Philosophy behind the style
Rolling with the times Restaurant employee starts Better Burrito, On a Roll - A3
Our 165th Year
Vase reflects early 20th century - A4
MON DAY, J A N UA RY 11, 2 0 21
An art opportunity Artists grow their businesses during Sunday show
SBUSD to act on grading policy Policy reacts to low achievement levels amid pandemic By ANNELISE HANSHAW NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER
The board of the Santa Barbara Unified School District has a full schedule for its meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The district seeks the board’s approval of a proposed grading policy, allowing students to earn “incomplete” or “no credit.” The board discussed the policy during a special meeting on Jan. 5. Secondary school teachers expressed concerns about a grading change at the end of their grading period. “My concern tonight is what’s best for my students right now, and I think what’s best for them is to have agency,” San Marcos High School teacher Kim Tilton said. “There are many students that should have the choice to receive a D if that’s what’s best for them.” The policy was revised to allow students to earn a D, and Fs are still replaced with “no credit.” Per an existing policy, students can still earn “incomplete” grades. The district consulted teachers to make this revision. According to the board presentation on the agenda, only 20% of certified staff members in junior high and high schools were in favor of eliminating Ds for January’s final grades. And 26% are in favor for future grading periods. A total of 80% answered in favor Please see sbusd on A2
Engraving artist Travis Hacking mans his pop-up stand during the weekly Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show on Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara Sunday.
To the shoppers meandering Cabrillo Boulevard during the Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show, the market may mean a fun activity on a warm Sunday. The vendors, though, see potential. Travis Hacking, an artist selling a plethora of engraved goods, has wanted to sell at a prominent market like the Arts and Crafts Show since he was a kid. “I’ve always wanted to be a part of this,” he said. But it’s not easy securing a spot to sell. When vendors avoided the show during the pandemic, he saw an opening. “I do painting and all different forms of art, but I wanted to do something that was really different,” he said. “There’s a lot of paint and a lot of good painters and all kinds of people, but no one’s doing engraving.” Across a couple tables cloaked in black cloth, he displays his engraving on framed glass, cups, an ashtray and vases. He has engraved windows and other mediums not compatible with the art walk. He estimates 25% of his sales come from the Sunday show. He sells on Instagram, eBay and tried Etsy for a bit, but he doesn’t like the marketing side of the sale. He has been disappointed in the art show’s turnout, but not surprised. In his retail job, sales have been slow, too. Please see ART on A8
Framed glass, vases and more are displayed across three tables.
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ins id e Classified............... A6 Life.................... A3-4
The California Department of Motor Vehicles will continue its temporary suspension of behindthe-wheel driving tests until at least Feb. 1. The DMV previously suspended the tests through Jan. 11. The extension is “for the health and safety of customers and employees during the ongoing statewide surge in COVID-19 cases,” officials said. Customers with scheduled appointments through Jan. 29 will be notified that their tests are postponed. The DMV will reschedule the tests at a later date, as DMV drive test examiners will be redirected to assist with other customer transactions. In-vehicle testing is a requirement for first-time driver’s license holders and commercial license applicants. The temporary suspension includes commercial Please see tests on A7
Obituaries............. A8 Sudoku................. A5 Weather................ A8
Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 3-4-17-34-39 Meganumber: 20
Sunday’s DAILY 4: 8-3-4-0
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 3-6-16-18-58 Meganumber: 11
Sunday’s FANTASY 5: 2-9-24-26-36
Sunday’s DAILY DERBY: 12-06-05 Time: 1:49.91
Saturday’s POWERBALL: 14-26-38-45-46 Meganumber: 13
Sunday’s DAILY 3: 4-9-6 / Sunday’s Midday 1-9-3