Biosphere Vol. 1

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ANDREW C. TOLONEN: “Bioenergy is a very exciting field for students” biological engineering in company:




FOREWORD For every person who interested in Biological Engineering, SBE UISC provides BIOSPHERE for you as a supplement to broaden your knowledge. BIOSPEHERE is free, shareable and displays various information, which hopefully useful for you. I personally hope BIOSPHERE can be our connector to share information related with bioengineering. If you feel like to share your perspective, you can send us your articles. Related to the topic of discussion, each edition of BIOSPHERE provides a specific topic. The topic elaborated for this first edition is Bioenergy. SBE UISC opens to suggestions and critics regarding this bulletin, hence we can build a better version of BIOSPEHERE in the next edition. Enjoy BIOSPHERE.

Mohamad Teguh Gumelar President of SBE UISC 2014




MARIS SUSTAINABLE INDONESIA BIOARCI: Advisor of SBE UISC: Dr. Dianursanti, S.T., M.T. President of SBE UISC 2014: Mohamad Teguh Gumelar Production Director: Setia Bakti Zulfa Hudaya


Contributor: Annisa Kurnia Farha Kamila Firna Indriyanti Sari M. Faiz Filanda Lina Putri Ariyani Lita Lianti Safira Latifa E. P. Saraswati Andani Rizali Nurcahya



Designer: Nadya Zahwa Noor Editor: Ratri Kirana Prabaningtyas Ida Ayu Putri Saeful Pranata









Development in biotechnology provides mechanisms that make people able to convert material compounds derived from living organisms into things that are much more valuable. These natural compounds are called biomass. Biomass is mainly composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen and small quantities of other atoms, including alkali, alkaline earth and heavy metals can also be found there. Biomass residues contain energy that is obtained by direct exposure to sunlight. This energy can be emitted through combustion to produce biomass energy.

Figure 1 Biomass Source

Nowadays, biomass can be converted into another form. The most valuable form of biomass conversion is used to produce energy. Biomass energy is another form of renewable energy source which is getting widespread popularity. Biomass energy source is most often derived from plants either to generate electricity or to


produce heat. The conversion of Biomass into useful energy can also be converted to biofuels. There are three ways of converting waste and wood into useful biomass energy and bio-fuels. These methods include thermal conversion, chemical conversion and biochemical conversion. Thermal conversion is the process in which various bio-organisms are converted to chemical formations using heat. There are many ways to perform this conversion like combustion, torrefaction, gasification, prolysis, hydro processing and hydrothermal upgrading. A typical thermal biomass plant is 20% to 30% efficient. Chemical conversion is the process of converting various waste materials and liquid slurring into fuels by using chemical reactions. In biochemical conversion, living enzymes like bacteria and other microorganisms are used. These microorganisms are helpful in performing processes like fermentation, compositing and digestion to produce ethanol, which is known as transesterfication process. The research about biomass based energy is quietly unpredictable, like Gasification Method. Gasification is a process that converts solid fuel materials into combustible gases. Gasification itself is a century-old technology that flourished before and during the Second World War. The technology disappeared soon after, as liquid fuel again became readily available. Today, as fossil fuel use is becoming less and less desirable, there is renewed interest in gasification technology. One advantage of gasification technology is that it is a decentralized energy conversion system that operates economically even when used in small-scale ap-


plications. Although the technology is currently not commercially available in the United States, it has proven to be economical in many locations and its use can lead to greater self-reliance in a fuel crisis.

Comparison of Biomass Energy

Compared to other alternative energy sources that have commonly been used in Indonesia, biomass’ potential of being the main resource of renewable energy placed third, with value of 49807 MWe (DGEEU, 1997). This is due to the fact that materials needed to compose biomass can easily be found in Indonesia, with report of estimated production of biomass up to 46.7 million tons per year, equivalent to about 470 Gj/y. The best thing about biomass compared to other leading alternative sources of energy is that biomass posses lower capital costs but also have higher utilization rate than others. This means that biomass is so much more practical, because the initial production of biomass does not require the construction of a power plant and there is no limiting condition in producing biomass, unlike solar which only produces energy when the weather is sunny and windy.

higher than the cost needed to produce fossil fuel. It can costs up to $545 per acre in its establishment year. Biofuel will not also be totally ‘carbon neutral’, since fossil fuels still plays a key role in the production stage of biomass such as in shipping and processing stage. Nonetheless, the idea of making biomass an alternative fuel to reduce the uses of fossil fuel is not highly unlikely, but there is still so much more research needed to be conducted to fully develop a system in biofuel production that is more ergonomic and eco-friendly.

Figure 3. Electricity Cost and Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Kilowatt Hour

Biomass-Based Energy Challenge in Indonesia Figure 2. The Primary Energy Consumption of Indonesia Furthermore, combustion of biomass produces significantly less CO2. It is because biofuel, as it is a biomass matter, takes part in the natural cycle of CO2 assimilation which could result in a zero net gain in oxides of carbon emissions. However, as every other options of alternative energy, biomass also has its drawbacks. Conversing biomass to produce biomass fuel is expensive. The production cost of biofuel is substantially

Sources of biomass energy in Indonesia are scattered all over the country, but the biggest potential in concentrated scale can be found in the Island of Kalimantan, Sumatera, Irian Jaya and Sulawesi. Studies assume that the main source of biomass energy in Indonesia will be rice residues with a technical energy potential of 150 GJ/year. Other potential biomass sources are rubber wood residues (120 GJ/year), sugar mill residues (78 GJ/year), palm oil residues (67


BIO ARCI GJ/year), and less than 20 GJ/year in total from plywood and veneer residues, logging residues, sawn timber residues, coconut residues, and other agricultural wastes. Based on data from Jakarta Post, currently 67 sugar mills are in operation in Indonesia and eight more are under construction or planned. The mills range in size of milling capacity from less than 1,000 tons of cane per day to 12,000 tons of cane per day. Current sugar processing in Indonesia produces 8 millions MT bagasse and 11.5 millions MT canes top and leaves. There are 39 palm oil plantations and mills currently operating in Indonesia, and at least eight new plantations are under construction. Most palm oil mills generate combined heat and power from fibres and shells, making the operations energy self– efficient. However, palm oil residues can still be optimized in more energy efficient systems.

Table 1. Renewable Energy: Potential and Installed Capacity in Indonesia


However, there are many challenges

to promote biomass utilization, especially in Indonesia, like high investment cost of technology, lack of service capability & manufacturing, need for standardization, accreditation and certification. The apparent problem is that there are very few business players interested in building renewable energy power plants due to the prolonged government subsidy on fossil-based fuel. To overcome this, Dr. Petrus Panaka said that researchers, industries and government need to collaborate to play a significant role in disseminating biomass as an important renewable energy resource. Engineering Involvement in Biomass-Based Energy Aplication To play an important role in meeting future energy needs, biomass-based energy (bioenergy) needs a multidisciplinary approach, in which the activities of biologists, agronomists, engineers, energy experts and policy specialists are integrated. For engineering, chemical and biochemical engineering is one the most studies that play role in producing energy, especially from bio-agent. Chemical engineers are well versed in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and also engineering, so they are suited to meet the challenges of all types of energy production. Besides that, chemical engineering have long contributed to the discovery and commercial-scale exploitation of traditional sources of energy, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, shale, and tar sands. Recently, chemical engineers have also concentrated their efforts on such renewable fuels as those derived from biomass feedstocks, hydroelectric power, geothermal sources, solar radiation, and wind. In the future, chemical engineering plays a central role in the sustainable energy. This includes increasing the efficiency and scope of biomass conversion technologies, developing advanced biofuels from bioderivedfeedstocks, and better catalysts and process for the utilization of CO2.

biological engineering in company

MARIS SUSTAINABLE INDONESIA PT (PMA) Maris Sustainable Indonesia, part of Maris Group, is a foreign investment company in Indonesia for bioenergy technologies. Some of these technologies are biogas from POME, biogas from solid wastes, bio-oil from POME, and bio-coal from biomass. PT Maris Sustainable Indonesia also corncern in microalgae production (e.g. Spirulina and Chlorella). In addition, PT Maris also focusing in electricity generation, heat generation, and other valuable products (e.g. CNG, organic fertilizer, biomethanol, DME). Below will be described some partners of PT Maris Sustainable Indonesia: 1. Maris Projects BV A Dutch company which has extensive experience for more than 11 years in biogas production, microalgae production, and waste-to-valuable products. More information: 2. Maris Machines BV A Dutch company which has more than 32 years in supplying new and recondition machines, process equipments, and auxiliaries for industries (e.g. gasification engines, diesel generators, separators, distillation units, absorbers, valves, pumps, flow meters, pressure controls, etc.). More information:

3. PT (PMA) Sustainable Trade & Consulting A foreign investment company in Indonesia which is focusing in renewable energy consultancy project and biooil production. More information: 4. PT Wirana Jayatama Abadi An Indonesian company which has more than 25 years experience in site developments, heavy equipments, and civil constructions. This company has been working together for long term with Chevron Geothermal and Star Energy. More information: PT Maris Sustainable Indonesia is located on Jl. Tipar Cakung, Pool PPD 5, Cakung, East Jakarta, 13910. Currently, PT Maris Sustainable Indonesia has running projects in: 1. Lampung Province (but now it has handed over to the PTPN 7): - Microalgae pilot project (e.g. Spirulina & Chlorella) - Biogas from Palm Oil Mill Effluent 2. Riau Province: - Sustainable bioenergy facility for Palm Oil Mill 3. Central Kalimantan: - Sustainable bioenergy facility for Palm Oil Mill & Coconut Industry For more information about PT Maris Indonesia, you can contact: Ichsan, MSc, PDEng.



Energy is a critical factor to support every aspects of human’s life, including social and economic aspects in everyday life. For the past couple of decades, we have relied on fossil fuels as the one and only energy source, because it is considered as cheap, easy and compatible fuel for engines. However, nowadays it is becoming more obvious that our reliance on fossil fuels is causing us problems that we are going to face. Increasing population in this world leads to the increasing demand of fossil fuels energy. “The main problem with fossil fuels is that there is a limited amount of them. At some point, we are going to run out”- It is not going to happen now, but it is surely going to be happen when people’s demand on fossil fuel energy is continuously rise. Another problem with fossil fuels is the damaged they do to the environment, due to the greenhouse gases produced, and it may lead to the threat of climate change. Consequently, it is important to start planning for alternatives energy. The development may not easy and may take a long time, but at least it provides us a solution for the upcoming global energy condition. One of the


alternative energy should be energies that we could rely on is bioenergy, which is an option for a wide-range application. Bioenergy is any renewable energy or fuel derived from biomass or biological sources, which is material made from living organisms, such as plants, waste streams, agricultural residues, separated household waste, animal manures, and purpose grown energy crops. “Bioenergy provides greenhouse gas savings and other environmental benefits, as well as contributing to energy security, providing opportunities in social and economic development, and improving the management of resources and wastes” – IEA Bioenergy. Most importantly, bioenergy is renewable and the resources are abundant, especially in Indonesia, a country with numerous natural resources. However the resources must be carefully managed in order to develop it well.

Figure 1. Sources of bioenergy



There are several types of bioenergy, such as biofuels (ethanol), biodiesel and biogas. It is basically differentiated based on its form, function and sources. Biofuel or ethanol is a liquid form-fuel (alcohol) made by fermentation, mostly from carbohydrate produced in sugar or starch crops such as corn, wheat and woody material. The starches found in plants are converted to glucose by hydrolisis process, and are fermented to produced ethanol. Nowadays, ethanol is usually used as an additive for gasoline to increase octane number and reduce vehicle emissions. Biodiesel is also a liquid form of bioenergy, but it can bemanufactured from vegetable oils, recycled cooking oils, jatropha, sunflower, alga, and palm oil, using transesterification process. Chemically, it consists of fatty acid metyhl esther (FAME). Biodiesel could decrease the level of several diesel pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, due to better combustion than ordinary diesel. Biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel, which contains reduced amount of carbon and higher amount of oxygen and hydrogen than fossil diesel. Therefore, it may improve the combustion process.

Another form of bioenergy is biogas, which has the gas form instead of liquid form. The gas itself contains approximately 70 per cent methane. Biogas can be applied for generating heat and electricity. It is made through fermentation of organic materials, including animal manure, food processing waste or vaious plants. Those materials are fed into anaeorobic digesters to supplement gas yields, as a result of fermentation by anaerobic bacteria. The solid byproducts, digestate, rises to the top of digester, collected to the piping system and can be used as a biogas. Energy based biomass or bioenergy is one of the promising choice of alternative energy due to its broad application, substainable resources, and numerous benefits for environment. The development of this kind of energy needs three important things, such as good resources management, good processing-technologies and competent human resources.



ANDREW C. TOLONEN Andrew C. Tolonen studies the systems biology and genetic engineering of environmentally important microbes. His current research focuses on Clostridium phytofermentans, an anaerobic bacterium from forest soil that ferments plant biomass to ethanol and hydrogen. He did his PhD in microbial genomics at MIT and his postdoc in the Church lab at Harvard Medical School. Mr. Andrew teaches microbiology and molecular biology undergraduate and graduate classes at the Université d’Evry and microbial biotechnology in the EvryGenopole MSSB program. He also supervises the Evry-Genopole iGEM team. Here are some achievements of Mr. Andre C. Tolonen: Professional Experience Genoscope-CEA et l’Université d’Évry Évry, France 2011-present, Assistant professor of microbial genomics, chair of excellence Harvard Medical School Boston MA, USA 2007-2011, Postdoctoral Fellow in genomics and synthetic biology Awards 2011-present CNRS Chaire d’Excellence, Genoscope-CEA et l’Université d’Évry 2008-2010 Sponsored Research Award from Qteros Inc. 2006 Chateaubriand Fellow, Ambassade de France

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Publications Tolonen AC and Haas W (2013). Quantitative proteomics using reductive dimethyl stable isotope labeling. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (in press). Tolonen AC, Haas W, Chilaka AC, Aach J, Gygi S, Church GM (2011). Proteome-wide systems analysis of a cellulosic biofuel-producing microbe. Molecular Systems Biology 7:461. Tolonen AC, Liszt GB, Hess WR. (2006). Genetic manipulation of Prochlorococcus MIT 9313: GFP expression in an RSF1010 plasmid and Tn5 transposition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72(12): 7607-13.


On this occasion, SBE UISC has an opportunity to interview Mr. Andrew about this bulletin topic, which is Bioenergy. Below will be describe our interview: What are you doing currently, and how is it going now? My laboratory is at the French National Genome Sequencing Center, called Genoscope. We are studing the molecular biology of how microbes transform plant biomass into interesting chemicals. Our current research focuses on Clostridium phytofermentans, an anaerobic bacterium from the soil that can ferment many different plant polysaccharides into ethanol and hydrogen. What are your interests? My scientific interests are first to understand how microbes influence carbon cycling in the environment and then to find ways that these microbes can be engineered for sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. From your experiences in bioenergy field, which experience is the most exciting for you? I think that finding sustainable alternatives to petroleum is one of the most important challenges facing humanity. We need to find ways to slow the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and to avoid the current geopolitical conflicts caused by access to petroleum. I am exciting about bioenergy because I think it can help solve both these problems. Based on your perspective, what is the current trend/issue on bioenergy development? What do you think the future bioenergy will be? Developing technologies for sustainable energy is a global problem that will require many solutions. Different areas of the world will adapt the technology that is best suited for their climate. For example, some countries will focus on transforming sugar cane,

others on producing chemicals with algae, and other will capture and store electricity from wind. What are your on-going researches, especially in bioenergy? We are studying how microbes deconstruct and ferment cellulosic plant biomass to useful chemicals. Cellulosic biomass is a very difficult substrate for microbes to degrade, so many enzymes are required. We are focused on identifying the key enzymes and then developing strains that overexpress these enzymes so they will be better at fermenting biomass. Some SBE UISC members are interested in bioenergy. What do you think SBE UISC should do to facilitate them? Do you have any suggestions for the members? Bioenergy is a very exciting field for students because there are so many research opportunities both in university labs and in industry. I think it is important for students to get exposed to both types of research. Ultimately, bioenergy solutions will require scientists that know how to form partnerships between industry and academia. Is there anything you would like to say to the the people about bioenergy? Convincing society to adopt new energy solutions is a very slow process. So choose a research area that interests you and keep working on it. We wanted to know more about you, can you describe yourself in three words? “Always be optimistic�.

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GALLERY Guest lecture (GL) is one of SBE’s events which is we invited expert to talk about special topic. The first GL was held at March 14th 2014 in Gedung K FTUI. The topic was Managing Biomass Into Biofuel Through Integrated Bioprocessing by Dr. Yopi Sunarya (Head of Bioprocess Field in The Indonesian Institute of Sciences – LIPI). Participants came from many major and excited to join Guest lecture :D


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On 5th March 2014, SBE UISC held its first ever workshop. The theme for this workshop was about “Find your ideas and team work” with speaker Dr. Dianursanti, one of our lecturer from Chemical Engineering Department UI. This event was held in order to improve our ability in finding innovative ideas. She also told us how to be more openminded so that we see every opportunity that ever exists. Did you enjoy this workshop? We hope you did and don’t forget to attend next time. :D



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MISRI GOZAN Misri Gozan has an educational background on processing waste using microbes. Currently, he is listed as a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. He focused on scientific research related to waste treatment and residues into energy conversion. And here are some achievements of Mr. Misri Gozan: Education 2001-2004 Doktor Ingineuer from Faculty of Geo-, Forestry- and Hydroscience at Technical University Dresden, Germany. Cumlaude, (Dr.-Ing.) 1996-1998 Master in Process and Environmental Engineering, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2nd class Honoured, Master for Technology. (M.Tech.) 1987-1993 Bachelor of Engineering in Gas and Petrochemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Best five, Chemical Engineer. (Ir.) Experience Editor on International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, IJRED (2012-now) Guest Lecture: “Simulation of Bioethanol first and second generation by using Superpro Designer”, to Student of Chonnam University, Place: Songdo Convensia, Incheon City, Korea, 7 October 2011 Associate Professor and researcher at King

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Saud University, Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University (April 2009-April 2010) Publications Misri Gozan, Agung Marssada, and Siswa Setyahadi, (2013) Variation of C/N Ratio and Fermentation Time In Response Surface Methodology for Cellulase Production from Bacillus sp. BPPT CC RK2, Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): (B) 1063 – 1070 SCOPUS Index, Impact Factor 0,67 M. Gozan, Edita Martini, Don-Hee Park, And Bambang Prasetya, (2011) Cellulase Immobilization Using Reversible SolubleInsoluble Polymer, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2(4): B190-197, ISSN 0975-6299. SCOPUS Index, Impact Factor 0,471 Misri Gozan, Praswasti PDK Wulan, Hardi Putra, 2009, Peningkatan Efisiensi Penggunaan Koagulan Pada Unit Pengolahan Air Limbah Batu Bara, Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia

From your experiences in bioenergy field, which one is the most exciting for you? Actually my interest when I was pursuing my master and doctoral degree was waste treatment with microbe. I was appointed by The Department of Chemical Engineering UI to study about that. After I got home, I became the first one who studied waste treatment not in an autodidact study. Some students, including PhD ones, asked me to supervise them in bioenergy research. I was asked to guide them. Since then, I’ve been exploring further bioenergy. Answering the question, the most exciting part is when I was able to overcome every challenge. From your perspective, how is the trend of bioenergy development nowadays? The prospect of bioenergy development is really good. With fossil-fuels decreasing in amount and biodiesel’s raw materials increasing in price, another form of bioenergy can be the solution, like bioethanol made of waste. How is your view about biomass-based energy? When we talk about energy based on biomass, we merely talk about biorefinery. World biomass’ is leading to biorefinery. Why? When we produce bioenergy, the result will not be just energy; there are many high-added values that can be produced too. Only by then, Biomass can meet it’s economical value. If we only focus on bioenergy, there will be a huge amount of wasted sources. For example, when we make bioethanol, we will produce lignin, furfural, and levulinic acid. Those things can be processed again for adhesives or solvents. What are your on-going researches, especially in bioenergy? I’m currently doing researches related to bioethanol, butanol, biosurfactant, biopesticide, etc in the frame of biorefinery.

BIO FILE What are the problems in bioenergy usage in Indonesia? Human sources in process engineering or mechanical engineering are not the problem. The problem is in the economical factor, usually related to raw materials. Raw materials for bioenergy development used to be cheap, like cassava, where you could get Rp 150 per kg. Now they cost ten times than they used to be. This unstable cost is unfavorable. Next problem is location. The locations of raw materials are usually in remote area. When we produced bionergy then we have to sell it to more dense region, for example a city, it’s waste distribution cost. What are students’ roles in raising the image of bioenergy? Basically, students’ role is studying. Studying here is not merely about things that are theoretically taught in campus, but also outside campus (real world). Well, students can invite some parties or figures in bioenergy field to open students’ perspective, in order to know challenges in this field so students can learn from it and prepare better for the future. Any advice for Biosphere’s reader? Be aware that learning should be from the heart not only for a degree, license, as well as work. If those things are still the objectives of studying, then Indonesia will be a labor country. We are given extraordinary things from God, especially for those who are accepted in prominent universities. You are mandated from God. University life is a life to improve things. You have to survive living the university life, so when you face the real world, after graduating, you can make more progresses.

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BIO ARCI Hydrogen is a valuable gas as a clean energy source and as feedstock for some industries. Therefore, demand on hydrogen production has increased considerably in recent years. Hydrogen is also considered as a viable alternative fuel and “energy carrier” of future because no CO2 emissions and can easily be used in fuel cells for generation of electricity. Biohydrogen is defined as hydrogen produced biologically, most commonly from waste organic materials such as algae, bacteria and

arcahea. Fermentative biohydrogen production plants are proposed industrial plants for the production of hydrogen. They would typically involve processes such as thermophillic fermentation, dark fermentation and/or photofermentation and gas cleaning. Biohydrogen production can also involve an element of anaerobic digestion where the methane from biogas is converted through steam reforming into hydrogen. Biohydrogen can comprehensively be described as hydrogen, which is produced chemically, thermochemically, biologically, biochemically, and biophotolytically from all biomass materials.


DID YOU KNOW? BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY The beginnings of bioelectrochemistry, as well as those of electrochemistry, are closely related to physiology through the works of Luigi Galvani and then Alessandro Volta. The first modern work in this field is considered that of the German physiolo-

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gist Julius Bernstein (1902) concerning the source of biopotentials due to different ion concentration through the cell’s membrane. Bioelectrochemistry is a branch of electrochemistry and biophysicalchemistry concerned with topics like cell electron-proton transport, cell membrane potentials and electrode reactions of redox enzymes.


The Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) is organization of leading engineers and scientists dedicated to advancing the integration of biology with engineering. SBE is dedicated to promoting the integration of biology with engineering and realize its benefits through bioprocessing, biomedical and biomolecular applications.Outline Goals of SBE over the world is Connecting People, Cultivating Knowledge, and Catalyzing the Future. SBE Universitas Indonesia-Student Chapter (SBE UISC) affiliated with the professional community of SBE AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineering) and we have main purpose for improving student’s knowledge especially in Biological Engineering. SBE UI SC is a club under IPTEK IMTK and launched since 2011. Up to this time, we had reached fourth year stewardship with the number of active members as much as 108 students. This community is growing rapidly and is a promising young community development science at the level of the student.

SBE-UI SC 2014 have vision: “ Construct an inspiring, beneficial, and globally known “ In achieving its vision, SBE UI-SC have some activities such as :

So, if you want to join us to become member, staff, or deputy please visit our website and check all divisions in SBE UI SC 2014. We hope you can be part of SBE UI SC 2014 which give inspiring and benefit for all member.

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Advisor of SBE UISC:

Dr. Dianursanti, S.T., M.T. 1. What does Ibu Anti hope with the existence of Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) in Chemical Engineering Department Universitas Indonesia? I hope SBE can bring benefits to student, both on knowledge and soft skill development. SBE also can improve climate of scholarly and to improve student’s soft skill. SBE is expected to have a real activity that can be run continuously, such as workshop training for the freshman student every week, and others. SBE doesn’t need to make a big event nor has many programs a whole year, but at the end did not take place. The important thing is SBE can create some activities which can hone the skill of student and those programs can be accomplished. Thus, the SBE’s own name can be lifted. In addition, it helps if SBE also accepts students from other departments of faculties who are interested in biological field. From this, we can share our knowledge, experi-

ence, and also ideas from them whom different background. Most importantly, SBE should make good vision and targets for all activities that are planned, so it could be run as expected. 2. What does advice from Ibu Anti to SBE UISC 2014’s boards? Work optimally. SBE’s boards must make planning carefully. To achieve the goals, every board should be to support each other. You all must instill 3 major principles during be SBE board, those are togetherness, honesty, and sincerity. Thus, every goal can be realized like you want. Each board also should have eagerness to work hard; this is because any effort or hard work will definitely produce good result.

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Member’S Comment for SBE UISC Bulletin Muhammad Faiz Filanda Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2011 Vice President of SBE UISC 2014 ‘SBE UISC is here rising! Keep strong and Inspiring, SBE UISC 2014, this is the beginning of Everything!

Vanessa Geraldine Chemical Engineering, Batch 2013 ‘Keep being an inclusive organization where people and members could feel joy and warmth.Make eager publication and events which one are harnessing current information about biological engineering’ Nadia Kurniawan Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2011 ‘I hope member of SBE UISC, especially new batch-ers, feel free as a family here and feel confidence to express ideas, skill, and support each other ^_^’ Fajri Muhammad Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2012 ‘I feel so happy and proud to be a part of SBE UISC! There are so many benefits that i could get from guest lectures and workshops!’

Ratri Kirana Prabaningtyas Chemical Engineering, Batch 2012 ‘So proud to see the amount of commitment that the boards have in order to continue making SBE UISC 2014 more amazing than it was :D’

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Member’S Comment for SBE UISC Bulletin


Khairu Nuzula Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2010 President of SBE UISC 2013 ‘ SBE UISC is a great community for us to learn about biological engineering. Also if you embrace the community well enough it can make you grow as a person. In my time there, not only I learned about biological state of the art, I also learned how to interact and deal with people. Some of it was strangers. I hope SBE can continue to assert its role to the benefit of all students and bioengineering world ‘

Ayu Gayatri Sistiafi Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2013 ‘Thoroughly enjoyed all workshop presented by SBE UISC. Great job and keep up the good work!

Adythya Fernando Sitorus Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2013 ‘The needs of Biological Engineering could be fullfilled by improving ourselves together in SBE UISC 2014’ Dwini Normayulisa Putri Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2012 ‘Perhaps, SBE UISC is not really a big society now, but soon and sure, SBE UISC will shake the world with their masterpiece for better biological engineering in the world’

Guruh Mehra Mulyana Bioprocess Engineering, Batch 2011 ‘Keep shining SBE :)’

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EBTKE CONEX 2014 Energi Baru, Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi/EBTKE (New, Renewable and Energy Conservation) Conference and Exhibition is an annual event held by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia. The events consist of sub-events including conference, training, exhibition, and also competition. This big annual event opens for Students from Senior High School, University Students and also Public. Further information, visit: Don’t miss this big event and take a part! :D

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Question ACROSS 1. Composition of biodesel 2. One of microorganism which can produce oil 5. Process involved in biodiesel formation 6. Raw material of biogas DOWN 1. Converting process glucose to ethanol 3. Enzyme that commonly used in the formation process of biodisel 4. Gaseous compound are often used as Bioenergy

Deadline : 2 May 2014 (23:59) To : Subject : Bulletin Quiz_Name_Major_Batch_Phone Number The fastest one will get the prize. Good Luck :D

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney-

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Society for Biological Engineering Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424 email: twitter @sbeuisc facebook SBE UISC (group)

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