SmartClips: October 2020

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BO T *U XBT VODM CFMJ EPXO FBSMJFS TPMW .S 3ZBO IBE *U OCTOBER 2020 UIF IBSE MJOF EPX DVT B GBDUJPO .S UIBU IBT HSPX UIF PWFS XIBU JU TF DVT BCMJOH UIF QPM UIB BOE 1SFTJEFO PWF DVT NFNCFST BCMJ e rainy season OP DPNQSPN BOE els to collectw ww .s b h ic a c e .c o m .S 3ZBO I yard. DVT GPS IJN UBLJO aluable pare forwater. the rainy season OP )F EFNBOEFE of rain barrels to collect . GPSNBMMZ FOUF use in your yard. GPS PVUHPJOH 4QFB will save valuable water. )F )PVTF T odels. GPSN DPOGFSFODF N PVU DVTTFE IJT UF overs )PV DPVME BHSFF U DPO .S 3ZBO H DVT ture Covers 'SJEBZ UP NB DPV #PFIOFS 3 0 . QVCMJDBO DPO 'SJ OPNJOFF GPS T #PF UIF GVMM N Homer M. Provement 0DU QVC OPN 5IF 'SFFE UIF KPS SPMFT JO . 0DU UP SFUJSF GSPN 5 .BKPSJUZ -FB 415 E. Gutierrez St. KPS TVEEFO EFDJT 805-963-7825 UIF SBDF UP TVD UP S .BK PQFOJOH UIF E This full to part-sun Details on Page 3 SFMVDUBOU .S TVE s perennial has a profusion UIF of fragrant blooms. 5IF 3 It is easy toThis grow PQF fulland to part-sun EFOUJBM OPNJO perfect gal. has a profusion SFMV your maintain. 1perennial BCPVU IJT QSFG

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