e s a e r c n
Membership Garden Club of New Jersey
Award good gardening practices to a local school
Share At a Plant Sale or Garden Education Day
Educate Hold workshops to educate your community
Contact a local restaurant or chef
Invite potential new members
Create a Membership Card
Sue Berdahl
_____ ____________by Authorized
Garden Club Membe
This reinforces the idea of belonging
Create a Facebook page
Facebook *Promotes your club *Shares your club’s mission with like minded people
*Keep members informed on upcoming events, share pictures & encourge new membership
National Garden Club Spread the word INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP
“BLOSSOM” WILL BE VISITING YOUR REGION Let “Blossom” our membership honey bee spread the word When regions share their ideas, enthusiasum buzzes in clubs from East to West. Share your ideas with Blossom and be the motivating force for increased membership nationwide.
Some ideas * *
Number one always show enthusiasm for your club. Host an Art in Bloom Event with local artists. Judge a contest for the best artist & floral designer. Invite the public and have refreshments
Some ideas *
Choose a Yard of the Month – leave a f lyer on the door telling them they won and invite them to a meeting.
* Distribute flyers to Realtors for new residents
Membership Please mail via regular postal service, your club’s membership dues and insurance fees with the Club Dues Form by April 15 each year to: GARDEN CLUB OF NEW JERSEY Sue Berdahl 72 Beechwood Drive Shrewsbury NJ 07702 sue.berdahl@gmail.com
(make check payable to Garden Club of New Jersey) Forms can be found on the website: www.gardenclubofnewjersey.com