Timeless classic
Women Winemakers help Foodbank Benefit will feature holiday drawing at Solvang winery - A3
Our 165th Year
Here’s the history behind a Japy Freres clock - A4
M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 7, 2 0 2 0
Stay home (again) Funk Zone businesses repeat lockdown policies
Council to discuss contract to study SBPD By GRAYCE MCCORMICK NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER
In its regular meeting on Tuesday, the Santa Barbara City Council will be recommended by city staff to award $147,383 to Citygate Associates, LLC to study the police department. The goal of the study is to determine how Santa Barbara can ensure that the SBPD focuses on the performance of “essential police services” while potentially shifting “non-essential” services to other entities, such as city departments, nonprofits or county agencies. “The selection team Please see council on A8
Supervisors to receive report on ICE activity By GRAYCE MCCORMICK NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER
Cheyanne Seeley, left, prepares glasses of wine while her assistant general manager Amanda Davis continues drawing chalk art on the wall of Pali Wine Co. in the Funk Zone.
Graham Hadidian, one of The Valley Project’s supervisors, talks outside of its tasting room at 116 E Yanonali St. Sunday afternoon, hours before the stay-at-home order took effect.
A regional stay-at-home order took effect at midnight, forcing a variety of businesses to close or operate under further limitations until the state reevaluates the order the week of Dec. 28. Sunday afternoon, the NewsPress talked to local business managers in the Funk Zone as they enjoyed their last few hours before the order was scheduled to begin. The order looks slightly
different from the April 5 order, for it allows retail locations to stay open at 20% capacity. But many businesses are repeating their protocols from April. Pali Wine Company, at 116 E Yanonali St. in Santa Barbara, will sell bottles of wine and other retail goods from its storefront but closing the on-site tastings. “We’ve had a lot of local support. Last lockdown, we had a lot of people coming through and still purchasing bottles,” Pali Wine Co.’s assistant manager Amanda Davis said. Please see LOCKDOWN on A8
Unused chairs sit indoors of the Topa Topa Brewing Co. at 120 Santa Barbara St.
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ins id e Classified............... A6 Life.................... A3-4
In its meeting on Tuesday, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will receive the annual TRUTH Act report regarding U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to individuals. The purpose of the report is to “provide information to the public about ICE’s access to individuals and to receive and consider public comment,” according to the staff report. From 2018 to 2019, the number of ICE requests increased; however, the number of ICE pickups decreased over 57%, the presentation states. The board will also provide an update on the status of COVID-19 in the county. Discussion will likely center around the notification from Public Health that the Southern California region fell below 15% ICU capacity, which triggered the regional stay-at-home order for Santa Barbara County. The order went into effect at midnight on Sunday and will remain in place for at least three weeks, with re-evaluation the week of Dec. 28. In other business, the board will receive an update from the county’s legislative advocates and be recommended to adopt the County of Santa Barbara 2021 Legislative Platform. The legislative principles for 2021 are the same as 2020’s, and include: Job Growth and Economic Vitality, Efficient Service Delivery and Operations, Fiscal Stability, Inter-Agency Collaboration, Local Control, Health and Human Services, Workforce Development, Community Sustainability and Please see bos on A8
Obituaries............. A8 Sudoku................. A5 Weather................ A8
Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 1-13-30-35-40 Meganumber: 2
Sunday’s DAILY 4: 4-6-7-2
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 3-19-24-44-50 Meganumber: 8
Sunday’s FANTASY 5: 4-19-22-23-32
Sunday’s DAILY DERBY: 01-04-08 Time: 1:46.84
Saturday’s POWERBALL: 3-4-6-48-53 Meganumber: 10
Sunday’s DAILY 3: 4-3-9 / Sunday’s Midday 4-1-5