Artist Promotion Project: BAMBOOMAN EP

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Artist Promotion Project

By sarah bugesss

Something to consider. This project was not planned from the beginning of term. I was asked to do a piece of work for a producer based in Leeds half way through the Graphic Novel Project I had set in place, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get my work in the industry though, so I took the commission on. Some sections are complete, however, please keep in mind, this is a working progress.


CONTENTS Bambooman Asks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Secondary Research for the Poster Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Digital Developments (Poster Artwork). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Moodboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Screenprinting Flyer & T-shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Bambooman EP Design Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Secondary Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Sketchbook Scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Illustration Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Client Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Further Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Rough so Far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Latest Feedback from Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 NEW COMMISSION OPPORTUNITY! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Company Commission Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Reflection so Far. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 2

Bambooman Asks. A friend of mine in the music industry asked me to do some work for his next EP release, although this wasn’t part of this semester work, I felt I should jump at the chance to be offered to do something aimed at the industry of work I enjoy! Here he asks...


Last minute! Once I had confirmed with Kirk (the producer) that I was willing to take this project on, he asked me if I could produce a quick poster for a night that he was playing in Nottingham too. He ‘liked’ the illustrations on my Facebook page and I began work on the Poster for now, as he confirmed the deadline for the EP work wouldn’t be until early March, when EP reslease was to take place.

As you can see below, he ‘liked’ all the works that he felt the style of would work well for his next release. I aimed to work around these proposals.


Secondary Research for the poster Never taking on a project where the content is essential. I began researching what needed to be included on the poster in terms of information.


The poster above is the venue where the night that my poster will be advertising for an event. I thought browsing through their previous poster designs could be a good idea to see how it is normally presented.


Digital Development These are the digital developments for the Poster Design. There is no roughs as such or sketchbook drawings to this project as the producer himself, asked me to work around a specific illiustration, he wanted to try combine a few of my images into this piece of work. As this work was for him, I had to take on what he wanted from me, we kept in good contact and I sent him roughs along the way. He chose the illustrations he felt reflected his style of music well and in a quirky manner. This illustration to the right is the drawing I was asked to work from.

I started to consider the conposition and the illustration within it, and what could be added to the piece. 7

Thinking about a swirly effect, when I listen to the music, it makes me feel this way. Typography intergrated? 8

The original The illustration below is the original of the piece that the Bambooman(the producer) decided to work around, the one above is just a cut off version of this. He really liked the puppet in this piece and asked me to include it in either the CD or the Poster, or both.



Combination of ideas A combination of the previous designs involving the typography intergrated in to the illustration. I spoke to Kirk (Bambooman) though, he decided this type was too “bubbly’ and wanted something more, simple, breathable and delicate



Listening. I put my headphones on and listened to as many tracks as possible from Bamboomans work. It opened up a lot of ideas for the final poster design. Twists, turns and tunnels and circles came to mind. I tested a circular composition.


Typography testings I’ve decided half way through the designing of the illustration and poster, that the typography and it’s information hold central importance. Here I have produced a variety of typography works that could be possible outcomes for the poster.


Frid ay 261 01 2

10p m - 5a m Stea lth, N ottin gha m

1 0 p m 6 a m

2 6 / 1 0 / 1 2

S t e a l t h / r e s c u e

R o o m s

£ 5

With a lack of knowledge behind typography, this was really difficult to get right. What he had asked for had to look fresh. This is the first parts of development, Kirk thoroughly enjoyed the way I’d placed it all together. We decided to stick with something around the likes of the format directly to the far left.

Bambooman Stealth//rescue Rooms

Friday 26/10/12

10pm-6am 14

progressing with digital developments


Listening to Kirks music made me think of all kinds of weird and wonderful adventures, holes through minds, puppets on string, whispering secrets, unknown conversations. These are the development illustrations from my listening session. 16

development order




BAMBOOMA N Frid ay 2 6.10.12

10pm - 5a m Stea lth, N ottin gha m For more info about tickets go to



Moodboard 1 Bambooman’s Music & Reflection


- Floaty - lost - adventurous - innocence - clicky - unaware - abadoned - thinking - twisty & turny - light but heavy in thought


Mav In the Pool

Go on Living

Sunflowers & Sunbeds

Wishful Thinking

Lost & warm


Further Development



Circular compositions




1 After playing with lots of colours and figuring out the composition for the poster, this is the first final. I need to decide on the colour background.

2 And this is the second colour to decide upon. I think this one works better, as it brings the linear asepcts off the page a little more.


The final poster


BAMBOOMA N Frid ay 2 6. 10.12

10pm - 5a m Stea lth, N ottin gham For more info about tickets go

to b


Screenprinted Flyers Althoiugh this wasn’t intended to turn in to a silkscreen project, I had space on a screen from the Graphic Novel Project, so I printed and organised my layers and exposed this image too, I thought it could be seen as a flyer for the night for promotion purposes.

Organising the layers so they are in line for printing


Printing each layer at a time, layer one complete!


Bambooman Silkscreens All the flyers i did in layers, I layed out on the floor and carried on printing as many layers as posssible. Unfortunatly, as you will see from the original screenprints, the circle in the background for the digital illustration, couldn’t be used because it was a case of light inks on a dark black background and after talking to Pete and testing the prints for the first time, it wasn’t going to work. So I decided to drop the background colour and stick to the more linear side of the illusration, working with the colours I mixed up. Like you can see in the photograph to the right. This artist promotion project ended up running alongside the Graphic Novel Project I intended to focus on from the beginning, so I had a few spare t-shirts to work on, later in the digital book, you will see a test for a t-shirt, I thought seems so it was an artist promotion project, each small test can help!



A small preview Please refer to the original flyers for this part, this is just a quick preview of the work I produced. The scans are not the same colour or quality. However, this is a small ideas of the outcomes.







Quick Tshirt experiment Lining up my registration sheet for the t-shirt was very difficult as I was used to using paper which was flat when placed on the suction machine. My registration didn’t work for this t-shirt which was a shame, for some reason I could not get the registration marks of my screen to line up with my acetate marks. I carried on printing this anyway.



The Final Tshirt Here is the Final T-shirt and on the opposite page, the final tshirt and flyer together. I realised this was a good test for me to make, although I have a lot of project work running alongside this, I thoroughly enjoyed the idea that this work will be used by a real producer for his work and for a promotion of an event. The photography below was photographed alongside the Personal Promotion Project, to keep my work consise and my own name known within my work, I used the SBI:M Labels to finish the t-shirts overall look.


I feel I should mention this again, for this project, which was very much out of the blue, considering it was not timetabled in to this semesters work. Please make sure you look at the originals for these pieces and not rely upon the imagery placed in this process book. With the t-shirt being a last minute idea, I will not class the printed version placed on my assessment desk as a final, the photographs conjure up the perfect look, however, time contraints meant a slightly rushed and messy final outcome. Pleased with the flyers though!


Bambooman EP Project Begins Now that the Final Poster for the event in Sleath, Nottingham is complete, I have to begin the EP Cover artowrk for the deadline in March when the EP will be released. Again, this piece of work was liked on the Facebook, Tumblr and Flickr pages and me and Kirk (Bambooman) decided on some imagery that would work with the EP Cover Design. Please bear in mind this section of this brief will run over into Semester 2 as the deadline is in March and we (myself and Bambooman) have more to discuss on the topic of where it will be printed and finalised for industry release.


Whilst finishing off the poster design for Kirks night in Nottingham, he emailed me telling me that he will most likely be releasing the artwork on vinyl. Which was amazing news to me! Then he also told me that the centre of the vinyl would need design and illustration too. This is a large project for me, considering it wasn’t planned. I have begun to think of a simple CD/EP Artwork for the new Bambooman release, however, then I will try to integrate this design in to the vinyl format and then consider the centre of the vinyl design.

Secondary Research



I started to look at vinyl artworks from all eras. This research may not be what I have been asked to do, but it gives me an insight in to the work other illustrators have done for this type of work.


Packaging Research


The packaging for the piece would have to be decided before the illustration was place in a composition. I thought, as the name of the producer is Bambooman, the material could be very natural, wood-like, and mininal aesthetic.


Sketchbook Scans The next few pages will relate to the sketchbook drawings I did for this project, they are attempts are grasping the music freehand with a pencil. Trying to really feel the production and sounds behind Bambooman’s musical melodies!


Blind Drawings to the Music 48



Illustration developments Here is the Final T-shirt and on the opposite page, the final tshirt and flyer together. I realised this was a good test for me to make, although I have a lot of project work running alongside this, I thoroughly enjoyed the idea that this work will be used by a real producer for his work and for a promotion of an event. The photography below was photographed alongside the Personal Promotion Project, to keep my work consise and my own name known within my work, I used the SBI:M Labels to finish the t-shirts overall look.



All of the above illustrations are taken from the Bambooman Poster Project. I thought possibly taking part of those illustrations and applying to the EP design could make the whole project more consistent.


Client Meeting The Illustration to the right of this writing was brought up over a meeting I had with Kirk (music producer). He mentioned this illustration and asked whether I could either progress some roughs from this drawing or start a fresh. At this stage, I am tied up with other projects for this Semester so I had worked on the illustration I already had at hand. However, I will later in to this project develop something fresh and compare the imagery besides one another and with the client. Here is some of the development work from progressing on this illustration.




Looking back at this progression I am not happy at all with what this has turned into. I feel the colour is wrong and everything. Unfortunatly, it is too late for me to alter it as other projects of my own have to take priority this Semester. This is something I will work on when returning to this project, without a doubt.





Deep Blue I decided to chose a dark blue colour to work along this piece, so that the lines would be more apparent from the backrgound. However, I am unsure on this, it is something I would need more time to develop and even change the whole image entirely.


Web Reception I have had a good response from the producer himself on my Facebook blog page, which is great! However, I know this could be done to a much higher level of creativity and quality, but I need to keep in mind this is only the start of this commission as 28th March is the deadline date.


CD Layouts Here is a very rough idea of the CD layout.



Typography Here is a very rough layout for the CD format. I have attempted to explore the typography a little. Make the typography fit within the style of the illustration itself. From the Indesign file I was producing this in, the grid for the work, didn’t match with my intentions of placing the type at. I will explore further the typography later on in this piece.





First final Rough Here is the latest rough for this project. I’ve tried to keep the imagery flowing onto, what would be the back of the CD cover. I feel this entire piece needs a lot of work still, which is why it is clearly states ‘first rough’. Later, I will work on colour, typography and composition a little more.

1. Flutter 2. Air-Baloon Rides 3. Onwards


Bambooman 70

Last Feedback from Producer This is the latest feedback I have had from the producer. He mentioned the typography and barcode. These are two sections I will work on, along with all other ideas for the project that I still have.


Poster Commission for Mastering Company,Leeds As you can see in the messges below, from this project, another project has developed. His company are needing a poster to advertise there work. This is something I will also take on along with other areas of this project. The Ep CD Artowrk, Vinyl works and the Soul Sonic Audio Company Poster will all be commissioned pieces.


Company Commission Information I have been sent some details which need to be included on the poster commissioned project from Soul Sonic Audio. It will be exciting to test myself in terms of typography and illustration for a project which heavily relies on the information. Excited for this!


Reflection so far So far, this project has been a whilrwind. I am glad to have taken on the projects that I have accepted. This is what I need to happen as the work being produced within this brief will be going out in to Industry. However along the way there were many ups and downs. Failures: The second half of this brief, this being, the CD artwork, I am not happy with at all. It needs a lot more attention to colour, typography, composition and I even feel now, the illustration could be a lot more exciting and adventurous. I am looking at this part of the project with an open mind, as this is only the start of it, later in to Semester 2 I will develop all of the parts I have discovered don’t work.. Success’: The first half of this project, being the poster design for the event at Stealth, Nottingham night club. Was a very successfull piece, the producer himself loved the work and he said it reflected his style of sound really well. I thoroughly enjoyed the alternate processes I put towards the project too, including the silkscreening of the flyers and the t-shirt.


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