A Funding Proposal MBA ITB Jakarta

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INTRODUCTION We are pleased to submit this proposal to you for the new Jakarta Downtown Campus (JDC) design. It would be a great honor to work on such a transformative layout of School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB). Over the past few years, we have learned a great deal about the campus, and you, and have come to understand and care about the same important issue concerning the development of SBM ITB in Jakarta. We appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate the new JDC and to discuss on how this campus could best meet your needs.

SBM ITB at Glance






Student Body




300 250

100 50



200 150


220 112 76 0

106 6

0 2007



116 104

195 139

57 2009




The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program of ITB was established in 1990 in order to realize the mission of ITB in the area of business and management. With the establishment of the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB in 2003, MBA ITB was then integrated as a graduate program to SBM ITB. It then rapidly developed into a distinctive program that attracted many postgraduate students. In 2007, MBA ITB in cooperation with the Sampoerna Foundation opened its Program in Jakarta. After two years in the partnership, MBA ITB independently continued the education for its students in Jakarta by renting facilities at Binasentra Training Center, located in the Bidakara Complex, Jakarta. Apart from the development of human resources, the presence of MBA ITB in Jakarta is significant. Jakarta, as the business capital of Indonesia, is in demand of talented human resources who have a solid leadership skill and entrepreneurial spirit, as well as those who embrace integrity, ethics, and social responsibility. Also, the location provides a close proximity to businesses and industry as the sources to the business cases’ development as the lecturing materials. Adding to that, in relation to research and community development, Jakarta opens many opportunities for the implementation of management science and the development of innovation in business. Students of MBA ITB Jakarta are dominated by employees with minimum of 3 years working experience in various industries. Today, MBA ITB Jakarta has 195 alumni and 246 students who actively participate in the education program in four concentrations: Entrepreneurship MBA (ENTREE), Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR), Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA), and the International dual degree Global Leadership Executive MBA (GLEMBA).

The MBA ITB Jakarta Programs Entrepreneurship MBA (ENTREE) This program is designed to support you as young MBA Student with an entrepreneurship spirit that leads you to be creative in starting your own new venture as well as in fostering innovation within organization you engaged in. MBA in entrepreneurship degree is based upon the premise that the knowledge and skills needed to survive and thrive in business can be taught while the attitudes required of entrepreneurs can be identified and encouraged. Class Schedule: Monday – Thursday 08.00 – 17.00

Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) Business Leadership is designed to provide a leadership coaching and further training in handling practical business issues today. The full-English course adopts business case teaching and problem solving methods to enhance your business and management skills. In addition, this program is highly suitable for you who wish to be an ethical and entrepreneurial leader three years working experience. Class Schedule: Friday – Sunday 08.00 – 17.00

Sharia Banking and Finance Executive MBA (BASHAR) This program is especially attractive to those of you who wish to advance your ethical and entrepreneurial business skills in Sharia (Finance and Banking) industry. By applying intensive modular workshop and participant – focused learning, our learning method also employs case studies from sharia financial institutions to be discussed. This program has been designed for professionals with at least three years of work experience. Class Schedule: Friday 17.00 – 22.00 Saturday 08.00 – 19.00

Global Leadership Executive MBA (GLEMBA) The high quality education of ITB and Aalto University (formerly Helsinki School of Economics) is not only to develop your competence while promoting globally transportable leadership skills, but also to strengthen your confidence in making strategic decisions in transnational business environments where cross-cultural understanding is needed and worldwide business network is in demand. To join, you will need a minimum 8 years of full time business experience. Class held in every two weeks’ time mainly in Jakarta & Singapore while you can have your electives in South-Korea, Taiwan, Finland, and other related countries. Class Schedule (Jakarta in every two weeks): Friday 08.00 – 17.00 Saturday 08.00 – 17.00 Sunday 08.00 – 17.00

Class Schedule (Singapore once a month): Friday 15.00 – 21.30 Saturday 08.30 – 18.30 Sunday 08.30 – 18.30

School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) is committed to the development of future entrepreneurial leaders. These are leaders that will be movers and shakers in all walks of life: corporate sector, public governance, even not-for-profit organization. You can be an entrepreneurial leader by being CEO of a multinational company, Inventor of a new social media site, or even a Mayor/Regent with commitment for good governance. Leadership with integrity, respect for diversity and heart for humanity is the key values we aim to generate from your own potentials. A campus at the heart of Jakarta provides SBM ITB with access to the best pool of leadership talents in the country’s capital. This is a campus where you will not only learn Marketing Management in theory, but also learn from the best marketers in the industry. Our Decision Science module will not only teach you from text book, but also share you the experience of top decision makers in this country. And SBM ITB Jakarta is the place where Business Leadership is not merely a course, but a chance to learn from business leaders in action and to practice your own leadership with your peers. Chairman of SBM ITB - Jakarta Steering Committee Professor and Founder of SBM ITB Prof. Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

The SBM ITB Jakarta’s Downtown Campus aims to create outstanding output by providing world class education which supported by strategic infrastructure. Quality Programs

World-class Education

Strategic Location Smart Facilities Reliable Technology

International Exposure

Strategic Infrastructure

The strategic infrastructure consists of three elements: strategic location (at the Centre of business district, easy access), smart facilities (modern and comfortable learning environment) and reliable technology (internet access, software and hardware)

Excellent Graduates Scholars & Community Contributions

Outstanding Outputs

Strong Networks

SBM ITB Downtown Campus


The SBM ITB Jakarta’s Downtown Campus further development will have various programs and larger student body that require investment in infrastructure.

• • • • •


2014 • • • • •


• • • • • •

In-house MBA*

(Aug 2013)

In-house MBA*


2016 • • • • • • •


2017 • • • • • • •












*at client’s location; not included in student body calculation

G R A H A I R A M A 12TH fl. With compliment from Dato’ Low of Bayan Resources, one floor of Graha Irama (used to be Graha Indorama) is offered to SBM ITB for long-term use and will become the first campus of SBM ITB in Jakarta. The 1500 square meters floor is on the 12th Floor of Graha Irama. Located at the heart of business district at the HR Rasuna Said Road, Graha Irama is accessible with various modes of transport especially with the public transport such as bus way.

CAMPUS DESIGN FACILITIES Area of 1500 square metres consists of :  Three Amphitheatres (cap. 50-60 students)  Two Classrooms (cap. 20-25 students)  Four Discussion Rooms  14 Open Space Discussion Tables  Library & Computer Lab  Executive Lounge  Wall of Fame

With supporting area consists of:  Receptionist area / lobby  Staff room & Administration Pool  Dean & Director Room  Steering Committee & Advisory Board Room  Faculties Room  Meeting Room  Server Room  Storage



FACILITIES Area of 60 square metres consists of: Receptionist Desk Sofa Corner Honorable Carving Stone


FACILITIES Area of 180 - 250 square metres consists of: 50 – 60 capacity of terrace desks and chairs Two hanging projectors Two wide screens Wide board Instructor desk and chair Multimedia Sound system set Sound proof wall High speed wireless internetconnection


FACILITIES Area of 90 square metres consists of: 20 – 30 capacity of flat desks and chairs One hanging projector One wide screen Wide board Instructor desk and chair Multimedia Sound system set Sound proof wall High speed wireless internetconnection


FACILITIES Area of 10 - 16 square metres consists of: A roundtable desk with 5 – 8 chairs Three areas of glass board High speed wireless internet connection


LIBRARY FACILITIES Area of 30 square metres consists of: Librarian desk and chair Wall set bookshelf Two 180 cm bookshelf Six computer workstations Three study desks with 4 chairs each


FACILITIES Area of 200 square metres consists of: Eight executive sofa sets Seven executive dining table sets Multimedia sound system set Executive Patisseries set Sound proof wall

WALL OF FAME FACILITIES Two area of 12 meters walls are prepared for honorable board name and successful alumni information


Classes will be held at New Campus in August 2013

The SBM ITB - Jakarta Downtown Campus Facilities are:

Class & Events Activities.  Three Amphitheatres  Two Class Rooms


 Four Discussion Rooms

The Full Sponsorship Program humbly asks you as the Donor to fund 100% the investment of SBM ITB Jakarta Downtown Campus. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture and others campus facillities within. The Full Sponsorship total amount is IDR. 6.300.000.000,-

Management & Admin.

 Fourteen open space discussion tables  Library & Computer Lab

 Executive Lounge + Pantry/Kitchen

 Receptionist area / lobby  Staff room & Administration Pool  Dean & Director Rooms  Steering Committee Room  School Advisory Board Room  Faculties Room

 Meeting Room  Server Room  Storage


THE ROOMS be named after you as sponsor for 5 years

SCHOLARSHIP for your employee per year for 5 years

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events


EXECUTIVE LOUNGE The Executive Lounge Sponsorship Program requests the Donor to fund the investment of SBM ITB Executive Lounge. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture, and other facillities. The total ammount of this Sponsorship: IDR.,FACILITIES The Executive Lounge Facilities including the area of 200 square meters consists of: Eight executive sofa sets • Seven executive dining table sets • Multimedia sound system set • Executive Patisseries set • Sound proof wall • High speed wireless internet connection •

BENEFIT EXECUTIVE LOUNGE be named after you as sponsor for 4 years

ONE SCHOLARSHIP for your dedicated employee

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

THE STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events

AMPHITHEATRE The Amphitheatre Sponsorship Program wishes to have the Donor who fund the investment of SBM ITB’s Amphitheatre. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture and others campus facillities within. The total of 3 (three) amphitheatres are on offer for sponsorship with ammount: IDR.,- for each amphitheatre.

FACILITIES Each amphitheatre comprises of area of 180 - 250 square meters with: 50 – 60 capacity of terrace desks & chairs • 2 hanging projector • 2 wide screen • Wide board • Instructor desk and chair • Multimedia Sound system set • Sound proof wall • High speed wireless internet connection •

BENEFIT AMPHITHEATRE be named after you as sponsor for 4 years

ONE SCHOLARSHIP for your dedicated employee

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

THE STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events

CLASS ROOM You as the Donor is about to sponsor our Class Room. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture, and other class room facillities within. There are 2 (two) classrooms offered for this sponsorship program with amount: IDR. 550.000.000,- per classroom. FACILITIES The Class room Facilities within the area of 90 square meters consists of: 20 – 30 capacity of flat desks and chairs • A hanging projector • a wide screen • a wide board • Instructor desk and chair • Multimedia Sound system set • Sound proof wall • High speed wireless internet connection •

BENEFIT CLASS ROOM be named after you as sponsor for 4 years

Partial SCHOLARSHIP for your dedicated employee

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

THE STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events

C O M P U T E R L A B and L I B R A R Y The Sponsorship Program ask you as our valuable Donor to fund the investment for a Computer Lab & Library room. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture, and other facillities come within. The Partial Sponsorship 600.000.000,-




FACILITIES The Computer Lab & Library room Facilities which lay on the area of 30 square meters consists of: Librarian desk and chair • Wall set bookshelf • Two 180 cm bookshelf • Six computer workstations • Three study desks with 4 chairs each • High Speed Wireless Internet Connections •

BENEFIT COMPUTER LAB be named after you as sponsor for 4 years

Partial SCHOLARSHIP for your dedicated employee

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

THE STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events

DISCUSSION ROOM The Discussion room Sponsorship Program requests the Donor to fund the investment of SBM ITB Discussion room. The Investment consists of Construction cost, Furnishing & Furniture and others campus facillities within. With total of 4 (four) discussion rooms are provided, the sponsorship’s amount goes to: IDR. 150.000.000,- per room.

FACILITIES Area of 10 - 16 square meters consists of: A roundtable desk with 5 – 8 chairs • Three areas of glass board • High speed wireless internet connection •

BENEFIT DISCUSSION ROOM be named after you as sponsor for 4 years

THE FUNDING STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the main lobby

THE STONE your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance

HONORARY BOARD welcome to our beneficial networking events

FULL SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS Rooms: The Stone: The Funding Donor Stone: Scholarship: Honorary Board:

IDR. 6.300.000.000

be named after you as sponsor for 5 years your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby for your employee per year for 5 years welcome to our beneficial networking events

Facilities Three Amphitheaters, Two Class Rooms, Four Discussion Rooms, Fourteen open space discussion tables, Library & Computer Lab, Executive Lounge + Pantry/Kitchen, Management & Admin Office

BENEFITS The eLounge The Stone The Funding Donor Stone Scholarship Honorary Board

: be named after you as sponsor for 4 years : your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance. : your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby : one for your dedicated employee : welcome to our beneficial networking events

THE AMPHITHEATRE [3 units] BENEFITS Amphitheatre The Stone The Funding Donor Stone Scholarship Honorary Board

IDR. 550.000.000/each

: be named after you as sponsor for 4 years : your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance. : your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby : a partial scholarship provided for your dedicated employee : welcome to our beneficial networking events

THE COMPUTER Lab & LIBRARY BENEFITS Computer Lab & Library The Stone The Funding Donor Stone Scholarship Honorary Board


: be named after you as sponsor for 4 years : your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance. : your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby : one for your dedicated employee : welcome to our beneficial networking events

THE CLASS ROOM [2 units] BENEFITS Class Room The Stone The Funding Donor Stone Scholarship Honorary Board


IDR. 600.000.000

: be named after you as sponsor for 4 years : your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance. : your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby : a partial scholarship provided for your dedicated employee : welcome to our beneficial networking events


IDR. 150.000.000/each BENEFITS Discussion Room : be named after you as sponsor for 4 years The Stone : your name your name be carved on the honorable stone at the entrance. The Funding Donor Stone : your name be carved on the honorable stone at the lobby Scholarship : a partial scholarship provided for your dedicated employee Honorary Board : welcome to our beneficial networking events



School of Business & Management

School of Business & Management - ITB Jakarta Campus Binasentra Building, 1st Floor - Komplek Bidakara Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73 Jakarta 12870, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 8379 3458

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