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‘Anti-Semitism is among the most despicable, most outrageous types of behavior’
Continued from Page A1 that the point of the walk was education. “We want to make sure everyone is educated on this issue.”
She said last week’s fliers denying the Holocaust happened are hurtful. But she also said,’ We wanted to stand together and show the community that we are not a presence that can be intimidated. We are all here to be proud of being Jewish and to stand together.”
Six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust, a dark chapter in the history of World War II.
In arguably the day’s most enthusiastic speech, former state Sen. Hanneth Beth-Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, pointed out achievements by Jewish individuals such as Jonas Salk, who created the vaccine for polio. The crowd cheered as she pointed out that Jews created advances in the treatments of cancer and
AIDS and excelled in fields such as music and art.
“We must educate others that we have been a critical component in the advancement of the world,” she said.
Ms. Beth-Jackson also denounced anti-Semitism.
“We have to recognize that anti-Semitism is among the most despicable, most outrageous types of behavior on this planet,” she said.
She urged her audience to stand up to hatred, to prevent it from repeating itself.
After the walk, Rabbi Evan Goodman, the executive director of Santa Barbara Hillel and one of the speakers, told the NewsPress he thought the turnout was excellent.
“I’m sad that it took something like this (anti-Semitic acts) to bring us together, but I’m pleased and proud that the students organized a march that brought so many people rallying against antiSemitism.” email: dmason@newspress.com