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Legislation Updates

AB1328 Passes the Assembly B&P, Moves to Appropriations!

By Rosalin Preechakul, PharmD, APh, BCPS, Legal Affairs Chair


In the Summer of 2020, CSHP formed a Public Health Task Force to work on AB1328, authored by Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin. The goal was to empower pharmacists to fully engage in public health initiatives. On April 20, 2021, AB1328 passed the first hearing at the Assembly Business and Professions (B&P) Committee and passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 5th, 2021. If it follows its course, it will then move to the Assembly Floor, then move the same course on the Senate side, then to the governor’s desk for signing into law. The Life Cycle of Legislation diagram below shows the essential steps for passage of a bill (Continued on next page).

(Legislation Updates Continued)

What is the current law?

Current law limits pharmacist scope of practice allowing only a few CLIA Waived tests to be performed. There are limitations to respond to public-health emergencies, provide basic publichealth care services and patient-specific care for which pharmacists are trained and educated.

In order for pharmacist to provide testing and vaccination during COVID-19 pandemic, executive orders, waivers, and the passage of legislation were required.

Why AB1328?

AB 1328 minimizes barriers and restrictions in existing law by permitting pharmacists to administer CLIA-waived tests, perform health screenings and manage those conditions in concert with, and as a part of, a multi-disciplinary health care team.

Every voice counts!

Please submit your letter of support to your local Assembly Member to help CSHP continue this amazing effort!

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