Santa Barbara News-Press: January 02, 2021

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Gauchos bounce back

Tree of the month The Red Ironbark is a bit tricky to describe - A3

Our 165th Year

UCSB men, women pick up wins over Fullerton - A7


S AT U R DAY, J A N UA RY 2 , 2 0 21

Congress overrides defense bill veto By MITCHELL WHITE

this bill is to our country, our community, our veterans, and our servicemembers,” Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, said in a statement. “With this overwhelming and bipartisan override vote in both chambers of Congress, we have once again proven that our military and our national security are more important than politics.” The congressman served as a conferee for the NDAA, as he worked to resolve differences between the House and Senate NDAA bills so they could be consolidated into a single piece of legislation. It marked his second time serving as a conferee for the NDAA. Rep. Carbajal’s spokeswoman,


Both the House and Senate successfully voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report. The veto override passed in the House by a vote of 322 to 87, and the Senate by a vote of 81 to 13. The override marks the first veto override of Mr. Trump’s presidency. “The President’s reckless veto put our national security at risk all to serve his own selfinterest. Unlike the President, I actually served in the military, so I know how important

Mannal Haddad, said that the congressman worked to ensure “the final product reflects Central Coast values.” The bill includes several “Central Coast Wins,” including: the Small Passenger Vessel Safety Act, which Rep. Carbajal introduced in the wake of the Conception boat fire. The bill directs the Coast Guard to implement safety reforms to small passenger vessels to prevent future disasters; protecting and promoting offshore wind development off the coast of Morro Bay. The bill directs the Secretary of the Navy to report to Congress on their progress working with the offshore wind working group to identify a region for offshore

wind development; authorizing $18 million in research funds for military-university partnerships, aimed at assisting research for biomedical technology at UCSB and unmanned aerial vehicle research at Cal Poly; as well as a $5 million increase in funding for space launch range services and capabilities, including for Vandenberg Air Force Base. Until Friday’s vote, Mr. Trump had been on track to be the first president since Lyndon Johnson with no vetoes overridden, according to the American Presidency Project at UCSB. The $740 billion NDAA determines everything from how many ships are bought to soldiers’ pay and how to address

geopolitical threats. Mr. Trump refused to sign it into law because it included a provision stripping the names of Confederate generals from military bases. In addition, Mr. Trump had wanted lawmakers to undo Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act over his feud with Twitter and other social media companies. Section 230 provides legal protection for technology companies over content from third parties and users. “We’ve passed this legislation 59 years in a row. And one way or another, we’re going to complete the 60th annual NDAA and pass it into law before this Congress concludes on Sunday,” Senate Please see DEFENSE on A6


Both the House and Senate successfully voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report. Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-Santa Barbara, said the override proves that “our military and our national security are more important than politics.”

For the love of animals

The first baby born in Santa Barbara County in 2021 was Liam, pictured here with parents Jessica Hernandez and Jaime Salcedo.

AnimalZone TV series expands to Cox Television’s national market



Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital welcomed the first baby of 2021 in Santa Barbara County into the world at 12:01 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Jessica Hernandez, of Lompoc, gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Liam, alongside the baby’s father, Jaime Salcedo. He was 8 pounds and 4 ounces,

and 20 inches long. And according to his mother, he’s got “a lot of hair.” “He’s amazing. He’s perfect,” Ms. Hernandez told the NewsPress. Liam joins three siblings at home, a 10-year-old girl, a 7-yearold boy and a 6-year-old boy. The family has lived in Lompoc for many years. Ms. Hernandez wasn’t expecting Please see babies on A8


Mitch Telson, left, former Petco president, holds a tortoise with AnimalZone host Arthur von Wiesenberger .


Calling all animal lovers — this one’s for you. AnimalZone is now expanding to Cox Television’s national market. The TV series features host Arthur von Wiesenberger who meets animal lovers, learns tips and tricks for giving animals the best lives possible and introduces audiences to loving friends looking for their forever home. In February, Season 5 of AnimalZone will begin airing weekly, and with the new expansion, in primetime at 9 p.m. in Florida, Nevada, Virginia and Louisiana every Saturday evening. Other expanded markets include Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C., reaching a total of

4,126,000 households. The series also continues to air on TVSB Channels 17 and 71 on Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Mr. von Wiesenberger, the host and News-Press co-publisher, is entering into his third year of filming AnimalZone with his camera crew. “What’s really exciting about it is they moved us from the 5-5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot, which is prime time,” the TV show host told the NewsPress. “That will really help get the word out to the nation. Our goal is to help educate, hopefully entertain and inspire people to rescue animals and care for animals — that’s really been the goal of the show since we started.” He said the series is very familyoriented, and even pets enjoy watching the show because they get to see other animals. Please see AnimalZone on A6


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ins id e Classified............... A6 Life.................... A3-4


Dina RuizEastwood, an AnimalZone adoption hero, discusses her adopted pugs on TV series AnimalZone.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles will continue its temporary suspension of behindthe-wheel driving tests until at least Jan. 11. The DMV previously suspected the tests through Jan. 4. The extension is “for the health and safety of customers and employees during the ongoing statewide surge in COVID-19 cases,” officials said. Customers with scheduled appointments through Jan. 11 will be notified that their tests are postponed. The DMV will reschedule the tests at a later date, as DMV drive test examiners will be redirected to assist with other customer transactions. In-vehicle testing is a requirement for first-time driver’s license holders and commercial license applicants. The temporary suspension includes commercial and noncommercial tests, but does not apply to motorcycle drive tests, which can be conducted at a safe

distance, officials said. “To protect customers and employees, the DMV requires everyone who enters the DMV to wear a face covering, physically distance and have their temperature checked. To best serve customers and maintain appropriate distance, the number of people allowed in the office is limited, chairs are appropriately spaced and plexiglass has been installed,” read a DMV news release. Although the DMV offices remain open to serve the public, customers are encouraged to use its online services. These include expanded virtual services, as well as other service channels to complete transactions, including driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. Even if your renewal states an office visit is required, many can still renew their driver’s licence online, officials said. To view the online services, visit

Obituaries............. A8 Sudoku................. A5 Weather................ A8

Wednesday’s SUPER LOTTO: 27-30-37-42-46 Meganumber: 19

Friday’s DAILY 4: 3-0-5-8

Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 8-24-53-68-69 Meganumber: 7

Friday’s FANTASY 5: 5-26-27-28-33

Friday’s DAILY DERBY: 03-09-06 Time: 1:47.78

Wednesday’s POWERBALL: 3-43-45-61-65 Meganumber: 14

Friday’s DAILY 3: 8-2-9 / Sunday’s Midday 1-7-6

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