The Tomb Of Ur Uncovered
By: Sebastian Bilash
Joe is 12 years old, lives in N.Y.C, he has never left his home state. He wants to explore a new place, he has always liked history, so he decides to go to Iraq to try and find something to bring home. So Joe sets off on a plane to Iraq. “I can't wait to get there!� Says Joe. When he gets to Iraq he realizes that it is much hotter than he expected, so he has to go and purchase some cooler clothes. After that he decides to rent a camel to carry him through the desert. Then he sets off.
Hot and tired now Joe steers the camel to a nearby oasis to eat, drink and rest. Oasis’ hold many things to help you survive in the desert, such as pools of water, and even food. Oasis’ can help you survive in the desert for at least 2 weeks. Joe then continues farther into the desert.
On his journey Joe sees many natives, all of them are riding their own camels, once he even saw the camel train, carrying people throughout the desert. On his journey to find a rare artifact, Joe saw many amazing things. But little did Joe know, he would by finding his artifact very, very soon...
While walking, Joe suddenly falls into a strange hole with carvings on each side! He can’t find a way out, so he starts to feel the walls when his hand suddenly hits a rock. Then a wall in front of him starts to open slowly. Maybe it leads to an exit, thought Joe. But when Joe got far enough into the cavern, he realized, from his studies, that he was walking in the tomb of Ur! In the tomb of Ur, Joe knows that many people sacrificed themselves to be with Ur, and pounds of gold & treasure were buried in the tomb!!
Suddenly feeling almost giddy, Joe starts looking for a great artifact, Joe sees many amazing things, such as Queen Paubia’s royal headdress, a lapis lazuli statue of a bull caught in a bush, a harp with a bull carved in at the bottom, but what really catches Joe’s eye is an amazing lapis lazuli and gold bulls head ona staff engraved with amazing drawings. “I should take this home to remember my trip!” Shoving it it his pack, Joe heads for the exit...
Walking towards the exit, Joe feels very proud of himself, when he gets home he will by remembered for discovering the tombs of Ur! There is not much known about the tombs of Ur, but Joe will by able to give a great report about everything he saw! There was so much to tell, such as all of the amazing artifacts, the interesting engravings in the walls, and all of the instruments, Ur must have loved music. Getting to the exit, Joe actually finds a way out of the hole, strange Joe thinks, I really couldn't find a way out before I went into the tomb. In the tomb Joe lost his camel, so joe starts to walk to an oasis. Luckily on his way he spots a camel train, Joe shouts, “Please help me, all I need is to get to Baghdad!� The leader agrees to help Joe and take him to Baghdad.
On his way back to the city of Iraq Joe sees many interesting things, such as the border of Saudi Arabia, the border of Syria , and even part of the vast coastline of Iraq! Arriving at Baghdad, the capital, Joe heads to the airport. Getting on his plane Joe thinks to himself, when I get home, I will have the best story ever to tell.
Back home, Joe is telling everybody about his discovery. He has already told many scientists and he has been on the news several times. Now Joe is sitting down at his house reflecting on his amazing journey. Joe still remembers his story by heart, and reads it to his children every single night.
The End!
Bibliography: I got my pictures & facts from:
The Tomb Of Ur Uncovered: This book is about a boy who travels to Iraq, when he suddenly finds something extremely surprising.