Xarxa Antirumors de Sabadell Projecte C4I: Communication for integration

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Xarxa Antirumors de Sabadell Projecte C4I: Communication for integration

Sabadell with diversity 11.11% of the population are foreigners Evolution of the foreign population in the city: Since 2000 the city has experienced a significant change in its demographic composition due to the arrival of people from non-EU countries. From 2000 till 2011 the immigrant population grew from 1.0% to 12,9% of the total

Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship

The Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship was created in 2011 with the objective of developing a city committed to its values, a city where the citizens share rights and duties, that show solidarity and cooperate with other people, that act as hosts to newly arrived citizens with hospitality, that involve themselves actively in favour of equality between women and men or against any type of violence, that work in favour of personal autonomy and freedom, that are committed to the emancipation of youth and that, with affection, respect and austerity, believe that diversity and interaction are the basis of a living together.

Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship

The Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship is orientated by an overall general Plan (2011-2016). In particular, some of the plan’s specific objectives are: a) b) c)


to develop the tools required to accommodate newcomers with the cooperation of local associations. promote active involvement in associations by newcomers by building a network that works for inclusion and diversity foster links to projects that put in place intercultural, inter-association and intergenerational strategies enhancing diversity and providing tools to combat prejudice; and to raise awareness among the public so that they can also tackle these prejudices by taking an active approach and providing the tools to combat them.

Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship

The Department of Civil Rights and Citizenship has a Transversal Strategic Plan ( 2013-2016) to work with other city hall departments and services with the same goals. The Transversal Strategic Plan has: -

165 programs


703 indicators

Background C41 project . In 2004 The coexistence commission was born in Sabadell to allow direct citizen intervention in case of violent actitudes in relation to xenophobia,racism,homophobia. The comission is composed of 30 people from institutions, associations and professionals, assesses and tries to find solution to any conflict that occurs in the city

In 2013 we participated in the “Antirumours Strategy to Prevent Racism“ a project of the RECI-Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities. This network was composed of four cities: Sabadell, Getxo Fuenlabrada and Tenerife island., linked to the Intercultural Cities project of the Council of Europe. This network was linked to the Intercultural Cities project of the Council of Europe. The main objective “Antirumour strategy for the prevention of racism” was the long-term promotion and consolidation of a public relations and education strategy across four Spanish cities to combat negative stereotypes and false rumours

The coexistence commission .

Institucional declaration “Sabadell free of racism, xenophobia and homofobia�

Communication for Integration (C4I): social networks for diversity

PHASE 1: Local Mapping and research

City data collection

Study to identify stereotypes and false rumours in the city

Time: The first semester of 2013 29 interviews with representatives of different local association 44 surveys of professionals of different city council departments

Study to identify stereotypes and false rumours in the city RESULTS: THE MOST WIDESPREAD RUMOURS

1. The abuse of grants and benefits 2. The misuse and abuse of the healthcare system 3. The negative impact due to the presence of immigrant workers in the jobs market 4. The negative impact of immigrant children in schools 5. That foreign traders do not pay taxes and receive more benefits from local administration 6. That they have interest in integrating into the town

Study to identify young people’s perceptions and attitudes towards foreigners in Sabadell (analyzing young people in the fourth District). • Identify negative rumours • Compare the results with previous project • Questionnaires based on 359 native residents between 16-29 years who are living in the fourth district

Study to identify young people’s perceptions and attitudes towards foreigners in Sabadell (analyzing the young people in the fourth district). RESULTS: THE MOST WIDESPREAD RUMOURS

1. That immigrants behaue in a male chauvinist way 2. That immigrants abuse grants and benefits 3. That foreign traders do not pay taxes and receive more benefits from the local administration 4. The negative impact due to the presence of immigrant workers in the jobs market 5. That immigrants have little interest in integrating into the town 6. That immigrants misuse and abuse the healthcare system 8. The negative impact of immigrant children in schools

Analysis prior and post campaign

Prior analysis: • Survey to 120 citizens who will not participate ( julyseptember 2014) • 1 participative worshop with citizens that will participate (september 2014) Post analysis • Survey to 120 citizens who did not participate ( 2015) • 1 focus-group with citizen who did participate ( 2015)

PHASE 2: Campaigning and engagement CONCLUDED ACTIVITIES

Target groups - Young people - Elderly people - Members of the Coexistence Commission - Religious communities - Civil servants - Citizens in general

Launch event C4I: to present the anti-rumour campaign to citizenship. June 2014

Launch event C4I: to present the anti-rumour campaign to citizens. June 2014

Launch event C4I: to present the anti-rumour campaign to citizens. June 2014

Launch event C4I: to present the anti-rumour campaign to citizens. June 2014

Explaining the project to political groups and other council departments such as:

• • • • • •

Department of Health Department of Social Services Department of Economical Promotion Department of Education Department of Culture Department of Sports

Explaining the project to other committee groups

• Religious committee February 26 • Coexistence Commission March 17 • Immigration committee March 25 • Equality committee April 7 • Roma committee April 30 •Committee LGTBI: April 30 • Solidarity Council: April 30 • Youth committee April 30

Total members: 160 (more or less)

To explain the whole project to the District Councils in the city.

District 1: May 19, 2014 District 2: May 22, 2014 District 3: May 20, 2014 District 4: May 21, 2014 District 5: May 29, 2014 District 6: May 26, 2014 District 7: May 27, 2014

Total members: 100 (more or less)

Anti-rumour training agents. May 2014

- 32 people

Training Anti-rumour for civil servants. May 2014

- 34 civil servants

Training of anti-rumours trainers. June 2014

• Anti-Rumour agents Network Sabadell. Members of the Coexistence Commission.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES Rap Workshop for Coexistence (City and School program)

ACTIVITIES FOR THE ELDERLY Vaccinate against the rumours workshop. May 2014

INTERGENERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Kitchen Workshop 2.0. April 2014

RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES Religious Centres Open-door Programme. April 2014

RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES Religious diversity in open societies conference given by Mr. Francesc Torralba as part of the Religious Centres Opendoor programme

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Celebrating Holy Festival. March 2014


CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Commemoration in memory of Sabadell citizens who died in the Mauthausen concentration camp and all victims of Nazism May 2014

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Antirumours actions in the Equitable Trade Festival and Ethical Banking. May 2014

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Recognition of Antirumour Agents in the Closing Ceremony to welcome immigrants 2013-2014. June 2014


CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Recognition Antirumour Agents in the Closing Ceremony to welcome immigrants 2013-2014. June 2014

PHASE 2: Campaigning and engagement: FUTURE ACTIVITIES

YOUTH ACTIVITIES 2nd course to train anti-rumour agents: September-October 2014 • To improve our knowledge of others and promote coexistence in diversity. • Reflections on the origin of rumors, stereotypes and prejudices about people who are different from me. • To provide tools and arguments to manage and fight widespread rumours in the city. Workshop with Sabadell youth social workers to define the anti-rumorus strategy to work with youth people. September

INTERGENERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Gastronomic intercultural Week at Vapor Llonch Restaurant-School. October 2014

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Anti-rumours workshop with Coexistence Committee of Can Puiggener neighbourhood with Xixa Theatre Group (july and october)

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Anti-rumour action celebrating Solidarity Party October 2014

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES Celebration of Diversity Day and the International Day of Migrants in the Human Rights Program. December 2014

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES A whole word (activity at the Human Rights Program) December 2014 • Show examples and case studies of people who combat rumours about immigration by, breaking stereotypes. Library workshop

CITIZENSHIP ACTIVITIES 3rd Training of anti-rumours agents. February-March 2015.

• To improve our knowledge of others to promote coexistence in diversity. • Reflections on the origin of the rumours, stereotypes and prejudices about the other as a different person as me. • To provide tools and arguments to manage and combat widespread rumours in the city.

PHASE 3: Communication and dissemination

Anti-rumours Web

Networking on-line www.sabadell.cat/dretscivils www.sabadell.cat/antirumors

Facebook (imatge)

Anti-rumours Web

Leaflet I. Introducing Sabadell Anti-rumours Network

Leaflet II. Arguments against widely spread rumors



Rumours Roulette

VIDEOS Video 1. Infography of the city that includes sociological characteristics, demographics, etc‌

Video 2. Dismantle rumours in the area of education

Video 3. Combat rumours

Video 4. Rap for coexistence.


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