6 minute read
Source of con uence in adverse events
Government actions in the world, in the United States and especially in California are committed to combating global warming. It is one of the greatest challenges to humankind.
It will call for the complete transformation of our lives: in how and what we produce, how and what we consume, and how we move about.
The 2015 multi-national, Paris Climate Treaty became effective for action by all participants on Nov. 4, 2016. The objectives were to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, with the overall objective of maintaining global warming at no higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above the average global temperature in the 1880s, before the growth of the Industrial Revolution.
In 2022, an official report on progress has determined that six years later, globally, we are on a trajectory to actually increase emissions by 10% by 2030. This means that all participants will become under even greater pressure to make changes even faster than planned. California will be at the forefront of accelerating changes to how we produce, how we consume and how we move about.
Ihad a dream.
But that was a long time ago and far, far away.
Way back in the misty year of 2021, I had a dream that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema would “hold firm and refuse to vote for” what ended up cynically being called The Inflation Reduction Act, which was/is in fact a mega-spending bonanza.
But both Democratic senators folded like proverbial threadbare suits, wrinkles, faulty zippers, and all.
Hello, inflation!
I dreamt too that Sen. Manchin, even though he’d been in politics for 40-odd years, would “see the light and switch parties” before the 2022 election. I had high hopes because I knew that even though he’d been a politician for most of his adult life, he did manage his family’s carpet store before that.
But no, he’s still a Democrat and towed the party line, as he always does when pressed.
nation was straddled with 10% unemployment and inflation. In his inaugural speech, President Reagan told America, “The greatest threat to America is taxation, regulation and government spending. Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
The State of the Union address is an opportunity to tell people why we have such a great nation and reflect on our success and the many great years we have ahead together as a unified nation.
Most importantly, it is a time to offer to mend political conflicts and strive for a better future for all.
Joe Biden’s address showed that he fears his party is looking for a new candidate next election.
Realizing he and VP Kamala Harris are on thin ice, President Biden turned this month’s State of the Union into a campaign speech. He said he is running for re-election because he must “finish the job” that he had started
“My dad use to say, ‘Champ, don’t back down if you think you’re doing the right thing.’”
— Joe Biden
President Biden’s speech began with a plea for unity and turned into a tasteless attack against Republicans. He said they tried to cut Social Security and Medicare. Lawmakers across the aisle led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., responded to Mr. Biden’s accusations saying, “You are a liar, you are a liar!”
“The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite!”
— Tennessee Williams
If President Biden had any hopes of uniting Congress and the country behind him, those hopes vanished the minute he attacked Republicans. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said President Biden “lied shamelessly” all night. He described Mr. Biden’s attack on the GOP as “a long, disjointed, rambling cacophony of lies with a side of insults for good measure.
Joe Biden is trying to frighten people into voting for him.”
The reaction to President Biden’s claim in the House chamber was so strong that an embarrassed Joe Biden offered a minor mea culpa. “I’m not saying it’s a majority of you. But it was proposed by one of you. Actually Sen. Tom Scott (R-S.C.) suggested we review all federal programs and update them.”
Joe Biden vowed he would not cut spending on his economic agenda despite our record deficit and offered no far-reaching, new ideas on how to improve the nation. His speech was filled with a litany of exaggerated triumphs from over four decades in political life.
“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything and that clearly points to a political career.”
— George Bernard Shaw
President Biden repeatedly said he needed to “finish the job,” so voters must re-elect Vice President Harris and him to a second term. Yet his economic and foreign policies and his failure to address the crisis he created with illegal border crossings show that most Americans don’t want him to do any more damage to their nation. To the contrary, they even wonder how they will survive another two years of Mr. Biden.
President Biden didn’t mention real wages have fallen 35% in two years. Recent CPI data shows that historic inflation has destroyed
In this part 1 of our column, we discuss how these actions could become a part of a confluence of adverse events in their impacts on the current population and the possible repercussions.
Did you know that economic and societal collapse is often the result of a confluence of large, adverse events, including natural and human-made disasters. It is usually triggered by one of those events that then causes a cascade of failure in the others.
The list of potential adverse events over the next 10 to 12 years in California is long and could be highly interactive.
Sources Of Confluence In Adverse Events
Sources include:
• Governmental-forced transfer from fossil fuels to wind and solar, combined with the loss of hydroelectric power and nuclear power, including near-term heavy taxation of oil, natural gas and coal on which 95% of the population depend for energy.
• The accelerated banning of all vehicles, machinery, appliances and other uses that depend on fossil fuels.
I dreamt that the 2022 election would “flip the House of Representatives,” and that dream came true, sort of, though the slim margin attained has turned out to have been something of a benefit, as the small “America First” caucus has been handed way more power than they otherwise may have had. My dream featured a Senate with 54 Republican senators, and you know how that turned out.
I still dream that this already too-long national nightmare called the Biden administration will be over and that President Joe Biden will wake up (or someone will wake him up) and he’ll ask himself what the heck he’s doing — or the person who woke him up will ask him that, and he won’t have a ready answer.

That dream included the hope that then Mr. Biden would realize he has no right being called “Mr. President,” and announces that he’ll give an address to the nation, admitting that he and his co-conspirators — The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, most of the entertainment industry, the national teachers unions, government workers at all levels, the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the rest of what is now admittedly a very deep state of “intelligence” gatherers — racked up those 81 million votes by trickery, subterfuge, and deception, and that former President Donald Trump actually won the election.
I dreamt that Mr. Biden (and his running mate, the incompetent
Vice President Kamala Harris), would resign, and that Mr. Biden would hand the keys of the White House over to his predecessor and skulk back to his ill-gotten Delaware mansions in disgrace. It didn’t happen.
It ain’t gonna happen.
I also dreamt that President Trump wouldn’t run for reelection and that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would win the 2024 election and would be named president of the United States. With more than 85 million votes, he’d enough to swamp even the most crooked collection of vote harvesters and mail-in marauders in any of the so-called ‘swing’ states.”
But Mr. Trump is running, so we’ll have to wait to see how that turns out. In any case, If Mr. Trump wins the nomination, he should ask Gov. DeSantis to be his running mate. He is owed at least two years in power and then he could resign victorious and allow Gov. DeSantis to finish his term. I dreamt that South Dakota
There are 15,400,000 vehicles registered in California. Of them, only 425,300 are electricpowered. So, in the next 10 to 12 years, the government of California will try to coerce vehicle owners to eliminate up to almost 15 million gasoline and diesel-powered cars and buy electric cars, or downgrade to electric bicycles.
At the same time, the government will attempt to force homeowners to discard natural gas stoves, gas-fueled home heating furnaces and water heaters and replace them with their approved electric alternatives. According to government statistics, there are 13.1 million households in California and 60.8% of them have natural gas-fueled home heating furnaces and water heaters.
Just in these two confluences of government decrees, we would have simultaneous assaults on the finances of millions of hard working Americans.
In total,15 million vehicles have to be scrapped and
Wendy McCaw Arthur von Wiesenberger Co-Publisher Co-Publisher