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Pile burning scheduled
Pile burning is scheduled for Sunday through March 5 near Figueroa Mountain and various other Los Padres National Forest locations.
Plans are to burn one to 10 treated acres of slash from felled dead trees and brush. Additional series of burns will occur through the spring as conditions permit, according to Los Padres National Forest.
Most burning operations will begin in the morning and conclude in the afternoon. However, some burning operations may continue through the evening to allow for the full consumption of flammable material. The goal of the series of pile burns is to reduce the risk of wildfire. This burn depends on weather and air quality conditions that are favorable for smoke dispersal. If the conditions are not as desired, the burn will be rescheduled, according to Los Padres National Forest.
For more information, go to ssl.arb.ca.gov/pfirs/ firm/firm.php.
— Katherine Zehnder