2 minute read
Wildflowers focus of field trip at UC Sedgwick Reserve
want to be.
Sometimes making a list of what is going on for you and how you would like it to change can be very helpful, and even more so if your partner does the same exercise. And it’s so simple.
When you see or experience something in your relationship that doesn’t work for you, you should accept the fact that you need to make some adjustments. Even if the situation you are currently in is undesirable, accepting it is the first step toward changing it. Until you are ready to admit that you need to make some changes, you won’t.
If you and your partner agree that you are not making as much money as you’d like, you may have to accept this as something that you cannot change, at least not overnight. But through first recognizing this, you then may be able to work as a team to identify some areas where you can cut back on your spending. This approach can be applied to a variety of similar situations. Remember that acceptance is different from giving up. When our partners feel that we are letting things go, they will begin to do the same or perhaps withdraw, and neither works. Discuss what’s the best thing for both of you and put some energy into your next steps as a couple.
Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., is an award-winning psychotherapist and humanitarian. He is also a columnist, the author of eight books and a blogger for PsychologyToday. com with more than 28 million readers. He is available for video consults worldwide. Reach him at barton@bartongoldsmith.com or 818-879-9996. He has lived and practiced in Westlake Village for more than two decades. His column appears Saturdays and Mondays in the News-Press.
“Wildflowers of the Blueschist Trail,” a pop-up field trip at the UC Sedgwick Reserve, will take place with Margie Popper, John Evarts and other special guests from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday. Participation is limited to 18. Good physical condition and good balance are essential for this trip.
To register for the Santa Ynez Valley Natural Historical Society trip, call 805-693-5683 or email syvnhs@syvnature.org
The fee is $10 for SYVNHS members and $25 for nonmembers with all proceeds going to Sedgwick Reserve.
Ms. Popper and her husband, Mr. Evarts, are avid students of natural history and experienced trip leaders. They are retired publishers and contributing authors for Cachuma Press, which was known for its natural history and gardening titles, such as “Oaks of California” and “California Native Plants for the Garden.”
They are Sedgwick Reserve docents, NatureTrack docents and co-founders of the Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society in 2000.
The Blueschist Trail is one of the most floristically diverse and geologically intriguing hiking routes on the entire 5,900-acre UC Sedgwick Reserve. This field trip will traverse oak woodlands, coastal sage scrub, chaparral, grasslands and serpentine outcrops while crossing the dramatic Little Pine fault zone.