Canine joy in Carpinteria
MLB legends remembered Our Mark Patton reflects on deaths of Sutton, Aaron - A5
Our 165th Year
Group starts pilot program for park’s off-leash area - B1
SU N DAY, J A N UA RY 2 4 , 2 0 21
Promenade, plazas, paseos & parks City staff presents architects’ vision for downtown Santa Barbara
Unemployment spikes in county, state By MITCHELL WHITE NEWS-PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITOR
California’s unemployment rate rose nearly one percentage point to 9% in December, as the state’s employers lost 52,200 jobs, according to data released Friday by the California Employment Development Department. Locally, the unemployment rate in Santa Barbara County jumped to 7.6% in December, up from 5.8% in November. The December 2020 unemployment rate was down from an unadjusted unemployment rate of 8.8% for California and 6.5% for the nation during the same time period, according to the
EDD Labor Market Information Division. Santa Barbara County’s unemployment rate, which trended below 6% from December 2018 to February 2020, spiked to nearly 14% in April of 2020. The unemployment rate had been steadily declining over the past seven months, but was up slightly last month. Santa Barbara County has a labor force of 211,500, with 195,500 people employed and 16,100 unemployed. Compared to other local counties, Ventura County has an unemployment rate of 7.5% for December, while San Luis Obispo County has an Please see jOBs on A7
In a special meeting of the Santa Barbara City Council on Thursday, the AIA presented more than 250 pages of creative and visionary design work for the entire downtown area and State Street, from Cabrillo Boulevard to Sola Street.
Nearly 5,000 residents of the Santa Barbara area took a survey, and around 84% of them said they want to see a permanent State Street promenade. And the Santa Barbara Chapter of American Institute of Architects listened. In a special meeting of the Santa Barbara City Council on Thursday, the AIA presented more than 250 pages of creative and visionary design work for the entire downtown area and State Street, from Cabrillo Boulevard to Sola Street. Four design teams studied and addressed housing and
supportive public open spaces; circulation for walking, biking, automobile, transit and parade routes; recreational activities; and stormwater management. They provided recommendations for public parks, paseos, plazas, public art, housing, a downtown master plan, a foundation to support development and public-private partnerships. Some suggestions included: encouraging local visual and performing arts in the public realm; streamlining the approval process for art in public places; designating all rental housing projects in the Central Business District as community benefit projects (without the need
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Public commenters throughout the meeting spoke on behalf of community organizations and nonprofits, and most, if not all, supported the ideas of the AIA listed in the presentation. “If we’re going to have a vibrant, livable downtown corridor, we need inclusive housing across the income spectrum,” Rob Fredericks, executive director of the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara, said in public comment. “We really need to think about coming up with other funding mechanisms for that housing that can keep rent in an affordable range for people.” Alice Post, founding member of Coalition for Neighborhood Please see downtown on A3
Rain possible tonight, stronger system to follow By MITCHELL WHITE NEWS-PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITOR
It appears that the winter season has finally set in. Just one week removed from a record-breaking heatwave that consumed Santa Barbara and the rest of Southern California, rain sprinkles, small hail — and even a light dusting of snow — descended from the sky throughout the county on Saturday. Rainfall accumulations on Saturday were at a minimum
throughout Santa Barbara County, though more rain is expected as early as tonight, followed by a stronger storm system that could affect the area later this week. Today’s forecast calls for a high of 65 degrees, along with wind gusts up to 20 mph. A 50% chance of rain is possible tonight, as conditions dip into the mid 40s, according to the National Weather Service in Oxnard. The chance for rain will Please see WEATHER on A8
ins id e Classified............... A8 Life..................... B1-2
for special consideration or findings); creating an adaptive reuse ordinance; facilitating an alliance network of public-private partnerships to redevelop existing city parking lots and other cityowned properties to multi-housing and mixed-use developments; and creating a foundation entity to raise funds for capital improvements. The city council directed staff to explore forming a foundation with a variety of funding and operation models, integrate housing data in the development of policy amendments and explore the potential benefits and steps to create a stormwater assessment district to incentivize and facilitate adaptive reuse.
Shoppers in downtown Santa Barbara had to break out their umbrella on Saturday during a brief rain event that also saw small hail fall from the sky.
Obituaries............. A4 Soduku................. B3 Weather................ A8
Sansum Clinic Celebrates 100 years of Medical Excellence 1921-2021
Saturday’s SUPER LOTTO: 15-25-37-43-45 Meganumber: 12
Saturday’s DAILY 4: 8-0-1-4
Friday’s MEGA MILLIONS: 4-26-42-50-60 Meganumber: 24
Saturday’s FANTASY 5: 13-21-23-24-38
Saturday’s DAILY DERBY: 10-07-04 Time: 1:49.06
Saturday’s POWERBALL: 5-8-17-27-28 Meganumber: 14
Saturday’s DAILY 3: 4-9-8 / Sunday’s Midday 8-9-4
In light of Governor Newsom’s Regional Stay-Home-Order, please know, your health is our top priority and
Sansum Clinic remains open to care for you at this time.
Throughout our history, Sansum Clinic has not just cared about our patients, we care about healthcare. Today, Sansum Clinic has more than 200 specialists in over 30 specialties, working collaboratively to help our patients live their healthiest life.