Santa Barbara News-Press: November 28, 2020

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Eight sign NLI with UCSB

Mexican art in all its boldness Santa Barbara Museum of Art to present free Zoom talk - A5

Our 165th Year

Gaucho women’s water polo adds SoCal standouts - A9

S AT U R DAY, NOV E M BE R 2 8 , 2 0 2 0

A COVID Black Friday


How to view Sunday’s lunar eclipse By MITCHELL WHITE NEWS-PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITOR


Black Friday shoppers stroll down State Street in downtown Santa Barbara the day after Thanksgiving.

Pandemic fails to deter in-person Black Friday shoppers

The final lunar eclipse of the calendar year will appear overnight Sunday into Monday. While the eclipse is set to be the longest of the year, spanning four hours, 20 minutes and 59 seconds, it may be tough to see. Locally, the eclipse will begin at roughly 11:32 p.m. Sunday and end at 3:53 a.m. Monday. The maximum eclipse will occur at 1:42 a.m. PST, according to Per, lunar eclipses occur when the Earth’s shadow blocks the sun’s light, which otherwise reflects off the moon. There are three types of eclipses — total, partial and penumbral — with the most dramatic being a total lunar eclipse, in which Earth’s shadow completely covers the moon. The upcoming event will be a partial penumbral eclipse of the full moon, according to EarthSky. That means the moon will move through the “faint outer part of Earth’s shadow,” and will decrease the moon’s brightness, according to The Weather Channel. The change won’t be dramatic, but it will be visible in North and South America — depending on the weather, according to Space. com “It’ll be the faintest of eclipses — nearly imperceptible — so that some of you will swear nothing is happening even while staring

straight at it,” reports EarthSky. “Then again… observant people may notice a subtle shading on the moon, even without knowing an eclipse is taking place.” During Sunday’s event, about 82% of the moon’s face will turn a shade darker during the maximum phase of the eclipse, according to If the penumbral eclipse becomes deep (the penumbra covers a bit more than half of the moon), viewers might be able to notice a slight darkening at the edge of the moon in the deepest part of the shadow. Those interested in viewing the event can use an eclipse animation tool to see how the eclipse will appear as the Earth’s shadow moves across the face of the moon. To use the tool, visit eclipse/. Though it is considered to be “the faintest of eclipses,” mostly clear skies are expected Sunday night into Monday, according to the National Weather Service in Oxnard. In January 2019, a spectacular total lunar eclipse, referred to as a super blood moon, was observed in the local skyline. Although it was a total eclipse, the moon never completely darkened, but rather took on a coppery red glow called a blood moon. The next total lunar eclipse visible in North America will come in 2022. email:


A Black Friday without long lines, full parking lots and packed stores seemed to appeal to shoppers this year who would have typically avoided the madness the day after Thanksgiving. With stores extending deals, opening later, keeping the amount of staff members lower and offering curbside pickup, they aimed to keep the crowding to a minimum. At Paseo Nuevo Mall, where most stores didn’t open until 9 a.m., it seemed as though it was just a regular day of shopping. Lines outside were few and far between in the initial hours of opening, and shoppers were routinely masked up and socially distanced. Jim Weng was standing in line for Gap, and said that most people seem to be wearing masks and sanitizing. “I feel safe with all the masks,” he told the News-Press. “Everyone is wearing them.” Kimberly Roth and her toddler were also in line at Gap, and she told the News-Press that the pandemic didn’t really change any of her Christmas shopping plans. “I actually feel like I’m safer out now than I would in other years because there’s nobody out here,” she said. Ms. Roth added that the pandemic didn’t necessarily increase her online shopping either. “I always do online shopping,”


Many residents did their Black Friday shopping in person in downtown Santa Barbara this year, despite the pandemic.

she said. “It’s easier with a toddler. This doesn’t really change anything.” Becky Hoffman was browsing stores in Paseo Nuevo, and said that she and her family came to shop in person to just get up and walk around after the holiday. “I do feel safe because there’s fewer people, but I would say probably 75% of the gifts we buy are going to be online this year,” she told the News-Press. “We do this more for tradition.” Outside Brandy Melville, Janet Willford and her son were waiting as her daughter shopped inside the clothing store. “I feel completely safe,” Ms. Please see BLACK FRIDAY on A10



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Holiday Tree set to arrive on State Street By GRAYCE MCCORMICK NEWS-PRESS STAFF WRITER

A sign posted at the front entrance of Salt Cave Santa Barbara encourages shoppers to support local businesses on Black Friday.

The Downtown Holiday Tree will arrive and be placed in the 1300 block of State Street on Tuesday. The tree is being delivered from a sustainable farm that plants four trees for every one they sell. The presenting

sponsor, Consumer Fire Products, Inc. is delivering the tree. Downtown Santa Barbara is reminding residents to check out the Holiday Shopping Guide with a directory of downtown businesses. The guide is at www. There’s also the State Street Please see tree on A10


ins id e Classified............... A9 Life.................... A5-6

A total lunar eclipse, referred to as a super blood moon, as seen over Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara in January 2019.

Obituaries........... A10 Sudoku................. A8 Weather.............. A10

Wednesday’s SUPER LOTTO: 6-7-12-22-35 Meganumber: 7

Friday’s DAILY 4: 1-0-8-1

Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 4-10-27-35-58 Meganumber: 10

Friday’s FANTASY 5: 2-6-16-18-31

Friday’s DAILY DERBY: 01-03-12 Time: 1:45.65

Wednesday’s POWERBALL: 2-57-58-60-65 Meganumber: 26

Friday’s DAILY 3: 4-7-1 / Sunday’s Midday 3-3-2

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