Twice as nice
Tree of the Month
Coast Redwoods known for uplifting emotions - B1
Our 165th Year
Westmont women defeat Hope International for second time in as many games - B4
S AT U R DAY, F E BRUA RY 6 , 2 0 21
Milpas Street debate Eastside residents, police push for local control of liquor licenses
Feds report decrease in U.S. unemployment Local officials say no change for Santa Barbara County By MADISON HIRNEISEN NEWS-PRESS CORRESPONDENT
The U.S. unemployment rate is on a slow downward trend, but local officials say the jobless rate in Santa Barbara County will likely remain high until the coronavirus is better contained. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a January jobs report Friday, putting the current unemployment rate in the U.S. at 6.3%, down 0.4 percentage point since December. More than 10 million people remain unemployed in the U.S., according to the report. Santa Barbara County’s unemployment numbers in December sat almost a full percentage point higher than the year-end national average (6.7%) at 7.6%. Following a spike in April 2020 with unemployment at 13.9%, the county saw unemployment rates steadily drop until December’s lockdown boosted the rate back up to 7.6%. “We continue to experience high levels of unemployment,
Natasha Todorovic lives close to the CVS on Milpas Street and has been pushing the city to pass an alcohol ordinance to regulate public drunkenness and disorderly behavior by vagrants on the Eastside.
Residents and business owners on the Santa Barbara’s Eastside, along with the police department, are continuing to try to address public drunkenness, public urination and nuisance behaviors on Milpas Street. On Tuesday, an Eastside resident will testify at an Alcoholic Beverage Control meeting against the CVS at 336 Milpas St. receiving its liquor license. (The virtual meeting will be held 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Zoom.) Concerned residents say CVS marks the 34th establishment on Milpas Street where someone can purchase alcohol. Natasha Todorovic lives in close proximity to the CVS, and she has been part of multiple associations and committees reaching out to the city council, police department, neighboring business owners and eventually the ABC to cut down on the problem. “I am perpetually dealing with the drunks coming from Milpas Liquor and CVS and 7-Eleven and Pat’s Liquor and wherever else,” Ms. Todorovic told the NewsPress. “They stick their beer cans in my hedge, they throw their bottles over my fence, they sit on my front steps getting drunk. “We deserve better. Since when do you live five blocks from the beach and you’ve got to walk over bodies of people that have passed out because they’ve had way too much to drink? It’s just awful.” Ms. Todorovic protested CVS receiving a license at all, but she said the Santa Barbara Police Department, CVS and the ABC lawyer agreed to conditions such
The virtual Alcoholic Beverage Control meeting is planned for 9:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesday on Zoom. The link is us02web.zoom. us/j/84245116018. The meeting ID is 842 4511 6018. The password is 498805. The dial-in number is 669900-6833. as no sale of airplane liquor bottles, security caps required on liquor bottles, no sale of individual Please see MILPAS on A2
Santa Barbara County health officials issued a warning to local residents on Friday, urging them not to let the upcoming Super Bowl become a “superspreader” event. Dr. Henning Ansorg, health officer for the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, issued a notice on Thursday and said that gatherings are “the most prevalent way” people contract COVID-19 and that holidays and large events “have often proven deadly.” “Best practices dictate that we gather only with those in our immediate household, but if you are having a small gathering, hold it outdoors and limit (it) to members from three households,” Dr. Ansorg said. “Practice physical distancing and mask wearing, and limit the time together to two hours.” Those who elect to dine out are asked to maintain a safe distance from others and wear face coverings when not eating or drinking. “No one wants to go back to the state’s stricter Stay at Home Order. Let’s keep moving forward so our schools can open again safely and our businesses can continue to stay open,” he said. In terms of vaccination efforts, the county is continuing to prioritize vaccinations for healthcare workers and
residents over the age of 75. It is still unclear when the county will begin vaccinating those 65 and older, as well as essential workers in education, childcare, emergency services and food, or grocery and agriculture workers. “We are in a state of vaccine scarcity,” Dr. Van Do-Reynoso, county Public Health director, said during Friday’s press conference. Dr. Ansorg said that about 75% of those over 75 have accepted vaccinations, as well as about half of healthcare workers. He later clarified that at some skilled-nursing facilities, only 30% of eligible staff accepted the vaccine, while at other areas, such as Cottage Health, the acceptance was as high as 80% among its workforce. Dr. Ansorg said that as early as next week, Cottage Health will begin to monitor local samples in search of mutated strains of COVID-19. Suzanne Grimmesey, of the county Department of Behavioral Wellness, also discussed vaccination efforts. Ms. Grimmesey, who’s part of the county’s communication team for COVID-19, explained that the health department has ordered the maximum amount of vaccine, but is restricted on preordering due to state guidance. Local pharmacies receive vaccines through the county and only get a small portion. For those who are eligible and Please see COVID on A5
ins id e Classified............... A5 Life..................... B1-2
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Milpas Liquor Deli on Milpas Street is one of 34 establishments on the street that sells alcohol, according to Eastside residents concerned about the oversaturation of alcohol sales.
Officials: Don’t let Super Bowl become ‘super spreader’ NEWS-PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITOR
The CVS located at 336 Milpas St. has received its liquor license, despite efforts from residents in the area to prevent it, citing the oversaturation of liquor sales on Milpas Street already.
and that’s not going to change any time soon until the vaccinations have been more widespread, businesses start to open up again and social distancing starts to relax,” Ray McDonald, executive director of the Santa Barbara County Workforce Development Board, told the News-Press Friday. “Those things have to happen first, and then we can start to attack the unemployment situation.” The bureau’s report noted the addition of 49,000 jobs in January, a number Mr. McDonald called “concerning” and much lower than typical totals that peak well over 100,000. Other data in the report included a slight increase in the employment rate and a decrease in the labor force, or the number of people actively searching for jobs. Unemployment rates in Santa Barbara County varied widely in December, according to a report from the California Employment Please see jOBs on A6
Obituaries............. A6 Sudoku................. B3 Weather................ A6
Wednesday’s SUPER LOTTO: 4-15-27-28-34 Meganumber: 16
Friday’s DAILY 4: 0-7-7-5
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 14-17-28-29-44 Meganumber: 2
Friday’s FANTASY 5: 3-5-14-18-22
Friday’s DAILY DERBY: 05-02-11 Time: 1:41.84
Wednesday’s POWERBALL: 5-37-40-64-66 Meganumber: 5
Friday’s DAILY 3: 6-8-3 / Sunday’s Midday 2-2-5