Levels Platinum Sponsor: $3,500 + Gold Sponsor: $2,000

Silver Sponsor: $1,000 Event Sponsor: $500

Admission is $50 / person RSVP & Pay Online: T o S p e a k W i t h A S p o n s o r R e p r e s e n tat i v e C o n ta c t U s : (805) 895-5650 or Owner Designed & Installed Landscape 2014 El Camino De La Luz

Santa Santa Barbara Barbara S.F. S.F.

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Olive Mill Rd. Exit Olive Mill Rd. Exit

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Musicof the Academy Academy of the West West

Cover Image: The Waiter by Marcia Burtt

L.A. L.A. Olive Mill Rd. Olive Mill Rd.

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